Casting an irritated glance sidelong at Eligos' unfriendly comments to Nalomanterys, Danica focuses back below them. The sailor directs as much healing energy as she think she can spare for now to Ran, seeing that he was in the rear and moves to keep Ran in her line of sight to cast. Channeling Selune's Divinity, the elf then calls out, "Sanitatem!" As soon as she finishes casting, Danica turns to the staircase leading downwards, making sure not to block the exit, but waiting just to the right of it, waiting for the rest of the crew to emerge. "Nal, let me know if those golems back off." Clearly about to do something if they didn't.
Action: Channel Divinity to heal Ran for 10. Bonus Action: 2nd Level Healing Word to heal Ran for 16. Movement: Whatever is needed to keep Ran in line of sight to heal and then to the "north" of the map to be just to the right of the stairway exit.
Ran slips to the side to let Mica and Meili move further up the stairs, and keeps his eyes on the golems. Suddenly he feels his wounds begin knitting themselves together. He's still banged up, but Ran feels like he's ready for another go at these golems.
Nalomanterys the Great prickles at the insult to his moniker. He impulsively grabs for a palm full of bat guano from his pouch and smears it on his hand. He pauses for a moment, contemplating the use of this much magic on the remaining foes, then grabs a hunk of sulfur with his other hand and strikes it across the guano. A scintilla of flame drifts toward the golems and when it reaches them, Naomanterys shouts "Incendo!" The mote of fire erupts at the wizard's command, engulfing the two golems. fireball
DC 15 dex save or 28 fire damage. Half as much on a success.
((If timing is a problem, Nalomanterys readies the spell until all his allied leave. He aims so as not to hit his allies.))
He pointedly doesn't look at Eligos after his spell.
The basement is filled with a concussive blast and roar from Nalomanterys' fireball. Ran, Meili and Micaare forced to squint and turn away from the heat, while flames lick upward through the hole up into the main floor chamber. The most damaged golem crumbles away to nothing, its spear clattering to the floor of the gladiatorial chamber. The remaining two Clay Gladiators shrug off the blast and pursue their quarry. One follows the retreating warriors down the hall toward the stairs. Catching up with Ran, it attacks three times with its spear.
Spear Attack: 17 Piercing Damage: 14
Spear Attack: 13 (Miss)
Spear Attack: 23 Piercing Damage: 10
The other golem, rather than pursue down the hall, turns its gaze upward. Alarmingly, it reaches out and grabs the walls of the pit and effortlessly climbs upward at walking speed. It emerges from the top of the pit alongside Danicaand, without so much as a pause or hesitation, turns its spear upon her while Eligos and Nalomanteryscan only watch in horror from the other side.
Spear Attack: 14 (Miss)
Spear Attack: 15(Miss)
Spear Attack: 9 (Miss)
Mercifully, its attacks seem a little slower than before, perhaps due to all of the damage the golem has taken. It fails to get past Danica'sdefenses.
The Party is back up!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran grunt at the two fresh spear wounds; wounds that reopen only recently healed gashes.
"Shake a leg back there," Ran says over his shoulder to Mica and Meili, knowing he can't move until they do.
Happy to be only facing one of the golems, even if he does so while blood pours down his side, Ran slashes out with Gambit, then stabs with his other long sword, before following through with a slash from Gambit again.
Unable to do much about the golem in front of Ran with both he and Meili in front of him in the narrow hallway, Mica continues to climb the stairs to rejoin the others in the chamber above, pausing only to smear a poultice on the worst of his wounds.
Moves full 35 foot movement up the stairs and into the chamber toward Danica.
Nalomanterys gawks as the stone man simply clambers up the shaft. "Good Gracious!" But surprise returns to focus as the golem begins striking out at Danica. The wizard quickly counters with a snap catapult (rank 2, so as not to be upstaged by the Red).
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Meili followed Mica to give Ran some room to attack or retreat (past Mica, in fact, so Ran could truly move). Before she did it, however, she thew the boomerang, adding her meager attack to the fight:
Attack: 27 Damage: 9 Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Gods be good, the magic of the weapon would push the clay monstrosity back a bit, letting Ran move away.
