General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Does your Dming differ when running Modules vs running your own stuff? >>
by NightsLastHero
11 3,386
SUGGESTON: Custom Titles >>
by Shavarathspawn
2 708
Arelith - Online D&D Roleplay >>
by Deleted
0 2,014
Unearthed Arcana >>
by DarthKev131313
16 2,150
Stream of Annihilation Announcement Discussion thread >>
by Suddenly_Light
142 14,736
Trying to build my first character >>
by Ezkayl
5 773
How do you come up with character names? >>
by AirheadedAngel
19 28,260
Thanks! >>
by Mehetmet
0 600
Semantics: Race vs. Species >>
by GalacticPresident
86 8,426
Ideas for pranks >>
by DurzoIronbelly
4 4,094
1st Community Created Character >>
by KingWhatzit
10 1,562
New Campaign for D&D 5E >>
by Skywise1978
11 2,433
What spells are on DnD Beyond? >>
by NickM
7 1,383
A little help determining a class to match a baby (i'm serious) >>
by FuzzyCheese
3 906
Really hoping that the Artiifcer gains something more than alchemy and guns... >>
by NightsLastHero
14 1,391
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