I am looking for 2-3 players for a home brew campaign. The important things to note are that this campaign is very story and character driven, and will thrive on your creativity, ability to bend the rules in order to create drama, and excitement, and your ability to understand the basic concepts of role playing and the rules around the game without being a rules-lawyer.
The campaign itself starts off at level 1 and stretches across many chapters leading our heroes into greater and greater challenges.
Game play is 2 times a month, and continued interaction for downtime will take place on a website I am designing, and through email. How involved your character is in the story of the world directly relates to how much fun we can have, and how rich the experience can be for all!
I am a 42 year old white guy living in the north burbs of minneapolis. I have been gaming since I was 6 years old, and since then have been rapt with passion for the amazing worlds people can create together using just their imaginations! I am a gamer of all types, and encourage people in my life to use their minds and imaginations to expand the limits of their ability to enjoy life on a daily basis.
Who I am looking for: * Ages 20+ (no high schoolers, sorry) * People who can commit to 2 times a month (dates to be set when we have a consensus, and does not have to be same two days every month) * People who get excited about make-believe! (As opposed to min-maxers, rules-lawyers and contentious attention mongers) * People willing to put some effort into the story-building of their character, past, present and future. * People with their own mode of reliable transportation * No real curfew (but i expect 1030 would be the latest pm time most days) * People who are respectful of other people's places, spaces and so on. (You cannot smoke on my property, you cannot get drunk on my property, you must be clean, bathed, and in general not a slob)
What I am: * Non-judgemental. You are who you are. As long as you are respectful of others, excited to game, and don't waste anyone's time, it matters not to me whether you are man, woman, bi, gay, black, white, green, half-dragon or a neutral good orc bard. * Home-owner. We will be gaming at my home. I have been turning my entire basement into a nerd haven. There is plenty of space for us there to nerd out. Please bring your own food and beverages. There is a full kitchen to use, so you are welcome to cook as well if you enjoy doing so. * Professional. I work at 6am to about 3pm m-f. I usually go to bed around 930pm but will gladly stay up late for gaming with buddies. * Musician, strength trainer, computer nerd, loves to cook and more.
The campaign: * 5e * Any race * Any class * No evil characters * No min-maxing, or attempts to somehow meta-game your way into greatness. Your character WILL be great, it's a hero for crying out loud. * Story and character driven * Level 1 starting point * Much of the campaign takes place in a 20 mile in diameter crater created by a meteor that fell from the heavens years ago, many mysteries lie in wait * 2 times monthly minimum group games * Optional additional gaming with less members of the group for side questing and downtime * Levels given at mile stones / plot points
Shoot me a note if you are interested. Looking to start in mid to late october.
My name is Rick, and Im from St. Paul Park, MN. I was reading over your post here, and it sounds like exactly what Im looking for in a homebrew--Ive been growing frustrated with the group Im currently playing with due to all of the min-maxing and the lack of focus on roleplay or story, and also the fact that we barely meet up (I need my fix mann! lol).
I am 23 (almost 24), male, gamer, martial artist, speed freak, bass head, and adrenaline junky. I looove DnD and have been playing for a few years now (started with Pathfinder but moved to 5e later). I am a big fan of heavy roleplay and story-driven campaigns, especially homebrew, and my biggest pet peeve is min-maxers who ignore role play altogether.
The current character I have built (with an extensive bio and backstory) and would like to play is an Aarakocra Monk.
I know this is quite a while after you posted this, but I was just wondering if youre still running any campaigns like this? My wife (she has very similar tastes in campaigns) and I would love to join in if you do. Thanks in advance!
hello i wolud like to join sir if that ok i am a huge nerd and would like to find some other like me (but sadly i am kinda new so i understand if you dont pick me:( )) but i am up for anything
Hello all!
I am looking for 2-3 players for a home brew campaign.
The important things to note are that this campaign is very story and character driven, and will thrive on your creativity, ability to bend the rules in order to create drama, and excitement, and your ability to understand the basic concepts of role playing and the rules around the game without being a rules-lawyer.
The campaign itself starts off at level 1 and stretches across many chapters leading our heroes into greater and greater challenges.
Game play is 2 times a month, and continued interaction for downtime will take place on a website I am designing, and through email.
How involved your character is in the story of the world directly relates to how much fun we can have, and how rich the experience can be for all!
I am a 42 year old white guy living in the north burbs of minneapolis. I have been gaming since I was 6 years old, and since then have been rapt with passion for the amazing worlds people can create together using just their imaginations!
I am a gamer of all types, and encourage people in my life to use their minds and imaginations to expand the limits of their ability to enjoy life on a daily basis.
Who I am looking for:
* Ages 20+ (no high schoolers, sorry)
* People who can commit to 2 times a month (dates to be set when we have a consensus, and does not have to be same two days every month)
* People who get excited about make-believe! (As opposed to min-maxers, rules-lawyers and contentious attention mongers)
* People willing to put some effort into the story-building of their character, past, present and future.
* People with their own mode of reliable transportation
* No real curfew (but i expect 1030 would be the latest pm time most days)
* People who are respectful of other people's places, spaces and so on. (You cannot smoke on my property, you cannot get drunk on my property, you must be clean, bathed, and in general not a slob)
What I am:
* Non-judgemental. You are who you are. As long as you are respectful of others, excited to game, and don't waste anyone's time, it matters not to me whether you are man, woman, bi, gay, black, white, green, half-dragon or a neutral good orc bard.
* Home-owner. We will be gaming at my home. I have been turning my entire basement into a nerd haven. There is plenty of space for us there to nerd out. Please bring your own food and beverages. There is a full kitchen to use, so you are welcome to cook as well if you enjoy doing so.
* Professional. I work at 6am to about 3pm m-f. I usually go to bed around 930pm but will gladly stay up late for gaming with buddies.
* Musician, strength trainer, computer nerd, loves to cook and more.
The campaign:
* 5e
* Any race
* Any class
* No evil characters
* No min-maxing, or attempts to somehow meta-game your way into greatness. Your character WILL be great, it's a hero for crying out loud.
* Story and character driven
* Level 1 starting point
* Much of the campaign takes place in a 20 mile in diameter crater created by a meteor that fell from the heavens years ago, many mysteries lie in wait
* 2 times monthly minimum group games
* Optional additional gaming with less members of the group for side questing and downtime
* Levels given at mile stones / plot points
Shoot me a note if you are interested.
Looking to start in mid to late october.
My name is Rick, and Im from St. Paul Park, MN. I was reading over your post here, and it sounds like exactly what Im looking for in a homebrew--Ive been growing frustrated with the group Im currently playing with due to all of the min-maxing and the lack of focus on roleplay or story, and also the fact that we barely meet up (I need my fix mann! lol).
I am 23 (almost 24), male, gamer, martial artist, speed freak, bass head, and adrenaline junky. I looove DnD and have been playing for a few years now (started with Pathfinder but moved to 5e later). I am a big fan of heavy roleplay and story-driven campaigns, especially homebrew, and my biggest pet peeve is min-maxers who ignore role play altogether.
The current character I have built (with an extensive bio and backstory) and would like to play is an Aarakocra Monk.
I know this is quite a while after you posted this, but I was just wondering if youre still running any campaigns like this? My wife (she has very similar tastes in campaigns) and I would love to join in if you do. Thanks in advance!
hello i wolud like to join sir if that ok i am a huge nerd and would like to find some other like me (but sadly i am kinda new so i understand if you dont pick me:( )) but i am up for anything