Vilus nods to Joren and draws daggers, Vilus whispers, not wanting to use his telepathy to exclude the others from what he is about to say "bottle neck is good, but they won't all follow... If this is them, they're better trained than that. An ambush is an ambush til it's sprung. We're just gonna be worn down when it happens. We could always escape another way..."
As they emerge Ashley is kind of distracted by what they left behind in Marigold. What kind of magic was that? Was there more to find in the shop they were stashed in? Was she ever going to find out... sounded like they were leaving town and probably tonight.
That's when she sees it. The ones trying to hide from them - but not very convincingly. She speaks a few words and runs her hands over her body - it immediately becomes shimmery with an almost red glow. Then in a response whisper, "I'm ready when you are. I don't want them following us."
Samir is oblivious to the danger as he exits the tunnel, stepping aside and brushing his hands over his clothing in a likely useless effort to clear away whatever dirt and debris he may have collected. It is not until the others whisper their warnings that he understands the position they are in. His own voice is a harsh whisper, fatigue and annoyance evident.
"Then let's find a way out of here and do it quickly!"
The half-orc's left hand suddenly sweeps up, fingers curling and pointing to a spot some distance off the ground. A single gruff word escapes his lips and a thick explosion of fog erupts from thin air, spilling out over the alleyway and the buildings on either side to block their assailants' visibility.
Casting Fog Cloud at first level. 20' radius cloud so that the closest edge to the party is just on the other side of the doors, heavily obscuring the rest of the alley.
Joren gauges the locations of the enemies, particularly the ones on the middle balconies, before Samir'sFog Cloud obscures several of them. He does not draw his Dunamis Blade until the last instant when it is necessary, instead muttering quietly to his companions:
"Attacking to incapacitate, not slay, yes? Seeing as they may be here for apprehending, not killing. Unless you are thinking we should fight lethally?"
The question is for all of his friends, though he suspects Vilus will be the one who answers, as these would seem to be his father's henchmen. Joren'sdefault if no one answers will be to make his attacks non-lethal. He moves his echo 30' up and southeast to the eastern balcony, just north of one of the enemies there (6). He himself follows, into Samir'sFog Cloud, standing just beneath the same balcony, then jumps as high as he can.
With his 10' Blindsight, gained from long campaigns and troop maneuvers in the mists of the Veil Mountains, Joren should just be able to sense enemy 6 at the apex of his jump, at which point he attacks with the flat of his blade from his echo's position (or lethally if instructed so).
Attack 1: Dunamis Blade attack on 6 at advantage since Joren can sense the enemy (Blindsight) and the enemy cannot see him or his echo: Dunamis Blade to hit: 15 Dunamis Blade damage: 15 magical slashing (non-lethal unless told otherwise by friends - so possibly magical bludgeoning with flat of blade)
Attack 2: Dunamis Blade attack on 6 at advantage since Joren can sense the enemy (Blindsight) and the enemy cannot see him or his echo: Dunamis Blade to hit: 17 Dunamis Blade damage: 12 magical slashing (non-lethal unless told otherwise by friends - so possibly magical bludgeoning with flat of blade)
Depending on what happens with these attacks, Joren may take further action (still has Bonus Action and Action Surge or Unleash Incarnation available).
Malachi was just during the dirt and grime from the sewer tunnel off of his clothes when he looks up at Vilus and Joren’s warnings. ”Cultists or the organization, I don’t know that they will give us the option of apprehending them. I just want both of the from jumping us from the shadows.” As the cloud of billowing fog fills the alleyway, Malachi sends a jumbled mix of fear inducing whispers through the fog toward the enemies in the western balcony.
(Twinning the spell to target both 1 and 3 . DC15 Wisdom save or take 6 psychic damage and must use reaction to move away from us Half damage and no movement on a save.)
As Joren jumps, he feels his senses attune with his echo, and shapes reveal themsleves in the swirling of air currents in the mist. 1-2! the blade lashes out and scores two direct hits against flesh. From the other end of the alley, He hears one voice cry out in fear and confusion, scrambling across the wood of the other balcony to get away.
"Non lethal? That's um... a bit difficult for me, but I'll try." Ashley turns around to focus on the three standing upon the balcony behind them (as I read the fog, they are not in it so she can see them?) Pointing her fingers at them, she casts bane upon the three and they need a CHA save of 15
As Joren feels the first two blows connect from his echo's spot, but not fell the enemy, he immediately flies into a flurry of activity, attacking twice more.
