I'm running some 5th Edition one-shots for beginners. Each is single session with different players, to give as many people as possible to try a game. Players looking for a long-term game may be invited to a new campaign!
If you have only played a few sessions or are completely new, join us for some casual fun! The DM is here to help you get set-up and ready to play, and will make sure the pace and expectations are appropriate for new players.
Date & Time(weekly)
Saturdays 8pm EST (5pm PST) OR Mondays 9pm EST (6pm PST) (Each game is for a different group of players.)
Online Play
Roll20 for characters, maps, and video (optional). Discord for planning and voice.
Experienced DM!
I've been playing for decades, and DM'd more games than I can count. I love video games, but I try not to let them influence the way I play TTRPGs. As a DM I strive for immersion, with a focus on character development, dramatic combat, and believable story-telling. You can read more about me here.
Old-School Style
Forgotten Realms / Heroic / Immersive / Adults Only / Core (PHB, SCAG, XGE). Anything goes from the available source-books, but homebrew is limited to a few variant rules from the DMG. Players should expect some of the NPCs they encounter to adhere to morals and values which we might consider inappropriate in the modern world, but players are expected to always be respectful and courteous to one another.
Free One-Shots (Potential Campaign)
I'm running some 5th Edition one-shots for beginners. Each is single session with different players, to give as many people as possible to try a game. Players looking for a long-term game may be invited to a new campaign!
If you have only played a few sessions or are completely new, join us for some casual fun! The DM is here to help you get set-up and ready to play, and will make sure the pace and expectations are appropriate for new players.
Date & Time (weekly)
Saturdays 8pm EST (5pm PST)
Mondays 9pm EST (6pm PST)
(Each game is for a different group of players.)
Online Play
Roll20 for characters, maps, and video (optional). Discord for planning and voice.
Experienced DM!
I've been playing for decades, and DM'd more games than I can count.
I love video games, but I try not to let them influence the way I play TTRPGs.
As a DM I strive for immersion, with a focus on character development, dramatic combat, and believable story-telling.
You can read more about me here.
Old-School Style
Forgotten Realms / Heroic / Immersive / Adults Only / Core (PHB, SCAG, XGE).
Anything goes from the available source-books, but homebrew is limited to a few variant rules from the DMG.
Players should expect some of the NPCs they encounter to adhere to morals and values which we might consider inappropriate in the modern world, but players are expected to always be respectful and courteous to one another.
To Join
To make sure we are all on the same page and have similar expectations, please answer a few questions here.
I answered the questions!
On my way!
I answered the questions! 💪
Is it still possible for another to join?(just finished answering the questions)
Is it still possible for another to join? I answered all the questions! (Oops thought my other post disappeared)
Just answered all the questions! Looking forward to hearing from you!
I'm running a few each week, for the next few weeks, each with a different group of people. So yes, the games are still open.
sounds like fun im in
Awesome just lmk
All done!
Done 😊