General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
What's your single favourite thing in Xanathar's? >>
by 100pctOGL
31 3,767
Looking for ideas, I've accidentally put the PC's in very bad situation >>
by stabbyMcstache
6 776
Any plans for incorporating the "Backstory" generation from Xanathar's Guide into the Character Creator? >>
by Shryke
8 1,290
Master tier and upcoming app >>
by Ahlerst
1 551
Adding a character to a campaign. >>
by user-100329434
2 528
Sharing Content Confusion. >>
by KrisseyCakes
5 693
Places to look out for Black Friday sales? >>
by CWCprime
4 4,366
XGtE "This Is Your Life" Generator >>
by ApostleO
0 2,671
Going to be joining a group, trying to decide on a character build >>
by Paraiyar
13 978
Homebrew feats (almost) allow you to create an INT-based warlock >>
by Victor_Bulatov
3 1,849
Wishlist for D&D 5e 2 years later >>
by Wolfen_Fenrison
0 854
Random N20 moments >>
by jimmop
3 821
Are mpas from the adventures hyperlinked? >>
by AdamAldred
3 497
Something i don't get about skill checks..... >>
by kain7th
8 598
Mimic Adventure >>
by Metamongoose
0 639
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