Our weekly Dev Update with ME islive on Twitch at 9am PT!
Today we're welcoming Software Engineer II Julie Hawkins for a tour and Q&A for the D&D Beyond character sheet.
If you missed the live show, you'll be able to access the Twitch VOD immediately. We'll update this post when the YouTube VOD is available, too, at which time we'll also post the overview slide!
Text reads: Now: Underdark Mode, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight is available for Preorder, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is available for Preorder, Sanguine Dice through July, House of Lament watchalong; In progress: Encounter Builder: Save / Resume Combat; 2021 Goals: Character, Sheet Backlog, The Feature System, Continued integration of our shared play space; Ask Questions in Chat: Type âQuestion:â Before Your Question
Image depicts a work in progress (not final) screenshot of the character sheet, where decorative content is being manipulated in a new way. There is a decorate option near the character name, which opens a sidebar that shows current options, followed by sections where one can view and select different options.
Image depicts a work in progress (not final) screenshot of the character sheet, where the inventory is broken into different containers, including a backpack and a chest. When the item in the chest is selected, the sidebar shows that there is an option to move the item from the chest to the backpack, or to equipment.
I noticed that the updated "customization" page included a Dice menu; is that how character-specific dice are chosen (given it doesn't change before release)?
I noticed that the updated "customization" page included a Dice menu; is that how character-specific dice are chosen (given it doesn't change before release)?
It's something the team is looking into, but the design is still in progress!
While there is a weight management system for items, it'd be nice to have a carried/dropped toggle for items, especially if we'll be getting the much anticipated and requested inventory container options. I'd personally suggest that any container in your inventory automatically permit other items to be toggled into that container when the sidebar for info on an item is selected. Having items automatically sort themselves in your character sheet's inventory list according to container, rather than all jumbled through alphabetical ordering, would be super helpful too.
I'm super excited for custom skills on our character sheets! I'd use it for thieves' tools checks.
That's already possible and it has been for a long while. If you click on "Skills" at the bottom of the list, it will open the side panel listing all of them and from there you can add Custom Skills at the bottom.
Text reads: D&D Beyond. Dev Update. July 8 2021.
Our weekly Dev Update with ME is live on Twitch at 9am PT!
Today we're welcoming Software Engineer II Julie Hawkins for a tour and Q&A for the D&D Beyond character sheet.
If you missed the live show, you'll be able to access the Twitch VOD immediately. We'll update this post when the YouTube VOD is available, too, at which time we'll also post the overview slide!
YouTube VOD: [link]
Overview Slide:
Image depicts a work in progress (not final) screenshot of the character sheet, where decorative content is being manipulated in a new way. There is a decorate option near the character name, which opens a sidebar that shows current options, followed by sections where one can view and select different options.
Image depicts a work in progress (not final) screenshot of the character sheet, where the inventory is broken into different containers, including a backpack and a chest. When the item in the chest is selected, the sidebar shows that there is an option to move the item from the chest to the backpack, or to equipment.
I noticed that the updated "customization" page included a Dice menu; is that how character-specific dice are chosen (given it doesn't change before release)?
Kieran McMillan
On the sheet, or in the builder?
It's something the team is looking into, but the design is still in progress!
While there is a weight management system for items, it'd be nice to have a carried/dropped toggle for items, especially if we'll be getting the much anticipated and requested inventory container options. I'd personally suggest that any container in your inventory automatically permit other items to be toggled into that container when the sidebar for info on an item is selected. Having items automatically sort themselves in your character sheet's inventory list according to container, rather than all jumbled through alphabetical ordering, would be super helpful too.
Visit (link) â MicroHomebrew, Arcanum Dice, and Ashfaera â (link) Visit
will containers be used for just Equipment and Magic Items or can put in Monsters?
I'm super excited for custom skills on our character sheets! I'd use it for thieves' tools checks.
That's already possible and it has been for a long while. If you click on "Skills" at the bottom of the list, it will open the side panel listing all of them and from there you can add Custom Skills at the bottom.
Thanks, I didn't know that! Glad they showed it off or I would have continued in ignorance. Thanks for the instructions!