"I can fix Her up I'm sure" Mireah smiles and takes bryze, cradling the broom like a child as she surveys the damage, "accidents happen, though from the looks of it she's lucky to have survived... there are markings here, residue of infernal magics under the hasty patches that hold the break together... What was it that hit her?"
Spyro, seems all settled and doesn't seem to mind that people are talking about him, instead focussing on the pent and clutched in his floral paws, with no one protesting to the destruction of the pendant he begins gnawing at the seams of the cursed item.
Not standing on ceremony, Delores uncorks a bottle with surprising strength for such a frail framed old elf, she pours for a glass set aside for mireah first and the offers the bottle around. Popping open the next one once one bottle is drained. As she pour one out for hector she asks how things are going now that he is mortal and the two begin chatting amongst themselves, Hector telling drawn out stories of his plans for the future and of his relationship with serafina, and Delores in turn making a face which betrays her regret for asking, though it goes unnoticed by hector who continues waffling on.
Mireah does indeed fix Bryze, performing a ritual which both vin and Muir recognise as some kind of advanced druidcraft, assisting the wood of the broom itself to grow and mend instead of attempting to grow new things around it. She seems to commune with the broom, not in a vocal way but more spiritual communication. Once the mending is done mireah adjusts some runes in the surface with her fingernail, a glow of green trailing her fingers and once done the broom flies up and makes circles around the room seemingly of its own volition.
"I'm not sure I fully understand," Sam says stepping closer to Spyro and squatting down a bit to be more on a level with them. "I am un-cursed, yes? Free of the effects of the pendant and all?"
"Are you meaning that the curse on the pendant cannot be broken without breaking the pendant as well?" he asks as follow up. He thinks he sees Elthana relax a bit at the idea of the pendant being broken... And he himself doesn't disagree with the concept. "By all means, do whatever it takes to break the curse. I would not want that befalling anyone again. I had some hopes of keeping the pendant as a souvenir of sorts but I can do so whether it is broken or not... If breaking the curse changes it's appearance, perhaps I will just need to reshape the object into something different and perhaps more meaningful, eh?"
And with that, Sam gives permission for the little beastie to do what they must to break the curse. He'll take whatever bits are left once that is done and decide what to do with it... eventually.
Vin looks at Mireah closely as she identifies the magic that broke Bryze as infernal in origin.
"Of course, her", he says first before continuing more carefully. "It was my own magic that inadvertently struck her as we were battling Rynwell", he says, trusting that it is better to speak the truth rather than trying to hide it.
He watches as Mireah helps Bryze knit herself back together, and raises an eyebrow was she adjusts the runes. And finally he smiles broadly as Bryze takes to the sky of her own volition.
"You did it. You have my thanks. You can speak to her can't you? To Bryze? What did you say? Did she speak back? Does she know it was an accident? That I am sorry? What have you done to her? Can she act by herself now? How do I learn to talk to her?", he asks, all the questions spilling out in Muir-like fashion as he watches Bryze circle around.
"the curse is the item, really... The effects of the curse latch on to the person who wields it" Spyro says to Sam through gritted teeth as they try to pry a thread away, "this pendant is one of grave regeneration, the removal of it takes a strong counteractive spell. Best be done with it hm?" As he concentrates and tugs the blackened thread of cursed necrotic magics comes loose and turns to ash and dust in Spyro's mouth, as does the flesh which loses it's magic and dissipates into nothing before it can hit the floor. Spyro sneezes and shakes his head before holding out the remains of the pendant. A simple skull still on the chain, with a line of holes starting at the base and working their way diagonally across the face, underneath where the sewn on flesh was is an infernal symbol which Sam cannot read.
As the broom flies excitedly over head and vin vomits his questions all over the place to the surprise of the uncommonly restrained Muir. Mireah giggles and sits with her drink. "That's a lot where should I start, ummm. Let's go in order... Kind of. Yes. Not too much. Not really. She might. She should know, in time. I gave her back the energy she lost, faewyld magic. She can but she is still controllable. I don't know, but it will take practice, it's not like the communication you know, it's hearing without listening, it's... Feeling the power behind intention... The important thing is; she is happy, yes? If you keep her with you then you can help her stay happy, she is not alive like you and me, she is alive like all magic is alive, with intent to shape and change the world, connect with that and you will maybe talk to her" mireah seems very amused by this, and vin cannot be sure how much of what the Fae is saying is the entire truth, but as mireah looks around she sees the others with drinks in hand, and downs her own. "Come on, you all must be dying to know some things and I feel awkward asking you all stuff before you've had a proper chance first!"
