As the confused spawn takes the attack of opportunity from bed it does indeed get knocked probe, but still confused gets up and continues (ending up 15ft closer to bed than shown on map)
Nef's fire breath catches all but one of the new spawn off guard and does its full damage,
As vin takes a step back a claw finds his side and the wound turns dark green as it becomes infected immediately with necrosis. Three of his four scorching rays find their mark, and with a bit of added luck so does his second blast which sends the dwarf reeling over the rafters, landing prone 10ft to the south of Ömertyr, though he is still not bloodied.
Sol moves his radiant circle to be placed south of Vin and over the staircase. Hoping to hit the spawn that ran down them and whatever else that might be heading up. CON save of 20 for whoever ends their turn in the circle, 11 radiant damage if failed, half if saved.
He then turns towards the dwarf and casting flame strike, he centers it in the square NE of the dwarf so that it's 10' radius also encompasses the south most spawn. DEX save of 20 or 23 fire damage and 22 radiant damage (half if saved)
Sam isn't so good with the magic mumbo-jumbo and isn't sure what this big area of daylight is all about, but he figures it hurt the dwarf when Sol first created it and so putting the dwarf back in it may be a good thing... Sam steps over to the Blue Dwarf Vampire Dude and reaches out a large hand to try to seize them. He'd prefer to grab them by the throat but will settle for by his clothes or by his skull or whatever is convenient.
Attack 1 is Grapple vs Blue Dwarf: 21 - They need to beat with an Athletics or Acrobatics check. (I rolled w/adv due to Giant's Might.)
If the grapple is successful Sam will then slam them into the floor (unarmed strike) but if first grapple isn't successful then Sam will try again...
Attack 2 is Unarmed Strike: 26 to hit for 7 bludgeoning damage plus another 5 due to Giant's Might. OR Attack 2 is a second Grapple vs Blue Dwarf: 20 being the number to beat w/Athletics or Acrobatics check this time...
Assuming one of the grapples succeed, Sam then drags the Blue Dwarf over to Sol's big area of painful light and positions himself so that he is holding the Blue D inside of the light.
((Questions on the damage for Dawn: How is it being rolled? Once and it is used for every instance of damage being taken? Turn by turn? On each individual instance the damage is being taken? The spell doesn't really specify... But the damage rolls have been weaksauce so far so I figure more rolls just could be good? lol))
“Hey, Omertyr, have you seen this one?” Gewyn says, moving a few steps to the east to look down the line of fresh spawn while he pulls out the deck of cards they’d been playing with earlier. He flicks the cards back and forth between his hands in a dazzling shuffle before flinging them forth. They slice through the air in a blinding streak.
At the same time, Spyro swoops in from the other side and breaths another spray at the spawn
Action: spray of cards 16 Dex save for all enemies in a 15 foot cone, or they take 2d10 force damage and are blinded. Half as much on a save.
Sol's light moves to the corner of the room enveloping both Vin in the rafters and the blue vampiric dwarf prone on the ground below. As the second column of light this time a flame strike bursts out within the column of dawn the dwarf, the southern most spawn and unfortunately also Ömertyr are all caught inside. The spawn is immediately reduced to radiant flames and ash, perhaps it's last thoughts are thankful that the cold fron the frigid air no longer applies but in any case its thoughts are cut short. The blue dwarf starts more than crisping at the edges as it becomes bloodied. Ömertyr also takes the brunt of the damage but seems fairly ok for now.
The dwarf already burning and on the floor seems unready to defend himself against sam, and so maybe sam thinking grappling a prone dwarf would be easy underestimates the situation, the dwarf wriggles free of sam's first attempt but succumbs to the second, held firmly within the light of Sol's dawn.
Griff, getting frustrated with missing with 50% of his arrows swoops upon the confused Spawn with is longsword drawn, (25 to hit both times, total 23 slashing dam), the spawn takes the damage and looks near its undead death, but remains confused and non hostile.
Gewyn moves elegantly around sam grappling the dwarf and precariously stands atop the smouldering remains of the southern most Spawn, his cone of cards mostly stick harmlessly into the ramains of the ice wall, or at least the bits that neferoxs flame hadnt already melted away, but one side of the cone of cards flies through the line of remaining Spawn, two take the full brunt spectral cards sticking out of their eyes, the southern most one now bloodied, though the one in the middle ducks enough to use its comrades as cover shrugging of the majority of the damage.
Ömertyr now with less hostiles in the area, and no longer compelled to do the dwarf's bidding, targets the spawn now bloodied from Gewyns card trick, He smashes down twice with his summoned cloud morningstar like weapon (30 & 21 to hit, total 33 piercing) blood goes flying all up in gewyns face but the blind spawn remains standing, just... Ömertyr says something to gewyn in giant and chuckles.
