(ooc: I haven't looked at the sidekick rules in quite a while and forgot about the CR limit, maybe it's enough to just have Elidon accompany us to the castle?)
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Following rhe stairs up from the attic Picollo finds Skabatha's bedroom.
This room has two closed doors, one leading to a 20-foot-high balcony and the other leading to Granny Nightshade’s aviary. Neither door is locked.
Almost everything about this bedroom is orderly, from the bed with the patchwork quilt to the ornamental pigs arranged in a neat row on the dresser. Such tidiness is at odds, however, with the decaying dollhouse sitting on the bedside table. This three-foot-tall edifice has seen better days and is now besmirched by peeling paint, mold, and rot. By inspecting the outside of the dollhouse closely, you see that the roof is hinged, like the lid of a toybox, but it resists initial attempts to open by hand.
Behind the dollhouse, by the window, moths flutter inside a large bell jar. Facing one another along the outer wall are a pair of doors. Next to the door closest to the staircase is a wooden rocking cradle painted with images of green dragons and a neatly folded threadbare blanket in it.
(ooc: I haven't looked at the sidekick rules in quite a while and forgot about the CR limit, maybe it's enough to just have Elidon accompany us to the castle?)
That was my intent, but if a player wants to do it, I'm fine with them having a unicorn sidekick for a while. Probably won't want to follow outside the Feywild, but thats not a final word, I just don't expect him to.
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Piccolo nods at Trisk. She will examine the doll house more carefully, then, will use her tools to carefully open the house (unless she finds a secret catch/ trap)
The front door is unlocked, but there's no easy way to see what's in the attic. The oof doesnt give way to the thieves tools and there's no obvious latch or other mechanisms to open it.
If you've still got detect magic up, you do see the aura of abjurarion magic upon it.
Mishka, the little girl you unchained from the kitchen, calls up the stairs "I used to hear Granny say this strange things sometimes. It sounded like 'rumpleclump,' maybe that could do something."
Trisk will repeat the strange word, "Rumpleclump!"
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
When you say the word, the aura if magic surrounding the dollhouse dims to a faint glow, allowing the roof to be tilted on its hinge and exposing the interior attic, which holds:
A pair of embroidered velvet slippers (15 gp)
A false eye made of solid gold (25 gp)
A cracked hand mirror with a gaudy, bejeweled handle and frame (65 gp)
"I can fix that hand mirror tomorrow for you Piccollo if you would like?"
Trisk looks happy that Piccolo found some hidden items in the dollhouse as he knows she is very curious.
"Unfortunately I don't have the spell prepared today."
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Piccolo wll see if. The slippers will stay on her hooves feet. She will look at herself on the cracked mirror and adjust her hat. Then she looks for a hidden compartment in the doll house.
Old, empty birdhouses are nailed to the walls of this cramped room, and a dozen birdcages hang from the ceiling. The cages are filled with tiny clockwork sparrows. As the birds’ gears turn, the air thrums with rhythmic ticking. Paper and quills are heaped on a small writing desk under the cages. A pair of open windows overlook the forest beyond. Carved into the wall above one window is the word “Hither,” and above the other is the word “Yon.”
The sparrows have their names engraved on their breasts: Glyff, Pim, Zwee and many others. In addition to delivering spoken messages, a mechanical sparrow can also carry written letters.
The writing desk contains three letters, two from Bavlorna and one from Endelyn:
I don’t have Elidon’s horn. If I did, I would use it to free Bloodybeak and send it after the jabberwock that lairs in the palace and hunts in your forest. No matter what Endelyn says, that burbling beast of a dragon is a threat to our coven and our three realms. How Zybilna managed to befriend it, I’ll never know! Maybe we should ask her—ha ha.
Much love,
Lovely Skab,
The last time I saw the unicorn horn, it was in your possession. Pity you lost it. But fret not! I have gazed into the Orrery of Tragedies, and it has revealed to me that Elidon’s horn will be found.
If worse comes to worst, recall that Elidon’s mate still dwells in your forest. You could kill Lamorna and take her horn—assuming, of course, you’re not too busy making toys.
Your darling sister,
Dear Sister,
There’s no use asking Endelyn if she has the horn. She doesn’t tell us anything! But if we don’t find it soon, I fear what the jabberwock will do after it gets tired of prowling the forest and turns its fiery gaze elsewhere. Gods’ bodkins, that thing gives me nightmares!