Action Surge. Joren continues to strike enemy 6, moving on to enemy 7 on the same balcony only if enemy 6 goes down. (Again, the lethality or non-lethality of these attacks would be determined presumably by Vilus' response to Joren's earlier question).
Action Surge Attack 1: Joren'sDunamis Blade from echo's position on 6 (or 7 if 6 is down) at advantage due to Samir'sFog Cloud and Joren'sBlindsight: Dunamis Blade to hit: 26 Dunamis Blade damage: 17 magical slashing (or non-lethal magical bludgeoning depending on Vilus' response) (OOC - max damage!)
Action Surge Attack 2: Joren'sDunamis Blade from echo's position on 6 (or 7 if 6 is down) at advantage due to Samir'sFog Cloud and Joren'sBlindsight: Dunamis Blade to hit: 28 (Natural 20) Dunamis Blade damage: 12 magical slashing (or non-lethal magical bludgeoning depending on Vilus' response) - (OOC: near minimum for a crit!)
"Moving into the fog, into the fog! So they cannot be targeting you as easily," Joren growls conversationally to his friends, landing back on the alley floor.
"it's them or us, don't hold back!" Vilus grunts out as he runs 30ft south into the fog and lilly out the other side. Once there he casts shatter at the two hostiles at the end of the lane (2+9 make Con save DC14 or take 14 thunder dam, half on save) Vilus catches the sides of the buildings, closing in the alley, within the shattering hoping to bring them both down to ground level and block any reinforcements from entering the fray.
(Shatter is a 10ft radius sphere, so 20ft diameter? Should be able to get 2, 9 and the buildings)
As his last two attacks connect, Joren hears a body thump to the floor of the balcony above him.
Then an explosion of magic rips through the mouth of the alleyway, causing the buildings themselves to tremble. Made of sturdier stuff in this neighbourhood than the ramshackle structures in the Rows, brickwork cracks but does not collapse. The assassins avoid the worst of the blast, but then a deluge of clay roofing tiles crash down in a cacophonous shower, landing where one of them was standing and cluttering the ground. (2 Saved, 9 failed)
Marion reaches out her hand towards the balcony above her, but nothing happens. In the heat of the moment, she'd reflexively reached for magic that no longer flows through her. Instead, she draws her sword and shield and moves to give the others cover as they run toward the fog. (Dodge action)
From the balcony above the sewer entrance, three thunks happen in quick succession. Crossbows firing their deadly projectiles. Marion whips her shield around and catches the first bolt, deflecting it harmlessly to the side. But the second slips past her, straight for Ashley (Critical hit). A moment after the bolt pierces her flesh, Ashley feels a dreadful cold creeping through her blood, like there is ice in her veins. (13 Piercing damage. Make a DC 15 Con save. 10 Poison damage on a failure, 5on a success). The third bolt heads flies out at Malachi (-2 from Bane, 13 to hit: 8 Piercing, 15or 7 Poison damage).
"Hearing you. Killing, then." (Joren would have sighed in reply to Vilus before delivering lethal blows to 6 previously, feeling strangely sad...)
Being just reactive killers then? Slaying not only monsters and evil cultists, but anyone who opposes us. Self-defense, yes, and yet... Killing and killing until only one group is left standing? No. It is well that we are leaving Talmouth...
Hearing his friends struck by ranged attacks not far from him snaps him back to the present. "Getting into the fog if you need!"
Hidden in Samir'sFog Cloud but able to sense one foe's location, Joren moves his echo SW-SW-S to be just NW of where he hears 7 drop down to the ground from the eastern balcony. Joren himself moves W-SW to the middle of the fog cloud so he is just NW of his echo, and 10' NW of 7 so he can sense 7 using his blindsight, but 7 cannot see Joren. Attacking from his echo's position, he swings his Dunamis Blade in wide arcs, from collar to opposite hip.
Attack 1: Dunamis Blade on 7 at advantage due to Fog Cloud and Joren'sblindsight from echo's position: Dunamis Blade to hit: 27 Dunamis Blade damage: 11 magical slashing
Attack 2: Dunamis Blade on 7 at advantage due to Fog Cloud and Joren'sblindsight from echo's position: Dunamis Blade to hit: 10 (OOC: 2 and 1 at advantage) Dunamis Blade damage: 16 magical slashing (OOC: sigh)
The bolt rips through her and she feels the poison enter her body (fail). Blood starts oozing out of the entrance wound as she finally runs into the cover of the fog.
