Neferox's ears prick up and her head swivels as she obviously hears something. After a brief look to Vin she bounds off, followed closely by Vin. After a moment Vin turns back and points toward Elthana, before once more turning to follow Neferox.
"Neferox can hear something flapping from the underside of the island. She's gone to investigate, but I'd best stick with her", Elthana hears.
With Griff still firmly asleep in the pack and Ömertyr speaking only giant, the DM in the sky leaves Muir's question unanswered.
Neferox begins stalking away and as vin follows they both slowly and carefully alter their gravity to walk down the side of this small isle and over the edge out of sight of the group.
Elthana responds, "Ok, do you want me to come with?"
In the meantime she tries to settle on these falling crystals, worried about what they are about to face and wondering how hard it is going to be to convince the others. She hopes the giant can scry with Vin's crystal ball. But seeing Muir frozen as he is, amuses her a bit, "So you did you make new friends?"
Gewyn, now back in his regular clothes, takes off his shirt and begins stretching his back and shoulders. Not in the stiff way he used to at the beginning of the adventure, but with more flexibility and vigour. He does wince though as the skin on his back, marked by the triskellion, stretches.
Then he stops suddenly and perks up. "Wait. Something is near." His eyes go black as he attempts to peer into the shadowfell, his book now in hand. "Does anyone else feel that? Spyro?"
(Above 15? Or 15 and above?? lol... Sam is fine being clueless.)
"The large room on the first floor of the pack has a warming crystal," Sam advises Muir. "Perhaps go huddle up close to it?"
Sam otherwise acts as translator for Vin or Muir or anyone who needs. If he notices Vin & Nef and possibly others sneaking off to investigate something then he will send Dottie the flying monkey to go with them as she can telepathically report back if they find anything, if they don't go too far.
Gewyn's eyes snap back to normal, and he shudders. "Still not used to looking into that realm yet. Horrid experience. False alarm though, I think."He strokes Spyro's back.
Vin and Neferox suddenly reappear over the lip of the island having walked back up the side altering their gravity as they went. Vin is carrying a backpack that he didn't have when they left.
"Sorry Elthana, I didn't want Neferox to get too far ahead and I didn't get chance to reply. Turns out someone got marooned here a long time ago. Looks like they had been travelling on a magic carpet and landed here at one point, and the magic carpet failed or broke or something", he says loudly trying to be heard over the wind.
He looks around for Muir, "You'll be interested in this Muir. They had a packed lunch which has pretty much evolved into a new mouldy life form", he says taking a container of mould out of the backpack to give to the Loxodon.
"And if we get bored during the rest of the journey, there is a set of playing cards in here. And a book which I haven't had chance to look at yet", he says to everyone.
He spots Muir looking cold and shivery, "You look cold, Muir. I found something else you might be interested in", he says with a smile, holding up a ring with fur around the inside. "It's a ring of warmth"
"Oh, and I came across Inevitable Decay. You know, Morris's brother. I even helped him collect the body of the dead person. He looks a bit scary, but he's really nice it turns out. Not very chatty mind", he says matter of factly, as if it were totally normal.
With that he takes the book out of the backpack for the first time and looks at the cover before flicking through to see what it is about.
Flipping through the book vin cannot find a single word that he understands, not knowing the language at all.
From beside the pack ömertyr mutters something you al understand, "Vox Tontritor..." And his eyes go Milky white at the same time the crystal ball between his fingers do the same. He begins to scry as you all greet vin again.
Muir is handed a small crystal container, which is just teaming with fluffy white mould which wafts spores from under its lid with every little jostle, he understands that in this strong wind opening this thing up would likely be a disgusting experience for everyone within a 30ft radius of him.
Muir takes the ring and puts it on “Thank you. I will return this to you once we are done riding around. It does get a bit chilly riding on the roc. Did you notice a body or what the body looked like? I see you’re struggling with the book you found. I can read it for you. I’m well versed in all written languages”
Sam is lingering close toÖmertyr and watching him as he does what he does with the scrying orb. He's not looming right over him or anything, just trying to stay close enough to keep an eye on what he is doing and to be close by if any translation is needed. He's otherwise, once again or still, playing with the animals and doing little drills with them...