[Technically, damage from the boomerang is bludgeoning and works with Crusher feat]
At the sudden explosion birthed forth in the pit, Danica instinctively raised a hand to defend against the light and heat, eyebrows raised at Nalomanterys as she murmurs none too quietly with a bit of friendly humor, "Corellon's Crown Nal, I think he was just takin' the piss. If this is just you miffed, I'd hate to see you fumin'." But she soon had more important things to focus on, like the construct climbing up the wall like nothing, right up to the pit's surface in front of her.
Having put up her bow seeing how ineffective it seemed to be against against their foes, Danica hurriedly brings up her shield as the golem attempts to stab at her multiple times. "Och! You got a face like a melted boot now that I get a look atcha. I think I liked you better a wee bit further away..." She inches to her left a little, putting a hair's more distance between herself and the two wizards and with that she claps her hands together as she intones, "Detono!"A Thunderwave unleashing out from her and crashing into the golem.
Assuming that the golem gets pushed back, the elf breaks north, towards the staircase to keep an eye out for those emerging soon hopefully. But if it doesn't get pushed away, she would stay put in front of it.
Movement: 5 feet to be directly North of the top golem. And possibly 20/25 feet towards the stairs but not blocking them. Action:Thunderwave spell at 1st level. DC 14 CON Save or it takes 13 Thunder Damage.
Rancarves chunks off of the Clay Gladiator in the tunnels, but it doesn't halt its advance. It parriesMeili'sboomerings, deflecting them with its spear.
Up above, Nalomanterys' stone is easily deflected, but Danica'sthunderwave forces the golem back. Eligos moves first back, then closer to Nalomanterys, trying to keep the pit between him and the enemy. He extends a palm toward the Clay Gladiator, unleashing a small ball of flame.
Down below, the golem continues to advance to Ran, stabbing out again with its spear.
Spear Attack: 24 Piercing Damage: 11
[That looks to be enough to drop Ran.]
The golem then strides over the fallen warrior, following Meiliand Micain their retreat to the surface.
Above, the golem pushed back by Danicafollows her with its clay eyes, but then turns toward the closest foe, Eligos. It circles the pit while Eligos backs up into Nalomanterys. "Move! Move! Move!"
It strikes out three times with its spear.
Spear Attack: 18 Piercing Damage: 11
Spear Attack: 13 Piercing Damage: 6
Spear Attack: 22 Piercing Damage: 11
Eligos summons a spectral shield to defend himself, but it is only able repel one of the blow. With the last spear thrust, Eligos collapses at Nalomanterysfeet. The Clay Gladiator levels its eyes at him next.
The Party is back up! Ran and Eligos are down. Ran isn't visible, though the appearance of the golem at the bottom of the stairs without Ran is a bad sign.
[I wasn't sure if Ran planned to move this turn after Micaand Meilimoved. The golem's first attack hit for 11, so whether it was an AOO when Rantried to move, or its first attack on Ran at the start of the turn, it was going to knock him down either way.]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Mica is shocked to see that one of the clay golems beat him to the chamber above and is attacking the wizards, and it doesn’t get much better when he hears the last golem approach from the bottom of the stairs. “Meili, watch one coming up the stairs. Coming behind you Nalomanterys, make a hole and try to drag Eligos out of there.” Mica moves forward, squeezing past Nalomanterys and stands over the prone form of Eligos, treating the golem as a favored foe and trying to drive it back under the blow of his handaxes.
Attack: 16 Damage: 9.
Attack: 9 Damage: 9.
Bonus Action Attack: 14 Damage: 8.
Plus 2 Colossus Slayer damage plus 6 favored foe damage.
Nalomanterys pulls Eligos out from under Mica's feet (back 5 feet) and turns to Meili: "Ms. Meili, your healing is needed here! I can check on Mr. Deadgleam!"
Nalomanterys then jumps into the pit, which should still be lit by his dancing lights and casts feather fall on himself. If he has the movement, he will head up the stairs to find Ran and apply a potion of healing (greater) ((can't remember how to link items, as usual. it's a miracle I know spell))
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Meili turned at the sound of Nalomanterys' voice and, seeing the helpless Eligos, rushed to the wizards to avert disaster. Her first priority was to stop the bleeding and bring Eligos back to consciousness.
