We were unable to process your payment for your D&D order ############. As a result, your order has been canceled.
I suspect there is a MAJOR issue with the Marketplace. I ordered the digital + physical bundle of the 2024 PHB. I am not the only one who had the physical copy of the PHB canceled this week (see notice above). They got back to me a day latter and promised to run my card again in 24 hours - that was 48 hours ago. Guess what - they have not processed the order yet.
When are you going to let the world know that the Marketplace is broken. When am I going to get my pre-ordered PHB. If I were you I would not preorder any bundle from them until they fix this.
Strangely I am billed every month for my Master Tier sub. It goes through just fine.
This release face-plant reminds me of 'New Coke' in '85. (For the younglings: it was one of the worst rollouts in history.) (To the designers: excellent job in screwing up a good thing. Did any of you work for Coke 30 years ago?) Our group of 28 years and counting is very content with 5E. We considered 2024/6E/lameE and didn't have any interest as we have with several revisions in decades of play. Previouly, we could just ignore the material. Now, it's being jammed down our throat and there isn't much subscribers can do about it, but cancel and move on. Our group can go back to pen and paper so we don't have to constantly sort through new and old material jumbled together, but I hope it does not have to come to that. Please do the community of gamers you ultimately work for and give us an option to completely disable or ignore the new content.
The most requested feature on all the forums right now, is probably the toggle for 5e/5.5e or whatever it is. If your plan is to ignore your consumers and focus on making it easier for us to spend our money, just say it. And if you plan on adding a toggle, or something else, than please please please make an announcement. For all we know, we're all sitting here complaining and adding more and more bad reviews here, while your working on the fix. Though I highly doubt that's the case. WotC is not what it used to be, that's for sure. D&D? love it. though even there, propaganda from all over the place is starting to creep into the game. However, Wizards of the Coast seems to be completely focused on making more and more and more money, seemingly not realising that no ones going to buy their products if there's a billion problems with using them easily and cleanly. WotC needs to be better managed, and needs to fix their goals. The consumers, those that actually buy the products, should be top of the list. Why play a game, when the creators of that game are more obsessed with selling things than making the players happy, and actually making it easy to play the game?
But of course, this post will just get lost in the jumble of other posts that are being ignored.
Well as of September 17 we still don’t have access to everything that they promised. Rogue still can’t use the phantom sub class, and all of third-party is inaccessible when creating characters. So do you guys plan on keeping your promise where everything is useable with 2024 or not
Well as of September 17 we still don’t have access to everything that they promised. Rogue still can’t use the phantom sub class, and all of third-party is inaccessible when creating characters. So do you guys plan on keeping your promise where everything is useable with 2024 or not
File a bug report on the Phantom - it's unlikely they're checking back here. This looks from the outside like someone just needs to get in there and tag it with 2024, so you'd think it'd be a quick fix - but they probably have 50k quick fixes to make right now given how sloppy the roll out was.
Not that you should have to, but you should be able to homebrew it if you can't wait for them to fix it - open two windows, one for a 2024 subclass for the rogue created from scratch, one for a 2014 subclass based on the phantom. Then just copy the class features from the 2014 one to the 2024 one.
Your trying to shove Vanguard, BlackRock, Capital Group, Geode Capital, and the lot down our throat still isn't going to work. Since you guys still haven't figured this out yet ill make it clear, we don't want it!
If you want to make billions on D&D, this isn't the way. This is the way you lose 90% of your income. I can give you the formula to make $1 Billion a year on D&D. Since all you understand is the almighty dollar, then pay me and Ill make it happen. Until then, stop messing with stuff that you clearly do not understand.
Given how much goes into this system and the difficulty in having to run 2 different systems at once and deal with some people who want either or and other's who want hybrid I think you guys have done a fantastic job.
I just feel the need to say this given the constant drum of negativity that is this fanbase.
As a person running one game in the 2014 system and the other in 2024 and doing so successfully in both I just wanted to say, nice work.
What would be better is let us choosing what tonusr for example i bought all of 5e. Not any other game. So when I share my content with my players I only want the 5e shit I payed for their, I don't have to tell ever single player everytime
Hey can you make sure you double check every item spell and ability and be sure it's the old version .
