Gorm is honored and awed by their acceptance and treatment by the elves, by the comfort and easy luxury in which they live and the acceptance, grace and hospitality that they share... It is as she is trying to frame the words properly on how to express all this that she finds herself and her companions surrounded by silvery light and runes and magically transported away. There is a sense of disappointment inside of her but, in truth, it is overpowered by her sense of relief. She had been terrified her words would be insufficient and clunky and that they would do nothing but embarrass her and her people - she is relieved that she is saved from that.
Suddenly upon the path to Candlekeep Gorm finds herself in more familiar surroundings. Not home or anything like it. Not by any means. But she has far more experience in the cities and makings of Men than she does of Elves and while the Elves are surely better hosts she at least does not fear about stepping out of line at every moment when surrounded by the more uncouth lands of Men.
"So, we just get in line then?" Gorm asks. "Will we all be allowed in or just the bookish type?"
Dr A turns to Gorm and says “Ahbut unfortunately we do have to wait in line as they have very strict protocols here. However, as my guests you’ll be welcome I can assure you!” Dr A then strides up to the wooden table as if he had done this all before - which he actually has several times “My name is Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai and I am a close friend and confidant of Great Reader Teles Ahvoste. I need to speak to him or either Great Reader Alkrist or Great Reader Fheminor Scrivenbark!” He looks past the table and spies one of the guides clustered around the table. “Boy” he says to a young human - “go and find out if either Great Readers Tele Ahvoste, Alkrist or Fheminor Scrivenbark are avaialbe for a meeting. Tell them Dr Ahbutavyu is desirous of a conference.” He then reaches into his backpack and draws out the copy of the Untold poems of Thylissteril saying “this is for the collection!” which he then places on the table in front of the scribes.
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Smiling and thanking the elves, Logan clasps Thandril’s arm in a warrior’s handshake, saying, “Once a brother in arms, always a brother in arms. Call upon me if you have need.”
Transported to the threshold of the great Candlekeep, Logan is awed and observes in silence, comfortable relegating himself to the role of protector and guest of Doctor A.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
One of the Awoved, a young half-elf woman with her hair cut really short, is clearly overwhelmed by Dr. A's speech.
"Eehh yeah but... of course but.. Great Reader Alkrist or... but.. " when the tortle calls the guide, the young man smiles and takes one step into the fortress, eager to comply but the Awoved stops him. "No wait!" she says in a perhaps a little bit louder than usual. She takes a breath " Wait Fembris please." she says before turning to Dr. A. " Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai you are known in the Library " one has to reckon her memory " Allow me, please, to check your offering, as is protocolary needed, but I take you are in a real hurry. " she turns towards the guides that are waiting "Garlyth please go and..."
"And find Great Reader Alkrist "cuts a dwarf with a raven black beard long to his waist " On it!"and he disappears inside the gates.
" Meanwhile..." she takes the book presented and raise an eyebrow "Please Irony " a young tiefling, with black purple skin stands up "Check if we do not have a copy of this piece of art, I don't think so, but protocol must be observed " she says passing the poems book to the tiefling who slightly bows and takes it inside. " Now, please, while we wait... do you need anything to drink or eat?" she offers. They notice that there is another table, attended by a couple of aidees that offers water, wine and some fruits to the petitioners, there is no chairs but at least they offer some refreshment to the travelers.
“Come friends let us avail ourselves of some of these wonderful refreshments while we wait!” Dr A says to his colleagues as he goes over to see what is on the table.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gorm would find this all weird and just follow Dr. A's lead... "Any book they do not have?" she asks him curiously. "They don't care about quality or subject, just uniqueness?"
“Ahbut my friend as strange as that may seem that is absolutely correct. As followers of either Deneir or Othman, the custodians of the library value knowledge in all of its forms. They do not see knowledge as either good or bad - it just is!” Dr A answers Gorm’s question.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"So I could just purchase a blank book and fill it's pages with tales from home... or my remembered dreams... or the alcoholic ramblings of the town drunk?" Gorm thinks aloud. "Well, I guess we should start writing in case we ever need return..."