[Looking at Nalomanterys' proposed actions, I don't think he can administer a potion to Ran this round.
It looks like:
Free object interaction: Grab and drag Eligos.
Dragging another medium creatures = movement cost doubled.
5' of dragging = 10/30' movement used.
5' of movement back to hole = 15/30' movement used.
Reaction: Featherfall
Final 15' of movement = 30/30' movement used and Nalomanterysis still 10' away from Ran'sunconscious body down the tunnel.
Nalomanterys still has an Action and Bonus Action, but he needs the Action to administer the potion to Ranand I don't see a way for any Bonus Action to get him there 10' faster.
If he wants to use an Action or a Bonus Action he still has it in the bag, but for now I have him 10' away from Ran.]
Micagets between the others and the golem, but his axes fail to damage the construct.
With Meili'sspiritual healing, Eligos wakes up groggily. Almost immediately he jolts, looking back at the golem that nearly killed him. He crawls back 15' along the ground to the other side of the pit, then hurls a fire bolt at the Clay Gladiator.
Spell Attack: 26 Fire Damage: 8
[Danicais still up this round, and there is no one left between her and the golem advancing up the stairs. Of the golems, the one squared up with Micais looking nearly destroyed, while the one coming up the stairs is more intact, though still damaged.]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
((Thanks for the breakdown of my turn, it's much appreciated. My reading of this rule is that, since the text limiting how many spells you can cast in a turn only appears under the bonus action spells subsection, that it doesn't apply to action spell or reaction spells, and thus I could cast an action spell and a reaction spell in the same turn. That feels like it could be sloppy writing though and not RAI, and in any case I obviously defer to the DM for all rule interpretations. DM, do you agree with my reading? If so, I would cast feather fall and wither and bloom on the same turn))
Nalomanterys drops down the chute that the golem so recently climbed up, looking for Ran. Not seeing him immediately, he rushes toward what must be the stairwell. Nalomanterys knows that Ran must be around the corner because Nalomanterys had a clear view of the stairwell from the ground floor, and so he casts wither and bloom, not aiming at any enemies but rather solely at Ran. A sickly magical vine is conjured, but without any enemies to feed it, it drips out only a pitiful drop of healing salve. (hopefully Ran can roll a healing die if DM approves this)
((Alternatively, if I can't cast both spells, Nalomanterys simply dashes and hopes to feed Ran the potion next turn.))
[DM: wither and bloom would work. I had thought the spell required enemies to be in the area of effect, but it doesn't say that anywhere in the rules. So yes, you can use it like a ranged healing spell. So Ran can roll one unspent hit die and regain that + 2 HP.]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Not seeing Ran come up but hearing the chaos of the wizards being attacked behind her as Meili rushed to heal Eligos. Danica was starting to feel even more tense and twitchy until she saw Nalomanterys pull the crazy stunt of jumping down into the pit, yet she didn't hear the sound of wizardly bones breaking, so she imagined that he pulled some sort of fancy spellcraft and has things handled. Feeling bolstered by everyone's bold moves, the elf trusts that Mica and Meili would handle the one that managed to get up through the grate and she focused on the one coming up the stairs. Raising a hand up, a flash of starry light streaks from her palm towards the formidable clay being coming towards her before she pulls out a small bit of parchment from her belt, tossing it up into the air as she quickly muttered a prayer in Elvish, quickly casting a Shield of Faith on herself. Drawing her scimitar, Danica readies her shield as she steps forward to block the stairway by stepping down into it, glaring down at the golem, ready for whatever it could throw at her.
((So trying to skirt around the rules that say "On a turn, you can expend only one spell slot to cast a spell. This rule means you can’t, for example, cast a spell with a spell slot using the Magic action and another one using a Bonus Action on the same turn." By using Danica's Star Map to cast Guiding Bolt without a spell slot, taking up one of the three times a long rest she can do that so I can still cast that as well as do BA protection spell. Let me know if that doesn't fly though. ....Looks like it doesn't matter anyways lol, but would still be good to know for future reference.))
Action:Guiding Bolt Natural 1 for total of 7 to Hit. Bonus Action:Shield of Faith for AC total of 18 while maintaining Concentration. Movement: Forward 10 feet into stairwell to block golem.
