Though frozen in stone for many years, the feywild has caused certain changes within Sparhawk. Deep down he feels it. Without knowing just how he knows it, he feels certain of two rules, with the weight of force behind them. The first is the Rule of Ownership. You must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. To take something that doesn’t belong to you without the rightful owner’s permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette.
The second, the Rule of Reciprocity. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger offers you a gift, you are obliged to accept it and offer something of comparable value (be it a gift or a service) in return. Such reciprocation need not happen immediately.
Armed with this knowledge, he starts to consider the group's options.
As he does, a final figure appears from the treehouse a spindly, 11-year-old boy. "Only unicorns can reach the shore of Wayward Pool," he shares, "but the magic protecting the pool can’t tell the difference between a real unicorn and a make-believe one. To reach the lake we wear a unicorn costume, but at the moment, it isn't very convincing, since it's missing its horn."
To this the tree answers, revealing itself as an ent, "'Twas I, dropped the branch, whence fashioned was the faux allocorn that heretofore adorned the brow of our guise., and we should like it returned forthwith."
Cha'jil concentrated as the tree spoke, seemingly not surprised at all by talking trees, but seemed to eventually tease out the meaning, " Horn is wood, grown by tree. Belongs to tree."
She turned to look at the others, " Which way home?"
<let me know ow if I'm wrong sbout any of this and it matters in some way>
Trisk is still by the standing stones, having written the symbols within into the pages of his book.
Ethan is staring g at a school of black fish swimming in time frozen water beneath a hand holding a crown above the surface.
And Randy has plucked the last rose from the vine.
As the vine withers, three figures emerge feom their hiding place in the garden.
The humanoid spider creatures do not speak but tske what look to be menacing postures. They seem unhappy about the destruction of the rose vine and your presence, in general.
<Bump. Waiting on Ethan, Randy, Trisk ro do anything in the garden, which certainly could include leaving. Tetrevess and Picollo will probably show up at some point in the very near future. You can also totally ignore those ettercaps. They were always there. but I didn't think they were very interesting, so I just used them to try to get some engagement, but .. not very effective, yet. They're there, but they won't bother you if you don't bother them.>
Whenever you're ready you're rolling into two level 18-20 modules intended to be the conclusion to a whole series called Dreams of the Red Wizards: Teminal Ambitions. The latter titled "The Death of Szazz Tam." Since you're slightly under-leveled, I thought you might like to check out this castle that makes narrative sense, (to me, at least,) and has a chance to yeild some power-ups before moving on.
I just want to know if I srill have players. I think Tetrevess is still in, just draling with the hint from the book in the library.
Upon seeing the ettercaps emerge in response to the picking of the flowers.
"I don't think you should of picked all those flowers Randy."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Beside Trisk, the circle of standing stones starts to hum. A high pitched sound, growing louder as the wind starts, gently at first, then faster, to swirl around the circle of stones, blowing rhe clover and grass that cover the ground between them. Feom.wuthin the center of the stone circle, a point of light, like a bright candle flares, burning brighter and growing larger until it stands eight feet tall. The runes etched into the stones behin to glow a cool blue, pulsating in brightness as the hum pitches higher and lower. With a swell, the light expands to fill the entirety kf the circle, and rhen every4himg stops. The light vanishes, the winds cease, the humming halt. In the center of the regoliths stands a man, familiar to Trisk: the very much alive Tetrevess Tomescribe.
“oh.. hello there! Good to see you again, or to meet you for the first time, if we haven’t met yet. Not entirely sure when and where we are. Szass Tam. Right... no, i am Tetrevess, not Szass Tam. We were trying…err to get rid of him. Hello! Ahh ettercaps.”
the thin, brown bearded wizard starts to look around and take in the surroundings.
<transparency: take the crown and check the towers if you want to do tje castle and get a power boost. If you just want to take on Szazz Tam, the stones are a twleportation circle, as Tetrevess just discovered. You're already trying to stop Szazz Tam. So yoi can just go do that. Rhis might actually be the perfect time to visit your flying city, Ythhryn. May e take a Bastion turn, get a long rest at least (I think I forgot to give one. But I did say level up, still, here I say explicitly: make sure you're rested.)>
Put your spoiler hereReading this again (I haven't in a while) a lot has changed. Magjc items were acquired through bastion points, which in the '24 DMG are totally absent. Also, tool proficiency plays a bigger part, and crafting magic items that cast spells require you to he there. This system is a real boon if you use it. That's why I switched it from in game 1 week to irl 2 weeks.
"I am curious to know who's living in that castle."
Trisk looks in the direction of the castle trying to judge how long it would take to reach from here.
"It couldn't hurt to explore a little."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
— A basic prayer.
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Though frozen in stone for many years, the feywild has caused certain changes within Sparhawk. Deep down he feels it. Without knowing just how he knows it, he feels certain of two rules, with the weight of force behind them. The first is the Rule of Ownership. You must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. To take something that doesn’t belong to you without the rightful owner’s permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette.