“Ahbut a record of your people’s tales would certainly be welcomed. The others perhaps not. Unless of course the Town Drunk was also a bard, which in my opinion is not wholly unusual!” Dr A replies.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Clear and fresh water, warm wine and even lemonade are the beverages that can be picked at the table. Nuts, almonds, cheese, bread, grapes apples and oranges are also displayed for the petitioners.
It doesn't take much time when the guides sent to attend the party requests starts to come back. First is the tiefling, who confirms that the book Dr. A. had given is, indeed, new to the keep library, followed about twenty minutes later by the dwarf who whispers something at the Avowed's ear. She nods and calls the party with her hand.
"As expected you are welcome inside the Gates. Please follow Fembris to the Heart. Great Reader Alkrist will meet you there. Welcome to Candlekeep" she bows and the young, smiling boy bows and extending his left arm, asks them to go first.
"Welcome to Candlekeep" Fembris says with an enthusiastic smile as they traverse the partially open gate "please follow me to the Heart. If needed you will be given rooms at the House of Rest " as he speaks they enter a big, covered by cobblestone yard of about three hundred feet. Just across it, in front of them, they see another set of doors, the fabled Emerald Doors, that grant access to the inner yard of the Keep. Directly to their left, next to the outer wall they can see a series of buildings. The closest seems to be some kind of steam house and bath, next to it it's the smithy and stables. Logan remembers now that Talgred and his horse are still waiting in an inn back in the Dales. Next to the stables they can see a small temple dedicated to Oghma, God of inspiration, invention and knowledge, followed by a granary. After that, and following the line of the walls, they see what Fembris called the House of Rest. A two history building dedicated to host the library guests. Alongside that there is the Heart, which is more like all the inns and taverns they already know. A modest one history building with a couple of windows alongside the brown wooden door lit from the inside with a warmth light.
Before entering the Heart, they notice that to his left, there is the only patch of green that exists in all the yard, between the Heart, the walls and another building of grey bricks that must be used to some job related to the books by the Avowed. The grass patch also contains a wheel from where an initiate is pulling out water.
When they enter the Heart, both Gorm and Logan got surprised by the size of it. Clearly a room this size couldn't fit inside the building they had just entered- The bar could sit comfortably more than twenty customers and there are several tables, both rectangular and round, that can accommodate three times that number. Several doors lead to other spaces, presumably private rooms, but the ceiling is what caught their attention. Floating above them there is an intricate crystal sphere that gives the room a faint golden light. The clockwork device inside the sphere constantly turns and spins slowly inside it. Directly below it, there is a circular fireplace with about a dozen comfy armchairs for customers to sit near the fire.
Having been there several times before, Dr A is not overwhelmed by the Heart but he does concede that whilst not on the scale of the Elvish settlement it is pretty amazing. He smiles at the looks of incredulity and awe on both Gorm and Logan’s faces before going to one of the comfy armchairs beside the fire.
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Trying to act nonchalant, Logan removes his helmet and sits down also—a hard, wide chair—to support his wide frame and armor. He waits patiently, out of his depth here, but with eyes and ears open for any mundane threats he might be able to react to.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Gorm is a total tourist., her eyes dancing this way and that and not trying to hide it at all. "Did you see that?" she asks. "What is that for?" as well. She's seen regular cities before but the amazing things her she fully allows to amaze her.
By the same token, a good sit and a rest might be nice as well. The Elven city was all wonders but it was a bit too much as well. It was a bit draining in it's splendor. Here, though there are marvels but marvels you don't feel ashamed to sit down and marvel at... perhaps over some nice desserts...
With some food and drinks provided by one of the attendants of the Heart, a middle-age maiden with a warm smile, Dr. A. knows her name is Greta. They wait about thirty minutes in which they are able to look around and note that there are about a dozen costumers in the Heart. They are a mix between travelers or adventurers that had come seeking information in the Library or members of the Avowed that are relaxing. Their guide, Fembris, had taken a seat nearby, ready to attend them if needed, but giving them space and privacy.
