General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Why there should never be a 6e >>
by mrgeners
318 11,106
D&D 6th edition release date? >>
by chancellorvader
316 169,302
New background mechanics are uneccessarily messing with character design >>
by TieflingLew
309 3,518
Are DMs having fun with 5e? I know the players are, but I think for the wrong reason. >>
by Dudeoutlaw
306 2,825
Spelljammer first impressions? >>
by ShrimpFriedBryce
306 4,897
What does the loss of the main "faces' of DnDBeyond mean for the future of the product? >>
by Wrathamon
303 30,685
Hasbro Layoffs >>
by FossMaNo1
284 5,360
What do you want in the next edition? >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
274 2,184
Are there better terms for "Dwarf" or "Halfling"? >>
by DragomirAzarii
267 5,933
What would you like to see from 5e in 2018? >>
by Paraiyar
263 15,156
Next D&D Book Announced January 12th 2021 and Releasing March 16th 2021 >>
by Gyor
261 3,920
Upcoming Books Speculation- Wizards' Announcement Soon >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
257 4,988
it's here... new statement on the OGL >>
by Wheezal
250 4,505
I did "what my character would do" and now the DM is upset about it. Am I in the wrong? >>
by Gelavan
239 3,072
No more “half” races? >> (1 Viewing)
by MarkTheDevourer
236 14,634
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