Muir follows Gewyn down the stairs and sees Vin shoot his blasts off at whatever is in the room....He bolsters the attack with a reading from the cosmos (+6 to hit).... As he follows Gewyn down he hear Mori's words.... 800,000 he thinks to's worse than he thought.
They need to kill her and get back to Shenoh quickly with the staff "We have to end her quickly and get back. Without united Djinns....This realm is doomed...We may not be able to get back to Elthana and our realm! We must hurry!"
Muir hurls a guiding bolt at Mori 16 hit 13 damage
Muir's bolt glances off the shimmering orb without Mori paying it any ind, Sol's warning having come a ssecond too late for the Loxodon.
Ömertyr nods at Sol's words and digs his hands into the solid crystal floor, pulling a chunk he launches it at mori and it breaks through the shimmering barrier, though leaves it untouched. (16 to hit, 28 bludgeoning) it smacks into Mori shattering around her but she reamins steadfast, and Ömertyr moves to get in the face of the Myrmidon to the right. (mori saves on concentration)
Griff swoops in past Vin and shoots two arrows at the same Myrmidon the boy is targetting, (24 & 19 to hit, 15 total piercing) though the arrows simply do not do as much damage as Griff would have liked, and so he mutters a spell and his second arrow bursts into lightning. (additional 6) unfortunately the myrmidon also seems resistant to the effects of lightning causing griff to sweat.
The Myrmidon target of Vin, Muir, and Griff, takes a few steps forward toward neferox and readies its own attack, sticking to an attacking stance and baiting anyone to come near. The second Myrmidon faces Ömertyr without fear and strikes at the giant three times with its flail, completely whiffing on its first two swings, the third one connects and as it does it blasts Ömertyr with a strike like lightning from above, (23 to hit, 7 bludgeoning, 22 lightning) Ömertyr shakes off the after effects before he can succumb to the attempted stun.
Mori looks to sam as he approaches, "I've seen inside her mind you know, when you were on your way here, everything she thinks of you, everything she feels... such a shame she wont have chance to share it with you any longer..." with that she takes a step closer and casts another spell direclty at sam but it stretches out in a cone encapsulating Sam, Sol, Ömertyr and even her own Myrmidon. (cone of cold, make a DC 17 con save, 29 cold damage on a fail, half on save)
Vin remains where he is, taking cover for now, and sends another couple of bolts of force at the myrmidon, trying his best to push it away from his companions to give them time and space to deal with Mori. At least that is his hope. He also channels necrotic energy from his coat if either blast connects.
Neferox growls at the myrmidon before her, but she doesn't rush it as would be her natural instinct. She once again waits, ready to bite out and protect those behind her.
Action: Eldritch Blast the myrmidon to the south-west Blast 1 - To Hit: 7+9=16, Damage 3+5=8 [force] - trying for repelling blast to push it away 10ft - +1 [necrotic] if hits Blast 2 - To Hit: 17+9=26, Damage 9+5=14 [force] - trying for repelling blast to push it away 10ft - +7 [necrotic] if hits Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 2/100
Action: Ready a bite attack should something hostile come into melee range
Muir takes a moment to look at the scene. Anyone that looks at him sees him deliberating something internally....Almost like he is questioning and speaking to himself....nothing out of the ordinary but it looks as if he is weighing the odds of his next action. He watches Vin send out 2 blasts at the closest Myrmidon and decides to bolt. nolt as fast as a Loxodon can running towards the front of the room where Sam lays near dead. He hides in a corner out of the sight of Mori with his hood pulled up trying to blend in and stay hidden. He catches his breath, not one to run very often and casts Healing Word on Sam (+11HPs).
When Sam comes to, Muir will look at him and say "You must hit her with non magical means"
Sam shivers and shakes a bit, but thanks to Muir's magics his eyes do open and some warmth returns to his limbs. With a groan and an incomprehensible mutter, Sam slowly climbs back to his feet, even if he does sway a bit. He nods to Muir's comments without ever turning to face him, instead keeping his eyes on Muri. Sam thinks a moment on what to do next... but that will need wait. His brain is a bit frozen and standing is about all he could do for the moment...
