General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Swimming and heavy armor >>
by Blackrigante
190 92,813
Best unique and different monsters for 1st level? >>
by NightsLastHero
19 87,152
How To Add Tooltips >>
by VillainTheory
69 86,814
Extra attacks and Thirsting blade >>
by JadeyVT
5 73,833
Learning new skill proficiencies in-game after level 1 >>
by SAL
22 72,278
Export from Beyond and Import into Roll20 >>
by Tharlamin
35 72,125
[Mega Thread] [User Thoughts] Subscriptions, Costs and Concerns >>
by DtotheD
914 70,627
Is there any 'Full Map' of the world of DND? >>
by Raiketsu
20 68,374
How do you print character sheets? >>
by JNevins234
37 67,659
How To Add A Bonus Feat To Players? >>
by KaiRyssdal
38 67,075
shields and two handed weapons >>
by drosten
40 66,972
Can someone recommend a good one-shot adventure for new players? >>
by DaveTheRobot
5 62,677
D&D Toolbox Chrome Extension >>
by mouse0270
342 61,584
Blind Character >>
by Jodi
38 58,677
5e Race question: canine humanoid? >>
by Wepwaet
44 57,818
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