I would like to run a weekly online game for newer players.
The play time will be 7pm - 10pm GMT with the day to be set later.
We will be playing the "Lost Mine of Phandelver" module, which is a pretty good introductory adventure from the D&D starter set.
I am looking for 4 - 6 players who are either completely new to D&D or just inexperienced.
The style will be very casual and friendly. You can make your own character (which I can help with if required) or you can use one of five pregenerated characters.
If you are interested and/or have any questions leave a comment or send me a private message including the days that you are available and how much d&d experience you have. (Priority will be given to players with less experience!).
I would be quite interested in joining a beginner group. Have played PF only once, many years ago. I would like to create a homebrewed Tabaxi Ranger lvl 1 type character. Not sure how or if it is even possible. However, I am an avid fan and reliable party member who would be present for the duation of the campaign.
I would like to play but i have started playing a homebrew adventure with my friends, is it okay if i join you guys. Also i would need to know what days. Also i could help making characters.
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"My D&D character is going to be snorting lines of cocaihahahahaha" - UncleTio
I'd be interested in playing for sure, however I would consider myself a 'filler' player- since I'm sure there's newer players than me. Which is to say, I've played around 5 sessions of D&D, never really having made it past second level as the campaigns had to be cut short. However, I have since moved on to DMing for a group of my co-workers and that has gone on for about 2 months now, so I guess I'm not 'inexperienced'. So, with that knowledge, I'd be glad to play if you don't find enough new players, if you DO, give them that spot as it'd be a better experience for them.
Hi, my name is Jonathan and Im new to 5e. I would love to be a part of this LMoP ive only got about 20hrs of playing experience so far playing. It would be nice to play along.
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"Even the MIGHTIEST Oak can be felled by the tempest wind..."
Himaru Kiori your friendly neighborhood HIN here you need something opened something found something acquired someone taken care of look no further I possess a unique set of skills and I can use them but it comes with a price how bout you meet me at the swallow tail Inn ask the barkeep if he has anyone looking for work as a chimney sweep he'll know what you mean looking forward to doing business with you Oh and here's your wallet back didn't take anything promise
I would love to play! I've only ever played with one group and I always end up DMing so it would be nice to be a player for once! I hope you don't have too many people in mind :x
Edit: For 7 - 10 GMT I'd only be available weekends, since I'm in EST.
Hello, i havent played D&D before, just watched some critical role, and someone mentioned dndbeyond so im here, and if the door for the adventure is not fully closed for your group, i would appreciate it, thx :)
Game: D&D 5e Group type: Online Experience: New Location/Timezone: 9pm Eastern Time (NY) starting until it's finished Roles sought: Player Game style: casual, roleplay,
Hi there!
I would like to run a weekly online game for newer players.
The play time will be 7pm - 10pm GMT with the day to be set later.
We will be playing the "Lost Mine of Phandelver" module, which is a pretty good introductory adventure from the D&D starter set.
I am looking for 4 - 6 players who are either completely new to D&D or just inexperienced.
The style will be very casual and friendly. You can make your own character (which I can help with if required) or you can use one of five pregenerated characters.
If you are interested and/or have any questions leave a comment or send me a private message including the days that you are available and how much d&d experience you have. (Priority will be given to players with less experience!).
Cheers! Dex.
I would be quite interested in joining a beginner group. Have played PF only once, many years ago. I would like to create a homebrewed Tabaxi Ranger lvl 1 type character. Not sure how or if it is even possible. However, I am an avid fan and reliable party member who would be present for the duation of the campaign.
I would like to play but i have started playing a homebrew adventure with my friends, is it okay if i join you guys. Also i would need to know what days. Also i could help making characters.
"My D&D character is going to be snorting lines of cocaihahahahaha" - UncleTio
I'm interested as well. I've played D&D plenty, but not 5E. I've got a PHB and, for the most part, I'm available on evenings, regardless of the day.
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, wtf is the road to heaven paved with?
I'd be interested in playing for sure, however I would consider myself a 'filler' player- since I'm sure there's newer players than me. Which is to say, I've played around 5 sessions of D&D, never really having made it past second level as the campaigns had to be cut short. However, I have since moved on to DMing for a group of my co-workers and that has gone on for about 2 months now, so I guess I'm not 'inexperienced'. So, with that knowledge, I'd be glad to play if you don't find enough new players, if you DO, give them that spot as it'd be a better experience for them.
Hi, my name is Jonathan and Im new to 5e. I would love to be a part of this LMoP ive only got about 20hrs of playing experience so far playing. It would be nice to play along.
"Even the MIGHTIEST Oak can be felled by the tempest wind..."
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I would love to play! I've been to adventurers league maybe a few times but never consistently. While I'm not brand new I'd love to join in!
I'm glad to see so much interest!
Unfortunately I won't have space for everyone. I'll send some private messages out shortly.
Himaru Kiori your friendly neighborhood HIN here you need something opened something found something acquired someone taken care of look no further I possess a unique set of skills and I can use them but it comes with a price how bout you meet me at the swallow tail Inn ask the barkeep if he has anyone looking for work as a chimney sweep he'll know what you mean looking forward to doing business with you Oh and here's your wallet back didn't take anything promise
i am looking for a group. i have not played in several years so i would like to start fresh from the start
I would love to play! I've only ever played with one group and I always end up DMing so it would be nice to be a player for once! I hope you don't have too many people in mind :x
Edit: For 7 - 10 GMT I'd only be available weekends, since I'm in EST.
Hello, i havent played D&D before, just watched some critical role, and someone mentioned dndbeyond so im here, and if the door for the adventure is not fully closed for your group, i would appreciate it, thx :)
I'm interested if there's still space available, I've played a one-shot campaign a few years ago but other than that I'm pretty new to it :)
Hey, thanks to everyone that expressed interest in this game!
I have a full roster now, but if anything changes or I need a replacement player you may get a message!
After this adventure finishes, I might run another new player game for a new group so keep an eye out for that.
Hi, I was just introduced to D&D a few weeks ago, and just loved and really want to join a campaign.
My only experience is I played a battle royal, and have a character already built, one on paper n one online on this website!
The reason I want to join is the campaign that was gonna be set that I would've joined didn't work for everyone n was canceled.
I'm available all day Tuesday n Saturday....Sunday evenings, Monday afternoon n evening n wednesday, thursday n friday 8-10 :)
Oh, I see your full, please keep me in mind for your next new player campaign
here was the info I already sent before seeing this msg
I was just introduced to D&D a few weeks ago, and just loved and really want to join a campaign.
My only experience is I played a battle royal, and have a character already built, one on paper n one online on this website!
The reason I want to join is the campaign that was gonna be set that I would've joined didn't work for everyone n was canceled.
I'm available all day Tuesday n Saturday....Sunday evenings, Monday afternoon n evening n wednesday, thursday n friday 8-10 :)
Should you need another player, I am throwing my name in the hat. Thanks
Looking for late night, weekly game:
Game: D&D 5e
Group type: Online
Experience: New
Location/Timezone: 9pm Eastern Time (NY) starting until it's finished
Roles sought: Player
Game style: casual, roleplay,
I have two Level 1 characters:
Thornewulf, Paladin, 2h sword, Oath of Vengence
V'laden Blek, Ranger, bow/short sword, criminal/spy
Attack: 3 Damage: 0
I have two Level 1 characters:
Thornewulf, Paladin, 2h sword, Oath of Vengence
V'laden Blek, Ranger, bow/short sword, criminal/spy
i'm extremely new i'd like a game and some help in how to become better . please and thank you