Right before she turns to run, however, she faces the men up on the balcony and holding her hands up, palms together and fingers splayed, she sends a sheet of flame their way that hopefully engulfs them all in the 15' cone.
Then darts into the cover of the fog.
DC DEX save of 14 or 16 fire damage (half if saved)
Malachi cries out as the bolt tears through his jacket and creases his midsection. Slapping his hand to the wound, he surrounds himself in mage armor with a muttered incantation and a wave of his hand. Turning his attention to the crossbowmen, he reaches out mentally and pulls one of them 5 feet forward, attempting to pull them from the balcony to fall on the ground below. Malachi doesn't wait to see if the man falls and follows Ashley into the relative safety of the fog cloud.
(Bonus Action: Telekinetic shove, #8 must make a STR DC15 save or be pulled 5 feet toward Malachi, hopefully pulling him off of the balcony for fall damage.)
Samir reflexively ducks back as the crossbows fire, but his temper quickly flares as the bolts strike into his companions. An arc of flickering electricity sparks into life around his hand, crawling over his arm and back in perking uneven steps. As Malachi and Ashley duck past him into the fog, he moves the opposite direction until he stands by the edge of the sewer entrance. His arm flashes up, scattering crackling fragments of lightning into the air around him. The metal framework of his spectacles glimmers as sparks dance across it and a,singe runic symbol flares on the back of his hand. A wave of force reminiscent of Vilus' own spell erupts from him, only just missing Marion. A crack of thunder explodes in the alleyway as spell slams into the building in front of, rolling over the balcony and the assassin's like a crashing wave.
A final snap of electricity flickers from his hand as he turns to follow the others.
Moving diagonal to take the spot between Marion and the sewer entrance and casting Thunderwave. DC 16 con saves from the assassin's or take 16 points of thunder damage and get knocked ten feet away from Samir. Half damage on save. Then move ten feet south towards the fog.
Vilus moves south west until he hits a wall. His daggers out and ready should he meet with flesh before he finds the wall.
If he gets to the wall he knows that the balcony is above him somewhere and blindly throws an edit h blast upward, hoping to knock someone down to stab (both at disadv due to blind, 20 to hit, 8 force. 13 to hit, 5 force)
Joren's first attack makes combat, but he senses the assassin reflexively sidestep the second. (11 damage taken)
The flames that spray out from Ashley's palms engulfs the balcony and ignites its timbres. All three of the assassins drop their crossbows and take evasive actions, though one of them (8) still gets singed. She spins away trailing a flaming cloak. (1 failed. All three used evasion to halve or nullify Aoe damage with Dex saves)
Amoment later, the flames flicker from the concussive force ripping through the air from Samir. All three get flung backward into the wall of the building, one of them (5) crashing through the door into the room within (All three failed, and Evasion only works for dex saves). Even as the other two regain their footing, Malachi yanks one (8) off the balcony. She folds at the waist going over the railing, does a half turn through the air, and lands hard on her back with a crack. She starts to sit up and winces, coughing up blood. (5 falling damage, prone, and bloodied).
Moving through the dense fog, Vilus runs into someone. Ready for exactly this, his daggers slice out, scoring through leather and tasting blood. "I think you got one," the previously silent Javelin says from Vilus' back. As if in response to the voice, a shortsword slices through the fog at Vilus 2 times.
Attack 1: 20 to Hit, 4 slashing damageDC 15 Con save to halve 9 poison damage
Attack 2: 11 to hit, 6 slashing damage DC 15 Con save to halve 7 poison damage
The assassin still on the now flaming balcony (4) vaults over the railing to get away from the flames (4 fire damage), landing awkwardly (4 falling damage) and rolling up to his feet patting at his flaming cloak (Half movement to get out of prone). The one that had been pulled down (8) also scrambles to her feet (Half movement to get out of prone) and both of them begin to advance on Marion, who has retreated towards the fog cloud. The one facing down Joren's echo, slashes out with sword in hand, slicing through mist and echo alike (22 to hit) before backing up into the corner to escape the fog cloud, readying his crossbow.
Then, Vilus hears a faint muttering in a familiar voice. Suddenly, the wind picks up, and the fog begins to clear away. There standing amidst the rubble in the alleyway, are two of the assassins, black masks covering their faces. Each of them are holding a blade in front of them, poised against the pale throats of two elves on their knees Their faces are blackened and swollen from a severe beating, but they are still recognizable. They are the two elves that had been rescued from the Gloazworm Queen's nest, brought through the sewers, and then to the shop being used as a base. It becomes immediately clear to Vilus how the assassins had known to come here.
