This is a collection of links to articles/posts/videos that offer useful help for those who want to play D&D online. As more and more people join the D&D family, I hope this collection can offer a lot of useful information to make games happen easily and quickly! Please reply with any additional resources you have found useful or your own tips and tricks for getting into D&D online!
Everything You Need to Use D&D Beyond- This article is a guide to creating characters and campaigns D&D Beyond, and how you can use them to play the game with ease.
How to Play Online - An article with best tools and practices for playing D&D online. It includes links to a variety of tools, videos, and more!
New Players Guide series - A masterpost that collects all the links to articles helping players who’ve just joined their first D&D campaign, as well as Dungeon Masters who want help taking their new campaign to the next level.
Todd Talks Playing D&D Online- An hour of Todd Kenreck and Lauren Urban discussing all the options available when playing D&D online and answering questions.
Encounters of the Week- Dozens of free adventures available on out site for a variety of games! Many can be linked together for a longer campaign, some are lead ins to published adventures, or supplements to existing products!
Wildemount: Dark Star- Wildemount: Dark Star is an adventure suitable for 4 to 5 characters of 7th level, and takes 1 to 2 sessions to complete. It takes place in a town in the untamed and uncharted southern reaches of the Wastes of Xhorhas. It includes a link to the video of many of us playing the adventure, if DMs would like to watch the adventure in action.
Frozen Sick- A full adventure from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount available for everyone to use!
Essentials Guide -Are you totally new to D&D and need a walkthrough on the basics of the game? Our Essentials Guide will help!
Join our Discord where the community can get help, advice, find games, and play games!
Thanks for the tips, I think a lot of people have suddenly turned to online DnD (Like me!) and so those are quite relevant and helpful. I certainly found them helpful!
Thanks for trying to get us all set up to deal with quarantine. Does anyone here know how to set up an online game with a shared map? I messed around on inkarnate & roll20, and inkarnate lets you design maps but no shared table top to play on it with.. Roll20 I guess has a shared 'tabletop' of some sort, but I don't see anyway to load up a map into it. I see a section for 'game addons' which says it lets you upload custom maps, but I don't actually see anyway to do so.
Roll20 has a bit of a learning curve, but it will definitely let you upload maps, tokens and other art. If you haven't already, I suggest going through their tutorial, it's got a lot of details and will help you get started. If you set up a game on Roll20, you will see above the chat section on the right, a set of small icons in the upper right corner. The second icon (it looks like two 'pictures') is the art tab. You can use the upload button to upload any maps, tokens, etc.
If you are going to play on Roll20, I highly recommend the Beyond20 Chrome extension. With a few clicks of setup, you can use your DDB character sheet for rolls, etc. The DDB character sheet is light years better than the one on Roll20, and you won't have to repurchase anything you already have here on DDB.
Much that once was is lost. Objects in Mirror Image are closer than they appear. All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers...
Right now, I am introducing D & D to my younger children (15 and 16 Yrs old) and playing on roll20 with my older kids. The older kids live in Texas and we are in Colorado. Have had alot of success playing on roll20 which has been very effective in giving us something to look forward to each week with the current pandemic situation. Would highly recommend it.
Heads up, today i logged into discord and we could now video chat into servers. so avrae bot now works fully considering the new layout of video and screen sharing on discord.
basically... the go live button was removed, replaced by a video button and a screen share button. you cna do both at the same time now. as the screen share button will make another screen appear as if another person had joined in. so you cna have both your video and your screen share active at the same time.
this is awesome, i can now have my real d&d experience on discord. with avrae bot in !
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DM of two gaming groups. Likes to create stuff. Check out my homebrew --> Monsters --> Magical Items --> Races --> Subclasses If you like --> Upvote, If you wanna comment --> Comment
Play by Post Games --> One Shot Adventure - House of Artwood (DM) (Completed)
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. Oh, and it would be nice if you gave him a fishing rod.
As a DM who went from zero to sixty during Covid, this has been a pretty important learning curve for myself and my players. We started out using only Roll20 which we found pretty cumbersome for learning through. Roll20 has some awesome features, but eventually I had all our players move their character sheets to DNDBeyond and simply roll with real dice or use the built in Roller and then call out their rolls over Zoom. We wanted the video conferencing and with 7 players and 1 DM Discord was not able to keep up with latency.
Then I discovered Foundry and it has made everything so much easier. You can make the sheets look like DNDBeyond and through VTTA Assets module you can actually import character sheets directly from DNDBeyond as well as import modules, monsters, and spells directly from here. Combine that with Beyond20 (which also works with Roll20) and you can have the characters roll on their sheets here and the rolls will come through to Foundry. Highly recommend it over Roll20 with how well it integrates directly with DNDBeyond.
I hope the developers of DNDBeyond continue to allow further implentation with third party tools like Foundry as I love DNDBeyond, but the players really want to be able to see the maps and the tokens.
Personally what I really need is a VTT tool that works well on mobile. Roll20 is terrible for it, and frankly so are the other options. Right now I’m experimenting with 5e EncounterPlus app, but it’s $6 to be able to import maps and use all the features. I don’t mind paying for something if it works but right now I’m leary as all the other options I’ve tried don’t cut it and I don’t want to waste money on something that can’t deliver.
