"well maybe it's because he couldn't keep his genocidal ideas in his pants, it doesn't really matter why right now, what matters is how we stop him, and the first answer to that is getting out of here..." Vilus states as he rubs his temples, wanting very much to be away from this woman.
"I think it is mattering, Vilus, the Why. At least to me. It is mattering what Razmus' motivations are, as well as those of his sworn enemies. If we were not having the Blue Lady's guidance, for Ashley at least, I am not certain of reaching or surviving the Heart of Fire and the Gloazen Queen. If Razmus' unquenched thirst for revenge is still threatening the Blue Lady and Red Huntsman, either one or both may aid us further in some way."
Joren straightens. "Anyway. Finding a ship to Madurst is sounding like as good a plan as any. I admit that the threat I just heard to my Khirian homeland in the Dalmodh Plains, and the manipulation of our Khorinian goliath enemies north of the Veil Mountains will be weighing heavy in my heart. Not that my countrymen would be heeding an exile's warnings of peril. The threat to the cities of the Venn Canal is seeming more immediate."
(Joren makes sure his notes and makeshift map of the locations of all the red dots shown by the Hydaelym are complete).
As his gaze shifts to Marigold, Joren sighs. He had promised no immediate harm would come to the arboreally transformed woman, now stuck with an apparently split personality to go with her anguish and loneliness. "I am not knowing what to do with her, though."
Samir echoes Joren's sigh himself, his eyes lingering on what was once Marigold. "Is there, perhaps... Ashley, do you think we might coax the cocoon back into pulling... her... back into sleep? It seems less cruel - and perhaps safer - than simply leaving her like this."
"Sleep... that... doesn't frighten me as much as death," Marigold says.
Joren finishes his map with as much precision as he can, marking down a total of 6 dots or clusters (Hard to differentiate when people are apparently standing too close to one another) in the city. 2 in the rows, 1 near the water front, and another in the upper district not far from the eastern gate, along with 2 in Tensmith. He also gets the 11 marks outside of either city.
Ashley sighs and nods to Samir. She kneels down to the woman, unsure how she feels about her and whole situation. But she understands her friends and they aren't cruel, no matter what this woman did.
Taking out another of her seeds, she hands it to her and using her magically laced words"take this pill and go to sleep." She figures this will complete the transfiguration and hopefully the woman will sleep through it.
"C'mon, lets go." and she starts heading out of the tunnel.
Marigold tentatively opens her mouth, and the seed drops in. It is visible through gaps in the branches where her left ribs once were, tumbling through the growth underneath before coming to rest. Tiny roots emerge and latch onto the wood within, and Marigold’s eyes droop closed.
Ashley reaches the door, and as she begins to move through it, she sees down the tunnel from her, is a massive cave bear, quietly and blindly snuffling along.
Ashley sighs as she watches the seed work it's magic and Marigold falls asleep. She wasn't sure this was the right answer, but at the same time, they needed to move on, there were things that needed done.
Seeing the massive cave bear she turns around and puts her finger to her lips to signal quiet and attempts to communicate cave bear down the tunnel with hand motions and such (sort of a crude charade game). Finally she whispers, "Shall we run?"
Joren inclines his head in solemn approval as Ashley's spell and seed do their work. Then squints at her trying to comprehend her hand signals.
Once he understands regarding the bear, tries to signal back to everyone, whispering if necessary, not wishing to slay, or even fight, an innocent beast who is seemingly just looking for food: if it is not knowing we are here, it may just be continuing on, bypassing us if we close the door?
Keeping his echo summoned, Joren peeks down the tunnel in an attempt to gauge whether the creature's path and behavior would lead near to the door where the party is located, whether its sense of smell would alert it to the party's proximity when close even if the party remains silent.
Joren knows that usually wild animals will be hesitant to attack creatures outside their food chain unless they are cornered, protecting territory, or hungry. He knows for sure that the first two are not the case, but he is almost certain this cave bear is starving. It has been roaming around lost for some time now, and from the way it is sniffing, it is trying to find food. It will be led right to them by their scent.
Vilus takes his daggers back out just in case, and tries to move stealthily, attempting to get a better position to attack from the door and safeguard the group, should the bear charge to attack. Though the acoustics of a chamber leading to a tunnel has an annoying habit of focusing noise and echoing the smallest of movements.
