I had an idea for a lizard person moon druid trapped in a glacier from the dawn of time.
Reminds me of a concept I had a while back.
A male reborn witch/shaman who lives indefinitely in the mountains. Whenever he dies, he comes back after some time soultrapped in a glacier. Sometimes he returns to the glacier spontaneously, so he has a constant risk/time pressure when trying to make progress. Doesn't happen during the campaign though, so just flavor.
In his youth, he sought to live forever, and got a little more than he bargained for. The villagers think of him as a wicked witch, and he definitely looks the part.
He has partial amnesia. He knows that he has lived countless lives, but always needs to find clues to fill in the details. His ultimate goal is to break the cycle/curse.
So he is technically fully immortal, but not in terms of the campaign, because the resurrection may take a decade.
He can start at any levels and pace. Rapid development represents him regaining memories and reconnecting with the land.
Maybe some druid multiclass. Maybe druid+cleric or something.
I had an idea for a lizard person moon druid trapped in a glacier from the dawn of time.
Reminds me of a concept I had a while back.
A male reborn witch/shaman who lives indefinitely in the mountains. Whenever he dies, he comes back after some time soultrapped in a glacier. Sometimes he returns to the glacier spontaneously, so he has a constant risk/time pressure when trying to make progress. Doesn't happen during the campaign though, so just flavor.
In his youth, he sought to live forever, and got a little more than he bargained for. The villagers think of him as a wicked witch, and he definitely looks the part.
He has partial amnesia. He knows that he has lived countless lives, but always needs to find clues to fill in the details. His ultimate goal is to break the cycle/curse.
So he is technically fully immortal, but not in terms of the campaign, because the resurrection may take a decade.
He can start at any levels and pace. Rapid development represents him regaining memories and reconnecting with the land.
Maybe some druid multiclass. Maybe druid+cleric or something.
I love this! If your DM were to run many campaigns in one world, you could have this be your character in all of them, reference previous campaigns (or previous campaigns in the future).
I had a Tabaxi Monk that if you took the mobile feat, 2 levels into fighter, then get haste put on your self, drink a potion of speed, put on boots of speed, use action surge to dash, dash again, then use your racial feature, you would have a movement speed of 4480 ft.
I'm playing as a Half-Orc Swarmkeeper that is the scariest looking thing you will ever meet, but has a 4 in strength and constitution and just plays with his swarm of adorable mice.
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Drow Shadowblades are so good! Give them a Google!
Got an idea for my next character- race doesn't really matter, probably just slap on Variant Human, but a Lore/Eloquence Bard with 2 levels in Genie (Djinni) Warlock. They're basically a cowboy with a harmonica as their focus, using the harmonica as their 'revolver' blasting shit and the thunder damage from the Genie's Wrath being the 'crack of the gunshot' per se.
A teenaged tiefling who rebelled against his evil parents by joining the local church and trains as a paladin. He is a lawful good character who has to remind himself that he is on the good team - he kind of agrees with the bbeg and keeps on threatening perfectly innocent people. He also has a proficiency in intimidation even though he thinks he's just very persuasive and likable.
I always wanted to make a Bard who was more of an introverted artist-- probably a poet or writer-- and not really a performer, save maybe a few cases of reading her work out loud-- but even then the focus would be more on the words themselves than the delivery. Just someone who was able to find and appreciate the artistic beauty and power of language, to such a degree that it becomes a source of magic for her.
I did something similar to this in my last campaign - a history/lore speaking bard, and basically did a whole bunch of Dad jokes in between.
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Odo Proudfoot - Lvl 10 Halfling Monk - Princes of the Apocalypse (Campaign Finished)
I had a "can't touch this" monk. Level 3 Aaracokra way of the sun soul. 60 ft fly speed 30 ft radiant bolt. Used it in a oneshot. I don't blame my DM for banning it, but I want to play it to higher levels.
I made a super similar Aarakocra monk who’s way of the Kensei and uses a longbow
I played a changeling moon druid once (basically a shapeshifter). Gave her a bunch of trauma and she tried to hide her changeling self from everyone until she kinda saved everyone.
Some character ideas I have for the future and including my current character...
-(CURRENT) A Tabaxi Bard that specialises her performance in Acrobatics, bounty hunting for extra coin.