"And where is the carpet?" Sam asks, looking at Vin as he returns and shows off the various baubles he collected. "Perhaps Hog would be able to fix it..."
Muir closes the journal and looks out into the nothingness deep in thought not paying attention to what’s happening around him. He muses out loud to himself “If I were a Lich in control of a god what better place to hide my phylactery but in a vault controlled by a Subordinate…..”
Sam mutters about having to do everything himself... He then mentally sends Dottie to scout out a little ahead of him and look for the carpet but then shortly follows behind her by 20-30 feet, walking carefully due to the weird gravity thing and all.
But just before he departs the group he overhears Muir's musings and absently says "If you were a lich would you really trust a subordinate with such a thing?" but he walks off in search of the carpet without awaiting an answer.
Muir shrugs and hands the book back to Vin "Vin this book is a diary of someone who was planning to rob the Dunn's vault of magical items and riches. I would ask Griff but he is still sleeping....It could be a place to store a phylactery since it seems to have been locked and forgotten about....I may have misunderstood what the diary means. The vault according to the diary is lost?"
Sam leaves to go and retrieve the rug that vin left behind, and seems to be gone for a while.
In the meantime Ömertyr seems to have successfully scried upon vox. He comes out of his arcane trance and starts babbling in giant, seeming forlorn but with Sam gone and no one to translate he gingerly gibes the crystal ball back to vin and stands a little away from the group, looking off into the vast.
Sam returns after nearly an hour, with his treasures in tow, though his face is reddened by the continual onslaught of wind he must have faced whilst searching. Ömertyr turns and calls over to Sam to join him, and then delivers the news.
Neferox's ears prick up and her head swivels as she obviously hears something. After a brief look to Vin she bounds off, followed closely by Vin. After a moment Vin turns back and points toward Elthana, before once more turning to follow Neferox.
"Neferox can hear something flapping from the underside of the island. She's gone to investigate, but I'd best stick with her", Elthana hears.
With Griff still firmly asleep in the pack and Ömertyr speaking only giant, the DM in the sky leaves Muir's question unanswered.
Neferox begins stalking away and as vin follows they both slowly and carefully alter their gravity to walk down the side of this small isle and over the edge out of sight of the group.
Elthana responds, "Ok, do you want me to come with?"
In the meantime she tries to settle on these falling crystals, worried about what they are about to face and wondering how hard it is going to be to convince the others. She hopes the giant can scry with Vin's crystal ball. But seeing Muir frozen as he is, amuses her a bit, "So you did you make new friends?"
Gewyn, now back in his regular clothes, takes off his shirt and begins stretching his back and shoulders. Not in the stiff way he used to at the beginning of the adventure, but with more flexibility and vigour. He does wince though as the skin on his back, marked by the triskellion, stretches.
Then he stops suddenly and perks up. "Wait. Something is near." His eyes go black as he attempts to peer into the shadowfell, his book now in hand. "Does anyone else feel that? Spyro?"
(Above 15? Or 15 and above?? lol... Sam is fine being clueless.)
"The large room on the first floor of the pack has a warming crystal," Sam advises Muir. "Perhaps go huddle up close to it?"
Sam otherwise acts as translator for Vin or Muir or anyone who needs. If he notices Vin & Nef and possibly others sneaking off to investigate something then he will send Dottie the flying monkey to go with them as she can telepathically report back if they find anything, if they don't go too far.
Spyro lifts his floral head from gewyn's shoulder and sniffs around, "nothin in the air but wind, what are you feeling?"
Meanwhile, Ömertyr sits down leaning against his pack and holds the crystal ball in his hand like a marble, pondering the orb in preparation.
Gewyn's eyes snap back to normal, and he shudders. "Still not used to looking into that realm yet. Horrid experience. False alarm though, I think." He strokes Spyro's back.
Vin and Neferox suddenly reappear over the lip of the island having walked back up the side altering their gravity as they went. Vin is carrying a backpack that he didn't have when they left.
"Sorry Elthana, I didn't want Neferox to get too far ahead and I didn't get chance to reply. Turns out someone got marooned here a long time ago. Looks like they had been travelling on a magic carpet and landed here at one point, and the magic carpet failed or broke or something", he says loudly trying to be heard over the wind.