The Scorpion screeches angrily at the dwarf who escaped its grasp. It looks around for its target but cannot find him. He hears Muir to attack the next closest enemy. So it moves to the spawn that's under Griff and unleashes its attacks.
Claw 1 and Claw 2: The scorpion in all it's anger misses wildly. Muir sees that and tries to refocus 2-Cold for its stinger attack
Stinger: Hit 20 Dam 7 DC 12 con save or take 21 dam or half on save
Muir moves to be over the top of the spawn that's engaged with the scorpion and casts thorn whip.
17 Hit 2 Dam but it lifts the spawn 10 feet into the air and drops it back to the ground for an extra 2 damage
Muir's ears stick out as he hears a noise coming from downstairs. He uses the rest of his movement to move along the ceiling towards the stairs
The scorpion does its damage though its mundane stinger seems to half glance off the confused Spawn's skin, as soon as the scorpions poison takes hold, the spawn vanishes upward hanging by a thornwhip and is dead before it hits the ground.
The northern most spawn repositions itself to attack spyro, (AoO for Ned) and then slashes out at Spyro with its claws, (26/23 to hit, 15 slashing dam + grappled). Not wanting to taste what this floral beast would taste like between its teeth, the spawn deigns to instead claw at the now grappled spyro once more (26/11 to hit, miss). spyro coughs and splutters but remains alive... barely.
The second spawn by the door, smouldering from Nef's flame and still having her grappled in its claws, bites down again"4, thankful that it does not have cards in its eyes like its comrades, (24 to hit, 9 piercing, 7 necrotic and max hp reduced by 7) it then claws at her once more, but misses as it reels in bliss at its meal (10)
As Ömertyr lifts the cloudstar off the bloodied and now blinded spawn, it cant decide which adversary to attack first, and so it swipes out blindly at both of them, Gewyn (24/16 to hit, 12 slashing+grappled), Ömertyr (11 miss).
The dwarf seethes with rage, undead bile spilling from its mouth as sam has it grappled and held in the dawnlight, it claws out twice at the half orc instead of trying to escape, (26/18 to hit, 14 slashing + 13 necrotic. 23/20 to hit, 14 slashing + 13 necrotic)
Seeing all the creatures really land their hits even with disadvantage, Sol feels a bit dismayed. But when the hell hound is being feasted on by one of the spawns, he sees an opportunity to use his Warding Flare, creating a burst of light in front of the spawn to impose disadvantage on the bite.
As the blind spawn moves away from Neferox, she bites out, before the spawn grappling her sinks its own teeth into her. She howls as the necrosis infects her, and that along with the myriad of claw wounds puts her at the brink of dropping.
Reaction: Opportunity bite attack on one running away (advantage as it is blind) - To Hit: (4, 5)+7=12
Looking around the battlefield, Sol is happy to see the numbers of undead dwindling.. but also sees how close his allies are to falling. Raising his arms high he casts a spell to heal all, well he tries... Griff is the only one left out as Spyro, Nef, Vin, Sam, Gewyn and Muir all receive 19 hps.
He then turns to the dwarf, the source of the matter and calls upon his sacred flame, bringing down 18 radiant damage (DEX 20 save, if saved - no damage) upon the wee man. And since he is still in the Dawn light, if he doesn't move - 22 radiant damage if he fails CON 20, half if saved.
Sam has a dwarf in his hand and not much to do but hold him there, in the light, waiting for the magical illumination to do it's thing...
Letting his maul drop besides him, Sam grabs a hand-axe and chops at the grappled dwarf!
Attack 1 - Hand Axe vs Dwarf: 23 to hit for 5 slashing damage plus 5 from Giant's Might... If this attack hits Sam invoked his Fire Rune feature to summon fiery shackles upon the Dwarf. They take an extra 5Fire damage and must succeed on a DC Str Save or be restrained for 1 minute - (2d6 fire damage at start of each of their turns and can try save again at the end of their turn.)
IF the shackles take hold and do restrain the dwarf, then Sam drops his handaxe and punches the bastard in the face - Unarmed Strike which, if it hits, knocks the restrained dwarf 5' further back into the light due to Sam's Crusher feat...
If the Shackles appear but do not take hold, Sam just chops at him again with the handaxe...
Attack 2 - Same Roll whether Unarmed or Hand-Axe: 18 to hit for 6 Bludgeoning if Unarmed or 13 Slashing if Handaxe...
As a Bonus Action Sam takes his Second Wind to regain 16 HP.
Regarding movement - None if the pesky dwarf is still alive and kicking, Sam stays there holding it's feet to the fire, so to speak. ((If dwarf happens to kick it somewhere within Sam's turn, then Sam is likely moving to the door where more have ben threatening to come through...))
