Joren makes no outward acknowledgement of Vilus' telepathic signal, ambling along as if nothing is amiss. Looking bored.
Nevertheless, he follows the warlock's lead into the alley as if it is the obvious path to the party's destination, pulling the cart and motioning everyone else to follow along. He summons his echo within a nearby building to the side of the alley, hopefully out of sight of the beggar but 30' closer.
Malachi responds to Samir’s message telepathically without slowing his pace. “I know, I see him too. Don’t make any sudden moves, I will see what he is up too.” Malachi pulls a copper coin from his pouch, running it across his fingers as he reaches out mentally to search the man’s mind.
Ashley continues to follow, but starts to get confused when they veer away from the path to tunnel. She almost asks, but looking around at her friends faces and their seriousness, she holds her tongue and looks around to see what might be going on.
Nothing seems outwardly amiss to Ashley, new as she is to crowds and cities like this.
Malachi hears in his mind:
I must find out where they are going or where they came from or where they are going so I can report back. I'll be spotted if I follow them down that alley, so I should circle around the block and follow them on the other side.
After setting up in the alley, a moment goes by, but the beggar does not appear at the mouth of the alley.
As they find themselves alone in the alley, Malachi hisses a whisper to the others. “We are being followed, but they are not coming into the alley, they are going around the block to pick us up as we exit the alley on the other side. I don’t know who they are or who sent them, but from reading his thoughts it doesn’t appear that he knows where we are going or where we are coming from. The shop is safe for now at least.” Malachi looks toward the other end of the narrow alley “What should we do about him?”
"Nothing for the moment," Samir hisses. "If he's waiting for us to come out over there, I say we go back to our original route and let him wait there until his nose falls off."
Understanding now why her friends were acting so weird and frustrated a bit that she didn't pick up on it, she raises an eyebrow to Samir's comment, "Till his nose falls off? Well, that's a new one for me. But either way, I agree with heading back the way we came and get down into the tunnels with Marigold. I don't want to fight with them in tow and who knows who else might show up."
"they likely wouldn't just send one, I told you before, our every move in the open will be watched" Vilus sneers in frustration, before he puts marigold down for a moment and starts rummaging through a pile of old crates and what looks like a makeshift lean-to for the homeless in this alley.
"there's a usual path around this alley to the right, so we need to exit this alley the way we came in and head the opposite way, but some of you are too recognisable particularly you Joren. Here put these on." Vilus grumbles at the group tossing a couple of sets of ragged clothes out towards them. And half wrapping Marigold in a tattered sheet. "I'll lead, I know their lookout spots and paths, walk with hasty impatience not confidence, this is how we blend in." With that Vilus changes form again becoming a tall rather butch half elf with dirty long hair and a couple days worth of a scraggly unkempt beard. Then he picks the wrapped Marigold up once more to assist Joren, and moves the group off and away from the tail that they had acquired.
Frowning, Ashley picks up one of the large pieces of clothing to wrap herself in. She rubs her hands in the dirt and smears some over her face and forearms, any of her reddish skin that is showing. "You're sure about this?" she questions Vilus. "You've been pretty wound up and paranoid, for good reason,"she quickly adds at the end, "But now you seem more in control but well, I'm still worried."
"when the world is suddenly out to get you, the only sane response is paranoia... It's lucky that I know how they work, their methods, their training, all of it is mine too." Vilus says trying to remain simply unemotional and methodical.
The disguises and the roundabout route seem to do the trick. No more tails are spotted for the remainder of the trip. Though Vilus does recognize another spotter on the side of the road, he is certain they do not take notice.
They manage to reach the entrance to the sewers with their cart and Marigold in tow. The opening is large enough for Marigold's cocoon to fit through, but it will be awkward.
Happy that no one has followed them that she can see, "I'll be the look out, I'm not very strong if you guys want to get that cocoon through the opening."
And assuming they follow suit, Ashley leans against the building trying to look like a beggar as she watches for people.
Joren shoulders Marigold's cocoon so that the others are free to act (whether it is Ashley keeping an exterior lookout or the others looking ahead to where they are going) asking for Marion's help if necessary to carry the load.
Marion drops solidly into the sewers below with a splash and reaches up for the cocoon, which Joren begins lowering down (Joren, make an athletics check for me.) As Ashley stands guard at the entrance to the alley, she sees a guard walking by on patrol.
He looks over, hearing some sounds of exertion from the alleyway as he nears its mouth, though he looks undecided as to whether it's suspicious enough to warrant investigation.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
“Wait”Malachi places a hand on Marion’s shoulder as they prepare to maneuver the cocoon into the sewer. “I will slip in first to watch your back as you and Joren move Marigold.” He drops into the sewer and stands guard as the others move in.
Vilus, glad that the tail has been lost stands guard with Ashley, changing his appearance once again, this time to that of one of the remaining council members, in case the approaching guards try to make trouble
Vilus leads them down a quiet alley wide alley just wide enough for their wagon, and the group prepares to confront their pursuer.
(How would you like to be set up in anticipation?)
Joren makes no outward acknowledgement of Vilus' telepathic signal, ambling along as if nothing is amiss. Looking bored.