Joren's whispered drawl is only slightly exasperated at Vilus. Mostly just matter-of-fact, with a little smile to (hopefully) show he means no offense.
"If it is coming to a straight fight, I am hoping we have been together long enough to know that Vilus in front with his knives is not our best tactic. I am better armored with a better weapon, but even I should be hanging back behind, with my echo up at the choke point. The rest of you firing at range."
"Yet it is only a beast, not evil, just driven to desperation by hunger. It will be scenting us soon enough, but the best outcome being diverting it with food. Sending it off a different way. Perhaps either with me echo-swapping past it and dropping food in the opposite direction then echo-swapping back, or if one of you is having magic to achieve something similar. I am having a few rations..."
Joren holds his Dunamis Blade in one hand while fishing rations from his pack. He looks to the others for other ideas on how to divert the huge bear. He stations his echo just inside the door and tries not to worry about what happens once the party is gone and the bear returns to find a sleeping Marigold...
Vilus' rolls his eyes and stows his daggers, then approaches joten, handing over two more portions of stale rations, "go ahead, this is all I got though, and if you get caught short drop the food and echo swap outta there!."
The bear stops snuffling along the ground and lifts up its head to test the air. Its small eyes are completely cloudy and white, practically blind. With so little light down here, it hunts through its other senses.
and it seems to have caught the party’s trail. With a purpose, it stalks towards the entrance of the room, now 15 feet away from the door, long nails scraping and clacking against the stone floor
Joren growls in frustration as he sees the huge, blind cave bear charging towards their door. Instinctively he pushes his echo up to engage the bear, but moving it past the bear so it is just on the other side, behind the creature. The half-dwarven warrior himself exits and stands just past the door, guarding his companions' potential path of egress, gripping the rations from his pack (and any he could snag from Vilus) in one hand. Not attempting to move quietly himself, he throws the ration packs as far down the tunnel past the bear (and past his echo) as he can, with an intention to eventually divert it.
Joren'sAthletics to throw rations down the tunnel past the cave bear (and his echo), hopefully scattering them at a distance back behind the beast: 19
If he still has his Action available after that, he makes two non-lethal attacks from his echo's position (behind the cave bear) with the flat of his Dunamis Blade on the bear's head, intending to divert it and make it turn around to confront its assailant. Joren himself remains 10' in front of the bear.
"Quickly, exiting the door behind me and escaping the other way down the tunnel, opposite way from which the bear is coming. I will be diverting it if I can with the carrot and stick of some food and non-lethal forceful discouragement. Hoping it gets the message!"
IF Joren still has his Action available after throwing throwing the rations, and he can act fully (which he may not be able to until we roll for Initiative):
Attack 1: from echo's position behindcave bear, non-lethal to make it turn and engage the echo, giving the party an chance to escape the other way (?) Dunamis Blade to hit: 15 Dunamis Blade damage: 13 magical slashing (or perhaps bludgeoning with flat of blade - non-lethal)
Attack 2: from echo's position behindcave bear, non-lethal to make it turn and engage the echo, giving the party an chance to escape the other way (?) Dunamis Blade to hit: 10 Dunamis Blade damage: 11 magical slashing (or perhaps bludgeoning with flat of blade - non-lethal)
He holds his Dunamis Blade cross-wise and low, ready to trip the cave bear from his echo's position IF it continues its forward charge. (Due to Joren'sSentinel feat, a potential Opportunity Attack hit from Joren's echo's position if the bear continues its forward charge drops its movement to zero).
Remarkably, the bear’s head tracks the ration packets flying over its head, despite its blindness. Then it growls threateningly at Joren. The first attack smacks its sensitive rump, and it turns around snarling, backing out of reach of the second swipe before lunging forward with its powerful jaws. They close around the echo, banishing it to mist. Then the bears runs down the hallway towards the rations, spinning around again with a growl, taking up a defensive posture
Joren can see down the hallway leading towards the caves and away from the bear that there are three other doors on the wall opposite the one to the map room, all closed and made from sturdy looking wood.
The bear remains hunkered down, listening, sniffing, and growling. Joren can see it is trying to gauge the threat. It hasn’t fully decided to attack, retreat, or hold its ground.
Joren's voice remains a growl, but the volume rises and he tries to sound as ferocious as possible. Attempting to imitate a cornered beast such as a giant badger defending its territory (or perhaps its young), as if conveying STAY OUT for the bear's benefit. But his words are for his companions.