Gewyn prepares for the blindly attacking enemy coming for him, but the. Sees Spyro is in danger too. Making a quick decision, he reacts. Rather than saving himself, he grabs at the air. The spectral chain appears in his hand, and as he whips it, its fully length becomes briefly visible in a wave travelling toward Spyro. Just before the spawn hits the dragon, the wave in the chain reaches the claw it is attached to, and energy flows through him.
Reaction: to give Spyro resistance to the attack that hit him.
Gewyn accepts the attack meant for him, gritting his teeth through the pain. He laughs in the spawn’s face as it grapples him, feeling healing energy flooding his body. Then he vanishes in a cloud of mist, appearing beside Spyro with sword in hand. He takes a stab, but with his sudden change of footing, it’s more of a distraction than an effective attack.
As the large column of light moves across him, Vin flinches reflexively assuming it will hurt, and is relieved when it doesn't. He moves out of it though, as the glare makes it difficult to see, feeling the healing energy from Sol as he does so.
"Much appreciated!", he calls out to the source of the healing, as much for Neferox as himself, whom he senses was healed as well.
Looking down on the battlefield, he notices Sam holding the prone dwarf in the searing light, and decides it is too difficult a shot to have confidence in hitting the dwarf. And so he looks across to Neferox to see how she is doing, finding her grappled and in melee with not one but two spawns still. He could already sense her relief at being healed, and decides to go back to his earlier strategy of doubling up attacks with her. He telepathically suggests she concentrate on the one to her south, that looks more injured, as two bolts of force rain down on it.
At the same time, Neferox attacks with renewed vigour, moving better now a large proportion of her wounds had closed, leaving her soaked in blood but far less hurt. She bites out at the one Vin suggested, assuming it still stands. Otherwise her ire is set on the one grappling her.
Reaction: Possibly using it to grant Neferox resistance to the necrotic damage she took (waiting on result of Warding Flare) Movement: 5ft west out of the radius of the Dawn Action: Eldritch Blast southern most spawn by the door, that is bloodied. If that is gone, the one grappling Neferox instead Blast 1 - To Hit: 18+9=27, Damage 10+5=15 [force] Blast 2 - To Hit: 17+9=26, Damage 9+5=14 [force]
Action: Multiattack against southern most spawn by the door, that is bloodied. If that is gone, the one grappling her instead Bite 1 - To Hit: 13+7=20, Damage: 4+4+6=14 [magical piercing] - if hits target has to succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Bite 2 - To Hit: 2+7=9(if prone from first attack then: 13+7=20), Damage: 2+1+6=9 [magical piercing] - if hits target has to succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
After defeating the spawn the Scorpion moves to help Sam with the dwarf. It swings its claws twice and strikes out with its stinger once
Hit 16 Dam 6 Hit 15 Dam 5 Hit 19 Dam 6, DC 12 or take 22 dam or 11 on save
Satisfied with the scorpion aiding Sam, Muir decides to hurl a ball of light at one of the spawn entering the room from broken ice door and misses wildly (nat 1). He moves along the ceiling to get a view down the stairs
As sam drops his maul he starts hacking away at the dwarf with a handaxe, first hits, but the shackles that provoke are immediately destroyed as the Dwarf resists, going in for a second attack Sam hits but does not do enough to fell the undead abomination.
Gewyn's quick thinking spares Spyro from a near deadly strike but costs the bard a bleeding wound across his neck. As he bamfs over to Spyro the spawn there is certainly surprised but as Gewyn's attack misses, it locks eyes with him having picked a new target.
Miur's scorpion makes its way to the dwarf but cannot manage to do much damage, still sucessfully stinging the dwarf with its poison. (to get into melee the scorpion must end it's trun in the light and make a DC 20 Con save, details in post #5616, Aternatively if it has movement it could move away from the dwarf and risk an AoO and possibly become grappled and take both damages)
Vin's arcane flashbang distracts the blind spawn enough that its bite misses, and as nef strikes out at the fleeing spawn, her reaction unfortunately falls short as the spawn that has her grappled resists her movement. As vin throws out his blasts, the first leaves a gaping hole in the torso of the south most Spawn, and it falls to one side dead. His second bloodies the remaining spawn by the door. Neferox's attacks compound its wounds but it holds fast against her thrashing and causes her to miss her second bite.
Ömertyr sees how bad Neferox is doing, and although he isn't a dog person at all he decides to intervene, lifting the Spawn and hopefully flinging it into the dawn light, (spawn fails on the save and falls prone 60ft south of its current position) its back snaps over the banister that it lands on and leave its illuminated body limp, limbs swinging in an awkward and twisted form.
