They all have something different. If you want a laid back campaign, Storm King's Thunder is for you. If you want your players on edge at all times, Curse of Strahd or Out of the Abyss. I've not played any others besides Tomb of Annihilation.
Check out Taking20's awesome review on YouTube done in Nov. 2018: "Ranking ALL the Dungeons and Dragons 5e Adventures Worst to Best"
Can we get a "just see the answers" option to the poll ? I'm curious to see if there's a consensus, but haven't actually played any of the adventures...
Can we get a "just see the answers" option to the poll ? I'm curious to see if there's a consensus, but haven't actually played any of the adventures...
Curse of Strahd wins by far! I really also liked DMing Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and currently running Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. The best ones though are always the homebrew campaigns!
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Elemental Beacon is your store for premium DnD miniatures and sessions! We sell high-quality unpainted miniatures from state-of-the-art artists. We also organize campaigns and sessions online and in person!
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They all have something different. If you want a laid back campaign, Storm King's Thunder is for you. If you want your players on edge at all times, Curse of Strahd or Out of the Abyss. I've not played any others besides Tomb of Annihilation.
Curse of Strahd is my favourite module. Much story involved, great classic. I really do not know what else to say. It’s awesome
Check out Taking20's awesome review on YouTube done in Nov. 2018: "Ranking ALL the Dungeons and Dragons 5e Adventures Worst to Best"
Have you even read any review of SKT? Half the book is just notes for places!! There’s one objective: stop the giants from killing everyone else!!
Can we get a "just see the answers" option to the poll ? I'm curious to see if there's a consensus, but haven't actually played any of the adventures...
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Here's the current standings...
Thank you!
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Aww man. they missed Tomb of Annihilation!
Curse of Strahd wins by far! I really also liked DMing Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and currently running Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. The best ones though are always the homebrew campaigns!
Elemental Beacon is your store for premium DnD miniatures and sessions! We sell high-quality unpainted miniatures from state-of-the-art artists. We also organize campaigns and sessions online and in person!