(Everyone who chooses to partake in the drinking roll a preliminary con save for how much the elven wine effects you)
Sam tentatively takes the changed pendant and cautiously suspiciously looks it over. It is different but half the same... He could still affix to the armor but it's obvious Elthana doesn't like it. It still may be best to melt it down and make something new with it...?
"What's this, then?" He asks upon spotting a symbol he does not recognize. "Any idea?"
Sam then turns when Mireah is inviting them all to ask questions. He doesn't have many himself, truthfully, but he looks over to Muir and raises an eyebrow. Does the woman know what she is doing INVITING him to ask questions? Sam figures Muir will ask all the questions Sam doesn't think to though so Sam grabs his drink and moves closer to listen in...
Con Save: 11- It seems undeath didn't help Sam's ability to hold his liquor very much...
Elthana holds her hand out for the pendant. Assuming Sam gives it to her, she rolls it around in her palm. Seeing the rune, she shrugs, "No idea, sorry." She hands it back, "Sam, what you said before, that definitely resonated. Now that it is completely harmless you decide how you want to keep it. How you want to honor that memory."
Having elven wine brings her back home a bit as she had shared a couple of glasses with Mori as well as her team. Her team... wow, she hadn't thought about them in ages.
CON save: 22
She enjoys the feeling of the wine, then opens her eyes and looks to Mireah. Once Vin's questions are answered and she is sure Sam doesn't have anything to add, she quietly asks as if she is afraid of the answer, "Hector tells me you might be able to help with my nightmares?"
As Sam's body is still somewhat acclimating to being a living body once more, the introduction of an elven wine with quite the high content of aged alcohol within, does make his head swim a little, it seems that it might take a while for this living thing to become common again, but the familiar stinging warmth rising in his chest is definitely a good feeling compared to his cold lack of breath before the curse removal.
"Nightmares?" Mireah asks cocking a head to Elthana, "nightmares can be caused by a lot of things, stress, magic, trauma... I'm sorry to hear that you're plagued by them, but I'll need more specifics to be able to assess whether help is possible" Mireah gives a considerate frown, trying to express the right amount of concern for Elthana, but it is a little distracted by the overall joy that the ArchFae feels at having such company.
"Of course, she will stay with me and I will do my best to be open to her intentions", he promises.
He spots Sam and Elthana looking over the now inert pendant, and wanders over to take a look, resisting the urge to call Bryze to him but rather nodding his head in the direction and waiting to see what she does of her own accord. He has no idea if she can see the motion, but is using the old test and learn method.
"Can I see?", he asks as he tries to get a vantage point to see the rune.
"Hm, I can read it", Vin says happy to be able to help. "It means regenerate. Or it could I guess mean eternal too. I guess either makes sense bearing in mind the powers of the pendant. Or should I say curse attached to it".
Elthana notices that Miraeh is trying to get to the proper mood of discussing nightmares, but is really enjoying her current situation. With that, she decides not to bring her down with her ailments, at least not yet as she has done so much to help Sam and Gewyn and Vin with his broom. "No matter right now, we can discuss later. You truly are something, I am so glad we decided to come here."
Sam hands the pendant over to Elthana without a second thought. He smiles at her words and mulls it over a bit. "It'll likely be a while before I am at a forge again and have the free time to work it - Either onto the armor or anything else - so I have time to let it marinate, so to speak," he replies. "Kind of small to really make a statement on the armor anyway..."
Sam is a bit less quick to turn it over to Vin but still does so without complaint or any real hesitation. "Eternal, huh? Interesting..." Sam thinks on this a bit and looks at the broom as he has to look somewhere. "You know, don't ignore old friends in favor of new," he adds after a bit, kind of as a random segue.
The warmth of the drink hits Sam faster and more suddenly than he would have expected. He's tempted to put the glass out of reach and be done with it, wouldn't do to get a real drink on and say something wrong to the witch-fae... But then he worries that may be seen as impolite so instead he keeps the glass in his hand but does his best to nurse it slowly...