The one on the left removes his mask, revealing the face of Two underneath, the right hand man of Vilus' father. A trickle of blood runs down his face from where a roofing tile had struck his scalp "Remember me?" He says, talking past Vilus to the rest of the group. "We only need one of you alive to tell us where your goliath friend is. Surrender and speak up now, and you can be that one who gets to-" His speech is cut short as the the elf on her knees before the other assassin twists free from his grip (17 vs 4) and lunges to her feet. The assassin takes a passing swipe at her (Miss), but she cuts to the side an runs toward two with her hands bound behind her back. She tackles him shoulder first (shove attack 19 to hit) and knocks him onto his back. Her partner, stands, struggling, on two bare and bloody feet missing several toes.
Together, the two turn to flee the alley, but Two lashes from the ground with his dagger. The woman begins to fall forward, the dagger having passed cleanly through her Achilles tendon, and her leg begins to spasm with the poison creeping up it. "Aaauuuhhhh!" she wails wordlessly.
Her partner stops and turns, conflicted. "Help! Help! Guards!"
"Dammit, kill them all. And fast!" Two hisses, seething.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Malachi stumbles through the fog, reaching for one of the doors he remembers seeing along the alleyway, when suddenly the fog begins to clear away. His emotions whipsaw between sorrow and anger as he sees the elves they rescued from the cultists subjected to further abuse at the hands of this shadowy organization.
“You!”Malachi calls out as Two reveals himself “I am tired of you nipping at our heels like the mongrel you are. Leave them alone, they have nothing for you.”As Two is pushed to the ground by one of the prisoners, Malachi barks out a harsh, guttural cry and lashes out at Two’s mind.
DC 15 INT save or 12 psychic damage and Two cannot take a reaction. One his next turn, he must choose between a move, an action, or a bonus action. He only gets one of the three. Half damage and none of the other effects on a save.
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Vilus nods to Joren and draws daggers, Vilus whispers, not wanting to use his telepathy to exclude the others from what he is about to say "bottle neck is good, but they won't all follow... If this is them, they're better trained than that. An ambush is an ambush til it's sprung. We're just gonna be worn down when it happens. We could always escape another way..."
As they emerge Ashley is kind of distracted by what they left behind in Marigold. What kind of magic was that? Was there more to find in the shop they were stashed in? Was she ever going to find out... sounded like they were leaving town and probably tonight.
That's when she sees it. The ones trying to hide from them - but not very convincingly. She speaks a few words and runs her hands over her body - it immediately becomes shimmery with an almost red glow. Then in a response whisper, "I'm ready when you are. I don't want them following us."
Vilus takes a couple of steps back toward the tunnel entrance, and then telepathically communicates to Joren;
"could you drag the one round the corner in with us? Might be able to extract their overall intent from them"
Joren sees out of the corner of his eye, that their assailants are preparing to make their move, not realizing they've been made.
Combat begins!
Samir is oblivious to the danger as he exits the tunnel, stepping aside and brushing his hands over his clothing in a likely useless effort to clear away whatever dirt and debris he may have collected. It is not until the others whisper their warnings that he understands the position they are in. His own voice is a harsh whisper, fatigue and annoyance evident.
"Then let's find a way out of here and do it quickly!"
The half-orc's left hand suddenly sweeps up, fingers curling and pointing to a spot some distance off the ground. A single gruff word escapes his lips and a thick explosion of fog erupts from thin air, spilling out over the alleyway and the buildings on either side to block their assailants' visibility.
Casting Fog Cloud at first level. 20' radius cloud so that the closest edge to the party is just on the other side of the doors, heavily obscuring the rest of the alley.
Joren gauges the locations of the enemies, particularly the ones on the middle balconies, before Samir's Fog Cloud obscures several of them. He does not draw his Dunamis Blade until the last instant when it is necessary, instead muttering quietly to his companions:
"Attacking to incapacitate, not slay, yes? Seeing as they may be here for apprehending, not killing. Unless you are thinking we should fight lethally?"