But we can't do that now, so how bout just refund all the money I've wasted and I'll just buy a physical book for each player
Dnd beyond is shit now. Wish they'd stayed separate
Dnd beyond is shit now. Wish they'd stayed separate
After years of not fixing bugs on DDB, they thought they could get a fully functional new edition rolled out in a year. That was a seriously tough ask before deciding not to even include a single D&D player in the decision to delete the old rules the day the new ones are released. This error is a portion of the reason for the rough roll out. But the bigger issue is not doing a serious test of DDB before the new PHB was scheduled to launch. What should have been a huge win for WotC is now looking more and more like short term profits followed by a serious drop in market share. Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Our group has just started looking deeper at Pathfinder, pretty much just for this reason. We love playing D&D, but we also love using D&D Beyond. And if we can't really do that, we may as well switch to a game with a site that can actually be used for the reason it was made. To make it easier for players to play the game. D&DB is not that anymore, it's just one more way they can make money. Other sites however, actually care about making sure the players can play the game.
Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Our group has just started looking deeper at Pathfinder, pretty much just for this reason. We love playing D&D, but we also love using D&D Beyond. And if we can't really do that, we may as well switch to a game with a site that can actually be used for the reason it was made. To make it easier for players to play the game. D&DB is not that anymore, it's just one more way they can make money. Other sites however, actually care about making sure the players can play the game.
I share that sentiment, but DDB is still better than some competitors. I'm willing to give them time to get through all three core books for the new edition of D&D. Its a really big change to the site because the new edition isn't backwards compatible with the previous content. The attempts to pretend otherwise are actually a big part of the problems that are currently happening. If the marketing department hadn't pushed for "backwards compatible", they would have launched 5.24 with a toggle so players could choose which rules are being used.
Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Our group has just started looking deeper at Pathfinder, pretty much just for this reason. We love playing D&D, but we also love using D&D Beyond. And if we can't really do that, we may as well switch to a game with a site that can actually be used for the reason it was made. To make it easier for players to play the game. D&DB is not that anymore, it's just one more way they can make money. Other sites however, actually care about making sure the players can play the game.
I share that sentiment, but DDB is still better than some competitors. I'm willing to give them time to get through all three core books for the new edition of D&D. Its a really big change to the site because the new edition isn't backwards compatible with the previous content. The attempts to pretend otherwise are actually a big part of the problems that are currently happening. If the marketing department hadn't pushed for "backwards compatible", they would have launched 5.24 with a toggle so players could choose which rules are being used.
Funny thing, not every facet was marketed as backward compatible. Adventures, subclasses, and magic items were. 2024 characters are able to be played alongside 2014 characters in the 2024 ruleset. People took that and ran with it, wrongly assuming more would be.
What wasn't marketed as backwards compatible? 2014 adventures implies that 2014 monsters and items would be, 2014 characters implies that 2014 spells would be. Other than some mixing of versions (e.g. 2024 subclasses obviously won't work with 2014 classes, and two characters with different versions of spells may cause balance isses), the messaging seemed pretty clear that you could continue using everything from the 2014 rules still.
If that was *not* the case they should have made that clear long before release. Even now though, I've not seen a clear statement from WotC/DDB saying that anything from 2014 is no longer "valid" now the new rules are out.
What wasn't marketed as backwards compatible? 2014 adventures implies that 2014 monsters and items would be, 2014 characters implies that 2014 spells would be. Other than some mixing of versions (e.g. 2024 subclasses obviously won't work with 2014 classes, and two characters with different versions of spells may cause balance isses), the messaging seemed pretty clear that you could continue using everything from the 2014 rules still.
If that was *not* the case they should have made that clear long before release. Even now though, I've not seen a clear statement from WotC/DDB saying that anything from 2014 is no longer "valid" now the new rules are out.
People keep thinking the Tasha's expanded class features should apply to 2024 classes. Those are additional features for the 2014 versions of the classes. Those features were never listed as being something you could apply forward to the updated classes, yet there's multiple threads about it.
Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Our group has just started looking deeper at Pathfinder, pretty much just for this reason. We love playing D&D, but we also love using D&D Beyond. And if we can't really do that, we may as well switch to a game with a site that can actually be used for the reason it was made. To make it easier for players to play the game. D&DB is not that anymore, it's just one more way they can make money. Other sites however, actually care about making sure the players can play the game.
If you're playing PF2e, check out Demiplane. Its a DNDBeyond like site that works for PF2e. Purchasing through Demiplane also purchases the pdf from Paizo directly as long as you have a linked Paizo account; and if you already own something through Paizo, you get a discount on purchasing it on Demiplane.
What wasn't marketed as backwards compatible? 2014 adventures implies that 2014 monsters and items would be, 2014 characters implies that 2014 spells would be. Other than some mixing of versions (e.g. 2024 subclasses obviously won't work with 2014 classes, and two characters with different versions of spells may cause balance isses), the messaging seemed pretty clear that you could continue using everything from the 2014 rules still.