Griff rushes to Gewyn's aid and swings his longsword at the last remaining spawn. swinging twice and slashing ribbons off the thing and causing it to finally become bloodied. (16 & 25 to hit, 17 total slashing)
The dwarf saves on the damage from the sacred flame but does sizzle even more as the light of dawn continues to burn it.
The final spawn lashes out at Gewyn. (14 to hit, 15 slashing damage and grappled,) with its target in hand it runs north, causing Griff to lash out with another strike (crit hit but flubbed the damage roll!... and spyro to take AoO if wanted). The spawn now more or less alone with its meal takes a bite of gewyn, (crit hit! but also flubbed the first damage, 7 Piercing and 9 necrotic and max hp reduced by 9)
The dwarf still aflame digs his heels in, gritting his teeth and smiling in Sam's face he drags his claws up both of Sam's arms holding him fast. "if im going down, youre coming with me. but I've got something awaiting me! can you say the same? SHE IS ASCENDING! YOU CANNOT STOP HER!" (13 to hit, 10 slashing + 9 necrotic. 18 to hit, 16 slashing + 14 necrotic) If sam goes down the Dwarf shouts moves to the bottling machines to the west, using inhuman agility (bonus) to escape 30ft without provoking AoO, and then moves another 30ft with its movement.
As the group continue the fight, they hear scrambling worker Spawn from the rooms above, their noise echoing down the corridor they used to get here, but the sound seems to be heading away from them. At the same time something is activated downstairs as the group hear a switch being thrown, all of a sudden the bottling machines whirr into overdrive, But with no workers to assist in the bottling, the machines start spilling the deathly liquid all over the floor, It begins spreading at speed.
As Sam’s mind goes to find his answer to the Dwarf but comes up empty… Sam falls unconscious.
As the dwarf's first attack misses, Sam grunts in pain and consternation as the second all but guts him. Still, through clenched teeth he answers the blue bit... "Not something... Someone. I got someONE waiting for me!"
Sam, not wanting to release his grapple upon the Dwarf, continues hacking at his foe with the hand-axe...
First Hand-Axe Attack: 13 to hit... For 13 damage though I assume it misses (Slashing, nonmagical)
Second Hand-Axe Attack: 23 to hit for 11 damage PLUS 1 more from Giant's Might.
As a Bonus Action... Sam has absolutely nothing to do.
Movement wise... Has nothing to do there either. He could drag the dude around a bit but he wants to keep him in the light so mostly he just shakes him a bit.
Gewyn grits his teeth and coughs up a bit of blood, no longer smiling. He looks the spawn in the eyes, and once again dissipates into dust when teeth meet skin. This time, he apperas behind the spawn, slipping through a rift in space, accompanied by the lingering sound of the moans of the dead. He plunges his shortsword and dagger into the back of his foe with a grim expression.
Shortsword attack: 24 to hit for 5 magical piercing
Muir heard the noises coming from downstairs but before he could investigate it the Mornlyf machine started spilling the poison all over the floor. Acting quickly Muir casts Erupting Earth where the Mornlyf starts accumulating on the floor breaking the floor enough to allow the Mornlyf to seep through down to the lower levels. Muir scurries over the ceiling above the stairs to see if he hears anything more
Scorpio is hanging on by a thread right along with Sam does one more series of attacks before more than likely perishing
Claw 1 19 hit 3 dam Claw 2 Nat 20 10 dam Stinger 23 hit 10 dam Poison Dam: 21 damon fail con save of 12 1/2 damage on save
As Sam's axe swings and grapple keep the dwarf in place and hurting, the scorpion does enough damage, particularly with it's stinger that the dwarf's eyes start to roll into the back of it's head. It laughs and laughs as it's body starts to dissolve into mist, trying to relocate to its place of rest to recuperate. It is only when the mist turns to ash and then to blackened ichor that the dwarf stops laughing, burned by the sunlight imbued in Sol's spell. Sam loses grapple on him and as he succumbs to death, the dwarf eeks out something quiet.
The vampiric dwarf, is no more.
Gewyn's spawn is surprised as it's vote meets nothing but ash, and is even more surprised as it gets stabbed in the back by the reappearing bard. But remains standing as black ichor begins pooling out of it.
The rest of the vampires spawn's bodies also begin melting into black ichor, apparently not accepted by the death aspect decay.
As Muir erupts earth and causes sharp cracks of crystal to spike up in the floor, the spilling mornlyf from the machines stops advancing upon the group, and instead leaks into the room below. "Oh you ********!" A familiar voice can be heard below, stressed and frantic.