"I think the nightmares are probably connected to the whole shebang of her," Sam says with wine-loosened tongue despite Elthana having just tried to put the issue off to later. "The awakening unexpectedly and the soul thing and all that... Hey, I thought you said the mind-shielding was helping. Is it still or the nightmares growing stronger or...?" Sam then shuts up suddenly upon realizing maybe he said more than he should have. He looks to Elthana and tries to apologize with his eyes then shrugs and sets the glass down far away from himself after all.
As vin moves around the room it appears that the broom is having too much fun doing donuts on the ceiling to have taken notice of his gestures, mireah gives a nod at his acceptance of the task at hand and takes another swig of the strong wine giving a gesture of 'cheers' to Elthana as she does.
Turning back to Elthana and listening to Sam, Mireah's eyes widen with concern, "soul thing?"
Gewyn, not having had a real drink in what feels like far too long, spends more than his fair share of time with the bottle before passing it on. His tolerance feels a bit rusty with disuse, and the Elven wine hits him differently than he is used to.
"You know Sam, you could always make it an earring,"he drawls. He smiles at Vin's torrent of questions, being reminded of the excitable and curious youth as he had first met him
Vin watches as some of the others partake of the wine offered, but he doesn't really remember a time when he partook himself, and so for now he just enjoys the respite and passes the bottle on when it reaches him. Sam was ok, Bryze was ok, hopefully Mireah would help Elthana as well too.
He follows Sam's gaze to Bryze, and sees she didn't follow him, but merely shrugs it off. As long as she was happy.
Speaking of which, Muir was being very quiet. He was usually happiest asking questions and getting answers and putting that big brain to work. He wanders over to the Loxodon.
"You ok, Muir? You're being quiet. It's a little eerie in truth", he says with a chuckle, trying to maintain his upbeat demeanour.
Muir smiles “I am ok. the near death experience was not one I wish to experience again. Thank you Vincent For asking. I do wish to speak of her journey and don’t want to bore everyone with those details. So I patiently wait.”
"You don't have to tell me, dying is not pleasant", Vin replies with a frown followed by the return of his smile.
"Now I have Bryze fixed, I was waiting to ask Mireah if she could give us something to fix Vox Tontritor like she did Hector and Sam. I mean, if we can turn her back from being undead, she would probably be a powerful ally, right?", he says looking across at the now young ArchFae.
"you have another friend that is undead?" Mireah questions vin, swaying slightly from her own wine as she pours another glass.
At Muir's comment to vin, mireah butts in a little, "I can certainly tell you my story if you'd like, I was going to tell it anyway because I'm sure Gewyn would like to know his roots and the why of... Well, why I didn't stick around..."
Delores takes this moment to excuse herself and begin finishing the food she had promised. Griff takes the chance since people are moving to drain the wine in his cup and step outside for some fresh air, promising to return in a moment.
"Well you all know my reason for leaving the Faewyld, after Tialha's death I couldn't bear the weight of my own responsibilities and I chose to hand them over, believing that the realm would continue as normal, I suppose I couldn't have predicted what happened with rynwell at the time..." She becomes mournful for a moment before taking another swig and uncorking a new bottle for everyone, and putting on a smile "But I escaped to your lands, the material, the hub world full of possibilities, full of change, I helped farmers, I met druids and heard tale of great adventures, sung songs with the inhabitants and learned how to blend in... I felt like a part of something that could never get boring or old... But the friends I made got old around me, it wasn't long before I'd make new friends but their time is short. The loves that I had would give me such joys but... They'd leave me eventually, it wasn't their fault, just... inevitable, and sometimes I grew a great depression over it, after a long time and some years of isolation I decided that just because something ends it does not make the experiences less beautiful, less worthy... I didn't understand before and with this realisation I decided that I could bring something of myself to those around me. And so I fell back into society and then quite by happenchance I fell in love too. This time with no reservations and no doubts or depressions over the inevitable end of such a thing. I had a child for the first time, gave life that wasn't just a rebirth or change of another thing, I don't know if a being of rebirth like me is supposed to bring new life, but that great big world all of a sudden became so small. A different kind of adventure, a change that I did not expect would take over my entire life and my heart, little Duskan. So perfect and so little! Haha, he grew and he grew and I got scared that he would grow old and leave me too, but his Fae blood, it extended