I have made quite an investment (as everyone has) in books and additional resources. Will there be an option upload current collections? Mainly, what is the point of purchasing the subscription if I already have PDF Versions of many of the books available and can use previously established sites that are free?
They posted stating the subscription will unlock the ability to create and use home brew content. This tells me you will be able to create the content yourself, possibly access content creates by others. As for why you would use this tool. Right now my only answer personally is for these forums.
They posted stating the subscription will unlock the ability to create and use home brew content. This tells me you will be able to create the content yourself, possibly access content creates by others. As for why you would use this tool. Right now my only answer personally is for these forums.
As a DMs Guild publisher, I'm actually very concerned with how this plays out. Wizards made a big deal about the service when it came out, and tempted many of us into self-publishing on the basis that it would be the place to go for content beyond WotC's core releases. The reality for most of us is that it's very hard to turn a decent profit on DMs Guild and the only real winners are WotC and OneBookShelf. DnDBeyond looks great for me as a player and as a DM. As a self-publisher? Depending what they do it might be the final nail in the coffin.
On the one hand, DMs Guild needs to be supported by this system. An already difficult sales environment will be made worse if publishers like myself cannot prepackage their content for DnDBeyond. It will make DnDBeyond's users less inclined to purchase our pdfs than they already were.
On the other, I don't want that support to boil down to the user being able to add it to their own account as homebrew. There are a couple reasons for this:
If homebrew can be shared with other accounts, what's to stop our paid content becoming available on DnDBeyond for free via the homebrew portal?
If our customer has to enter it himself, it's not as attractive an option as it would be if the DMsGuild publisher prepackaged it.
Ideally, DMsGuild integration needs to be kept as separate from homebrew. Some sort of deal needs to be worked out between WotC, OneBookShelf, and Curse so that I can give a DnDBeyond compatible module to my purchasers on DMsGuild. If they click the link there, it opens a page over here and allows them to log in and integrate my module into their account.
Go have a look at what Realm Works are doing. They are going to be allowing sale of content and it's a whole lot easier to develop content in the tool than it is to create a pdf. Might not be a complete replacement but you could use it as another distribution platform.
I have made quite an investment (as everyone has) in books and additional resources. Will there be an option upload current collections? Mainly, what is the point of purchasing the subscription if I already have PDF Versions of many of the books available and can use previously established sites that are free?
They posted stating the subscription will unlock the ability to create and use home brew content. This tells me you will be able to create the content yourself, possibly access content creates by others. As for why you would use this tool. Right now my only answer personally is for these forums.
Daplunk's YouTube Channel: Realm Works and Hero Lab Videos / Campaign Cartographer 3+ Videos
Realm Works Facebook User Group
Ideally, DMsGuild integration needs to be kept as separate from homebrew. Some sort of deal needs to be worked out between WotC, OneBookShelf, and Curse so that I can give a DnDBeyond compatible module to my purchasers on DMsGuild. If they click the link there, it opens a page over here and allows them to log in and integrate my module into their account.
Go have a look at what Realm Works are doing. They are going to be allowing sale of content and it's a whole lot easier to develop content in the tool than it is to create a pdf. Might not be a complete replacement but you could use it as another distribution platform.
Daplunk's YouTube Channel: Realm Works and Hero Lab Videos / Campaign Cartographer 3+ Videos
Realm Works Facebook User Group
I agree. I support many publishers on DMs Guild and I would hate to see them suffer or be exploited.
I agree. The forums are interesting. The rest is concerning.