The question is for all of his friends, though he suspects Vilus will be the one who answers, as these would seem to be his father's henchmen. Joren's default if no one answers will be to make his attacks non-lethal. He moves his echo 30' up and southeast to the eastern balcony, just north of one of the enemies there (6). He himself follows, into Samir's Fog Cloud, standing just beneath the same balcony, then jumps as high as he can.
With his 10' Blindsight, gained from long campaigns and troop maneuvers in the mists of the Veil Mountains, Joren should just be able to sense enemy 6 at the apex of his jump, at which point he attacks with the flat of his blade from his echo's position (or lethally if instructed so).
Attack 1: Dunamis Blade attack on 6 at advantage since Joren can sense the enemy (Blindsight) and the enemy cannot see him or his echo:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 15
Dunamis Blade damage: 15 magical slashing (non-lethal unless told otherwise by friends - so possibly magical bludgeoning with flat of blade)
Attack 2: Dunamis Blade attack on 6 at advantage since Joren can sense the enemy (Blindsight) and the enemy cannot see him or his echo:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 17
Dunamis Blade damage: 12 magical slashing (non-lethal unless told otherwise by friends - so possibly magical bludgeoning with flat of blade)
Depending on what happens with these attacks, Joren may take further action (still has Bonus Action and Action Surge or Unleash Incarnation available).
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Malachi was just during the dirt and grime from the sewer tunnel off of his clothes when he looks up at Vilus and Joren’s warnings. ”Cultists or the organization, I don’t know that they will give us the option of apprehending them. I just want both of the from jumping us from the shadows.” As the cloud of billowing fog fills the alleyway, Malachi sends a jumbled mix of fear inducing whispers through the fog toward the enemies in the western balcony.
(Twinning the spell to target both 1 and 3 . DC15 Wisdom save or take 6 psychic damage and must use reaction to move away from us Half damage and no movement on a save.)
As Joren jumps, he feels his senses attune with his echo, and shapes reveal themsleves in the swirling of air currents in the mist. 1-2! the blade lashes out and scores two direct hits against flesh. From the other end of the alley, He hears one voice cry out in fear and confusion, scrambling across the wood of the other balcony to get away.
(1 saved, one failed against Malachi's spell)
"Non lethal? That's um... a bit difficult for me, but I'll try." Ashley turns around to focus on the three standing upon the balcony behind them (as I read the fog, they are not in it so she can see them?) Pointing her fingers at them, she casts bane upon the three and they need a CHA save of 15
As Joren feels the first two blows connect from his echo's spot, but not fell the enemy, he immediately flies into a flurry of activity, attacking twice more.
Action Surge. Joren continues to strike enemy 6, moving on to enemy 7 on the same balcony only if enemy 6 goes down. (Again, the lethality or non-lethality of these attacks would be determined presumably by Vilus' response to Joren's earlier question).
Action Surge Attack 1: Joren's Dunamis Blade from echo's position on 6 (or 7 if 6 is down) at advantage due to Samir's Fog Cloud and Joren's Blindsight:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 26
Dunamis Blade damage: 17 magical slashing (or non-lethal magical bludgeoning depending on Vilus' response) (OOC - max damage!)
Action Surge Attack 2: Joren's Dunamis Blade from echo's position on 6 (or 7 if 6 is down) at advantage due to Samir's Fog Cloud and Joren's Blindsight:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 28 (Natural 20)
Dunamis Blade damage: 12 magical slashing (or non-lethal magical bludgeoning depending on Vilus' response) - (OOC: near minimum for a crit!)
"Moving into the fog, into the fog! So they cannot be targeting you as easily," Joren growls conversationally to his friends, landing back on the alley floor.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
"it's them or us, don't hold back!" Vilus grunts out as he runs 30ft south into the fog and lilly out the other side. Once there he casts shatter at the two hostiles at the end of the lane (2+9 make Con save DC14 or take 14 thunder dam, half on save) Vilus catches the sides of the buildings, closing in the alley, within the shattering hoping to bring them both down to ground level and block any reinforcements from entering the fray.
(Shatter is a 10ft radius sphere, so 20ft diameter? Should be able to get 2, 9 and the buildings)
As his last two attacks connect, Joren hears a body thump to the floor of the balcony above him.