his life I think, maybe it was just the shifting he could do but at some point it felt like he just stopped aging, or slowed down at least. By that time I'd had the triplets and they were more than a handful. Duskan left to live his own life, coming to visit me every so often and I was so happy for him... And then my partner died... And duskan stopped visiting... My hazelnuts grew up and by that point we went to live on the outskirts of a town in the northwest a little house we built by the cliff. They looked after me through my grief and my age, and the distance from the faewyld meant that I had to rebirth, start again... I can't stop it from happening but I can hold off or choose to speed it up. My hazelnuts looked after me whilst I was small and eventually I grew up once more and helped the town flourish. They quarried a bunch of marble from under the cliffs and made that gods awful town hall.. but there I met Delores, young at the time, and we decided to make a go of it, but this time I wanted it to be different, so I spoke to the triplets and they were fine with me going, they swore to look after that town as best they could. Then me and Delores, we came to Thaeir, time moves faster here, so the days we spend together she doesn't age as fast. Still, being an elf helped her survive this long, we decided to find the most out of the way place we could and create an oasis. I wanted to stay out of the way of rulers and god's and eventually we found this place, it was a little after the big shattering so people coming here to find me wasn't an issue, I helped the folk here in return for privacy and I obviously didn't have any more kids. But now I'm even further away from the faewyld so I've had to rebirth a couple of times... I think in this lifetime I may have to move on though, go find Duskan and the girls, maybe go back to the faewyld and retake my place there after Rynwell's passing... Of course I'll be staying with Delores until she..."
At this point Delores comes back in and mireah doesn't finish her thought. Handing out little carved wooden bowls, you each receive a hearty, chunky and quite salty, spiced mushroom broth, with some kind of noodles. The smell fills the room almost immediately and the warmth from the broth is a homely relief.
Muir smiles “What a lovely story. Just lovely. It’s so wonderful to find love but to find love more than once and the wonderful children you birthed. How wonderful. Do you mind me asking a question or two? Perhaps you could tell us more about the father of your children?”
Muir waves his hand "I am sure no one is keeping secrets any longer...water under the bridge. It is exciting for you to have your little friend back!"
"I can fix Her up I'm sure" Mireah smiles and takes bryze, cradling the broom like a child as she surveys the damage, "accidents happen, though from the looks of it she's lucky to have survived... there are markings here, residue of infernal magics under the hasty patches that hold the break together... What was it that hit her?"
Spyro, seems all settled and doesn't seem to mind that people are talking about him, instead focussing on the pent and clutched in his floral paws, with no one protesting to the destruction of the pendant he begins gnawing at the seams of the cursed item.
Not standing on ceremony, Delores uncorks a bottle with surprising strength for such a frail framed old elf, she pours for a glass set aside for mireah first and the offers the bottle around. Popping open the next one once one bottle is drained. As she pour one out for hector she asks how things are going now that he is mortal and the two begin chatting amongst themselves, Hector telling drawn out stories of his plans for the future and of his relationship with serafina, and Delores in turn making a face which betrays her regret for asking, though it goes unnoticed by hector who continues waffling on.
Mireah does indeed fix Bryze, performing a ritual which both vin and Muir recognise as some kind of advanced druidcraft, assisting the wood of the broom itself to grow and mend instead of attempting to grow new things around it. She seems to commune with the broom, not in a vocal way but more spiritual communication. Once the mending is done mireah adjusts some runes in the surface with her fingernail, a glow of green trailing her fingers and once done the broom flies up and makes circles around the room seemingly of its own volition.
"I'm not sure I fully understand," Sam says stepping closer to Spyro and squatting down a bit to be more on a level with them. "I am un-cursed, yes? Free of the effects of the pendant and all?"
"Are you meaning that the curse on the pendant cannot be broken without breaking the pendant as well?" he asks as follow up. He thinks he sees Elthana relax a bit at the idea of the pendant being broken... And he himself doesn't disagree with the concept. "By all means, do whatever it takes to break the curse. I would not want that befalling anyone again. I had some hopes of keeping the pendant as a souvenir of sorts but I can do so whether it is broken or not... If breaking the curse changes it's appearance, perhaps I will just need to reshape the object into something different and perhaps more meaningful, eh?"