If that was *not* the case they should have made that clear long before release. Even now though, I've not seen a clear statement from WotC/DDB saying that anything from 2014 is no longer "valid" now the new rules are out.
People keep thinking the Tasha's expanded class features should apply to 2024 classes. Those are additional features for the 2014 versions of the classes. Those features were never listed as being something you could apply forward to the updated classes, yet there's multiple threads about it.
WotC exploited the expectation created from context clues.
They had multiple articles about how things could and would be backwards compatible, but there was no mention of what wouldn't be. So when all the media the average customer reads says the edition is backwards compatible and nothing says you can't do something, people will believe the edition is backwards compatible.
WotC exploited the expectation created from context clues.
They had multiple articles about how things could and would be backwards compatible, but there was no mention of what wouldn't be. So when all the media the average customer reads says the edition is backwards compatible and nothing says you can't do something, people will believe the edition is backwards compatible.
The information was available. [Redacted]
Not saying you're wrong. But if it is true this information was available can you not show us it? The other poster has just said with some degree of certainty there was no mention of what would not be backwards compatible in all those articles. You say this information was available. [Redacted]
I would also love to see the information that tells us what won't be compatible between the editions.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and i can accept that; But I never saw anything that told me "X, Y are compatible but not Z", all i saw was things telling us what would work between editions.
I would also love to see the information that tells us what won't be compatible between the editions.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and i can accept that; But I never saw anything that told me "X, Y are compatible but not Z", all i saw was things telling us what would work between editions.
Same. I never saw anything like that. And in the videos as well, if you watched those, it's the same thing.
It's important to realize that what Wizards has said about compatibility of 2014 content with the 2024 rules is not in fact a statement about what will work on D&D Beyond.
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Amazing! Thanks for the info.
Payment Not Successful
We were unable to process your payment for your D&D order ############. As a result, your order has been canceled.
I suspect there is a MAJOR issue with the Marketplace. I ordered the digital + physical bundle of the 2024 PHB. I am not the only one who had the physical copy of the PHB canceled this week (see notice above). They got back to me a day latter and promised to run my card again in 24 hours - that was 48 hours ago. Guess what - they have not processed the order yet.
When are you going to let the world know that the Marketplace is broken. When am I going to get my pre-ordered PHB. If I were you I would not preorder any bundle from them until they fix this.
Strangely I am billed every month for my Master Tier sub. It goes through just fine.
+1 to Toggle between 5e & 2024. Implement ASAP Please.
This release face-plant reminds me of 'New Coke' in '85. (For the younglings: it was one of the worst rollouts in history.) (To the designers: excellent job in screwing up a good thing. Did any of you work for Coke 30 years ago?) Our group of 28 years and counting is very content with 5E. We considered 2024/6E/lameE and didn't have any interest as we have with several revisions in decades of play. Previouly, we could just ignore the material. Now, it's being jammed down our throat and there isn't much subscribers can do about it, but cancel and move on. Our group can go back to pen and paper so we don't have to constantly sort through new and old material jumbled together, but I hope it does not have to come to that. Please do the community of gamers you ultimately work for and give us an option to completely disable or ignore the new content.
the Angry Dwarf/Disgruntled Gamer
The most requested feature on all the forums right now, is probably the toggle for 5e/5.5e or whatever it is.
If your plan is to ignore your consumers and focus on making it easier for us to spend our money, just say it.
And if you plan on adding a toggle, or something else, than please please please make an announcement. For all we know, we're all sitting here complaining and adding more and more bad reviews here, while your working on the fix. Though I highly doubt that's the case.
WotC is not what it used to be, that's for sure. D&D? love it. though even there, propaganda from all over the place is starting to creep into the game.
However, Wizards of the Coast seems to be completely focused on making more and more and more money, seemingly not realising that no ones going to buy their products if there's a billion problems with using them easily and cleanly.
WotC needs to be better managed, and needs to fix their goals. The consumers, those that actually buy the products, should be top of the list. Why play a game, when the creators of that game are more obsessed with selling things than making the players happy, and actually making it easy to play the game?
But of course, this post will just get lost in the jumble of other posts that are being ignored.
Well as of September 17 we still don’t have access to everything that they promised. Rogue still can’t use the phantom sub class, and all of third-party is inaccessible when creating characters. So do you guys plan on keeping your promise where everything is useable with 2024 or not
File a bug report on the Phantom - it's unlikely they're checking back here. This looks from the outside like someone just needs to get in there and tag it with 2024, so you'd think it'd be a quick fix - but they probably have 50k quick fixes to make right now given how sloppy the roll out was.