Casting an irritated glance sidelong at Eligos' unfriendly comments to Nalomanterys, Danica focuses back below them. The sailor directs as much healing energy as she think she can spare for now to Ran, seeing that he was in the rear and moves to keep Ran in her line of sight to cast. Channeling Selune's Divinity, the elf then calls out, "Sanitatem!" As soon as she finishes casting, Danica turns to the staircase leading downwards, making sure not to block the exit, but waiting just to the right of it, waiting for the rest of the crew to emerge. "Nal, let me know if those golems back off." Clearly about to do something if they didn't.
Action: Channel Divinity to heal Ran for 10.
Bonus Action: 2nd Level Healing Word to heal Ran for 16.
Movement: Whatever is needed to keep Ran in line of sight to heal and then to the "north" of the map to be just to the right of the stairway exit.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
Ran slips to the side to let Mica and Meili move further up the stairs, and keeps his eyes on the golems. Suddenly he feels his wounds begin knitting themselves together. He's still banged up, but Ran feels like he's ready for another go at these golems.
Nalomanterys the Great prickles at the insult to his moniker. He impulsively grabs for a palm full of bat guano from his pouch and smears it on his hand. He pauses for a moment, contemplating the use of this much magic on the remaining foes, then grabs a hunk of sulfur with his other hand and strikes it across the guano. A scintilla of flame drifts toward the golems and when it reaches them, Naomanterys shouts "Incendo!" The mote of fire erupts at the wizard's command, engulfing the two golems. fireball
DC 15 dex save or 28 fire damage. Half as much on a success.
((If timing is a problem, Nalomanterys readies the spell until all his allied leave. He aims so as not to hit his allies.))
He pointedly doesn't look at Eligos after his spell.
Saves: 12, 18, 19
The basement is filled with a concussive blast and roar from Nalomanterys' fireball. Ran, Meili and Mica are forced to squint and turn away from the heat, while flames lick upward through the hole up into the main floor chamber. The most damaged golem crumbles away to nothing, its spear clattering to the floor of the gladiatorial chamber. The remaining two Clay Gladiators shrug off the blast and pursue their quarry. One follows the retreating warriors down the hall toward the stairs. Catching up with Ran, it attacks three times with its spear.
The other golem, rather than pursue down the hall, turns its gaze upward. Alarmingly, it reaches out and grabs the walls of the pit and effortlessly climbs upward at walking speed. It emerges from the top of the pit alongside Danica and, without so much as a pause or hesitation, turns its spear upon her while Eligos and Nalomanterys can only watch in horror from the other side.
Mercifully, its attacks seem a little slower than before, perhaps due to all of the damage the golem has taken. It fails to get past Danica's defenses.
The Party is back up!
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran grunt at the two fresh spear wounds; wounds that reopen only recently healed gashes.
"Shake a leg back there," Ran says over his shoulder to Mica and Meili, knowing he can't move until they do.
Happy to be only facing one of the golems, even if he does so while blood pours down his side, Ran slashes out with Gambit, then stabs with his other long sword, before following through with a slash from Gambit again.
Action - Attack w/ Gambit: (12+9) = 21 for (4+6) = 10 magical slashing
Extra Attack - Gambit: (10+9) = 19 for (3+6) = 9 magical slashing
Bonus Action - Dual Wield - Longsword: (16+8) = 24 for (4+5) = 9 slashing
Unable to do much about the golem in front of Ran with both he and Meili in front of him in the narrow hallway, Mica continues to climb the stairs to rejoin the others in the chamber above, pausing only to smear a poultice on the worst of his wounds.
Moves full 35 foot movement up the stairs and into the chamber toward Danica.
Cures wounds for 8.
Nalomanterys gawks as the stone man simply clambers up the shaft. "Good Gracious!" But surprise returns to focus as the golem begins striking out at Danica. The wizard quickly counters with a snap catapult (rank 2, so as not to be upstaged by the Red).
DC 15 dex save or 24 magic bludgeoning damage.
Meili followed Mica to give Ran some room to attack or retreat (past Mica, in fact, so Ran could truly move). Before she did it, however, she thew the boomerang, adding her meager attack to the fight:
Attack: 27 Damage: 9
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Gods be good, the magic of the weapon would push the clay monstrosity back a bit, letting Ran move away.