Must I remind you that we need a unicorn’s horn to free creatures from the cauldron’s time-freezing magic? It’s not enough to know their true names, you know. Of course, my greater concern is that someone else finds the horn and uses it for exactly that purpose. What do you think Zybilna will do to us, we treacherous three, if she’s no longer bound by her cauldron’s magic?
Your beloved sister,
With that, I think you can head back to the castle, Elidon in tow.
<unless anyone wants to do anything else first, cut right to arrival at the garden. Yiu can walk right back into the castle if you want, instead. Up to you. What do want to do first?>
"Image of Trisk reading the letters out loud, and making sure Elidon here's it." She also plays music that sounds like fear and then shows an "image of the dragon in the castle" (wondering if that is the jabberwock.)
Trisk will read the letters out loud for Elidon and all to hear.
"Good guess Piccolo, I recall hearing the dragon in the castle referred to as the Jabberwock but I can't remember where at the moment."
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
"Image of Trisk reading the letters out loud, and making sure Elidon here's it." She also plays music that sounds like fear and then shows an "image of the dragon in the castle" (wondering if that is the jabberwock.)
It is. Pretty much anyone in Prismeer could confirm this.
So, what do yiu want to do? You have the power to unfreeze anyone you can name. So, if you asked the dwarf feom the pit the name of the knight...
Also, you know you've got some bad guys in the castle, according to the dwarf. And then there's Zybilna and the Jabberwock coiled about the cauldron, and some others, like the butler and a frog and a fomorian, not to mention the Hart and whoever else you can think of. Plenty of options. What do you want to do?
(OOC: We have to decide who are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys." I think if we release a few we are confident in, we can then get more answers to help in our other choices.)
(I'm a bit confused, how if we know their name can we release them?)
"Perhaps we should start with the Knight. He might be grateful enough to answer a few questions and appeared to be frozen while confronting the hags so he could be a potential ally. And didn't one of the hags or someone else mention his name?"
Trisk waits to see if anyone else agrees or has another option of who to free.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
— A basic prayer.
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(ooc: I haven't looked at the sidekick rules in quite a while and forgot about the CR limit, maybe it's enough to just have Elidon accompany us to the castle?)
Following rhe stairs up from the attic Picollo finds Skabatha's bedroom.
This room has two closed doors, one leading to a 20-foot-high balcony and the other leading to Granny Nightshade’s aviary. Neither door is locked.
Almost everything about this bedroom is orderly, from the bed with the patchwork quilt to the ornamental pigs arranged in a neat row on the dresser. Such tidiness is at odds, however, with the decaying dollhouse sitting on the bedside table. This three-foot-tall edifice has seen better days and is now besmirched by peeling paint, mold, and rot. By inspecting the outside of the dollhouse closely, you see that the roof is hinged, like the lid of a toybox, but it resists initial attempts to open by hand.
Behind the dollhouse, by the window, moths flutter inside a large bell jar. Facing one another along the outer wall are a pair of doors. Next to the door closest to the staircase is a wooden rocking cradle painted with images of green dragons and a neatly folded threadbare blanket in it.
That was my intent, but if a player wants to do it, I'm fine with them having a unicorn sidekick for a while. Probably won't want to follow outside the Feywild, but thats not a final word, I just don't expect him to.
Piccolo will bring some of the others to the room, and start playing her woodwind
As you hear her music, you see an "Image of Piccolo opening the dollhouse and an image of her not opening it."
She pulls out her lockpicks and a dagger and shrugs, waiting for your suggestion.
While she waits she also looks for a key or any secret openings or hidden compartments in the room and doll house.
Trisk will give Piccolo the nod, "Give it a try but be careful, you never know what can happen."
Piccolo nods at Trisk. She will examine the doll house more carefully, then, will use her tools to carefully open the house (unless she finds a secret catch/ trap)
(Perception: 15), Sleight of Hand: 24)
The front door is unlocked, but there's no easy way to see what's in the attic. The oof doesnt give way to the thieves tools and there's no obvious latch or other mechanisms to open it.
If you've still got detect magic up, you do see the aura of abjurarion magic upon it.
Mishka, the little girl you unchained from the kitchen, calls up the stairs "I used to hear Granny say this strange things sometimes. It sounded like 'rumpleclump,' maybe that could do something."