The cold hits Sol hard. He uses his wings to flap hard and destroy the ice crystals that had started to form. Fury is etched upon his face as he stares at Mori behind the protection orb. The idea of bringing her alive to Shenoh dwindling away....
But he's a cleric, he can handle this sort of situation. He raises his sun staff high, the glow reflecting off the remaining ice crystals upon him. He's about to fly closer, when he just notices the fight going on behind him with the animated armor. Flying just 10 feet closer to Mori in order to hit her as well as the one behind him, he Channels Divinity of his Radiance of the Dawn.
A flash of light emits from the sun staff, reaching a 30 foot radius from it. His friends are not affected by the light, only enough to make them squint against it. The two he is targeting however, must make a CON save of 18 - taking 27 radiant damage or half if saved.
Turning to Ometyr, he cries out in giant, "HIT HER!!"
Finally seeing that Sam is about frozen stiff and is still struggling, he turns and sends some healing his way (10 hps)
Gewyn looks at the Myrmidon between him and Sam and blows shrilly into his pipes as he runs up 15 feet, causing the metal of its armour to heat up. "Sam! Beat her ass!"
Vin's second blast sends the myrmidon staggering back, Neferox remaining on guard.
Muir dashes along the eastern wall coming to a stop crouched behind the mixing machine north east where he is able to heal sam without interruption.
Sol, flying closer, digs deep and instead of casting a spell he calls upon his divine blood for an intervention of sorts,. The light blinds both the myrmidon to the north and Mori through her glimmering shield, neither succeed in trying to negate any of the radiant damage as the light of the sun god burns into them, Mori's magic sheild shatters leaving her vulnerable.
As Gewyn casts heat metal upon the Myrmidon, the inside of it brightens as the armour that holds together it's form glows white hot, The myrmidon falters a little signaling that it may be bloodied without having blood to spill.
Ömertyr runs forward to just behind sam, taking an attack of opportiunity from the Myrmidon near him. (20 to hit 7 bludgeoning), Ömertyr then misty steps up to the platform Mori is standing on, his spell transporting him with ease now that the shimmering shield is gone and he grabs at her, (14 save failed for Mori) she is unceremoniously thrown south her body flying 50ft where it splashes down (22 bludgeoning) into the puddle of mornlyf, shearing wounds into her face as she lands...
Griff moves up to the myrmidon to the north hoping to occupy it so it doesn't follow Ömertyr and end up putting Sam, Sol, and Muir in any more danger, he swings out twice with his longsword, (14 & 15 to hit) both swings bounce off the myrmidon's armour and Griff swallows hard immediately regretting his decision.
The northern Myrmidon now in melee with Griff takes three swings back at him in retaliation. (15 & 9) the first two clang off Griff's armour but the final blow hits, (22 to hit 6 bludgeoning) and the myrmidon doubles down invoking a lightning strike upon the Aaracokra (17 lightning additional) Griff is staggered for a moment but avoids becoming stunned. (saved on Con).
The second Myrmidon rushes forward toward Neferox, provoking her readied attack, and slams out at her in retaliation. the first attack goes awry (11) but the second and third connect even despite the shield of faith placed around her, (22 to hit, 12 magical bludgeoning. 21 to hit 9 magical bludgeoning) it then invokes a similar strike as lightning courses through Neferox's body (28 lightning additional and Dc 13 con save or become stunned til the end of the Myrmidon's next turn)
...Mori lays there in the Mornlyf, the wounds on her face bleed out, but it is not blood that leaks from her body, it is ice water. She opens her eyes and pushes her body up from the ground, laughing... "stupid giant... you think the lich poison can kill me... no. no... it only kills that which lives properly, creatures with life in their veins." she looks down at her drenched clothes, and from her sides she pulls two daggers, their blades also coated in the stuff. "As I said before I was born into my prison, but that was a slight miswording... I was never born, people can be born by mistake all the time... like you Elthana, but I, I was created with a terrible purpose, to be uncreated at the earliest inconvenience... still, I made a life for myself, one seperate from Nivara's control, one that was my own, where I cared for people, and they cared for me, That Is What You Have Taken From Me!" she steps forward out of the pool of Mornlyf and approaches Griff, stabbing forward at him with the mornlyf coated blade.