He looks around for Muir, "You'll be interested in this Muir. They had a packed lunch which has pretty much evolved into a new mouldy life form", he says taking a container of mould out of the backpack to give to the Loxodon.
"And if we get bored during the rest of the journey, there is a set of playing cards in here. And a book which I haven't had chance to look at yet", he says to everyone.
He spots Muir looking cold and shivery, "You look cold, Muir. I found something else you might be interested in", he says with a smile, holding up a ring with fur around the inside. "It's a ring of warmth"
"Oh, and I came across Inevitable Decay. You know, Morris's brother. I even helped him collect the body of the dead person. He looks a bit scary, but he's really nice it turns out. Not very chatty mind", he says matter of factly, as if it were totally normal.
With that he takes the book out of the backpack for the first time and looks at the cover before flicking through to see what it is about.
Flipping through the book vin cannot find a single word that he understands, not knowing the language at all.
From beside the pack ömertyr mutters something you al understand, "Vox Tontritor..." And his eyes go Milky white at the same time the crystal ball between his fingers do the same. He begins to scry as you all greet vin again.
Muir is handed a small crystal container, which is just teaming with fluffy white mould which wafts spores from under its lid with every little jostle, he understands that in this strong wind opening this thing up would likely be a disgusting experience for everyone within a 30ft radius of him.
Muir takes the ring and puts it on “Thank you. I will return this to you once we are done riding around. It does get a bit chilly riding on the roc. Did you notice a body or what the body looked like? I see you’re struggling with the book you found. I can read it for you. I’m well versed in all written languages”
Vin absently hands Muir the book, now far more interested in what Ömertyr is doing.
"Oh, you'll need to attune to that ring, might want to get cracking", he mutters to Muir.
Muir takes the book, thanking vin, forgetting about the chilly temps and dives into the book.
Sam is lingering close toÖmertyr and watching him as he does what he does with the scrying orb. He's not looming right over him or anything, just trying to stay close enough to keep an eye on what he is doing and to be close by if any translation is needed. He's otherwise, once again or still, playing with the animals and doing little drills with them...
"And where is the carpet?" Sam asks, looking at Vin as he returns and shows off the various baubles he collected. "Perhaps Hog would be able to fix it..."
"It's pretty beaten up and the magic long gone, but it is on the underside of the island if you want to get it for Hog", Vin replies to Sam.
Muir closes the journal and looks out into the nothingness deep in thought not paying attention to what’s happening around him. He muses out loud to himself “If I were a Lich in control of a god what better place to hide my phylactery but in a vault controlled by a Subordinate…..”
Sam mutters about having to do everything himself... He then mentally sends Dottie to scout out a little ahead of him and look for the carpet but then shortly follows behind her by 20-30 feet, walking carefully due to the weird gravity thing and all.
But just before he departs the group he overhears Muir's musings and absently says "If you were a lich would you really trust a subordinate with such a thing?" but he walks off in search of the carpet without awaiting an answer.
Muir shrugs and hands the book back to Vin "Vin this book is a diary of someone who was planning to rob the Dunn's vault of magical items and riches. I would ask Griff but he is still sleeping....It could be a place to store a phylactery since it seems to have been locked and forgotten about....I may have misunderstood what the diary means. The vault according to the diary is lost?"
"Interesting", Vin replies to Muir, even though his focus is mostly on Ömertyr still.
"Let's see what Griff says when he wakes up, but a secret vault of magical items might come in very useful right about now".
Sam leaves to go and retrieve the rug that vin left behind, and seems to be gone for a while.
In the meantime Ömertyr seems to have successfully scried upon vox. He comes out of his arcane trance and starts babbling in giant, seeming forlorn but with Sam gone and no one to translate he gingerly gibes the crystal ball back to vin and stands a little away from the group, looking off into the vast.
Sam returns after nearly an hour, with his treasures in tow, though his face is reddened by the continual onslaught of wind he must have faced whilst searching. Ömertyr turns and calls over to Sam to join him, and then delivers the news.
Muir rummages through his things and hands Omertyr something to write with and beckons him to write what he is trying to say