The second, the Rule of Reciprocity. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger offers you a gift, you are obliged to accept it and offer something of comparable value (be it a gift or a service) in return. Such reciprocation need not happen immediately.
Armed with this knowledge, he starts to consider the group's options.
As he does, a final figure appears from the treehouse a spindly, 11-year-old boy. "Only unicorns can reach the shore of Wayward Pool," he shares, "but the magic protecting the pool can’t tell the difference between a real unicorn and a make-believe one. To reach the lake we wear a unicorn costume, but at the moment, it isn't very convincing, since it's missing its horn."
Cha'jil looked at the horn then at the children......
" The horn belong to one that grew it...."
To this the tree answers, revealing itself as an ent, "'Twas I, dropped the branch, whence fashioned was the faux allocorn that heretofore adorned the brow of our guise., and we should like it returned forthwith."
Sparhawk looks at Tess, waiting for her explaination.
Cha'jil concentrated as the tree spoke, seemingly not surprised at all by talking trees, but seemed to eventually tease out the meaning, " Horn is wood, grown by tree. Belongs to tree."
She turned to look at the others, " Which way home?"
“Once Tess makes it right, this is the place we have been lokkkng for, but how to open the portal.?”
Somebody make a nature check.
Probably should be Cha!jil.
For the group that left tbe garden and is headed to the Caverns, we can jump back to this thread.
The rest of the players, still in the garden, please continue to post in this thread.
(sorry slow post). “here’s a unicorn horn- can use this i suppose?”. Tess says, her head still a bit befuddled from the last turn of events.
she holds out the horn she still has in hand.
Nature- 9
(9 for Sparhawk)
<let me know ow if I'm wrong sbout any of this and it matters in some way>
Trisk is still by the standing stones, having written the symbols within into the pages of his book.
Ethan is staring g at a school of black fish swimming in time frozen water beneath a hand holding a crown above the surface.
And Randy has plucked the last rose from the vine.
As the vine withers, three figures emerge feom their hiding place in the garden.
The humanoid spider creatures do not speak but tske what look to be menacing postures. They seem unhappy about the destruction of the rose vine and your presence, in general.
<Bump. Waiting on Ethan, Randy, Trisk ro do anything in the garden, which certainly could include leaving. Tetrevess and Picollo will probably show up at some point in the very near future. You can also totally ignore those ettercaps. They were always there. but I didn't think they were very interesting, so I just used them to try to get some engagement, but .. not very effective, yet. They're there, but they won't bother you if you don't bother them.>
Is anyone still playing this?
Whenever you're ready you're rolling into two level 18-20 modules intended to be the conclusion to a whole series called Dreams of the Red Wizards: Teminal Ambitions. The latter titled "The Death of Szazz Tam." Since you're slightly under-leveled, I thought you might like to check out this castle that makes narrative sense, (to me, at least,) and has a chance to yeild some power-ups before moving on.
I just want to know if I srill have players. I think Tetrevess is still in, just draling with the hint from the book in the library.
Upon seeing the ettercaps emerge in response to the picking of the flowers.
"I don't think you should of picked all those flowers Randy."
(If players still engaged and posting, Piccolo will return at some point.)
Beside Trisk, the circle of standing stones starts to hum. A high pitched sound, growing louder as the wind starts, gently at first, then faster, to swirl around the circle of stones, blowing rhe clover and grass that cover the ground between them. Feom.wuthin the center of the stone circle, a point of light, like a bright candle flares, burning brighter and growing larger until it stands eight feet tall. The runes etched into the stones behin to glow a cool blue, pulsating in brightness as the hum pitches higher and lower. With a swell, the light expands to fill the entirety kf the circle, and rhen every4himg stops. The light vanishes, the winds cease, the humming halt. In the center of the regoliths stands a man, familiar to Trisk: the very much alive Tetrevess Tomescribe.
“oh.. hello there! Good to see you again, or to meet you for the first time, if we haven’t met yet. Not entirely sure when and where we are. Szass Tam. Right... no, i am Tetrevess, not Szass Tam. We were trying…err to get rid of him. Hello! Ahh ettercaps.”
the thin, brown bearded wizard starts to look around and take in the surroundings.
<transparency: take the crown and check the towers if you want to do tje castle and get a power boost. If you just want to take on Szazz Tam, the stones are a twleportation circle, as Tetrevess just discovered. You're already trying to stop Szazz Tam. So yoi can just go do that. Rhis might actually be the perfect time to visit your flying city, Ythhryn. May e take a Bastion turn, get a long rest at least (I think I forgot to give one. But I did say level up, still, here I say explicitly: make sure you're rested.)>
Put your spoiler hereReading this again (I haven't in a while) a lot has changed. Magjc items were acquired through bastion points, which in the '24 DMG are totally absent. Also, tool proficiency plays a bigger part, and crafting magic items that cast spells require you to he there. This system is a real boon if you use it. That's why I switched it from in game 1 week to irl 2 weeks.
"I am curious to know who's living in that castle."
Trisk looks in the direction of the castle trying to judge how long it would take to reach from here.
"It couldn't hurt to explore a little."