Finally the door opens and Great Reader Alkrist enters the heart and heads towards them.
"My dear friend Dr. A. it's so good to see you again.."
Dr A looks up as a Dragon born of Bronze Dragon ancestry enters the Heart and starts walking towards them “that is Great Reader Alkrist” he says in a low voice to his colleagues “I was introduced to him some years ago when I was here last collaborating with Great Reader Ahvoste on a particularly complex matter relating to the intricacies of the Weave. Great Reader Alkrist specialises in politics, military strategy and the significant battles of Toril’s history so in addition to our research I’m sure you will boys find him interesting to talk to. In terms of our research I consider he is the one who may be able to best direct us further. However if not then I will ask I to talk to Great Reader Scrivenbark whose area of research is history and folklore.”
As the Dragonborn reaches them Dr A stands and gives a slight bow. “Great reader may I introduce my two colleagues Sir Logan a knight of Cormyr and Gorm a traveller from the Anauroch region. We have recently arrived from the Elvish city on a quest to find out information about a matter of concern which I don’t want to broach in such a public place! Perhaps we could go to your private rooms?”
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"No need to go so far " says the dragonborn with a deep voice after nodding to both Logan and Gorm when they are introduced to him "We can just use one of the private rooms here at the Heart" he points to one of the doors in the common room.
Soon they are all seated around a table in comfortable chairs. A fireplace at one of the sides of the room keeps it warm and the glass window allows to enter natural light.
"Well, Dr. A. tell me what's in your mind and what's this mission of yours.."
Dr A takes a deep draught from his cup of tea and then tops up his cup before pulling out his spectacles and one of his enuumerable notebooks. He flicks through several pages before starting “Ahbut my story began some months ago in the city of Cormyr when a young woman trusted me with a scroll which tells the early history of Toril when the Dragons ruled. It goes onto explain that this event could reoccur . More recently my colleagues and I consulted in Mito Drannor with the Elven sage Lunistsar - an interesting person if somewhat forgetful but then age does catch up with us all - who was alive during the time of dragons and observed the great battle when the Dragons were stripped of their power. Lunistar as one of the creators of the spell that stripped the dragons of their power does not believe that they can return! However, he is concerned that various artefacts from this time may be used by cults - particularly dragon worshippers - to further their own aims. One such artifact is what Lunistar described as the Golden Scroll which if I understand him correctly gives the reader the power to raise dragons from the dead. You can imagine the destruction that undying dragons could inflict on communities across Toril. To cut a long story short we are looking for this scroll to ensure that it can be kept secret and kept safe!”
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"What are you telling me surely would change the geopolitical equilibrium quite radically and... even catastrophically one could say. And you say you need to locate this scroll? Do you think it is here?"
Gorm doesn't exactly feign interest when Dr. A starts explaining who Great Reader Alkrist is, she is interested and feels honored to be here and all... But there is also a sense she has that this is all a bit beyond her ken or understanding. She is a fighter, a scrapper. Once things get too bookish or intellectual she finds herself lost and her mind wandering. Still, she tries to listen and understand. To follow the niceties and be polite, if nothing else.
Gorm half listens to the conversation and mutters an agreement here or nods understanding there. "Flight of the Dragons" she kind of says while Dr. A is talking, mostly because it is a remembered phrase and she hopes it will make it seem like she is an active participant in this discussion. When the Dragonborn asks if the group thinks the scrolls they are searching for are here in Candlekeep Gorm shrugs but says "They have to be somewhere. And if not here you all do seem the sort to perhaps know where...?"
“Ahbut no no!” Dr A shakes his head vigorously before going onto say “if the scroll was here somewhere then I suspect that it would have been found long ago! No what I’m looking for is evidence that may show where the scroll is. It is only then we can make an assessment as to whether it is safe or needs to be moved to another location!”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
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Gorm is honored and awed by their acceptance and treatment by the elves, by the comfort and easy luxury in which they live and the acceptance, grace and hospitality that they share... It is as she is trying to frame the words properly on how to express all this that she finds herself and her companions surrounded by silvery light and runes and magically transported away. There is a sense of disappointment inside of her but, in truth, it is overpowered by her sense of relief. She had been terrified her words would be insufficient and clunky and that they would do nothing but embarrass her and her people - she is relieved that she is saved from that.