And with that, Sam gives permission for the little beastie to do what they must to break the curse. He'll take whatever bits are left once that is done and decide what to do with it... eventually.
Vin looks at Mireah closely as she identifies the magic that broke Bryze as infernal in origin.
"Of course, her", he says first before continuing more carefully. "It was my own magic that inadvertently struck her as we were battling Rynwell", he says, trusting that it is better to speak the truth rather than trying to hide it.
He watches as Mireah helps Bryze knit herself back together, and raises an eyebrow was she adjusts the runes. And finally he smiles broadly as Bryze takes to the sky of her own volition.
"You did it. You have my thanks. You can speak to her can't you? To Bryze? What did you say? Did she speak back? Does she know it was an accident? That I am sorry? What have you done to her? Can she act by herself now? How do I learn to talk to her?", he asks, all the questions spilling out in Muir-like fashion as he watches Bryze circle around.
Muir chokes on his tea and begins to cough
"the curse is the item, really... The effects of the curse latch on to the person who wields it" Spyro says to Sam through gritted teeth as they try to pry a thread away, "this pendant is one of grave regeneration, the removal of it takes a strong counteractive spell. Best be done with it hm?" As he concentrates and tugs the blackened thread of cursed necrotic magics comes loose and turns to ash and dust in Spyro's mouth, as does the flesh which loses it's magic and dissipates into nothing before it can hit the floor. Spyro sneezes and shakes his head before holding out the remains of the pendant. A simple skull still on the chain, with a line of holes starting at the base and working their way diagonally across the face, underneath where the sewn on flesh was is an infernal symbol which Sam cannot read.
As the broom flies excitedly over head and vin vomits his questions all over the place to the surprise of the uncommonly restrained Muir. Mireah giggles and sits with her drink. "That's a lot where should I start, ummm. Let's go in order... Kind of. Yes. Not too much. Not really. She might. She should know, in time. I gave her back the energy she lost, faewyld magic. She can but she is still controllable. I don't know, but it will take practice, it's not like the communication you know, it's hearing without listening, it's... Feeling the power behind intention... The important thing is; she is happy, yes? If you keep her with you then you can help her stay happy, she is not alive like you and me, she is alive like all magic is alive, with intent to shape and change the world, connect with that and you will maybe talk to her" mireah seems very amused by this, and vin cannot be sure how much of what the Fae is saying is the entire truth, but as mireah looks around she sees the others with drinks in hand, and downs her own. "Come on, you all must be dying to know some things and I feel awkward asking you all stuff before you've had a proper chance first!"
(Everyone who chooses to partake in the drinking roll a preliminary con save for how much the elven wine effects you)
Sam tentatively takes the changed pendant and cautiously suspiciously looks it over. It is different but half the same... He could still affix to the armor but it's obvious Elthana doesn't like it. It still may be best to melt it down and make something new with it...?
"What's this, then?" He asks upon spotting a symbol he does not recognize. "Any idea?"
Sam then turns when Mireah is inviting them all to ask questions. He doesn't have many himself, truthfully, but he looks over to Muir and raises an eyebrow. Does the woman know what she is doing INVITING him to ask questions? Sam figures Muir will ask all the questions Sam doesn't think to though so Sam grabs his drink and moves closer to listen in...
Con Save: 11 - It seems undeath didn't help Sam's ability to hold his liquor very much...
Elthana holds her hand out for the pendant. Assuming Sam gives it to her, she rolls it around in her palm. Seeing the rune, she shrugs, "No idea, sorry." She hands it back, "Sam, what you said before, that definitely resonated. Now that it is completely harmless you decide how you want to keep it. How you want to honor that memory."
Having elven wine brings her back home a bit as she had shared a couple of glasses with Mori as well as her team. Her team... wow, she hadn't thought about them in ages.
CON save: 22
She enjoys the feeling of the wine, then opens her eyes and looks to Mireah. Once Vin's questions are answered and she is sure Sam doesn't have anything to add, she quietly asks as if she is afraid of the answer, "Hector tells me you might be able to help with my nightmares?"
As Sam's body is still somewhat acclimating to being a living body once more, the introduction of an elven wine with quite the high content of aged alcohol within, does make his head swim a little, it seems that it might take a while for this living thing to become common again, but the familiar stinging warmth rising in his chest is definitely a good feeling compared to his cold lack of breath before the curse removal.
