I am a veteran DM and playerI’ve been playing since 2006 started off on 3rd edition. I’m currently looking for a group or players to join in on a campaign. I currently run 5e with homebrew adventures and prewritten adventures as well. If chosen to run a campaign I have a couple ideas that we could vote on otherwise I love character builder and creating in depth back stories for my characters. Please find me on discord at jennyk239 for more questions thank you
I am a rookie player, but I know the basics at least. My last dungeon master had to stop our last session due to her mothers health problems so I'm looking for a new campaign to do. My character is a Fighter/Barbarian Dragonborn is it possible to apart of your session? Also you mentioned Discord I am on it but I don't know how to visit other peoples sites on discord.
Hi there. I'm a new dm starting a pbp (if I get enough interest discord vc sessions on the weekends), if you're interested and over 21. I have a thread in here if you'd like to know more or if you have any questions. Thanks!
I am a veteran DM and playerI’ve been playing since 2006 started off on 3rd edition. I’m currently looking for a group or players to join in on a campaign. I currently run 5e with homebrew adventures and prewritten adventures as well. If chosen to run a campaign I have a couple ideas that we could vote on otherwise I love character builder and creating in depth back stories for my characters. Please find me on discord at jennyk239 for more questions thank you
I am a rookie player, but I know the basics at least. My last dungeon master had to stop our last session due to her mothers health problems so I'm looking for a new campaign to do. My character is a Fighter/Barbarian Dragonborn is it possible to apart of your session? Also you mentioned Discord I am on it but I don't know how to visit other peoples sites on discord.
What times are you thinking of playing? PST time zone here.
I’d be interested if your running a game or we could look for more if you need players or dm
interested as well
Hi there. I'm a new dm starting a pbp (if I get enough interest discord vc sessions on the weekends), if you're interested and over 21. I have a thread in here if you'd like to know more or if you have any questions. Thanks!
Closed for now