General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How can I do this with D&D Beyond? >>
by Warderbrad
3 566
Super simple no feats fighter build. Strengths and weakness? >>
by agentkity
6 708
Damaged book. >>
by user-577353458
3 795
Help with simple 5E character. >>
by Inexorabletruth
7 419
knives vs daggers >>
by shdwkat2099
6 4,424
If you have a wish... What would you ask for? >>
by SrViciio
12 794
Tower of High Sorcery Test (Homebrew) HELP >>
by Mirkar
0 446
Need Help Sniper NPC Stats >>
by TheDanimal
11 1,258
Cost effective but visual way to represent dungeons, etc. >>
by TVance929
8 1,220
New D&D products announced from GF9 >>
by AdventureFight
2 569
Historical inquiry: Date of first AD&D publication? >>
by Huwmanbeing
0 330
This might be a Stupid newbie question but... >>
by Wolfhowl
2 386
What is the difference between the phb and the basic rules provided in this? >>
by JakeMan144
5 4,300
CoS Using Haunted One >>
by HippyCraig
2 503
Fun stories about Cantrips >>
by SweenyTodd
2 1,009
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