"Nightmares?" Mireah asks cocking a head to Elthana, "nightmares can be caused by a lot of things, stress, magic, trauma... I'm sorry to hear that you're plagued by them, but I'll need more specifics to be able to assess whether help is possible" Mireah gives a considerate frown, trying to express the right amount of concern for Elthana, but it is a little distracted by the overall joy that the ArchFae feels at having such company.
Vin is beaming at hearing Bryze is happy.
"Of course, she will stay with me and I will do my best to be open to her intentions", he promises.
He spots Sam and Elthana looking over the now inert pendant, and wanders over to take a look, resisting the urge to call Bryze to him but rather nodding his head in the direction and waiting to see what she does of her own accord. He has no idea if she can see the motion, but is using the old test and learn method.
"Can I see?", he asks as he tries to get a vantage point to see the rune.
"Hm, I can read it", Vin says happy to be able to help. "It means regenerate. Or it could I guess mean eternal too. I guess either makes sense bearing in mind the powers of the pendant. Or should I say curse attached to it".
Elthana notices that Miraeh is trying to get to the proper mood of discussing nightmares, but is really enjoying her current situation. With that, she decides not to bring her down with her ailments, at least not yet as she has done so much to help Sam and Gewyn and Vin with his broom. "No matter right now, we can discuss later. You truly are something, I am so glad we decided to come here."
She lifts her glass to Mireah, "Salut."
Sam hands the pendant over to Elthana without a second thought. He smiles at her words and mulls it over a bit. "It'll likely be a while before I am at a forge again and have the free time to work it - Either onto the armor or anything else - so I have time to let it marinate, so to speak," he replies. "Kind of small to really make a statement on the armor anyway..."
Sam is a bit less quick to turn it over to Vin but still does so without complaint or any real hesitation. "Eternal, huh? Interesting..." Sam thinks on this a bit and looks at the broom as he has to look somewhere. "You know, don't ignore old friends in favor of new," he adds after a bit, kind of as a random segue.
The warmth of the drink hits Sam faster and more suddenly than he would have expected. He's tempted to put the glass out of reach and be done with it, wouldn't do to get a real drink on and say something wrong to the witch-fae... But then he worries that may be seen as impolite so instead he keeps the glass in his hand but does his best to nurse it slowly...
"I think the nightmares are probably connected to the whole shebang of her," Sam says with wine-loosened tongue despite Elthana having just tried to put the issue off to later. "The awakening unexpectedly and the soul thing and all that... Hey, I thought you said the mind-shielding was helping. Is it still or the nightmares growing stronger or...?" Sam then shuts up suddenly upon realizing maybe he said more than he should have. He looks to Elthana and tries to apologize with his eyes then shrugs and sets the glass down far away from himself after all.
As vin moves around the room it appears that the broom is having too much fun doing donuts on the ceiling to have taken notice of his gestures, mireah gives a nod at his acceptance of the task at hand and takes another swig of the strong wine giving a gesture of 'cheers' to Elthana as she does.
Turning back to Elthana and listening to Sam, Mireah's eyes widen with concern, "soul thing?"
Gewyn, not having had a real drink in what feels like far too long, spends more than his fair share of time with the bottle before passing it on. His tolerance feels a bit rusty with disuse, and the Elven wine hits him differently than he is used to.
"You know Sam, you could always make it an earring," he drawls. He smiles at Vin's torrent of questions, being reminded of the excitable and curious youth as he had first met him
Vin watches as some of the others partake of the wine offered, but he doesn't really remember a time when he partook himself, and so for now he just enjoys the respite and passes the bottle on when it reaches him. Sam was ok, Bryze was ok, hopefully Mireah would help Elthana as well too.
He follows Sam's gaze to Bryze, and sees she didn't follow him, but merely shrugs it off. As long as she was happy.
Speaking of which, Muir was being very quiet. He was usually happiest asking questions and getting answers and putting that big brain to work. He wanders over to the Loxodon.
"You ok, Muir? You're being quiet. It's a little eerie in truth", he says with a chuckle, trying to maintain his upbeat demeanour.
Muir smiles “I am ok. the near death experience was not one I wish to experience again. Thank you Vincent For asking. I do wish to speak of her journey and don’t want to bore everyone with those details. So I patiently wait.”