Then an explosion of magic rips through the mouth of the alleyway, causing the buildings themselves to tremble. Made of sturdier stuff in this neighbourhood than the ramshackle structures in the Rows, brickwork cracks but does not collapse. The assassins avoid the worst of the blast, but then a deluge of clay roofing tiles crash down in a cacophonous shower, landing where one of them was standing and cluttering the ground. (2 Saved, 9 failed)
Marion reaches out her hand towards the balcony above her, but nothing happens. In the heat of the moment, she'd reflexively reached for magic that no longer flows through her. Instead, she draws her sword and shield and moves to give the others cover as they run toward the fog. (Dodge action)
From the balcony above the sewer entrance, three thunks happen in quick succession. Crossbows firing their deadly projectiles. Marion whips her shield around and catches the first bolt, deflecting it harmlessly to the side. But the second slips past her, straight for Ashley (Critical hit). A moment after the bolt pierces her flesh, Ashley feels a dreadful cold creeping through her blood, like there is ice in her veins. (13 Piercing damage. Make a DC 15 Con save. 10 Poison damage on a failure, 5 on a success). The third bolt heads flies out at Malachi (-2 from Bane, 13 to hit: 8 Piercing, 15 or 7 Poison damage).
"Hearing you. Killing, then." (Joren would have sighed in reply to Vilus before delivering lethal blows to 6 previously, feeling strangely sad...)
Being just reactive killers then? Slaying not only monsters and evil cultists, but anyone who opposes us. Self-defense, yes, and yet... Killing and killing until only one group is left standing? No. It is well that we are leaving Talmouth...
Hearing his friends struck by ranged attacks not far from him snaps him back to the present. "Getting into the fog if you need!"
Hidden in Samir's Fog Cloud but able to sense one foe's location, Joren moves his echo SW-SW-S to be just NW of where he hears 7 drop down to the ground from the eastern balcony. Joren himself moves W-SW to the middle of the fog cloud so he is just NW of his echo, and 10' NW of 7 so he can sense 7 using his blindsight, but 7 cannot see Joren. Attacking from his echo's position, he swings his Dunamis Blade in wide arcs, from collar to opposite hip.
Attack 1: Dunamis Blade on 7 at advantage due to Fog Cloud and Joren's blindsight from echo's position:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 27
Dunamis Blade damage: 11 magical slashing
Attack 2: Dunamis Blade on 7 at advantage due to Fog Cloud and Joren's blindsight from echo's position:
Dunamis Blade to hit: 10 (OOC: 2 and 1 at advantage)
Dunamis Blade damage: 16 magical slashing (OOC: sigh)
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
The bolt rips through her and she feels the poison enter her body (fail). Blood starts oozing out of the entrance wound as she finally runs into the cover of the fog.
Right before she turns to run, however, she faces the men up on the balcony and holding her hands up, palms together and fingers splayed, she sends a sheet of flame their way that hopefully engulfs them all in the 15' cone.
Then darts into the cover of the fog.
DC DEX save of 14 or 16 fire damage (half if saved)
Malachi cries out as the bolt tears through his jacket and creases his midsection. Slapping his hand to the wound, he surrounds himself in mage armor with a muttered incantation and a wave of his hand. Turning his attention to the crossbowmen, he reaches out mentally and pulls one of them 5 feet forward, attempting to pull them from the balcony to fall on the ground below. Malachi doesn't wait to see if the man falls and follows Ashley into the relative safety of the fog cloud.
(Bonus Action: Telekinetic shove, #8 must make a STR DC15 save or be pulled 5 feet toward Malachi, hopefully pulling him off of the balcony for fall damage.)
Samir reflexively ducks back as the crossbows fire, but his temper quickly flares as the bolts strike into his companions. An arc of flickering electricity sparks into life around his hand, crawling over his arm and back in perking uneven steps. As Malachi and Ashley duck past him into the fog, he moves the opposite direction until he stands by the edge of the sewer entrance. His arm flashes up, scattering crackling fragments of lightning into the air around him. The metal framework of his spectacles glimmers as sparks dance across it and a,singe runic symbol flares on the back of his hand. A wave of force reminiscent of Vilus' own spell erupts from him, only just missing Marion. A crack of thunder explodes in the alleyway as spell slams into the building in front of, rolling over the balcony and the assassin's like a crashing wave.
A final snap of electricity flickers from his hand as he turns to follow the others.
Moving diagonal to take the spot between Marion and the sewer entrance and casting Thunderwave. DC 16 con saves from the assassin's or take 16 points of thunder damage and get knocked ten feet away from Samir. Half damage on save. Then move ten feet south towards the fog.
Vilus moves south west until he hits a wall. His daggers out and ready should he meet with flesh before he finds the wall.
