Count Strahd von Zarovich stares impassively at the unkempt man kneeling before him. The man is dishevelled, singed on half of his bearded face, his brown homespun clothes stained and bloody.
"You sacrificed him?"
"Yes, milord. The Grand Druid cut out his heart and gave his body to Mother Night, and sent me to give you this." The messenger wobbles as he leans forwards, holding out a wineskin stained with dark brown blood clots.
Strahd motions to it, and a shuffling servant takes it from the filthy man's grasp.
"Next time, take one alive. They are no use to me dead." Strahd spins on his heel, and stares out of the window over the fog-shrouded realm that he calls his own. "Bring me a living prisoner." There is no need for bribes, or threats. The druid bows so low that his forehead leaves a clump of dirt on the marbled floor, then rises into an awkward stooped walk and shuffles backwards until he is outside of the audience chamber.
"The darkness in the Shadowfell has found a new way of punishing me, it seems," Strahd murmurs to his servant. "Prepare my horse."
Greetings, adventurers! I'm looking for a single extra player for an online game of Curse of Strahd. I run on UK times at ~19:30 on Tuesday evenings, most Tuesday evenings (please note, West Coast of the US people: this is either 8 or 9 hours ahead of your timezone, there is a whole continent and an ocean between us). I've got a great party but I have room for one more player, provided you meet at least some of the following requirements (that's right, I'm picky). The current party are all good roleplayers, and they mostly behave.
Hard requirements (you must meet all these):
You act like an adult;
You're polite and courteous - including turning up to sessions more or less on time, if you join - the party is about a third of the way through, there's probably a few months of CoS to go;
You like to roleplay;
You talk to me on Discord and I like the sound of you;
You are capable of installing Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software (I have the ultimate licence, you don't need to spend any money at all - just get the demo).
Soft requirements:
The party could really use an in-character leader, particularly for fights. They're not very tactically minded and they're suffering for it. Someone who can guide them (but not tell them what actions to take OOC, just give them In Character advice) would be helpful for them right now.
You can cope with character death whilst still putting effort into roleplaying your character.
You are willing to play a character that isn't a Fighter.
What I don't care about:
Your knowledge of D&D. I know 5E pretty well, plus obviously all my rules decisions are final. I'm happy to accept a player who is new to the game. Also you have this great resource DNDBeyond to use as a reference guide!
Your knowledge of Fantasy Grounds. I am still learning, a few of the players know a lot about it and can help with questions.
If you're interested, you can message me on Discord: Winter #8485. Send me a PM here too so I know to expect you.
Hi I'd be interested in joining your DnD campaign, never done Curse of Strahd before but I've heard of it. I have experience playing DnD, maintaining a good degree of rp, refraining from metagaming/OOC bs, and I'm down for running as an in-character leader for the group. If you're willing to discuss stuff with me I'll message you on Discord with the same name as the one here in the forums.
Hi! I'd love to play for you! I'll be honest, I have very little experience with D&D (I know it's not required but I'm just putting it out there) and I'd really love to play! You're requirements sounds pretty fair and it might help me learn if I have an established group there to watch & learn from and stuff. I'll message you on Discord when these outages stop for me if you want to discuss it further if you haven't already found someone
Im interested! but im already in this campaign with another group, would that spoil things?
A couple of them have already played CoS (and beaten it) - as long as there isn't metagaming, I'm not bothered. I've changed a few things up in there too.
I got a lot of really good applicants - enough for everyone there to start a whole new campaign. If anyone is interested, I put up a Discord room: Discord link.
One of the many insane D&D players out there… (Who isn’t?) I play Baldur’s gate 3, Minecraft and of course D&D. (What did you expect.)
Heh Heh Heh…..
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?) MyrkridiaStat Block Here!
One of the many insane D&D players out there… (Who isn’t?) I play Baldur’s gate 3, Minecraft and of course D&D. (What did you expect.)
Heh Heh Heh…..
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?) MyrkridiaStat Block Here!
One of the many insane D&D players out there… (Who isn’t?) I play Baldur’s gate 3, Minecraft and of course D&D. (What did you expect.)
Heh Heh Heh…..
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?) MyrkridiaStat Block Here!
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Count Strahd von Zarovich stares impassively at the unkempt man kneeling before him. The man is dishevelled, singed on half of his bearded face, his brown homespun clothes stained and bloody.
"You sacrificed him?"
"Yes, milord. The Grand Druid cut out his heart and gave his body to Mother Night, and sent me to give you this." The messenger wobbles as he leans forwards, holding out a wineskin stained with dark brown blood clots.
Strahd motions to it, and a shuffling servant takes it from the filthy man's grasp.
"Next time, take one alive. They are no use to me dead." Strahd spins on his heel, and stares out of the window over the fog-shrouded realm that he calls his own. "Bring me a living prisoner." There is no need for bribes, or threats. The druid bows so low that his forehead leaves a clump of dirt on the marbled floor, then rises into an awkward stooped walk and shuffles backwards until he is outside of the audience chamber.
"The darkness in the Shadowfell has found a new way of punishing me, it seems," Strahd murmurs to his servant. "Prepare my horse."
Greetings, adventurers! I'm looking for a single extra player for an online game of Curse of Strahd. I run on UK times at ~19:30 on Tuesday evenings, most Tuesday evenings (please note, West Coast of the US people: this is either 8 or 9 hours ahead of your timezone, there is a whole continent and an ocean between us). I've got a great party but I have room for one more player, provided you meet at least some of the following requirements (that's right, I'm picky). The current party are all good roleplayers, and they mostly behave.
Hard requirements (you must meet all these):
Soft requirements:
What I don't care about:
If you're interested, you can message me on Discord: Winter #8485. Send me a PM here too so I know to expect you.
Hi I'd be interested in joining your DnD campaign, never done Curse of Strahd before but I've heard of it. I have experience playing DnD, maintaining a good degree of rp, refraining from metagaming/OOC bs, and I'm down for running as an in-character leader for the group. If you're willing to discuss stuff with me I'll message you on Discord with the same name as the one here in the forums.
Hi! I'd love to play for you! I'll be honest, I have very little experience with D&D (I know it's not required but I'm just putting it out there) and I'd really love to play! You're requirements sounds pretty fair and it might help me learn if I have an established group there to watch & learn from and stuff. I'll message you on Discord when these outages stop for me if you want to discuss it further if you haven't already found someone
Im interested! but im already in this campaign with another group, would that spoil things?
I'm going to discuss the volunteers with my group tonight - if anyone else is interested, please drop me a PM and send me a Discord friend invite.
I got a lot of really good applicants - enough for everyone there to start a whole new campaign. If anyone is interested, I put up a Discord room: Discord link.
I will like to try
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?)
Myrkridia Stat Block Here!
I have tried and failed to download Fantasy Grounds so I sadly won’t be able to qualify.
Are you still live and are you looking for players ??
What level is it currently
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?)
Myrkridia Stat Block Here!
If I will I will be a Leonin barbarian
is that OK
I am also a (Autistic) home brewer who likes Thri-Kreen, Monks (previously Rangers), and the world of Faerun and, of the sound of innocents suffering because of my presence or my bad decisions!
I have been playing dnd for untold eons. (Since 2021?)
Myrkridia Stat Block Here!