This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Just before the woods is another circle of mushrooms. They don't look the same as the singing dancing campestri you met earlier. Instead, a ring of 75 toadstools who speak common. They are mocking and rude toward visitors.
The forest is at its darkest here. Up ahead, a colossal dead oak lies on its side. Three living trees grow naturally out of its fallen remains. Their shapes resemble towers, with candlelit windows twinkling in the gloom and wooden balconies encircling gnarled branches. On one side of the fallen tree, firelight spills from a pair of quaint storefront windows, illuminating a clearing filled with merchant stalls.
Piccolo seems quite offended by the rude toadstools. She takes out her tiny instrument and unleashes a string of sharp and flat tones. (Vicious Mockery: She will subdue damage by keeping the volume low but the tone of her music and (musical telepathy) clearly warns that if they continue with their insults, it will hurt more than they can possibly imagine. (WIDSOM DC 21.)
Piccolo looks at the strange tree, merchant store area, and toadstools to assure herself she is seeing what she is seeing. If so, she will peak into the merchant store window with curiosity.
Just cheking. Do you want them to not die from the vicious mockery? Is there some effect you're trying for?
It's 28 miles. Theoretically you're in a hurry, since Toriks sun is dying or something ND the world is turning dark. But, time moves differently in the Feywild, so there's really no rush. So you could long rest if you want. Did anyone use any resources or take any damage that would make that mechanically relevant?
Uriel would also get truesigth from the dancing, if he succeeded a performance check DC12. But I think it's over if there's a long rest between.
I guess if he looks back over his shoulder, Drain wil see the ring of toadstools glow with the yellow hue of conjuration magic.
- **Abjuration**: Blue - **Conjuration**: Yellow - **Divination**: Gray - **Enchantment**: Pink - **Evocation**: Red - **Illusion**: Purple - **Necromancy**: Green - **Transmutation**: Orange
"Hey, I think those mushroom fellas are conjuring up something. At least that's what the magic says."
(Drain has Just a few spell slots for detect magic, that started from the Palace....not enough to ask for a LR, but I was curious - it seems we have been on the road for half day or more, (and another 28 hours moving fast would be over7 hours )
(OOC: She wants to scold the toadstools for insulting them and get them to knock it off, without arming them with the psychic damage of Vicious Mockery (Like subdual damage. Is there a merchants store in the tree?)
A gnarled bridge formed by tangled tree roots spans a rocky, dried-up riverbed.To avoid making a racket, each creature traveling along a bridge must make a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Three stalls selling candy are situated in this clearing, lit by windows carved into the giant fallen tree to one side of it. Two goblins are working in each stall, and the whole enterprise is watched closely by a goblin with a toffee apple head who appears to be muttering quietly to himself.
Drain will wander up and take a look at the Candy while his detect magics is still up, as well glancing around for invisible creatures. "So, none of you guys are worried about them conjuring up a demon or something?"
This market sells goblin-made candies of all sorts. Six goblins work here, two per stall, under the watchful gaze of their goblin boss, Chucklehead, whose head has been reshaped by fey magic to look like a toffee apple. The stallholders greet patrons warmly and invite them to sample and buy their delicious wares. Meanwhile, Chucklehead watches out for thieves.
The goods sold here are delicious but made with disgusting ingredients. Examples include beetles encased in hard candy, lollipops made from compacted ants, and jellied worms. The stallholders charge one trinket per treat. <we didn't really run this thing from the ground up, but assume you have a trinket. >
Piccolo is like a kid in a candy shop. She wants a bit of everything. From her bag of holding, she pulls out many random items. Snakes, snails, puppy dog tails, crystals, rocks, stale bread, 6 shirt buttons that don’t match, a leather shoe, an ogres finger, a ring from a princess, a feather from an exotic white raven. You name it Piccolo has quite a collection. Her companions will need to pull her away. She especially loves the beetle candy.
Moving silently until he reaches the others, Uriel asks, "Is this the domain of one of the hags? Perhaps if so the unicorn or its horn is here somewhere."
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Picollo, after eating so much goblin candy, finds herself experiencing some surprising effects.
Your footfalls emit musical notes that can be heard out to a range of 30 feet.
Eating the candy causes you to foam at the mouth, making it difficult (but not impossible) for you to speak
You are targeted by a polymorph spell and automatically fail the saving throw against it. The new form is a butterfly (use the bat stat block, but omit its darkvision, Echolocation trait, and Bite attack).
Also, make a DC11 Con save, with the butterfly stats. On a failure, you'll be poisoned for 8 hours.
The candy apple headed goblin mutters to himself as though he’s having a constant but mild crisis of conscience. Until he hears Uriel's remarks. "'Scuse me," he hails "would you be looking for granny Nightshade then? I can take you to her, if you like. "
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Just before the woods is another circle of mushrooms. They don't look the same as the singing dancing campestri you met earlier. Instead, a ring of 75 toadstools who speak common. They are mocking and rude toward visitors.
Repeated for convenience after page break.
I know at least Picollo has True sight. Does anyone else have temporary sensory enhancement, like detect magic, yo right now?
