Been on Roll20 for awhile, started as a player, just recently started Dming, as has been stated, the ration of players to Dm's is way off. Let me know if you have any questions.
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"It has been my policy to view the internet not as an "Information Highway", but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies." -Mike Royco
I'm solely a player on Roll20 at the moment, but I'm hoping to branch out into DMing in the near future once I've figured out how everything works on the site from that side of things.
Well just started to play again and had no one to play in the area. So roll20 is my friend and have been embarking some epic adventures as a player. I don't think I have the skills at this time for DMing.
Most of the time I am a DM at Roll20, but I also like to be a player. I usually dm for my friends in a Forgotten Realms 3.5e campaign, but because of our current schedules, we haven't played in a while. I hope to soon get some time to play 5e 😁
Both a DM and a Player - started on Roll20 last year as my friends from Neverwinter (MMO) needed something other than the grind that is that game to pass the time, and we were spread out all over the world.
With Roll20 it is definitely a learning curve, and it really helps if the DM/GM knows how to navigate the tools (especially around tokens). Once stuff is setup, it is usually pretty easy - the biggest trouble I have these days is getting the map images I use to scale correctly to the grid on the table top. Recently I delved into the advance shortcuts and it has been a HUGE life saver.
If you are brand new to Roll20 AND DMing, I'd recommend to run a published adventure, either LMoP or perhaps a few of the AL ones shots (Tyranny Season is awesome) and tis way you and the group can learn the ropes. Always happy to help out with tips and tricks, sharing is caring!
What an incredible idea you've going on there. We have a similar club house for us older players. I really like what you're trying to do. I'm very new to the Roll20 platform but I'm for going to to consider this.
I am both and yet neither? Every group I've actively gotten together so far falls apart in 2 weeks. Strongly considering my pool of friends not a great choice for DnD. This isn't just a singular occurrence either, I've tried at least 6+ times to get a group together.
Strongly considering my pool of friends not a great choice for DnD.
This is, at least partially, why I don't think that good friends can become good D&D players. It's easier to find good D&D players and become good friends with them, that works so much smoother.
I am looking to be a roll20 player once i find or see an appropriate group IE. time etc
@Goldleader have you checked out the Looking for Groups part of the roll20 forums yet? It may be a good place to find some people =)
If you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Maybe even throw in a heroic death.
Well met! I DM two bi-weekly 5e games on Roll20 and play in two bi-weekly 5e games on Roll20. My DM and Playtime alternates every Friday and Saturday
---Architect of Worlds, Destroyer of Dreams
Been on Roll20 for awhile, started as a player, just recently started Dming, as has been stated, the ration of players to Dm's is way off. Let me know if you have any questions.
"It has been my policy to view the internet not as an "Information Highway", but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies." -Mike Royco
I'm solely a player on Roll20 at the moment, but I'm hoping to branch out into DMing in the near future once I've figured out how everything works on the site from that side of things.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."
I'm a player. Don't have nearly enough experience to DM XD
I've been DM'n a weekly friday game for the last year on Roll20 made up of players from two of the other weekly games I play in.
Well just started to play again and had no one to play in the area. So roll20 is my friend and have been embarking some epic adventures as a player. I don't think I have the skills at this time for DMing.
Most of the time I am a DM at Roll20, but I also like to be a player. I usually dm for my friends in a Forgotten Realms 3.5e campaign, but because of our current schedules, we haven't played in a while. I hope to soon get some time to play 5e 😁
I've only really played one campaign and I was the DM, I definitely thinking that being a player would be more my speed though.
I am
and I'm hoping to get those who are DMs or WANT to DM to get best tools/tricks for that platform together.
a sort of
Except, it's free.
I'm using "DM's Guild" to mean a fellowship of DMs inside of Roll20
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam."
⬐ This is how I find out if I'm not being an ass
Both a DM and a Player - started on Roll20 last year as my friends from Neverwinter (MMO) needed something other than the grind that is that game to pass the time, and we were spread out all over the world.
With Roll20 it is definitely a learning curve, and it really helps if the DM/GM knows how to navigate the tools (especially around tokens). Once stuff is setup, it is usually pretty easy - the biggest trouble I have these days is getting the map images I use to scale correctly to the grid on the table top. Recently I delved into the advance shortcuts and it has been a HUGE life saver.
If you are brand new to Roll20 AND DMing, I'd recommend to run a published adventure, either LMoP or perhaps a few of the AL ones shots (Tyranny Season is awesome) and tis way you and the group can learn the ropes. Always happy to help out with tips and tricks, sharing is caring!
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
I'm a player, and I DM "Play by Post" or text based games. Still learning though...
Videogamer and Tabletop gamer. DM in learning process
I DM on roll20 mostly for friends, though sometimes I will run an oneshot for new players.
I am
and I'm hoping to get those who are DMs or WANT to DM to get best tools/tricks for that platform together.
a sort of
Except, it's free.
I'm using DM's Guild to mean a fellowship of DMs inside of Roll20
What an incredible idea you've going on there. We have a similar club house for us older players. I really like what you're trying to do. I'm very new to the Roll20 platform but I'm for going to to consider this.
<Tips Hat>
JT " You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
I am both and yet neither? Every group I've actively gotten together so far falls apart in 2 weeks. Strongly considering my pool of friends not a great choice for DnD. This isn't just a singular occurrence either, I've tried at least 6+ times to get a group together.
I recently joined Roll20 but I've yet to get into a game. I'm still looking though.
"Your character, he died" - The Hateful DM
I'm a DM first, and player second.