-(FUTURE) A Shadar-Kai (was originally going to be a Shade (homebrew)) Wizard (Necromancer) that drags the foul down from the shadow of their apparition form.
-(FUTURE) A Gnome who was cursed to be a Muppet so they then resorted to becoming a Wizard to get their original Gnome form back, becoming fond of being a silly Muppet overtime.
-(FUTURE)(Work in Progress) A Ratfolk (homebrew) who would be fit to be a rogue but if suited for another class than take you pick.
-(FUTURE) A (unsure on Race (human??) plague doctor potentially Cleric.
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Reminds me of a concept I had a while back.
A male reborn witch/shaman who lives indefinitely in the mountains. Whenever he dies, he comes back after some time soultrapped in a glacier. Sometimes he returns to the glacier spontaneously, so he has a constant risk/time pressure when trying to make progress. Doesn't happen during the campaign though, so just flavor.
In his youth, he sought to live forever, and got a little more than he bargained for. The villagers think of him as a wicked witch, and he definitely looks the part.
He has partial amnesia. He knows that he has lived countless lives, but always needs to find clues to fill in the details. His ultimate goal is to break the cycle/curse.
So he is technically fully immortal, but not in terms of the campaign, because the resurrection may take a decade.
He can start at any levels and pace. Rapid development represents him regaining memories and reconnecting with the land.
Maybe some druid multiclass. Maybe druid+cleric or something.
Finland GMT/UTC +2
I love this! If your DM were to run many campaigns in one world, you could have this be your character in all of them, reference previous campaigns (or previous campaigns in the future).
I had a Tabaxi Monk that if you took the mobile feat, 2 levels into fighter, then get haste put on your self, drink a potion of speed, put on boots of speed, use action surge to dash, dash again, then use your racial feature, you would have a movement speed of 4480 ft.
I'm playing as a Half-Orc Swarmkeeper that is the scariest looking thing you will ever meet, but has a 4 in strength and constitution and just plays with his swarm of adorable mice.
Drow Shadowblades are so good! Give them a Google!
A mind flayer blood hunter (home brew ofc)
Got an idea for my next character- race doesn't really matter, probably just slap on Variant Human, but a Lore/Eloquence Bard with 2 levels in Genie (Djinni) Warlock. They're basically a cowboy with a harmonica as their focus, using the harmonica as their 'revolver' blasting shit and the thunder damage from the Genie's Wrath being the 'crack of the gunshot' per se.
A teenaged tiefling who rebelled against his evil parents by joining the local church and trains as a paladin. He is a lawful good character who has to remind himself that he is on the good team - he kind of agrees with the bbeg and keeps on threatening perfectly innocent people. He also has a proficiency in intimidation even though he thinks he's just very persuasive and likable.
I did something similar to this in my last campaign - a history/lore speaking bard, and basically did a whole bunch of Dad jokes in between.
Odo Proudfoot - Lvl 10 Halfling Monk - Princes of the Apocalypse (Campaign Finished)
Orryn Pebblefoot - Lvl 5 Rock Gnome Wizard (Deceased) - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (Deceased)
Anerin Ap Tewdr - Lvl 5 Human (Variant) Bard (College of Valor) - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
I made a super similar Aarakocra monk who’s way of the Kensei and uses a longbow
What about a war-forged ai that was just to nice to be a soldier and got scraped?
I’ve always wanted to do this it just sounds so funny.
I played a changeling moon druid once (basically a shapeshifter). Gave her a bunch of trauma and she tried to hide her changeling self from everyone until she kinda saved everyone.
You might also know me as Kylie Moonlight.
Bonus points if you call her Kylie
You might also know me as Kylie Moonlight.
Some character ideas I have for the future and including my current character...
-(CURRENT) A Tabaxi Bard that specialises her performance in Acrobatics, bounty hunting for extra coin.
-(FUTURE) A Shadar-Kai (was originally going to be a Shade (homebrew)) Wizard (Necromancer) that drags the foul down from the shadow of their apparition form.
-(FUTURE) A Gnome who was cursed to be a Muppet so they then resorted to becoming a Wizard to get their original Gnome form back, becoming fond of being a silly Muppet overtime.
-(FUTURE)(Work in Progress) A Ratfolk (homebrew) who would be fit to be a rogue but if suited for another class than take you pick.
-(FUTURE) A (unsure on Race (human??) plague doctor potentially Cleric.