"Trying to divert it so it is leaving us and Marigold alone. Rest of you trying those other doors. Going around the bear out to the exit, I am hoping?"
Joren advances to within 15' of the cave bear and then (very audibly) comes to a stop. as if near the edge of his territory. He re-summons his echo and moves it 30' away from himself, once again behind the bear. The echo stands diagonally to the side behind the bear, ready to make a Sentinel opportunity attack, but holds his peace for now. Not blocking the bear in case it should decide to retreat and go for the thrown rations.
Movement: Up to 30' ahead, closing to within 15' of the cave bear before coming to a loud, stomping, obviously audible stop. Bonus Action: Re-summon echo (15' away) and move it around the cave bear to a position just behind it, ready to make a Sentinel attack of opportunity. Action: Jorendodges. Attacks against him (but not attacks against his echo) are at disadvantage and he has advantage on DEX saves. Free Action: (Growling loudly from his stationary position and hoping it's enough, in combination with the previously thrown rations!)
Samir crosses to the nearest of the other doors, following Joren's direction to move. However, rather than trying the door at first, he turns back to the warrior and with a whispered word adds his own contribution. A second growl joins Joren's, this one emanating from empty air as Samir weaves an illusion, intending to make it sound like there is not one potential animal defending it's territory, but at least two large dangerous ones, punctuated with an sort of coughing bark that he imagines a massive badger or the like would have.
Vilus heads on over to the second door, thinking that if the first is locked then the second might not be, what the group need now is to just head into the first available passage out of here, not stand around trying to pick locks. He tests door two.
Faced with increasing resistance, and with food behind it, the bear backs up, not turning from Joren, and seemingly unaware of the echo that it passes. It reaches the rations and stops, shoulder braced menacingly.
If Samir tries the door, he will find it locked, Vilus is likewise unable to open his door, though it seems a deadbolt on the other side is responsible.
Imagining the location of the deadbolt on the other side Vilus guestimates several measurements before summoning a mage hand on the other side of the door and then feeling around to be able to open it.
"well maybe it's because he couldn't keep his genocidal ideas in his pants, it doesn't really matter why right now, what matters is how we stop him, and the first answer to that is getting out of here..." Vilus states as he rubs his temples, wanting very much to be away from this woman.
"I think it is mattering, Vilus, the Why. At least to me. It is mattering what Razmus' motivations are, as well as those of his sworn enemies. If we were not having the Blue Lady's guidance, for Ashley at least, I am not certain of reaching or surviving the Heart of Fire and the Gloazen Queen. If Razmus' unquenched thirst for revenge is still threatening the Blue Lady and Red Huntsman, either one or both may aid us further in some way."
Joren straightens. "Anyway. Finding a ship to Madurst is sounding like as good a plan as any. I admit that the threat I just heard to my Khirian homeland in the Dalmodh Plains, and the manipulation of our Khorinian goliath enemies north of the Veil Mountains will be weighing heavy in my heart. Not that my countrymen would be heeding an exile's warnings of peril. The threat to the cities of the Venn Canal is seeming more immediate."
(Joren makes sure his notes and makeshift map of the locations of all the red dots shown by the Hydaelym are complete).
As his gaze shifts to Marigold, Joren sighs. He had promised no immediate harm would come to the arboreally transformed woman, now stuck with an apparently split personality to go with her anguish and loneliness. "I am not knowing what to do with her, though."
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Samir echoes Joren's sigh himself, his eyes lingering on what was once Marigold. "Is there, perhaps... Ashley, do you think we might coax the cocoon back into pulling... her... back into sleep? It seems less cruel - and perhaps safer - than simply leaving her like this."
"Sleep... that... doesn't frighten me as much as death," Marigold says.
Joren finishes his map with as much precision as he can, marking down a total of 6 dots or clusters (Hard to differentiate when people are apparently standing too close to one another) in the city. 2 in the rows, 1 near the water front, and another in the upper district not far from the eastern gate, along with 2 in Tensmith. He also gets the 11 marks outside of either city.
Ashley sighs and nods to Samir. She kneels down to the woman, unsure how she feels about her and whole situation. But she understands her friends and they aren't cruel, no matter what this woman did.
Taking out another of her seeds, she hands it to her and using her magically laced words "take this pill and go to sleep." She figures this will complete the transfiguration and hopefully the woman will sleep through it.