One spawn still remains in this room. (Everyone aside from sol can roll me an insight at advantage as a free action to recognise the voice)
As the confused spawn takes the attack of opportunity from bed it does indeed get knocked probe, but still confused gets up and continues (ending up 15ft closer to bed than shown on map)
Nef's fire breath catches all but one of the new spawn off guard and does its full damage,
As vin takes a step back a claw finds his side and the wound turns dark green as it becomes infected immediately with necrosis. Three of his four scorching rays find their mark, and with a bit of added luck so does his second blast which sends the dwarf reeling over the rafters, landing prone 10ft to the south of Ömertyr, though he is still not bloodied.
Sol moves his radiant circle to be placed south of Vin and over the staircase. Hoping to hit the spawn that ran down them and whatever else that might be heading up. CON save of 20 for whoever ends their turn in the circle, 11 radiant damage if failed, half if saved.
He then turns towards the dwarf and casting flame strike, he centers it in the square NE of the dwarf so that it's 10' radius also encompasses the south most spawn. DEX save of 20 or 23 fire damage and 22 radiant damage (half if saved)
”Vin move out of the light!”
Sam isn't so good with the magic mumbo-jumbo and isn't sure what this big area of daylight is all about, but he figures it hurt the dwarf when Sol first created it and so putting the dwarf back in it may be a good thing... Sam steps over to the Blue Dwarf Vampire Dude and reaches out a large hand to try to seize them. He'd prefer to grab them by the throat but will settle for by his clothes or by his skull or whatever is convenient.
Attack 1 is Grapple vs Blue Dwarf: 21 - They need to beat with an Athletics or Acrobatics check. (I rolled w/adv due to Giant's Might.)
If the grapple is successful Sam will then slam them into the floor (unarmed strike) but if first grapple isn't successful then Sam will try again...
Attack 2 is Unarmed Strike: 26 to hit for 7 bludgeoning damage plus another 5 due to Giant's Might.
Attack 2 is a second Grapple vs Blue Dwarf: 20 being the number to beat w/Athletics or Acrobatics check this time...
Assuming one of the grapples succeed, Sam then drags the Blue Dwarf over to Sol's big area of painful light and positions himself so that he is holding the Blue D inside of the light.
((Questions on the damage for Dawn: How is it being rolled? Once and it is used for every instance of damage being taken? Turn by turn? On each individual instance the damage is being taken? The spell doesn't really specify... But the damage rolls have been weaksauce so far so I figure more rolls just could be good? lol))
“Hey, Omertyr, have you seen this one?” Gewyn says, moving a few steps to the east to look down the line of fresh spawn while he pulls out the deck of cards they’d been playing with earlier. He flicks the cards back and forth between his hands in a dazzling shuffle before flinging them forth. They slice through the air in a blinding streak.
At the same time, Spyro swoops in from the other side and breaths another spray at the spawn
Action: spray of cards 16 Dex save for all enemies in a 15 foot cone, or they take 2d10 force damage and are blinded. Half as much on a save.
Sol's light moves to the corner of the room enveloping both Vin in the rafters and the blue vampiric dwarf prone on the ground below. As the second column of light this time a flame strike bursts out within the column of dawn the dwarf, the southern most spawn and unfortunately also Ömertyr are all caught inside. The spawn is immediately reduced to radiant flames and ash, perhaps it's last thoughts are thankful that the cold fron the frigid air no longer applies but in any case its thoughts are cut short. The blue dwarf starts more than crisping at the edges as it becomes bloodied. Ömertyr also takes the brunt of the damage but seems fairly ok for now.
The dwarf already burning and on the floor seems unready to defend himself against sam, and so maybe sam thinking grappling a prone dwarf would be easy underestimates the situation, the dwarf wriggles free of sam's first attempt but succumbs to the second, held firmly within the light of Sol's dawn.
Griff, getting frustrated with missing with 50% of his arrows swoops upon the confused Spawn with is longsword drawn, (25 to hit both times, total 23 slashing dam), the spawn takes the damage and looks near its undead death, but remains confused and non hostile.
Gewyn moves elegantly around sam grappling the dwarf and precariously stands atop the smouldering remains of the southern most Spawn, his cone of cards mostly stick harmlessly into the ramains of the ice wall, or at least the bits that neferoxs flame hadnt already melted away, but one side of the cone of cards flies through the line of remaining Spawn, two take the full brunt spectral cards sticking out of their eyes, the southern most one now bloodied, though the one in the middle ducks enough to use its comrades as cover shrugging of the majority of the damage.
Ömertyr now with less hostiles in the area, and no longer compelled to do the dwarf's bidding, targets the spawn now bloodied from Gewyns card trick, He smashes down twice with his summoned cloud morningstar like weapon (30 & 21 to hit, total 33 piercing) blood goes flying all up in gewyns face but the blind spawn remains standing, just... Ömertyr says something to gewyn in giant and chuckles.
Muir is up!