Nevertheless, he follows the warlock's lead into the alley as if it is the obvious path to the party's destination, pulling the cart and motioning everyone else to follow along. He summons his echo within a nearby building to the side of the alley, hopefully out of sight of the beggar but 30' closer.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Malachi responds to Samir’s message telepathically without slowing his pace. “I know, I see him too. Don’t make any sudden moves, I will see what he is up too.” Malachi pulls a copper coin from his pouch, running it across his fingers as he reaches out mentally to search the man’s mind.
Ashley continues to follow, but starts to get confused when they veer away from the path to tunnel. She almost asks, but looking around at her friends faces and their seriousness, she holds her tongue and looks around to see what might be going on.
Perception: 11
Nothing seems outwardly amiss to Ashley, new as she is to crowds and cities like this.
Malachi hears in his mind:
I must find out where they are going or where they came from or where they are going so I can report back. I'll be spotted if I follow them down that alley, so I should circle around the block and follow them on the other side.
After setting up in the alley, a moment goes by, but the beggar does not appear at the mouth of the alley.
As they find themselves alone in the alley, Malachi hisses a whisper to the others. “We are being followed, but they are not coming into the alley, they are going around the block to pick us up as we exit the alley on the other side. I don’t know who they are or who sent them, but from reading his thoughts it doesn’t appear that he knows where we are going or where we are coming from. The shop is safe for now at least.” Malachi looks toward the other end of the narrow alley “What should we do about him?”
"Nothing for the moment," Samir hisses. "If he's waiting for us to come out over there, I say we go back to our original route and let him wait there until his nose falls off."
Understanding now why her friends were acting so weird and frustrated a bit that she didn't pick up on it, she raises an eyebrow to Samir's comment, "Till his nose falls off? Well, that's a new one for me. But either way, I agree with heading back the way we came and get down into the tunnels with Marigold. I don't want to fight with them in tow and who knows who else might show up."
"they likely wouldn't just send one, I told you before, our every move in the open will be watched" Vilus sneers in frustration, before he puts marigold down for a moment and starts rummaging through a pile of old crates and what looks like a makeshift lean-to for the homeless in this alley.
Joren looks from Vilus to his other companions and back. A little puzzled, he clears his throat as he steadies Marigold on the cart.
"So what are we doing? I can send my echo to the other side of the alley to be knocking out the beggar, then we can be watching for others?"
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
"there's a usual path around this alley to the right, so we need to exit this alley the way we came in and head the opposite way, but some of you are too recognisable particularly you Joren. Here put these on." Vilus grumbles at the group tossing a couple of sets of ragged clothes out towards them. And half wrapping Marigold in a tattered sheet. "I'll lead, I know their lookout spots and paths, walk with hasty impatience not confidence, this is how we blend in." With that Vilus changes form again becoming a tall rather butch half elf with dirty long hair and a couple days worth of a scraggly unkempt beard. Then he picks the wrapped Marigold up once more to assist Joren, and moves the group off and away from the tail that they had acquired.
Frowning, Ashley picks up one of the large pieces of clothing to wrap herself in. She rubs her hands in the dirt and smears some over her face and forearms, any of her reddish skin that is showing. "You're sure about this?" she questions Vilus. "You've been pretty wound up and paranoid, for good reason," she quickly adds at the end, "But now you seem more in control but well, I'm still worried."
"when the world is suddenly out to get you, the only sane response is paranoia... It's lucky that I know how they work, their methods, their training, all of it is mine too." Vilus says trying to remain simply unemotional and methodical.
The disguises and the roundabout route seem to do the trick. No more tails are spotted for the remainder of the trip. Though Vilus does recognize another spotter on the side of the road, he is certain they do not take notice.
They manage to reach the entrance to the sewers with their cart and Marigold in tow. The opening is large enough for Marigold's cocoon to fit through, but it will be awkward.
Happy that no one has followed them that she can see, "I'll be the look out, I'm not very strong if you guys want to get that cocoon through the opening."
And assuming they follow suit, Ashley leans against the building trying to look like a beggar as she watches for people.
Joren shoulders Marigold's cocoon so that the others are free to act (whether it is Ashley keeping an exterior lookout or the others looking ahead to where they are going) asking for Marion's help if necessary to carry the load.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Marion drops solidly into the sewers below with a splash and reaches up for the cocoon, which Joren begins lowering down (Joren, make an athletics check for me.) As Ashley stands guard at the entrance to the alley, she sees a guard walking by on patrol.
He looks over, hearing some sounds of exertion from the alleyway as he nears its mouth, though he looks undecided as to whether it's suspicious enough to warrant investigation.
Joren's Athletics - to heft Marigold's cocoon with Marion: 17
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
“Wait” Malachi places a hand on Marion’s shoulder as they prepare to maneuver the cocoon into the sewer. “I will slip in first to watch your back as you and Joren move Marigold.” He drops into the sewer and stands guard as the others move in.
Perception: 18.
Vilus, glad that the tail has been lost stands guard with Ashley, changing his appearance once again, this time to that of one of the remaining council members, in case the approaching guards try to make trouble