[Technically, damage from the boomerang is bludgeoning and works with Crusher feat]
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
At the sudden explosion birthed forth in the pit, Danica instinctively raised a hand to defend against the light and heat, eyebrows raised at Nalomanterys as she murmurs none too quietly with a bit of friendly humor, "Corellon's Crown Nal, I think he was just takin' the piss. If this is just you miffed, I'd hate to see you fumin'."
But she soon had more important things to focus on, like the construct climbing up the wall like nothing, right up to the pit's surface in front of her.
Having put up her bow seeing how ineffective it seemed to be against against their foes, Danica hurriedly brings up her shield as the golem attempts to stab at her multiple times. "Och! You got a face like a melted boot now that I get a look atcha. I think I liked you better a wee bit further away..." She inches to her left a little, putting a hair's more distance between herself and the two wizards and with that she claps her hands together as she intones, "Detono!" A Thunderwave unleashing out from her and crashing into the golem.
Assuming that the golem gets pushed back, the elf breaks north, towards the staircase to keep an eye out for those emerging soon hopefully. But if it doesn't get pushed away, she would stay put in front of it.
Movement: 5 feet to be directly North of the top golem. And possibly 20/25 feet towards the stairs but not blocking them.
Action: Thunderwave spell at 1st level. DC 14 CON Save or it takes 13 Thunder Damage.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
[Saves: DEX: 16 CON: 9]
Ran carves chunks off of the Clay Gladiator in the tunnels, but it doesn't halt its advance. It parries Meili's boomerings, deflecting them with its spear.
Up above, Nalomanterys' stone is easily deflected, but Danica's thunderwave forces the golem back. Eligos moves first back, then closer to Nalomanterys, trying to keep the pit between him and the enemy. He extends a palm toward the Clay Gladiator, unleashing a small ball of flame.
fire bolt: 24 Fire Damage: 12
Down below, the golem continues to advance to Ran, stabbing out again with its spear.
[That looks to be enough to drop Ran.]
The golem then strides over the fallen warrior, following Meili and Mica in their retreat to the surface.
Above, the golem pushed back by Danica follows her with its clay eyes, but then turns toward the closest foe, Eligos. It circles the pit while Eligos backs up into Nalomanterys. "Move! Move! Move!"
It strikes out three times with its spear.
Eligos summons a spectral shield to defend himself, but it is only able repel one of the blow. With the last spear thrust, Eligos collapses at Nalomanterys feet. The Clay Gladiator levels its eyes at him next.
The Party is back up! Ran and Eligos are down. Ran isn't visible, though the appearance of the golem at the bottom of the stairs without Ran is a bad sign.
[I wasn't sure if Ran planned to move this turn after Mica and Meili moved. The golem's first attack hit for 11, so whether it was an AOO when Ran tried to move, or its first attack on Ran at the start of the turn, it was going to knock him down either way.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran - Death Save 1: 7
Mica is shocked to see that one of the clay golems beat him to the chamber above and is attacking the wizards, and it doesn’t get much better when he hears the last golem approach from the bottom of the stairs. “Meili, watch one coming up the stairs. Coming behind you Nalomanterys, make a hole and try to drag Eligos out of there.” Mica moves forward, squeezing past Nalomanterys and stands over the prone form of Eligos, treating the golem as a favored foe and trying to drive it back under the blow of his handaxes.
Attack: 16 Damage: 9.
Attack: 9 Damage: 9.
Bonus Action Attack: 14 Damage: 8.
Plus 2 Colossus Slayer damage plus 6 favored foe damage.
Nalomanterys pulls Eligos out from under Mica's feet (back 5 feet) and turns to Meili: "Ms. Meili, your healing is needed here! I can check on Mr. Deadgleam!"
Nalomanterys then jumps into the pit, which should still be lit by his dancing lights and casts feather fall on himself. If he has the movement, he will head up the stairs to find Ran and apply a potion of healing (greater) ((can't remember how to link items, as usual. it's a miracle I know spell))
Meili turned at the sound of Nalomanterys' voice and, seeing the helpless Eligos, rushed to the wizards to avert disaster. Her first priority was to stop the bleeding and bring Eligos back to consciousness.