The Scorpion screeches angrily at the dwarf who escaped its grasp. It looks around for its target but cannot find him. He hears Muir to attack the next closest enemy. So it moves to the spawn that's under Griff and unleashes its attacks.
Claw 1 and Claw 2: The scorpion in all it's anger misses wildly. Muir sees that and tries to refocus 2-Cold for its stinger attack
Stinger: Hit 20 Dam 7 DC 12 con save or take 21 dam or half on save
Muir moves to be over the top of the spawn that's engaged with the scorpion and casts thorn whip.
17 Hit 2 Dam but it lifts the spawn 10 feet into the air and drops it back to the ground for an extra 2 damage
Muir's ears stick out as he hears a noise coming from downstairs. He uses the rest of his movement to move along the ceiling towards the stairs
The scorpion does its damage though its mundane stinger seems to half glance off the confused Spawn's skin, as soon as the scorpions poison takes hold, the spawn vanishes upward hanging by a thornwhip and is dead before it hits the ground.
The northern most spawn repositions itself to attack spyro, (AoO for Ned) and then slashes out at Spyro with its claws, (
26/23 to hit, 15 slashing dam + grappled). Not wanting to taste what this floral beast would taste like between its teeth, the spawn deigns to instead claw at the now grappled spyro once more (26/11 to hit, miss). spyro coughs and splutters but remains alive... barely.The second spawn by the door, smouldering from Nef's flame and still having her grappled in its claws, bites down again"4, thankful that it does not have cards in its eyes like its comrades, (24 to hit, 9 piercing, 7 necrotic and max hp reduced by 7) it then claws at her once more, but misses as it reels in bliss at its meal (10)
As Ömertyr lifts the cloudstar off the bloodied and now blinded spawn, it cant decide which adversary to attack first, and so it swipes out blindly at both of them, Gewyn (
24/16 to hit, 12 slashing+grappled), Ömertyr (11 miss).The dwarf seethes with rage, undead bile spilling from its mouth as sam has it grappled and held in the dawnlight, it claws out twice at the half orc instead of trying to escape, (
26/18 to hit, 14 slashing + 13 necrotic.23/20 to hit, 14 slashing + 13 necrotic)Reaction:
Seeing all the creatures really land their hits even with disadvantage, Sol feels a bit dismayed. But when the hell hound is being feasted on by one of the spawns, he sees an opportunity to use his Warding Flare, creating a burst of light in front of the spawn to impose disadvantage on the bite.
As the blind spawn moves away from Neferox, she bites out, before the spawn grappling her sinks its own teeth into her. She howls as the necrosis infects her, and that along with the myriad of claw wounds puts her at the brink of dropping.
Reaction: Opportunity bite attack on one running away (advantage as it is blind) - To Hit: (
4, 5)+7=12Looking around the battlefield, Sol is happy to see the numbers of undead dwindling.. but also sees how close his allies are to falling. Raising his arms high he casts a spell to heal all, well he tries... Griff is the only one left out as Spyro, Nef, Vin, Sam, Gewyn and Muir all receive 19 hps.
He then turns to the dwarf, the source of the matter and calls upon his sacred flame, bringing down 18 radiant damage (DEX 20 save, if saved - no damage) upon the wee man. And since he is still in the Dawn light, if he doesn't move - 22 radiant damage if he fails CON 20, half if saved.
Sam has a dwarf in his hand and not much to do but hold him there, in the light, waiting for the magical illumination to do it's thing...
Letting his maul drop besides him, Sam grabs a hand-axe and chops at the grappled dwarf!
Attack 1 - Hand Axe vs Dwarf: 23 to hit for 5 slashing damage plus 5 from Giant's Might...
If this attack hits Sam invoked his Fire Rune feature to summon fiery shackles upon the Dwarf. They take an extra 5 Fire damage and must succeed on a DC Str Save or be restrained for 1 minute - (2d6 fire damage at start of each of their turns and can try save again at the end of their turn.)
IF the shackles take hold and do restrain the dwarf, then Sam drops his handaxe and punches the bastard in the face - Unarmed Strike which, if it hits, knocks the restrained dwarf 5' further back into the light due to Sam's Crusher feat...
If the Shackles appear but do not take hold, Sam just chops at him again with the handaxe...
Attack 2 - Same Roll whether Unarmed or Hand-Axe: 18 to hit for 6 Bludgeoning if Unarmed or 13 Slashing if Handaxe...
As a Bonus Action Sam takes his Second Wind to regain 16 HP.
Regarding movement - None if the pesky dwarf is still alive and kicking, Sam stays there holding it's feet to the fire, so to speak. ((If dwarf happens to kick it somewhere within Sam's turn, then Sam is likely moving to the door where more have ben threatening to come through...))
Gewyn prepares for the blindly attacking enemy coming for him, but the. Sees Spyro is in danger too. Making a quick decision, he reacts. Rather than saving himself, he grabs at the air. The spectral chain appears in his hand, and as he whips it, its fully length becomes briefly visible in a wave travelling toward Spyro. Just before the spawn hits the dragon, the wave in the chain reaches the claw it is attached to, and energy flows through him.
Reaction: to give Spyro resistance to the attack that hit him.
Gewyn accepts the attack meant for him, gritting his teeth through the pain. He laughs in the spawn’s face as it grapples him, feeling healing energy flooding his body. Then he vanishes in a cloud of mist, appearing beside Spyro with sword in hand. He takes a stab, but with his sudden change of footing, it’s more of a distraction than an effective attack.
Bonus action: Misty step to beside Spyro.
Action: attack (8) on the spawn there
As the large column of light moves across him, Vin flinches reflexively assuming it will hurt, and is relieved when it doesn't. He moves out of it though, as the glare makes it difficult to see, feeling the healing energy from Sol as he does so.
"Much appreciated!", he calls out to the source of the healing, as much for Neferox as himself, whom he senses was healed as well.
Looking down on the battlefield, he notices Sam holding the prone dwarf in the searing light, and decides it is too difficult a shot to have confidence in hitting the dwarf. And so he looks across to Neferox to see how she is doing, finding her grappled and in melee with not one but two spawns still. He could already sense her relief at being healed, and decides to go back to his earlier strategy of doubling up attacks with her. He telepathically suggests she concentrate on the one to her south, that looks more injured, as two bolts of force rain down on it.
At the same time, Neferox attacks with renewed vigour, moving better now a large proportion of her wounds had closed, leaving her soaked in blood but far less hurt. She bites out at the one Vin suggested, assuming it still stands. Otherwise her ire is set on the one grappling her.
Reaction: Possibly using it to grant Neferox resistance to the necrotic damage she took (waiting on result of Warding Flare)
Movement: 5ft west out of the radius of the Dawn
Action: Eldritch Blast southern most spawn by the door, that is bloodied. If that is gone, the one grappling Neferox instead
Blast 1 - To Hit: 18+9=27, Damage 10+5=15 [force]
Blast 2 - To Hit: 17+9=26, Damage 9+5=14 [force]
Action: Multiattack against southern most spawn by the door, that is bloodied. If that is gone, the one grappling her instead
Bite 1 - To Hit: 13+7=20, Damage: 4+4+6=14 [magical piercing] - if hits target has to succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Bite 2 - To Hit: 2+7=9 (if prone from first attack then: 13+7=20), Damage: 2+1+6=9 [magical piercing] - if hits target has to succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
After defeating the spawn the Scorpion moves to help Sam with the dwarf. It swings its claws twice and strikes out with its stinger once
Hit 16 Dam 6
Hit 15 Dam 5
Hit 19 Dam 6, DC 12 or take 22 dam or 11 on save
Satisfied with the scorpion aiding Sam, Muir decides to hurl a ball of light at one of the spawn entering the room from broken ice door and misses wildly (nat 1). He moves along the ceiling to get a view down the stairs
As sam drops his maul he starts hacking away at the dwarf with a handaxe, first hits, but the shackles that provoke are immediately destroyed as the Dwarf resists, going in for a second attack Sam hits but does not do enough to fell the undead abomination.
Gewyn's quick thinking spares Spyro from a near deadly strike but costs the bard a bleeding wound across his neck. As he bamfs over to Spyro the spawn there is certainly surprised but as Gewyn's attack misses, it locks eyes with him having picked a new target.
Miur's scorpion makes its way to the dwarf but cannot manage to do much damage, still sucessfully stinging the dwarf with its poison. (to get into melee the scorpion must end it's trun in the light and make a DC 20 Con save, details in post #5616, Aternatively if it has movement it could move away from the dwarf and risk an AoO and possibly become grappled and take both damages)
Vin's arcane flashbang distracts the blind spawn enough that its bite misses, and as nef strikes out at the fleeing spawn, her reaction unfortunately falls short as the spawn that has her grappled resists her movement.
As vin throws out his blasts, the first leaves a gaping hole in the torso of the south most Spawn, and it falls to one side dead.
His second bloodies the remaining spawn by the door. Neferox's attacks compound its wounds but it holds fast against her thrashing and causes her to miss her second bite.
Ömertyr sees how bad Neferox is doing, and although he isn't a dog person at all he decides to intervene, lifting the Spawn and hopefully flinging it into the dawn light, (spawn fails on the save and falls prone 60ft south of its current position) its back snaps over the banister that it lands on and leave its illuminated body limp, limbs swinging in an awkward and twisted form.
