So then we gather up all the children. "Let's keep them together and try and protect them."
Trisk tries to take on the airs of a school teacher guiding a class.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
To get to the rest of the kids and meet up with Drain and Sam he'd have ro pass through a round room with three doors and a wood-carved staircase that ascends to a higher level. The walls are a dense tangle of tree roots and brambles, nestled among which are five animated portraits: one of a svelte, dark-haired woman and the others depicting hags.
Three hags you've met before, in the castle, the fourth is truly ancient and terrifying.
Each portrait magically animates to create the impression that the subject is looking around and shifting uncomfortably, but the animation has the quality of an old movie. The moving images are silent.
<FYI I think I'm waiting on players. If I haven't adequately addressed someone's position or action, let me know. Yiure in separate areas and it makes it a little harder for me to keep track plus I wanted to make sure you're not waiting on me right now.>
Piccolo is happy following along with the children. She completely blends in, playing with them and impulsive, taking Trisks lead. At the same time, she is keenly aware of her surroundings. She also gets the mound, her new friend additional food. She seems very happy. (does piccolo recognize any of the images on the wall, especially the very old witch)
She easily recognizes the three hags from the castle and more recently the room down the hall of this, her home. But not the other two. As she moves through the room, she feels the prick of a thorn. Suddenly all the portraits vanish and in their place appear... <@Shimshon, you finish it>
The portraits are enchanted to display the last creature that pricked its skin on the brambles’ thorns in addition to its four closest family members, if it has any. These family members can be living or dead. (If the creature has fewer than four close family members, any remaining portraits are blank.)
At this point ,Picollo would surmise, (presumably) knowing (or at least suspecting) her own relationship with the others pictured, that the portraits they saw at first must have been the hag's family.
This could be useful information.
That ghoul girl is named Sowpig, by the way. She's going to follow you around for a bit. How long were you planning on looking through the cabinets where you found her?
Also, the portrait room has a door to the north, towards the kitchen, one to the south, where Sowpig was resting, and a third that exits to the west. In addition, if you're rounding up children, you could have been told by Mishka or Chucklehead of those working in the textile production facility (a.k.a. the Loom Room) just up the stairs from the portrait gallery, and more in the room that's not quite hidden, but not exactly obvious halfway up the stairs to where the poisoned dwarf boy lies in recovery. This is the sewing room.
Not sure where everyone else is except Trisk. Piccolo is VERY curious and will search the cabinets, looking for whatever she finds. Then she will open the mystery door and peak in. The Sowpig, she will play a brief sad tune on her instrument
To Sowpig: musical telepathy (Image of her and her parents that match those on the wall and smile)
After a full fifteen minutes if scouring the cabinets, you come across an oddly shaped object.
Through the door you find yourself outside, again, near the garden, but in a spot obscured from view earlier by the tree root that now stands to your right. Not only did it block your view of the door, but also a bix similar to the one Cradlefall crawled out of and the empty one Dam also found, as well as the rocking horse on which Skabatha flew away from the castle.
Creaking softly, a rocking horse moves back and forth near the door. Peeling paint covers its limbs, and its rocker is thick with moss. A rictus grin is painted on its face. Picollo also notices a depression on its forehead.
Piccolo will examine the depression in the head (unicorn horn?) and look around the room for something that could fit, or something she has already recovered. She will also sit on the horse and see if it does anything. (Is the odd shaped thing an instrument?
If the strange thing has a hole on both ends (like a horn), she will give it a try as an instrument and see what happens. If both ends are sealed, she will take it and put it in her bag.
"It does look like it will fit." Trisk watches Piccolo play with the toy unicorn.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
As the strange object finds the depression on the horse's forehead, fine tendrils emerge rrom the blunt end, burrowing into the wooden horse and weaving through its head like thread drawn by an unseen needle 🪡
The speed of the process is beyond comprehension as a glow emenat3s brightly from the depression, expanding across the entirety of the horse from mane to tail. The bright light expands, growing from around three feet tall at the shoulder to nearly twice that height before it dims to reveal a unicorn standing in the rocking horse's place.
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currently traveling in Saudi with limited access....
So then we gather up all the children. "Let's keep them together and try and protect them."
Trisk tries to take on the airs of a school teacher guiding a class.
To get to the rest of the kids and meet up with Drain and Sam he'd have ro pass through a round room with three doors and a wood-carved staircase that ascends to a higher level. The walls are a dense tangle of tree roots and brambles, nestled among which are five animated portraits: one of a svelte, dark-haired woman and the others depicting hags.