Hand of Healing for 4 (for 1 ki)
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
[Looking at Nalomanterys' proposed actions, I don't think he can administer a potion to Ran this round.
It looks like:
Nalomanterys still has an Action and Bonus Action, but he needs the Action to administer the potion to Ran and I don't see a way for any Bonus Action to get him there 10' faster.
If he wants to use an Action or a Bonus Action he still has it in the bag, but for now I have him 10' away from Ran.]
Mica gets between the others and the golem, but his axes fail to damage the construct.
With Meili's spiritual healing, Eligos wakes up groggily. Almost immediately he jolts, looking back at the golem that nearly killed him. He crawls back 15' along the ground to the other side of the pit, then hurls a fire bolt at the Clay Gladiator.
Spell Attack: 26 Fire Damage: 8
[Danica is still up this round, and there is no one left between her and the golem advancing up the stairs. Of the golems, the one squared up with Mica is looking nearly destroyed, while the one coming up the stairs is more intact, though still damaged.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
((Thanks for the breakdown of my turn, it's much appreciated. My reading of this rule is that, since the text limiting how many spells you can cast in a turn only appears under the bonus action spells subsection, that it doesn't apply to action spell or reaction spells, and thus I could cast an action spell and a reaction spell in the same turn. That feels like it could be sloppy writing though and not RAI, and in any case I obviously defer to the DM for all rule interpretations. DM, do you agree with my reading? If so, I would cast feather fall and wither and bloom on the same turn))
Nalomanterys drops down the chute that the golem so recently climbed up, looking for Ran. Not seeing him immediately, he rushes toward what must be the stairwell. Nalomanterys knows that Ran must be around the corner because Nalomanterys had a clear view of the stairwell from the ground floor, and so he casts wither and bloom, not aiming at any enemies but rather solely at Ran. A sickly magical vine is conjured, but without any enemies to feed it, it drips out only a pitiful drop of healing salve. (hopefully Ran can roll a healing die if DM approves this)
((Alternatively, if I can't cast both spells, Nalomanterys simply dashes and hopes to feed Ran the potion next turn.))
[DM: wither and bloom would work. I had thought the spell required enemies to be in the area of effect, but it doesn't say that anywhere in the rules. So yes, you can use it like a ranged healing spell. So Ran can roll one unspent hit die and regain that + 2 HP.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran HD: 9
Ran coughs and opens his eyes. He looks up at the ceiling, feeling the stairs under his back.
”This is turning into a long bloody day.”
Not seeing Ran come up but hearing the chaos of the wizards being attacked behind her as Meili rushed to heal Eligos. Danica was starting to feel even more tense and twitchy until she saw Nalomanterys pull the crazy stunt of jumping down into the pit, yet she didn't hear the sound of wizardly bones breaking, so she imagined that he pulled some sort of fancy spellcraft and has things handled. Feeling bolstered by everyone's bold moves, the elf trusts that Mica and Meili would handle the one that managed to get up through the grate and she focused on the one coming up the stairs. Raising a hand up, a flash of starry light streaks from her palm towards the formidable clay being coming towards her before she pulls out a small bit of parchment from her belt, tossing it up into the air as she quickly muttered a prayer in Elvish, quickly casting a Shield of Faith on herself. Drawing her scimitar, Danica readies her shield as she steps forward to block the stairway by stepping down into it, glaring down at the golem, ready for whatever it could throw at her.
((So trying to skirt around the rules that say "On a turn, you can expend only one spell slot to cast a spell. This rule means you can’t, for example, cast a spell with a spell slot using the Magic action and another one using a Bonus Action on the same turn." By using Danica's Star Map to cast Guiding Bolt without a spell slot, taking up one of the three times a long rest she can do that so I can still cast that as well as do BA protection spell. Let me know if that doesn't fly though. ....Looks like it doesn't matter anyways lol, but would still be good to know for future reference.))
Action: Guiding Bolt Natural 1 for total of 7 to Hit.
Bonus Action: Shield of Faith for AC total of 18 while maintaining Concentration.
Movement: Forward 10 feet into stairwell to block golem.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation