Just in case it hasn't been mentioned, and is of any use, my reg email came from "no-reply@dndbeyond.com" so you might be able to search your emails for that sender.
If the invite was sent to the wrong e-mail address, can we have it re-sent? I've updated my Twitch e-mail address, and unfortunately I don't have access to the old account any more.
My email address in twitch somehow had a typo - would be great to get the invite now that I have fixed it. pre-ordered Xanathar's. Thanks.
If the invite was sent to the wrong e-mail address, can we have it re-sent? I've updated my Twitch e-mail address, and unfortunately I don't have access to the old account any more.
My email address in twitch somehow had a typo - would be great to get the invite now that I have fixed it. pre-ordered Xanathar's. Thanks.
Feel free to contact support if you're having any issues with receiving your Alpha invite. Remember to check your spam folder before contacting them.
I have XGE but I did not preorder it - Does that exclude me from joining in on the Alpha?
You need to either have pre-ordered Xanathars or have the Legendary Bundle to get the alpha access invite. Beta isn't too far away though, so it won't be long until everyone has access to the open beta.
If the invite was sent to the wrong e-mail address, can we have it re-sent? I've updated my Twitch e-mail address, and unfortunately I don't have access to the old account any more.
My email address in twitch somehow had a typo - would be great to get the invite now that I have fixed it. pre-ordered Xanathar's. Thanks.
Feel free to contact support if you're having any issues with receiving your Alpha invite. Remember to check your spam folder before contacting them.
Thanks for that. They sent me the link today and I submitted the information. Not sure what happens now... must be another email coming at some point?
If the invite was sent to the wrong e-mail address, can we have it re-sent? I've updated my Twitch e-mail address, and unfortunately I don't have access to the old account any more.
My email address in twitch somehow had a typo - would be great to get the invite now that I have fixed it. pre-ordered Xanathar's. Thanks.
Feel free to contact support if you're having any issues with receiving your Alpha invite. Remember to check your spam folder before contacting them.
Thanks for that. They sent me the link today and I submitted the information. Not sure what happens now... must be another email coming at some point?
Yup! Badeye said the next wave of emails should go out tomorrow for those that have had issues.
I see from one of your earlier posts that you "...bought all of the content and will most likely continue to do so." so I'm sure that you purchased the Legendary Bundle and/or PRE ordered Xanathar's Guide to Everything,
If you click on the link in the email saying you were picked up for alpha testing "Access the D&D Beyond Mobile Alpha Now" you get this message if you haven't, or have just, filled out the registration form.
Fill out the registration form HERE if you have not already done so...
Within 24 hours you should have access. They add accounts once per day.
It took a day for that message to go away for me. I now have access and have successfully downloaded the app.
Thanks, from the looks of it, it looks like it'll do nicely. I took a break buying DnD Beyond stuff for physical stuff during ToA, XGTE, and now also have the new DnD Tilesets pre-ordered, but after those, back to buying expansions and campaigns til I can get the Legendary pack for around 150 (its at 210 for me right now).
Really looking forward to the full release, having a second searchable copy of the books on my phone while having physicals at the table will make it much easier to DM my sessions.
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I use summon instrument to summon my kettle drum, hold it overhead like Donkey Kong, and chuck it at the nearest kobold.
Just in case it hasn't been mentioned, and is of any use, my reg email came from "no-reply@dndbeyond.com" so you might be able to search your emails for that sender.
Any dates on when the app download requests are going out? I dont mean the invites.
I am beyond thrilled that a mobile app is coming!
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I have XGE but I did not preorder it - Does that exclude me from joining in on the Alpha?
Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQ
Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
Scarabus: "I'm Mary Poppins ya'll"
Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQ
Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
For some reason I got invited to the IOS test while using a android. I hope I did not submit the wrong OS. What do I do to get that changed?
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Scarabus: "I'm Mary Poppins ya'll"
Is there any way alpha testers can share some screenshots for those that aren't in the alpha testing?
I use summon instrument to summon my kettle drum, hold it overhead like Donkey Kong, and chuck it at the nearest kobold.
To be honest I have no idea if we are allowed to share pics. Probably we are. But just to be sure, here are some pictures on BadEye's tweet.
And I cast Heroism on the community.
Thanks, from the looks of it, it looks like it'll do nicely. I took a break buying DnD Beyond stuff for physical stuff during ToA, XGTE, and now also have the new DnD Tilesets pre-ordered, but after those, back to buying expansions and campaigns til I can get the Legendary pack for around 150 (its at 210 for me right now).
Really looking forward to the full release, having a second searchable copy of the books on my phone while having physicals at the table will make it much easier to DM my sessions.
I use summon instrument to summon my kettle drum, hold it overhead like Donkey Kong, and chuck it at the nearest kobold.
I pre-ordered XGTE and did not receive an email.
I did not, or cannot see an email invite, is there any way to get another email?