General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
What are the current, active D&D Beyond Coupon Codes? >>
by MarcianTobay
1,615 661,165
Beyond20: Integrating D&D Beyond with Roll20 >>
by KaKaRoToDM
640 375,173
D&D 6th edition release date? >>
by chancellorvader
316 169,295
Best character sheet? >>
by Deleted
62 164,043
Recommended short adventures (1-2 sessions) >> (2 Viewing)
by Qcell
4 159,257
Blank character sheet pdf? >> (1 Viewing)
by Zumacalis
43 149,145
Best D&D 5th Edition Adventure (Vote) >>
by Skywise1978
28 141,645
Interesting, *short*, character concepts? >>
by VanZoeren
215 139,489
Lingering Injury table >> (3 Viewing)
by DucksAreCool
27 136,049
Fun/Interesting Character Concepts >>
by irrelevant_ibis
190 129,545
[Roll20 Script] BeyondImporter - Import you DNDBeyond character into Roll20 >>
by Atheos
101 128,316
D&D Beyond vs Physical Books: An Explanation >>
by Sillvva
776 121,492
Why the Great Weapon Fighting style is a bad choice. >>
by Panpiper
132 116,382
A Buyer's Guide for D&D Beyond >>
by ArwensDaughter
647 110,759
Any good and interesting character ideas? >> (1 Viewing)
by Kazakraken
34 105,160
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