Three hags you've met before, in the castle, the fourth is truly ancient and terrifying.
Each portrait magically animates to create the impression that the subject is looking around and shifting uncomfortably, but the animation has the quality of an old movie. The moving images are silent.
<FYI I think I'm waiting on players. If I haven't adequately addressed someone's position or action, let me know. Yiure in separate areas and it makes it a little harder for me to keep track plus I wanted to make sure you're not waiting on me right now.>
Piccolo is happy following along with the children. She completely blends in, playing with them and impulsive, taking Trisks lead. At the same time, she is keenly aware of her surroundings. She also gets the mound, her new friend additional food. She seems very happy.
(does piccolo recognize any of the images on the wall, especially the very old witch)
She easily recognizes the three hags from the castle and more recently the room down the hall of this, her home. But not the other two. As she moves through the room, she feels the prick of a thorn. Suddenly all the portraits vanish and in their place appear... <@Shimshon, you finish it>
The portraits are enchanted to display the last creature that pricked its skin on the brambles’ thorns in addition to its four closest family members, if it has any. These family members can be living or dead. (If the creature has fewer than four close family members, any remaining portraits are blank.)
On the walls, three pictures appear, while one is not blank
At this point ,Picollo would surmise, (presumably) knowing (or at least suspecting) her own relationship with the others pictured, that the portraits they saw at first must have been the hag's family.
This could be useful information.
That ghoul girl is named Sowpig, by the way. She's going to follow you around for a bit. How long were you planning on looking through the cabinets where you found her?
Also, the portrait room has a door to the north, towards the kitchen, one to the south, where Sowpig was resting, and a third that exits to the west. In addition, if you're rounding up children, you could have been told by Mishka or Chucklehead of those working in the textile production facility (a.k.a. the Loom Room) just up the stairs from the portrait gallery, and more in the room that's not quite hidden, but not exactly obvious halfway up the stairs to where the poisoned dwarf boy lies in recovery. This is the sewing room.
So, What are we doing?
Searching cabinets,
Loom room,
sewing room,
mystery door
Or just leave, I guess.
Not sure where everyone else is except Trisk. Piccolo is VERY curious and will search the cabinets, looking for whatever she finds. Then she will open the mystery door and peak in. The Sowpig, she will play a brief sad tune on her instrument
To Sowpig: musical telepathy (Image of her and her parents that match those on the wall and smile)
After a full fifteen minutes if scouring the cabinets, you come across an oddly shaped object.
Through the door you find yourself outside, again, near the garden, but in a spot obscured from view earlier by the tree root that now stands to your right. Not only did it block your view of the door, but also a bix similar to the one Cradlefall crawled out of and the empty one Dam also found, as well as the rocking horse on which Skabatha flew away from the castle.
Creaking softly, a rocking horse moves back and forth near the door. Peeling paint covers its limbs, and its rocker is thick with moss. A rictus grin is painted on its face. Picollo also notices a depression on its forehead.
Piccolo will examine the depression in the head (unicorn horn?) and look around the room for something that could fit, or something she has already recovered.
She will also sit on the horse and see if it does anything. (Is the odd shaped thing an instrument?
I guess you could try blowing in it.
If the strange thing has a hole on both ends (like a horn), she will give it a try as an instrument and see what happens. If both ends are sealed, she will take it and put it in her bag.
It doesn't have any holes, but it does very much have the appearance of horn.
Make an Int check.
(9 Int check..) being curious, she will try to blow in it anyway to see if it does anything.
( ゚ェ゚)
I'm going to revise that image. Not hiding the fact these are AI generated. Let's try a new result. This is what the thing you found looks like:
Piccolo tries to fit the horn to the hole on the horse. She plays her little instrument and projects the Trisk an image of a unicorn horn.
"It does look like it will fit." Trisk watches Piccolo play with the toy unicorn.
As the strange object finds the depression on the horse's forehead, fine tendrils emerge rrom the blunt end, burrowing into the wooden horse and weaving through its head like thread drawn by an unseen needle 🪡
The speed of the process is beyond comprehension as a glow emenat3s brightly from the depression, expanding across the entirety of the horse from mane to tail. The bright light expands, growing from around three feet tall at the shoulder to nearly twice that height before it dims to reveal a unicorn standing in the rocking horse's place.