If he gets to the wall he knows that the balcony is above him somewhere and blindly throws an edit h blast upward, hoping to knock someone down to stab (both at disadv due to blind, 20 to hit, 8 force. 13 to hit, 5 force)
Joren's first attack makes combat, but he senses the assassin reflexively sidestep the second. (11 damage taken)
The flames that spray out from Ashley's palms engulfs the balcony and ignites its timbres. All three of the assassins drop their crossbows and take evasive actions, though one of them (8) still gets singed. She spins away trailing a flaming cloak. (1 failed. All three used evasion to halve or nullify Aoe damage with Dex saves)
Amoment later, the flames flicker from the concussive force ripping through the air from Samir. All three get flung backward into the wall of the building, one of them (5) crashing through the door into the room within (All three failed, and Evasion only works for dex saves). Even as the other two regain their footing, Malachi yanks one (8) off the balcony. She folds at the waist going over the railing, does a half turn through the air, and lands hard on her back with a crack. She starts to sit up and winces, coughing up blood. (5 falling damage, prone, and bloodied).
Moving through the dense fog, Vilus runs into someone. Ready for exactly this, his daggers slice out, scoring through leather and tasting blood. "I think you got one," the previously silent Javelin says from Vilus' back. As if in response to the voice, a shortsword slices through the fog at Vilus 2 times.
Attack 1: 20 to Hit, 4 slashing damage DC 15 Con save to halve 9 poison damage
Attack 2: 11 to hit, 6 slashing damage DC 15 Con save to halve 7 poison damage
The assassin still on the now flaming balcony (4) vaults over the railing to get away from the flames (4 fire damage), landing awkwardly (4 falling damage) and rolling up to his feet patting at his flaming cloak (Half movement to get out of prone). The one that had been pulled down (8) also scrambles to her feet (Half movement to get out of prone) and both of them begin to advance on Marion, who has retreated towards the fog cloud. The one facing down Joren's echo, slashes out with sword in hand, slicing through mist and echo alike (22 to hit) before backing up into the corner to escape the fog cloud, readying his crossbow.
Then, Vilus hears a faint muttering in a familiar voice. Suddenly, the wind picks up, and the fog begins to clear away. There standing amidst the rubble in the alleyway, are two of the assassins, black masks covering their faces. Each of them are holding a blade in front of them, poised against the pale throats of two elves on their knees Their faces are blackened and swollen from a severe beating, but they are still recognizable. They are the two elves that had been rescued from the Gloazworm Queen's nest, brought through the sewers, and then to the shop being used as a base. It becomes immediately clear to Vilus how the assassins had known to come here.
The one on the left removes his mask, revealing the face of Two underneath, the right hand man of Vilus' father. A trickle of blood runs down his face from where a roofing tile had struck his scalp "Remember me?" He says, talking past Vilus to the rest of the group. "We only need one of you alive to tell us where your goliath friend is. Surrender and speak up now, and you can be that one who gets to-" His speech is cut short as the the elf on her knees before the other assassin twists free from his grip (17 vs 4) and lunges to her feet. The assassin takes a passing swipe at her (Miss), but she cuts to the side an runs toward two with her hands bound behind her back. She tackles him shoulder first (shove attack 19 to hit) and knocks him onto his back. Her partner, stands, struggling, on two bare and bloody feet missing several toes.
Together, the two turn to flee the alley, but Two lashes from the ground with his dagger. The woman begins to fall forward, the dagger having passed cleanly through her Achilles tendon, and her leg begins to spasm with the poison creeping up it. "Aaauuuhhhh!" she wails wordlessly.
Her partner stops and turns, conflicted. "Help! Help! Guards!"
"Dammit, kill them all. And fast!" Two hisses, seething.
Malachi stumbles through the fog, reaching for one of the doors he remembers seeing along the alleyway, when suddenly the fog begins to clear away. His emotions whipsaw between sorrow and anger as he sees the elves they rescued from the cultists subjected to further abuse at the hands of this shadowy organization.
“You!” Malachi calls out as Two reveals himself “I am tired of you nipping at our heels like the mongrel you are. Leave them alone, they have nothing for you.” As Two is pushed to the ground by one of the prisoners, Malachi barks out a harsh, guttural cry and lashes out at Two’s mind.
DC 15 INT save or 12 psychic damage and Two cannot take a reaction. One his next turn, he must choose between a move, an action, or a bonus action. He only gets one of the three. Half damage and none of the other effects on a save.