This is a collection of links to articles/posts/videos that offer useful help for those who want to play D&D online. As more and more people join the D&D family, I hope this collection can offer a lot of useful information to make games happen easily and quickly! Please reply with any additional resources you have found useful or your own tips and tricks for getting into D&D online!
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
This aggregated post is very helpful, thanks! Just spent tonight talking to some friends about hopefully making the online leap soon.
If you are DM and you want to balance encounters using a combat simulator
looks pretty cool, you can even import your DnDBeyond characters.
It uses the 2024 rules but seems to work with 2014 PCs. is an impressive dnd combat simulator for 2024 PHB 5e using dice, spells, AOE, range calculations etc.
Thanks for the tips, I think a lot of people have suddenly turned to online DnD (Like me!) and so those are quite relevant and helpful. I certainly found them helpful!
A great resource for free icons licensed under creative commons that can be customized and used with any virtual table top program is
Some examples of player and enemy tokens that I was easily able to put together using the site:
Thanks for the ideas! we have been using Minecraft and it is so interesting to see the battlefield from a first person perspective instead of top down
Thanks for trying to get us all set up to deal with quarantine. Does anyone here know how to set up an online game with a shared map? I messed around on inkarnate & roll20, and inkarnate lets you design maps but no shared table top to play on it with.. Roll20 I guess has a shared 'tabletop' of some sort, but I don't see anyway to load up a map into it. I see a section for 'game addons' which says it lets you upload custom maps, but I don't actually see anyway to do so.
very nice thanks a lot!
Roll20 has a bit of a learning curve, but it will definitely let you upload maps, tokens and other art. If you haven't already, I suggest going through their tutorial, it's got a lot of details and will help you get started. If you set up a game on Roll20, you will see above the chat section on the right, a set of small icons in the upper right corner. The second icon (it looks like two 'pictures') is the art tab. You can use the upload button to upload any maps, tokens, etc.
If you are going to play on Roll20, I highly recommend the Beyond20 Chrome extension. With a few clicks of setup, you can use your DDB character sheet for rolls, etc. The DDB character sheet is light years better than the one on Roll20, and you won't have to repurchase anything you already have here on DDB.
You can find the Beyond20 extension here:
Much that once was is lost.
Objects in Mirror Image are closer than they appear.
All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers...
Right now, I am introducing D & D to my younger children (15 and 16 Yrs old) and playing on roll20 with my older kids. The older kids live in Texas and we are in Colorado. Have had alot of success playing on roll20 which has been very effective in giving us something to look forward to each week with the current pandemic situation. Would highly recommend it.
There are some decent walk thrus on YouTube to assist with roll20. Would suggest going there on how to upload maps, etc.
Heads up, today i logged into discord and we could now video chat into servers. so avrae bot now works fully considering the new layout of video and screen sharing on discord.
basically... the go live button was removed, replaced by a video button and a screen share button. you cna do both at the same time now. as the screen share button will make another screen appear as if another person had joined in. so you cna have both your video and your screen share active at the same time.
this is awesome, i can now have my real d&d experience on discord. with avrae bot in !
DM of two gaming groups.
Likes to create stuff.
Check out my homebrew --> Monsters --> Magical Items --> Races --> Subclasses
If you like --> Upvote, If you wanna comment --> Comment
Play by Post Games
--> One Shot Adventure - House of Artwood (DM) (Completed)
Just wondering anyone know how to drink potions or throw Greek fire/holy water in Avrae ?
The great Cally gracing us with online resources
Awesome tips! thanks!
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. Oh, and it would be nice if you gave him a fishing rod.
-Trevor Noah
Current character: Daceth dococeth, moon blessed.
As a DM who went from zero to sixty during Covid, this has been a pretty important learning curve for myself and my players. We started out using only Roll20 which we found pretty cumbersome for learning through. Roll20 has some awesome features, but eventually I had all our players move their character sheets to DNDBeyond and simply roll with real dice or use the built in Roller and then call out their rolls over Zoom. We wanted the video conferencing and with 7 players and 1 DM Discord was not able to keep up with latency.
Then I discovered Foundry and it has made everything so much easier. You can make the sheets look like DNDBeyond and through VTTA Assets module you can actually import character sheets directly from DNDBeyond as well as import modules, monsters, and spells directly from here. Combine that with Beyond20 (which also works with Roll20) and you can have the characters roll on their sheets here and the rolls will come through to Foundry. Highly recommend it over Roll20 with how well it integrates directly with DNDBeyond.
I hope the developers of DNDBeyond continue to allow further implentation with third party tools like Foundry as I love DNDBeyond, but the players really want to be able to see the maps and the tokens.
Personally what I really need is a VTT tool that works well on mobile. Roll20 is terrible for it, and frankly so are the other options. Right now I’m experimenting with 5e EncounterPlus app, but it’s $6 to be able to import maps and use all the features. I don’t mind paying for something if it works but right now I’m leary as all the other options I’ve tried don’t cut it and I don’t want to waste money on something that can’t deliver.
Hey so I got a question for everyone if I may be so bold.
And that would be? For future reference, best not to ask if you can ask a question. Just ask away.
thank you for the great tips.
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