Hi this is my first time doing this so here I go. I am a player for D&D. I know allot about it. I am looking for 3 players and a DM. Me and my brother are both players and so that is why we only need 3. please respond and there is no cost at all. It does not really matter about age we just want people that know how to play the game. I am only available on Thursdays and Saturdays and maybe Tuesdays. I would like the first session to be on February 8, 2:00 pm. We can meet on discord. It can be a great place to make friends and have fun. awaiting anyone's response.
sorry, I was not paying attention to my responses. Yes, you can be the DM if that is truly what you want to be. I am in Missouri right now. And yes, you can work out timing. if I don't respond tonight, I will be able to respond tomorrow. what would you like to talk on. I would like to do like a zoom call were we can see each other if that is possible. if you are not comfortable with that than we can just talk through a voice channel. Invite your friends as I said we need at least 3 more Players for our game. awaiting your response!
Hi this is my first time doing this so here I go. I am a player for D&D. I know allot about it. I am looking for 3 players and a DM. Me and my brother are both players and so that is why we only need 3. please respond and there is no cost at all. It does not really matter about age we just want people that know how to play the game. I am only available on Thursdays and Saturdays and maybe Tuesdays. I would like the first session to be on February 8, 2:00 pm. We can meet on discord. It can be a great place to make friends and have fun. awaiting anyone's response.
I would really like to join , but I'm a new player and also english is not my native language (⊙﹏⊙)
the time zone is 16 hours ahead form the USA. so we can work out times to play
verdandix that is so ok. But just try to speak as much English as possible. we will also just be playing normal D&D with roll20
I am also changing the date to February 22 2:00
sorry, I was not paying attention to my responses. Yes, you can be the DM if that is truly what you want to be. I am in Missouri right now. And yes, you can work out timing. if I don't respond tonight, I will be able to respond tomorrow. what would you like to talk on. I would like to do like a zoom call were we can see each other if that is possible. if you are not comfortable with that than we can just talk through a voice channel. Invite your friends as I said we need at least 3 more Players for our game. awaiting your response!
Hey I'm Ariaofsorrow77 brother. so how many players is that in total. If more we can work out details.
do you think we can use skype. just asking.
I just made a account on Roll20. see you later. B)