Thir nods impatiently before Jaq slides into the shadows of boulders and snow drifts and he is able to work his way unseen around the rise ahead.
Moving slowly, he peeks towards the entrance to the tomb. He is not surprised to spot a dragon crouched near the entrance, but he is mildly surprised (or not) to see a trio of familiar women (hobgoblin, goblin and bugbear) standing just outside the tomb entrance. Beside the trio, though bit removed, one of the Librarian's golem stands motionless. The dragon and women look to be having a conversation, but Jaq can't hear either side of it. It doesn't seem to very animated though, no shouting, arm waving or heads being bitten off.
The dragon's tail is slowly sliding from side to side on the icy ground, whatever that could indicate.
Jaq will watch for about two minutes. If nothing of note happens he will slide back to the others and report his findings. Does he think he can describe the trio of women well enough to Thir so she’ll know who they are?
Jaq recognizes all three, but only knows the name of San, the goblin woman. The hobgoblin woman, without her baby, is also recognizable as the one that lead the second group in. The old bugbear woman is the one that Jaq spoke elven with and convinced to come to the tomb, though she never offered her name. The old bugbear woman leans heavily on the hobgoblin woman, but is standing.
In the two minutes that he watches, Jaq catches movement behind the trio, so he surmises that they do have some backup (for whatever good it would do).
In those same two minutes, it is clear the dragon isn't letting her guard down. She frequently turns to scan her surroundings, often looking in the direction party came from. Her gaze doesn't seem to linger on Jaq's hiding spot.
"If they are negashating, maybe we let them do it and maybe they do a good job? But if they're stalling, maybe they're waiting for us to attack?", Kroshav looks to Jaq to see if he has any indication which way things might be leaning.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
“They were negotiating is my guess. No fighting going on. I am just unsure if us showing up right now will help or cause issues.” Jaq thinks for a bit. “Since no fighting is going on. I think we should probably wait for the dragon to leave.”
"If we can not kill ourselves on a dragon, I vote for that."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
"We hide nearby then, in case they're just stalling. If it looks like things are going to go south at all, we attack."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
"I saw no golems out here, but there was one with the ladies and and dragon. It didn't seem to be moving, but I'm guessing the Librarian at least might know what is going on."
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Thir nods impatiently before Jaq slides into the shadows of boulders and snow drifts and he is able to work his way unseen around the rise ahead.
Moving slowly, he peeks towards the entrance to the tomb. He is not surprised to spot a dragon crouched near the entrance, but he is mildly surprised (or not) to see a trio of familiar women (hobgoblin, goblin and bugbear) standing just outside the tomb entrance. Beside the trio, though bit removed, one of the Librarian's golem stands motionless. The dragon and women look to be having a conversation, but Jaq can't hear either side of it. It doesn't seem to very animated though, no shouting, arm waving or heads being bitten off.
The dragon's tail is slowly sliding from side to side on the icy ground, whatever that could indicate.
Jaq will watch for about two minutes. If nothing of note happens he will slide back to the others and report his findings. Does he think he can describe the trio of women well enough to Thir so she’ll know who they are?
Jaq recognizes all three, but only knows the name of San, the goblin woman. The hobgoblin woman, without her baby, is also recognizable as the one that lead the second group in. The old bugbear woman is the one that Jaq spoke elven with and convinced to come to the tomb, though she never offered her name. The old bugbear woman leans heavily on the hobgoblin woman, but is standing.
In the two minutes that he watches, Jaq catches movement behind the trio, so he surmises that they do have some backup (for whatever good it would do).
In those same two minutes, it is clear the dragon isn't letting her guard down. She frequently turns to scan her surroundings, often looking in the direction party came from. Her gaze doesn't seem to linger on Jaq's hiding spot.
Insight or perception: both +3, 6
Before heading back to the party, Jaq will watch the three goblinoids, to try to decide if they seem afraid, or if they are working with the dragon.
He then heads back, stealthily.
Jaq, hindered by distance, darkness and dragon, doesn't discern much from the trio.
((Bump, and also, to speed it along, Jaq will reunite with the rest of you and relay what he's seen/heard.
@Row, if there is something more you'd like to have done, let me know.))
On hearing the descriptions of the three woman confronting/chatting with the dragon, Thir nods and says,
"San, Marada and..." she says a word and then, seeing that it isn't understood, says, "Boss, wise-boss."
She squeezes her hand on her sword hilt and says,
"We attack? Surprise dragon, help maybe from rock man and inside?"
She looks ready to go, if only barely standing.
"If they are negashating, maybe we let them do it and maybe they do a good job? But if they're stalling, maybe they're waiting for us to attack?", Kroshav looks to Jaq to see if he has any indication which way things might be leaning.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
“They were negotiating is my guess. No fighting going on. I am just unsure if us showing up right now will help or cause issues.” Jaq thinks for a bit.
“Since no fighting is going on. I think we should probably wait for the dragon to leave.”
"I certainly couldn't sneak like you can..."
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
"If we can not kill ourselves on a dragon, I vote for that."
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Thir looks uncomfortable at the thought of waiting, and if there was any doubt she states her discomfort,
"Waiting is bad."
((So was someone going to try and watch, and what are they watching for?))
"We hide nearby then, in case they're just stalling. If it looks like things are going to go south at all, we attack."
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Hmmm -- any chance the librarian hid any of her golems out here to give us some info on what is going on?
"I saw no golems out here, but there was one with the ladies and and dragon. It didn't seem to be moving, but I'm guessing the Librarian at least might know what is going on."
"Move so we can see?"
Thir asks, already moving forward to take position.
Cladmir will look to Kroshav to follow the paladin's lead.
Ernos is prepared to try moving up as well.
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Kroshav shrugs, deferring to Jaq as the stealth expert.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Stealth rolls from everyone that is moving up to peek.))