"You don't have to tell me, dying is not pleasant", Vin replies with a frown followed by the return of his smile.
"Now I have Bryze fixed, I was waiting to ask Mireah if she could give us something to fix Vox Tontritor like she did Hector and Sam. I mean, if we can turn her back from being undead, she would probably be a powerful ally, right?", he says looking across at the now young ArchFae.
"you have another friend that is undead?" Mireah questions vin, swaying slightly from her own wine as she pours another glass.
At Muir's comment to vin, mireah butts in a little, "I can certainly tell you my story if you'd like, I was going to tell it anyway because I'm sure Gewyn would like to know his roots and the why of... Well, why I didn't stick around..."
Delores takes this moment to excuse herself and begin finishing the food she had promised. Griff takes the chance since people are moving to drain the wine in his cup and step outside for some fresh air, promising to return in a moment.
"Well you all know my reason for leaving the Faewyld, after Tialha's death I couldn't bear the weight of my own responsibilities and I chose to hand them over, believing that the realm would continue as normal, I suppose I couldn't have predicted what happened with rynwell at the time..." She becomes mournful for a moment before taking another swig and uncorking a new bottle for everyone, and putting on a smile "But I escaped to your lands, the material, the hub world full of possibilities, full of change, I helped farmers, I met druids and heard tale of great adventures, sung songs with the inhabitants and learned how to blend in... I felt like a part of something that could never get boring or old... But the friends I made got old around me, it wasn't long before I'd make new friends but their time is short. The loves that I had would give me such joys but... They'd leave me eventually, it wasn't their fault, just... inevitable, and sometimes I grew a great depression over it, after a long time and some years of isolation I decided that just because something ends it does not make the experiences less beautiful, less worthy... I didn't understand before and with this realisation I decided that I could bring something of myself to those around me. And so I fell back into society and then quite by happenchance I fell in love too. This time with no reservations and no doubts or depressions over the inevitable end of such a thing. I had a child for the first time, gave life that wasn't just a rebirth or change of another thing, I don't know if a being of rebirth like me is supposed to bring new life, but that great big world all of a sudden became so small. A different kind of adventure, a change that I did not expect would take over my entire life and my heart, little Duskan. So perfect and so little! Haha, he grew and he grew and I got scared that he would grow old and leave me too, but his Fae blood, it extended his life I think, maybe it was just the shifting he could do but at some point it felt like he just stopped aging, or slowed down at least. By that time I'd had the triplets and they were more than a handful. Duskan left to live his own life, coming to visit me every so often and I was so happy for him... And then my partner died... And duskan stopped visiting... My hazelnuts grew up and by that point we went to live on the outskirts of a town in the northwest a little house we built by the cliff. They looked after me through my grief and my age, and the distance from the faewyld meant that I had to rebirth, start again... I can't stop it from happening but I can hold off or choose to speed it up. My hazelnuts looked after me whilst I was small and eventually I grew up once more and helped the town flourish. They quarried a bunch of marble from under the cliffs and made that gods awful town hall.. but there I met Delores, young at the time, and we decided to make a go of it, but this time I wanted it to be different, so I spoke to the triplets and they were fine with me going, they swore to look after that town as best they could. Then me and Delores, we came to Thaeir, time moves faster here, so the days we spend together she doesn't age as fast. Still, being an elf helped her survive this long, we decided to find the most out of the way place we could and create an oasis. I wanted to stay out of the way of rulers and god's and eventually we found this place, it was a little after the big shattering so people coming here to find me wasn't an issue, I helped the folk here in return for privacy and I obviously didn't have any more kids. But now I'm even further away from the faewyld so I've had to rebirth a couple of times... I think in this lifetime I may have to move on though, go find Duskan and the girls, maybe go back to the faewyld and retake my place there after Rynwell's passing... Of course I'll be staying with Delores until she..."
At this point Delores comes back in and mireah doesn't finish her thought. Handing out little carved wooden bowls, you each receive a hearty, chunky and quite salty, spiced mushroom broth, with some kind of noodles. The smell fills the room almost immediately and the warmth from the broth is a homely relief.
Muir smiles “What a lovely story. Just lovely. It’s so wonderful to find love but to find love more than once and the wonderful children you birthed. How wonderful. Do you mind me asking a question or two? Perhaps you could tell us more about the father of your children?”