Trisk will repeat the strange word, "Rumpleclump!"
When you say the word, the aura if magic surrounding the dollhouse dims to a faint glow, allowing the roof to be tilted on its hinge and exposing the interior attic, which holds:
A pair of embroidered velvet slippers (15 gp)
A false eye made of solid gold (25 gp)
A cracked hand mirror with a gaudy, bejeweled handle and frame (65 gp)
"I can fix that hand mirror tomorrow for you Piccollo if you would like?"
Trisk looks happy that Piccolo found some hidden items in the dollhouse as he knows she is very curious.
"Unfortunately I don't have the spell prepared today."
Piccolo wll see if. The slippers will stay on her hooves feet. She will look at herself on the cracked mirror and adjust her hat. Then she looks for a hidden compartment in the doll house.
she hands Trisk the eye.
Beyibd rhe bedroom, you find the aviary.
Old, empty birdhouses are nailed to the walls of this cramped room, and a dozen birdcages hang from the ceiling. The cages are filled with tiny clockwork sparrows. As the birds’ gears turn, the air thrums with rhythmic ticking. Paper and quills are heaped on a small writing desk under the cages. A pair of open windows overlook the forest beyond. Carved into the wall above one window is the word “Hither,” and above the other is the word “Yon.”
The sparrows have their names engraved on their breasts: Glyff, Pim, Zwee and many others. In addition to delivering spoken messages, a mechanical sparrow can also carry written letters.
The writing desk contains three letters, two from Bavlorna and one from Endelyn:
I don’t have Elidon’s horn. If I did, I would use it to free Bloodybeak and send it after the jabberwock that lairs in the palace and hunts in your forest. No matter what Endelyn says, that burbling beast of a dragon is a threat to our coven and our three realms. How Zybilna managed to befriend it, I’ll never know! Maybe we should ask her—ha ha.
Much love,
Lovely Skab,
The last time I saw the unicorn horn, it was in your possession. Pity you lost it. But fret not! I have gazed into the Orrery of Tragedies, and it has revealed to me that Elidon’s horn will be found.
If worse comes to worst, recall that Elidon’s mate still dwells in your forest. You could kill Lamorna and take her horn—assuming, of course, you’re not too busy making toys.
Your darling sister,
Dear Sister,
There’s no use asking Endelyn if she has the horn. She doesn’t tell us anything! But if we don’t find it soon, I fear what the jabberwock will do after it gets tired of prowling the forest and turns its fiery gaze elsewhere. Gods’ bodkins, that thing gives me nightmares!
Must I remind you that we need a unicorn’s horn to free creatures from the cauldron’s time-freezing magic? It’s not enough to know their true names, you know. Of course, my greater concern is that someone else finds the horn and uses it for exactly that purpose. What do you think Zybilna will do to us, we treacherous three, if she’s no longer bound by her cauldron’s magic?
Your beloved sister,
With that, I think you can head back to the castle, Elidon in tow.
<unless anyone wants to do anything else first, cut right to arrival at the garden. Yiu can walk right back into the castle if you want, instead. Up to you. What do want to do first?>
Piccolo will play her instrument
"Image of Trisk reading the letters out loud, and making sure Elidon here's it."
She also plays music that sounds like fear and then shows an "image of the dragon in the castle" (wondering if that is the jabberwock.)
Trisk will read the letters out loud for Elidon and all to hear.
"Good guess Piccolo, I recall hearing the dragon in the castle referred to as the Jabberwock but I can't remember where at the moment."
It is. Pretty much anyone in Prismeer could confirm this.
So, what do yiu want to do? You have the power to unfreeze anyone you can name. So, if you asked the dwarf feom the pit the name of the knight...
Also, you know you've got some bad guys in the castle, according to the dwarf. And then there's Zybilna and the Jabberwock coiled about the cauldron, and some others, like the butler and a frog and a fomorian, not to mention the Hart and whoever else you can think of. Plenty of options. What do you want to do?
(OOC: We have to decide who are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys." I think if we release a few we are confident in, we can then get more answers to help in our other choices.)
(I'm a bit confused, how if we know their name can we release them?)
"Perhaps we should start with the Knight. He might be grateful enough to answer a few questions and appeared to be frozen while confronting the hags so he could be a potential ally. And didn't one of the hags or someone else mention his name?"
Trisk waits to see if anyone else agrees or has another option of who to free.