Piccolo seems quite offended by the rude toadstools. She takes out her tiny instrument and unleashes a string of sharp and flat tones. (Vicious Mockery: She will subdue damage by keeping the volume low but the tone of her music and (musical telepathy) clearly warns that if they continue with their insults, it will hurt more than they can possibly imagine. (WIDSOM DC 21.)
Piccolo looks at the strange tree, merchant store area, and toadstools to assure herself she is seeing what she is seeing. If so, she will peak into the merchant store window with curiosity.
Drain will cast Detect magic along with See Invisibility as they enter.
(Since we were in the castle have we had a long rest?...I have assumed the travel takes some time).
(Uriel danced too, but I don’t think he got truesight. Other than that, just 60’ darkvision).
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Just cheking. Do you want them to not die from the vicious mockery? Is there some effect you're trying for?
It's 28 miles. Theoretically you're in a hurry, since Toriks sun is dying or something ND the world is turning dark. But, time moves differently in the Feywild, so there's really no rush. So you could long rest if you want. Did anyone use any resources or take any damage that would make that mechanically relevant?
Uriel would also get truesigth from the dancing, if he succeeded a performance check DC12. But I think it's over if there's a long rest between.
I guess if he looks back over his shoulder, Drain wil see the ring of toadstools glow with the yellow hue of conjuration magic.
- **Abjuration**: Blue
- **Conjuration**: Yellow
- **Divination**: Gray
- **Enchantment**: Pink
- **Evocation**: Red
- **Illusion**: Purple
- **Necromancy**: Green
- **Transmutation**: Orange
"Hey, I think those mushroom fellas are conjuring up something. At least that's what the magic says."
(Drain has Just a few spell slots for detect magic, that started from the Palace....not enough to ask for a LR, but I was curious - it seems we have been on the road for half day or more, (and another 28 hours moving fast would be over7 hours )
(OOC: She wants to scold the toadstools for insulting them and get them to knock it off, without arming them with the psychic damage of Vicious Mockery (Like subdual damage. Is there a merchants store in the tree?)
Yes, a few. Right across the right bridge.
A gnarled bridge formed by tangled tree roots spans a rocky, dried-up riverbed.To avoid making a racket, each creature traveling along a bridge must make a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Three stalls selling candy are situated in this clearing, lit by windows carved into the giant fallen tree to one side of it. Two goblins are working in each stall, and the whole enterprise is watched closely by a goblin with a toffee apple head who appears to be muttering quietly to himself.
Stealth 25
Drain will wander up and take a look at the Candy while his detect magics is still up, as well glancing around for invisible creatures. "So, none of you guys are worried about them conjuring up a demon or something?"
Drain will look a the wizard as he makes the comment, figuring someone may know more than him about it.
This market sells goblin-made candies of all sorts. Six goblins work here, two per stall, under the watchful gaze of their goblin boss, Chucklehead, whose head has been reshaped by fey magic to look like a toffee apple. The stallholders greet patrons warmly and invite them to sample and buy their delicious wares. Meanwhile, Chucklehead watches out for thieves.
The goods sold here are delicious but made with disgusting ingredients. Examples include beetles encased in hard candy, lollipops made from compacted ants, and jellied worms. The stallholders charge one trinket per treat. <we didn't really run this thing from the ground up, but assume you have a trinket. >
Piccolo is like a kid in a candy shop. She wants a bit of everything. From her bag of holding, she pulls out many random items. Snakes, snails, puppy dog tails, crystals, rocks, stale bread, 6 shirt buttons that don’t match, a leather shoe, an ogres finger, a ring from a princess, a feather from an exotic white raven. You name it Piccolo has quite a collection. Her companions will need to pull her away. She especially loves the beetle candy.
Stealth: 17
Moving silently until he reaches the others, Uriel asks, "Is this the domain of one of the hags? Perhaps if so the unicorn or its horn is here somewhere."
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
1 4 2
Picollo, after eating so much goblin candy, finds herself experiencing some surprising effects.
Your footfalls emit musical notes that can be heard out to a range of 30 feet.
Eating the candy causes you to foam at the mouth, making it difficult (but not impossible) for you to speak
You are targeted by a polymorph spell and automatically fail the saving throw against it. The new form is a butterfly (use the bat stat block, but omit its darkvision, Echolocation trait, and Bite attack).
Also, make a DC11 Con save, with the butterfly stats. On a failure, you'll be poisoned for 8 hours.
From the goblin candy market you can see into the workshop within the adjacent log.
displayed in the workshop windows:
A set of nesting dolls in which each doll looks more frightened than the next larger one
A stuffed lion with needles for teeth and real bloodstains around its jaws
A toy windmill with a crank on one side that turns the vanes and the millstone
A set of playing cards depicting weeping children
A wind-up drunkard doll that totters a few paces and then falls over
Four finger puppets depicting an arguing family
A 1-foot-tall wooden guillotine
A tiny wooden box containing eight sticks of black chalk
The candy apple headed goblin mutters to himself as though he’s having a constant but mild crisis of conscience. Until he hears Uriel's remarks. "'Scuse me," he hails "would you be looking for granny Nightshade then? I can take you to her, if you like. "