"C'mon, lets go." and she starts heading out of the tunnel.
Marigold tentatively opens her mouth, and the seed drops in. It is visible through gaps in the branches where her left ribs once were, tumbling through the growth underneath before coming to rest. Tiny roots emerge and latch onto the wood within, and Marigold’s eyes droop closed.
Ashley reaches the door, and as she begins to move through it, she sees down the tunnel from her, is a massive cave bear, quietly and blindly snuffling along.
Ashley sighs as she watches the seed work it's magic and Marigold falls asleep. She wasn't sure this was the right answer, but at the same time, they needed to move on, there were things that needed done.
Seeing the massive cave bear she turns around and puts her finger to her lips to signal quiet and attempts to communicate cave bear down the tunnel with hand motions and such (sort of a crude charade game). Finally she whispers, "Shall we run?"
Joren inclines his head in solemn approval as Ashley's spell and seed do their work. Then squints at her trying to comprehend her hand signals.
Once he understands regarding the bear, tries to signal back to everyone, whispering if necessary, not wishing to slay, or even fight, an innocent beast who is seemingly just looking for food: if it is not knowing we are here, it may just be continuing on, bypassing us if we close the door?
Keeping his echo summoned, Joren peeks down the tunnel in an attempt to gauge whether the creature's path and behavior would lead near to the door where the party is located, whether its sense of smell would alert it to the party's proximity when close even if the party remains silent.
Joren's Insight: 23
(If Perception needed, it would be the same roll, or a dirty 20 if Animal Handling is appropriate.)
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Joren knows that usually wild animals will be hesitant to attack creatures outside their food chain unless they are cornered, protecting territory, or hungry. He knows for sure that the first two are not the case, but he is almost certain this cave bear is starving. It has been roaming around lost for some time now, and from the way it is sniffing, it is trying to find food. It will be led right to them by their scent.
Vilus takes his daggers back out just in case, and tries to move stealthily, attempting to get a better position to attack from the door and safeguard the group, should the bear charge to attack. Though the acoustics of a chamber leading to a tunnel has an annoying habit of focusing noise and echoing the smallest of movements.
(Stealth 9)
Joren's whispered drawl is only slightly exasperated at Vilus. Mostly just matter-of-fact, with a little smile to (hopefully) show he means no offense.
"If it is coming to a straight fight, I am hoping we have been together long enough to know that Vilus in front with his knives is not our best tactic. I am better armored with a better weapon, but even I should be hanging back behind, with my echo up at the choke point. The rest of you firing at range."
"Yet it is only a beast, not evil, just driven to desperation by hunger. It will be scenting us soon enough, but the best outcome being diverting it with food. Sending it off a different way. Perhaps either with me echo-swapping past it and dropping food in the opposite direction then echo-swapping back, or if one of you is having magic to achieve something similar. I am having a few rations..."
Joren holds his Dunamis Blade in one hand while fishing rations from his pack. He looks to the others for other ideas on how to divert the huge bear. He stations his echo just inside the door and tries not to worry about what happens once the party is gone and the bear returns to find a sleeping Marigold...
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Vilus' rolls his eyes and stows his daggers, then approaches joten, handing over two more portions of stale rations, "go ahead, this is all I got though, and if you get caught short drop the food and echo swap outta there!."
The bear stops snuffling along the ground and lifts up its head to test the air. Its small eyes are completely cloudy and white, practically blind. With so little light down here, it hunts through its other senses.
and it seems to have caught the party’s trail. With a purpose, it stalks towards the entrance of the room, now 15 feet away from the door, long nails scraping and clacking against the stone floor
Joren growls in frustration as he sees the huge, blind cave bear charging towards their door. Instinctively he pushes his echo up to engage the bear, but moving it past the bear so it is just on the other side, behind the creature. The half-dwarven warrior himself exits and stands just past the door, guarding his companions' potential path of egress, gripping the rations from his pack (and any he could snag from Vilus) in one hand. Not attempting to move quietly himself, he throws the ration packs as far down the tunnel past the bear (and past his echo) as he can, with an intention to eventually divert it.
Joren's Athletics to throw rations down the tunnel past the cave bear (and his echo), hopefully scattering them at a distance back behind the beast: 19
If he still has his Action available after that, he makes two non-lethal attacks from his echo's position (behind the cave bear) with the flat of his Dunamis Blade on the bear's head, intending to divert it and make it turn around to confront its assailant. Joren himself remains 10' in front of the bear.