Suddenly upon the path to Candlekeep Gorm finds herself in more familiar surroundings. Not home or anything like it. Not by any means. But she has far more experience in the cities and makings of Men than she does of Elves and while the Elves are surely better hosts she at least does not fear about stepping out of line at every moment when surrounded by the more uncouth lands of Men.
"So, we just get in line then?" Gorm asks. "Will we all be allowed in or just the bookish type?"
Dr A turns to Gorm and says “Ahbut unfortunately we do have to wait in line as they have very strict protocols here. However, as my guests you’ll be welcome I can assure you!” Dr A then strides up to the wooden table as if he had done this all before - which he actually has several times “My name is Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai and I am a close friend and confidant of Great Reader Teles Ahvoste. I need to speak to him or either Great Reader Alkrist or Great Reader Fheminor Scrivenbark!” He looks past the table and spies one of the guides clustered around the table. “Boy” he says to a young human - “go and find out if either Great Readers Tele Ahvoste, Alkrist or Fheminor Scrivenbark are avaialbe for a meeting. Tell them Dr Ahbutavyu is desirous of a conference.” He then reaches into his backpack and draws out the copy of the Untold poems of Thylissteril saying “this is for the collection!” which he then places on the table in front of the scribes.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Smiling and thanking the elves, Logan clasps Thandril’s arm in a warrior’s handshake, saying, “Once a brother in arms, always a brother in arms. Call upon me if you have need.”
Transported to the threshold of the great Candlekeep, Logan is awed and observes in silence, comfortable relegating himself to the role of protector and guest of Doctor A.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
One of the Awoved, a young half-elf woman with her hair cut really short, is clearly overwhelmed by Dr. A's speech.
"Eehh yeah but... of course but.. Great Reader Alkrist or... but.. " when the tortle calls the guide, the young man smiles and takes one step into the fortress, eager to comply but the Awoved stops him. "No wait!" she says in a perhaps a little bit louder than usual. She takes a breath " Wait Fembris please." she says before turning to Dr. A. " Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai you are known in the Library " one has to reckon her memory " Allow me, please, to check your offering, as is protocolary needed, but I take you are in a real hurry. " she turns towards the guides that are waiting "Garlyth please go and..."
"And find Great Reader Alkrist " cuts a dwarf with a raven black beard long to his waist " On it!" and he disappears inside the gates.
" Meanwhile..." she takes the book presented and raise an eyebrow "Please Irony " a young tiefling, with black purple skin stands up "Check if we do not have a copy of this piece of art, I don't think so, but protocol must be observed " she says passing the poems book to the tiefling who slightly bows and takes it inside. " Now, please, while we wait... do you need anything to drink or eat?" she offers. They notice that there is another table, attended by a couple of aidees that offers water, wine and some fruits to the petitioners, there is no chairs but at least they offer some refreshment to the travelers.
PbP Character: A few ;)
“Come friends let us avail ourselves of some of these wonderful refreshments while we wait!” Dr A says to his colleagues as he goes over to see what is on the table.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gorm would find this all weird and just follow Dr. A's lead... "Any book they do not have?" she asks him curiously. "They don't care about quality or subject, just uniqueness?"
“Ahbut my friend as strange as that may seem that is absolutely correct. As followers of either Deneir or Othman, the custodians of the library value knowledge in all of its forms. They do not see knowledge as either good or bad - it just is!” Dr A answers Gorm’s question.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"So I could just purchase a blank book and fill it's pages with tales from home... or my remembered dreams... or the alcoholic ramblings of the town drunk?" Gorm thinks aloud. "Well, I guess we should start writing in case we ever need return..."
