General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
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I preordered the Book of many things but do not have access to the book today. >>
by formulajh7
Has your players everdone something silly or really not thought through? >>
by helloitsmebackup
Is the new phandelver much harder then the old one? SPOILERS HERE >>
by chlopac
Feedback for my custom class >>
by Dndlover765
What spells should my monster have? >>
Asking for DM tips >>
by YamiYugi_1027
Dragonlance campaign >>
by Sleddog72
Best Homebrew you've came across or made? >>
by Caramel_Frappe
Help me rate my homebrew Vestige. >>
by Ace_Striker
Magic Resistance in Light of New Stat Blocks? >>
by IamSposta
Why can’t Druids wildshape into other members of their species? >>
by jgtelford
the new revised warlock class! >>
by mrchandler7439857
Need advice with homebrue race >>
by Elo1234
Magic Item recommendation >>
by Zsuszi
Magic Sword Ideas >>
by razel0
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