"Quickly, exiting the door behind me and escaping the other way down the tunnel, opposite way from which the bear is coming. I will be diverting it if I can with the carrot and stick of some food and non-lethal forceful discouragement. Hoping it gets the message!"
IF Joren still has his Action available after throwing throwing the rations, and he can act fully (which he may not be able to until we roll for Initiative):
Attack 1: from echo's position behind cave bear, non-lethal to make it turn and engage the echo, giving the party an chance to escape the other way (?)
Dunamis Blade to hit: 15
Dunamis Blade damage: 13 magical slashing (or perhaps bludgeoning with flat of blade - non-lethal)
Attack 2: from echo's position behind cave bear, non-lethal to make it turn and engage the echo, giving the party an chance to escape the other way (?)
Dunamis Blade to hit: 10
Dunamis Blade damage: 11 magical slashing (or perhaps bludgeoning with flat of blade - non-lethal)
He holds his Dunamis Blade cross-wise and low, ready to trip the cave bear from his echo's position IF it continues its forward charge. (Due to Joren's Sentinel feat, a potential Opportunity Attack hit from Joren's echo's position if the bear continues its forward charge drops its movement to zero).
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Remarkably, the bear’s head tracks the ration packets flying over its head, despite its blindness. Then it growls threateningly at Joren. The first attack smacks its sensitive rump, and it turns around snarling, backing out of reach of the second swipe before lunging forward with its powerful jaws. They close around the echo, banishing it to mist. Then the bears runs down the hallway towards the rations, spinning around again with a growl, taking up a defensive posture
Joren can see down the hallway leading towards the caves and away from the bear that there are three other doors on the wall opposite the one to the map room, all closed and made from sturdy looking wood.
The bear remains hunkered down, listening, sniffing, and growling. Joren can see it is trying to gauge the threat. It hasn’t fully decided to attack, retreat, or hold its ground.
Joren's voice remains a growl, but the volume rises and he tries to sound as ferocious as possible. Attempting to imitate a cornered beast such as a giant badger defending its territory (or perhaps its young), as if conveying STAY OUT for the bear's benefit. But his words are for his companions.
"Trying to divert it so it is leaving us and Marigold alone. Rest of you trying those other doors. Going around the bear out to the exit, I am hoping?"
Joren advances to within 15' of the cave bear and then (very audibly) comes to a stop. as if near the edge of his territory. He re-summons his echo and moves it 30' away from himself, once again behind the bear. The echo stands diagonally to the side behind the bear, ready to make a Sentinel opportunity attack, but holds his peace for now. Not blocking the bear in case it should decide to retreat and go for the thrown rations.
Movement: Up to 30' ahead, closing to within 15' of the cave bear before coming to a loud, stomping, obviously audible stop.
Bonus Action: Re-summon echo (15' away) and move it around the cave bear to a position just behind it, ready to make a Sentinel attack of opportunity.
Action: Joren dodges. Attacks against him (but not attacks against his echo) are at disadvantage and he has advantage on DEX saves.
Free Action: (Growling loudly from his stationary position and hoping it's enough, in combination with the previously thrown rations!)
Joren's Animal Handling: 15
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Samir crosses to the nearest of the other doors, following Joren's direction to move. However, rather than trying the door at first, he turns back to the warrior and with a whispered word adds his own contribution. A second growl joins Joren's, this one emanating from empty air as Samir weaves an illusion, intending to make it sound like there is not one potential animal defending it's territory, but at least two large dangerous ones, punctuated with an sort of coughing bark that he imagines a massive badger or the like would have.
Vilus heads on over to the second door, thinking that if the first is locked then the second might not be, what the group need now is to just head into the first available passage out of here, not stand around trying to pick locks. He tests door two.
Faced with increasing resistance, and with food behind it, the bear backs up, not turning from Joren, and seemingly unaware of the echo that it passes. It reaches the rations and stops, shoulder braced menacingly.
If Samir tries the door, he will find it locked, Vilus is likewise unable to open his door, though it seems a deadbolt on the other side is responsible.
Imagining the location of the deadbolt on the other side Vilus guestimates several measurements before summoning a mage hand on the other side of the door and then feeling around to be able to open it.