“Ahbut a record of your people’s tales would certainly be welcomed. The others perhaps not. Unless of course the Town Drunk was also a bard, which in my opinion is not wholly unusual!” Dr A replies.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Clear and fresh water, warm wine and even lemonade are the beverages that can be picked at the table. Nuts, almonds, cheese, bread, grapes apples and oranges are also displayed for the petitioners.
It doesn't take much time when the guides sent to attend the party requests starts to come back. First is the tiefling, who confirms that the book Dr. A. had given is, indeed, new to the keep library, followed about twenty minutes later by the dwarf who whispers something at the Avowed's ear. She nods and calls the party with her hand.
"As expected you are welcome inside the Gates. Please follow Fembris to the Heart. Great Reader Alkrist will meet you there. Welcome to Candlekeep" she bows and the young, smiling boy bows and extending his left arm, asks them to go first.
"Welcome to Candlekeep" Fembris says with an enthusiastic smile as they traverse the partially open gate "please follow me to the Heart. If needed you will be given rooms at the House of Rest " as he speaks they enter a big, covered by cobblestone yard of about three hundred feet. Just across it, in front of them, they see another set of doors, the fabled Emerald Doors, that grant access to the inner yard of the Keep.
Directly to their left, next to the outer wall they can see a series of buildings. The closest seems to be some kind of steam house and bath, next to it it's the smithy and stables. Logan remembers now that Talgred and his horse are still waiting in an inn back in the Dales. Next to the stables they can see a small temple dedicated to Oghma, God of inspiration, invention and knowledge, followed by a granary. After that, and following the line of the walls, they see what Fembris called the House of Rest. A two history building dedicated to host the library guests. Alongside that there is the Heart, which is more like all the inns and taverns they already know. A modest one history building with a couple of windows alongside the brown wooden door lit from the inside with a warmth light.
Before entering the Heart, they notice that to his left, there is the only patch of green that exists in all the yard, between the Heart, the walls and another building of grey bricks that must be used to some job related to the books by the Avowed. The grass patch also contains a wheel from where an initiate is pulling out water.
When they enter the Heart, both Gorm and Logan got surprised by the size of it. Clearly a room this size couldn't fit inside the building they had just entered- The bar could sit comfortably more than twenty customers and there are several tables, both rectangular and round, that can accommodate three times that number. Several doors lead to other spaces, presumably private rooms, but the ceiling is what caught their attention. Floating above them there is an intricate crystal sphere that gives the room a faint golden light. The clockwork device inside the sphere constantly turns and spins slowly inside it. Directly below it, there is a circular fireplace with about a dozen comfy armchairs for customers to sit near the fire.
PbP Character: A few ;)
Having been there several times before, Dr A is not overwhelmed by the Heart but he does concede that whilst not on the scale of the Elvish settlement it is pretty amazing. He smiles at the looks of incredulity and awe on both Gorm and Logan’s faces before going to one of the comfy armchairs beside the fire.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Trying to act nonchalant, Logan removes his helmet and sits down also—a hard, wide chair—to support his wide frame and armor. He waits patiently, out of his depth here, but with eyes and ears open for any mundane threats he might be able to react to.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Gorm is a total tourist., her eyes dancing this way and that and not trying to hide it at all. "Did you see that?" she asks. "What is that for?" as well. She's seen regular cities before but the amazing things her she fully allows to amaze her.
By the same token, a good sit and a rest might be nice as well. The Elven city was all wonders but it was a bit too much as well. It was a bit draining in it's splendor. Here, though there are marvels but marvels you don't feel ashamed to sit down and marvel at... perhaps over some nice desserts...
With some food and drinks provided by one of the attendants of the Heart, a middle-age maiden with a warm smile, Dr. A. knows her name is Greta. They wait about thirty minutes in which they are able to look around and note that there are about a dozen costumers in the Heart. They are a mix between travelers or adventurers that had come seeking information in the Library or members of the Avowed that are relaxing. Their guide, Fembris, had taken a seat nearby, ready to attend them if needed, but giving them space and privacy.
