General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
What won't be included once beta ends? >>
by Grantypants
9 986
Nearly dead, dead, mostly dead permanent dead? >>
by clear_seeker
6 2,104
Is there anyway to look of spells by their schools? >>
by missing_lungs
4 660
I still do not understand skills because of some confusion. >>
by clear_seeker
7 2,212
Why is this Forum needed when the Previous One Wasn't? >>
by Most_Detailed_DnD_Master
12 1,575
Campaign completion comparisons! >>
by DominarDoom
3 812
Bring back Warforged? >>
by Wheatbreadninja
39 5,858
A weird little character trait >>
by AlmostBigDill
5 1,025
Integrated Homebrew Experimental Candidates >>
by Nazim
4 864
Menzoberranzan in 5e >>
by Coltimar
6 2,789
[Kickstarter] Many-Sided Dice To Make Their First Print Book for Magic Items >>
by Flannel
0 734
Classes - Hidden Gems? >>
by DylanoDraws
13 1,677
电子版的会出其他语言么? >>
by zhongzzw
2 1,426
Character Sheet App >>
by Elfuthark
14 4,919
I was looking at the Adventuring Day XP... >>
by NightsLastHero
7 3,372
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