Griff rushes to Gewyn's aid and swings his longsword at the last remaining spawn. swinging twice and slashing ribbons off the thing and causing it to finally become bloodied. (16 & 25 to hit, 17 total slashing)
The dwarf saves on the damage from the sacred flame but does sizzle even more as the light of dawn continues to burn it.
The final spawn lashes out at Gewyn. (14 to hit, 15 slashing damage and grappled,) with its target in hand it runs north, causing Griff to lash out with another strike (crit hit but flubbed the damage roll!... and spyro to take AoO if wanted). The spawn now more or less alone with its meal takes a bite of gewyn, (crit hit! but also flubbed the first damage, 7 Piercing and 9 necrotic and max hp reduced by 9)
The dwarf still aflame digs his heels in, gritting his teeth and smiling in Sam's face he drags his claws up both of Sam's arms holding him fast. "if im going down, youre coming with me. but I've got something awaiting me! can you say the same? SHE IS ASCENDING! YOU CANNOT STOP HER!" (13 to hit, 10 slashing + 9 necrotic. 18 to hit, 16 slashing + 14 necrotic) If sam goes down the Dwarf shouts moves to the bottling machines to the west, using inhuman agility (bonus) to escape 30ft without provoking AoO, and then moves another 30ft with its movement.
As the group continue the fight, they hear scrambling worker Spawn from the rooms above, their noise echoing down the corridor they used to get here, but the sound seems to be heading away from them.
At the same time something is activated downstairs as the group hear a switch being thrown, all of a sudden the bottling machines whirr into overdrive, But with no workers to assist in the bottling, the machines start spilling the deathly liquid all over the floor, It begins spreading at speed.
As Sam’s mind goes to find his answer to the Dwarf but comes up empty… Sam falls unconscious.As the dwarf's first attack misses, Sam grunts in pain and consternation as the second all but guts him. Still, through clenched teeth he answers the blue bit... "Not something... Someone. I got someONE waiting for me!"
Sam, not wanting to release his grapple upon the Dwarf, continues hacking at his foe with the hand-axe...
First Hand-Axe Attack: 13 to hit... For 13 damage though I assume it misses (Slashing, nonmagical)
Second Hand-Axe Attack: 23 to hit for 11 damage PLUS 1 more from Giant's Might.
As a Bonus Action... Sam has absolutely nothing to do.
Movement wise... Has nothing to do there either. He could drag the dude around a bit but he wants to keep him in the light so mostly he just shakes him a bit.
Gewyn grits his teeth and coughs up a bit of blood, no longer smiling. He looks the spawn in the eyes, and once again dissipates into dust when teeth meet skin. This time, he apperas behind the spawn, slipping through a rift in space, accompanied by the lingering sound of the moans of the dead. He plunges his shortsword and dagger into the back of his foe with a grim expression.
Shortsword attack: 24 to hit for 5 magical piercing
Dagger attack: 22 to hit for 5 magical piercing
Muir heard the noises coming from downstairs but before he could investigate it the Mornlyf machine started spilling the poison all over the floor. Acting quickly Muir casts Erupting Earth where the Mornlyf starts accumulating on the floor breaking the floor enough to allow the Mornlyf to seep through down to the lower levels. Muir scurries over the ceiling above the stairs to see if he hears anything more
Scorpio is hanging on by a thread right along with Sam does one more series of attacks before more than likely perishing
Claw 1 19 hit 3 dam
Claw 2 Nat 20 10 dam
Stinger 23 hit 10 dam
Poison Dam: 21 damon fail con save of 12 1/2 damage on save
As Sam's axe swings and grapple keep the dwarf in place and hurting, the scorpion does enough damage, particularly with it's stinger that the dwarf's eyes start to roll into the back of it's head. It laughs and laughs as it's body starts to dissolve into mist, trying to relocate to its place of rest to recuperate. It is only when the mist turns to ash and then to blackened ichor that the dwarf stops laughing, burned by the sunlight imbued in Sol's spell. Sam loses grapple on him and as he succumbs to death, the dwarf eeks out something quiet.
The vampiric dwarf, is no more.
Gewyn's spawn is surprised as it's vote meets nothing but ash, and is even more surprised as it gets stabbed in the back by the reappearing bard. But remains standing as black ichor begins pooling out of it.
The rest of the vampires spawn's bodies also begin melting into black ichor, apparently not accepted by the death aspect decay.
As Muir erupts earth and causes sharp cracks of crystal to spike up in the floor, the spilling mornlyf from the machines stops advancing upon the group, and instead leaks into the room below. "Oh you ********!" A familiar voice can be heard below, stressed and frantic.
One spawn still remains in this room. (Everyone aside from sol can roll me an insight at advantage as a free action to recognise the voice)