Finally the door opens and Great Reader Alkrist enters the heart and heads towards them.
"My dear friend Dr. A. it's so good to see you again.."
( Please Grant describe Alkrist to the us ;) )
PbP Character: A few ;)
Winding the clock back just a few minutes:
Dr A looks up as a Dragon born of Bronze Dragon ancestry enters the Heart and starts walking towards them “that is Great Reader Alkrist” he says in a low voice to his colleagues “I was introduced to him some years ago when I was here last collaborating with Great Reader Ahvoste on a particularly complex matter relating to the intricacies of the Weave. Great Reader Alkrist specialises in politics, military strategy and the significant battles of Toril’s history so in addition to our research I’m sure you will boys find him interesting to talk to. In terms of our research I consider he is the one who may be able to best direct us further. However if not then I will ask I to talk to Great Reader Scrivenbark whose area of research is history and folklore.”
As the Dragonborn reaches them Dr A stands and gives a slight bow. “Great reader may I introduce my two colleagues Sir Logan a knight of Cormyr and Gorm a traveller from the Anauroch region. We have recently arrived from the Elvish city on a quest to find out information about a matter of concern which I don’t want to broach in such a public place! Perhaps we could go to your private rooms?”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"No need to go so far " says the dragonborn with a deep voice after nodding to both Logan and Gorm when they are introduced to him "We can just use one of the private rooms here at the Heart" he points to one of the doors in the common room.
Soon they are all seated around a table in comfortable chairs. A fireplace at one of the sides of the room keeps it warm and the glass window allows to enter natural light.
"Well, Dr. A. tell me what's in your mind and what's this mission of yours.."
PbP Character: A few ;)
Dr A takes a deep draught from his cup of tea and then tops up his cup before pulling out his spectacles and one of his enuumerable notebooks. He flicks through several pages before starting “Ahbut my story began some months ago in the city of Cormyr when a young woman trusted me with a scroll which tells the early history of Toril when the Dragons ruled. It goes onto explain that this event could reoccur . More recently my colleagues and I consulted in Mito Drannor with the Elven sage Lunistsar - an interesting person if somewhat forgetful but then age does catch up with us all - who was alive during the time of dragons and observed the great battle when the Dragons were stripped of their power. Lunistar as one of the creators of the spell that stripped the dragons of their power does not believe that they can return! However, he is concerned that various artefacts from this time may be used by cults - particularly dragon worshippers - to further their own aims. One such artifact is what Lunistar described as the Golden Scroll which if I understand him correctly gives the reader the power to raise dragons from the dead. You can imagine the destruction that undying dragons could inflict on communities across Toril. To cut a long story short we are looking for this scroll to ensure that it can be kept secret and kept safe!”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
The dragonborn takes a sip form his tea.
"What are you telling me surely would change the geopolitical equilibrium quite radically and... even catastrophically one could say. And you say you need to locate this scroll? Do you think it is here?"
PbP Character: A few ;)
Gorm doesn't exactly feign interest when Dr. A starts explaining who Great Reader Alkrist is, she is interested and feels honored to be here and all... But there is also a sense she has that this is all a bit beyond her ken or understanding. She is a fighter, a scrapper. Once things get too bookish or intellectual she finds herself lost and her mind wandering. Still, she tries to listen and understand. To follow the niceties and be polite, if nothing else.
Gorm half listens to the conversation and mutters an agreement here or nods understanding there. "Flight of the Dragons" she kind of says while Dr. A is talking, mostly because it is a remembered phrase and she hopes it will make it seem like she is an active participant in this discussion. When the Dragonborn asks if the group thinks the scrolls they are searching for are here in Candlekeep Gorm shrugs but says "They have to be somewhere. And if not here you all do seem the sort to perhaps know where...?"
“Ahbut no no!” Dr A shakes his head vigorously before going onto say “if the scroll was here somewhere then I suspect that it would have been found long ago! No what I’m looking for is evidence that may show where the scroll is. It is only then we can make an assessment as to whether it is safe or needs to be moved to another location!”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]