Not that you should have to, but you should be able to homebrew it if you can't wait for them to fix it - open two windows, one for a 2024 subclass for the rogue created from scratch, one for a 2014 subclass based on the phantom. Then just copy the class features from the 2014 one to the 2024 one.
Your trying to shove Vanguard, BlackRock, Capital Group, Geode Capital, and the lot down our throat still isn't going to work. Since you guys still haven't figured this out yet ill make it clear, we don't want it!
If you want to make billions on D&D, this isn't the way. This is the way you lose 90% of your income. I can give you the formula to make $1 Billion a year on D&D. Since all you understand is the almighty dollar, then pay me and Ill make it happen. Until then, stop messing with stuff that you clearly do not understand.
Given how much goes into this system and the difficulty in having to run 2 different systems at once and deal with some people who want either or and other's who want hybrid I think you guys have done a fantastic job.
I just feel the need to say this given the constant drum of negativity that is this fanbase.
As a person running one game in the 2014 system and the other in 2024 and doing so successfully in both I just wanted to say, nice work.
No it doesn't
What would be better is let us choosing what tonusr for example i bought all of 5e. Not any other game. So when I share my content with my players I only want the 5e shit I payed for their, I don't have to tell ever single player everytime
Hey can you make sure you double check every item spell and ability and be sure it's the old version .
But we can't do that now, so how bout just refund all the money I've wasted and I'll just buy a physical book for each player
Dnd beyond is shit now. Wish they'd stayed separate
Dnd beyond is shit now. Wish they'd stayed separate
After years of not fixing bugs on DDB, they thought they could get a fully functional new edition rolled out in a year. That was a seriously tough ask before deciding not to even include a single D&D player in the decision to delete the old rules the day the new ones are released. This error is a portion of the reason for the rough roll out. But the bigger issue is not doing a serious test of DDB before the new PHB was scheduled to launch. What should have been a huge win for WotC is now looking more and more like short term profits followed by a serious drop in market share. Hopefully 2025 will mark a new customer focused attitude at WotC. It would be very sad to leave behind four decades of D&D for a competing TTRPG.
Our group has just started looking deeper at Pathfinder, pretty much just for this reason. We love playing D&D, but we also love using D&D Beyond. And if we can't really do that, we may as well switch to a game with a site that can actually be used for the reason it was made. To make it easier for players to play the game. D&DB is not that anymore, it's just one more way they can make money. Other sites however, actually care about making sure the players can play the game.
I share that sentiment, but DDB is still better than some competitors. I'm willing to give them time to get through all three core books for the new edition of D&D. Its a really big change to the site because the new edition isn't backwards compatible with the previous content. The attempts to pretend otherwise are actually a big part of the problems that are currently happening. If the marketing department hadn't pushed for "backwards compatible", they would have launched 5.24 with a toggle so players could choose which rules are being used.
Funny thing, not every facet was marketed as backward compatible. Adventures, subclasses, and magic items were. 2024 characters are able to be played alongside 2014 characters in the 2024 ruleset. People took that and ran with it, wrongly assuming more would be.
What wasn't marketed as backwards compatible? 2014 adventures implies that 2014 monsters and items would be, 2014 characters implies that 2014 spells would be. Other than some mixing of versions (e.g. 2024 subclasses obviously won't work with 2014 classes, and two characters with different versions of spells may cause balance isses), the messaging seemed pretty clear that you could continue using everything from the 2014 rules still.
If that was *not* the case they should have made that clear long before release. Even now though, I've not seen a clear statement from WotC/DDB saying that anything from 2014 is no longer "valid" now the new rules are out.
People keep thinking the Tasha's expanded class features should apply to 2024 classes. Those are additional features for the 2014 versions of the classes. Those features were never listed as being something you could apply forward to the updated classes, yet there's multiple threads about it.
If you're playing PF2e, check out Demiplane. Its a DNDBeyond like site that works for PF2e. Purchasing through Demiplane also purchases the pdf from Paizo directly as long as you have a linked Paizo account; and if you already own something through Paizo, you get a discount on purchasing it on Demiplane.
WotC exploited the expectation created from context clues.
They had multiple articles about how things could and would be backwards compatible, but there was no mention of what wouldn't be. So when all the media the average customer reads says the edition is backwards compatible and nothing says you can't do something, people will believe the edition is backwards compatible.
I would also love to see the information that tells us what won't be compatible between the editions.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and i can accept that; But I never saw anything that told me "X, Y are compatible but not Z", all i saw was things telling us what would work between editions.
Same. I never saw anything like that. And in the videos as well, if you watched those, it's the same thing.
It's important to realize that what Wizards has said about compatibility of 2014 content with the 2024 rules is not in fact a statement about what will work on D&D Beyond.