Griff's eyes widen in surprise as he realises he is being attacked from behind, there is a pressure on his back near the joints in his armour. Flanked between the Myrmidon and Mori, he turns to see the blade in her hand and then looks slightly confused... the blade glanced off his armour and he breathes a sigh of relief before shouting out, "BE GETTING HER NOW!" (18 to hit)
As the Myrmidon rushes Neferox, she snaps at him before taking quite the beating. The magical weapon it wields hurting her like she has not felt in some time, and the lightning coursing through her only tempered by Vin's quick reactions in dulling the effect. Fortunately she is quite resistant to being stunned and manages to shake off the after effects of the lightning.
Either way, the Myrmidon's attacks are vicious and leaves Neferox bloodied and thankful for the bonus health from Sol.
Reaction: Readied Attack - Bite To Hit: 11+7=18, Damage: 4+5+6=15 [magical piercing] Con Save (with advantage due to Infernal Sense Trait): (8, 12)+6 = 18
Reaction: Investment of Chain Master - grant resistance to the lightning damage Neferox took
Sam sighs in disappointment. That's what I was going to do! he complains to himself as Ömertyr throws the bi... Mori... into the Mornlyf puddle. It was ineffective and pointless though so on some level he supposes it's better off that the giant did it instead of him.
Sam then bows his head a moment before taking a deep, calming breath and turning around to trudge back to where Mori is now. Sam edges around the Mornlyf puddle and stops just north of Griff so he is adjacent with More, Griff and the ... Whatever the heck that is. (Sam doesn't know what a Myrmidon is. At best it's an animated armor to him?). Sam then lifts his maul and goes to pound town...
Maul vs Mori: 24 to hit for 25 magical bludgeoning damage PLUS 5 damage from Giant's Might Maul vs Mori: 15to hit for 23magical bludgeoning damage...
Sam uses the Bardic Inspiration he was given to turn the 15 to hit to... A whopping 18to hit. Still probably doesn't hit Mori but I don't see Sam holding anything back in reserve so he would have put all his oomph into the swing. *shrug*
If the first swing hits, Sam uses his Crusher feature to push Mori five feet Northwest so that she is next to him and separated from Griff.
Having heard a little of what is going on, Vin decides now is the time to get more involved. If not to help Neferox then to do as Griff instructs and get Mori. And so he directs Bry'ze in through the doorway, shifting his gravity as he moves to be the same way up as everyone else. He flies beyond Neferox and the Myrmidon, just out of its reach, and turns Bry'ze around so he can survey the whole scene.
Worried that Mori will have some tricks up her sleeve, Vin reluctantly decides to let Neferox fend off the Myrmidon alone for now, and points a finger at Mori and sends a ghostly hand towards her that tries to grasp at her.
Neferox looks from the Myrmidon to Mori, knowing that turning her back on the Myrmidon would likely result in her being taken down. But Mori is the bigger threat. She looks to Vin and sets her sights firmly on the Myrmidon, biting at it again.
Movement: 50ft west into the room out of reach of the Myrmidon as he passes Action: Chill Touch on Mori - To Hit: 16+8=24, Damage 4+8=12 [necrotic] - On a hit, the target can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target. Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 3/100
Action: Multiattack against Myrmidon Bite 1 - To Hit: 11+7=18, Damage: 4+5+6=15 [magical piercing] Bite 2 -To Hit: 4+7=11
Sol watches things go on below him, seeing the ice water pour from her wounds is surprising to say the least. But as the woman moves forward dripping with the deadly stuff, the situation turns more dire. He's glad Sam gets her pushed further away from others, but she is still next to him.
The cleric watches closely as Vin and Muir attack her. Eyes widen a bit as the reality hits him, "The b*tch is resistant to spells!" he cries out. Worried that she might kill someone with the mornlyf, he tries to paralyze her and help in that regard.
(WIS 20 save or paralyzed for a min. Can reattempt the save at the end of your turns)
Neferox's readied attack goes off and is executed flawlessly and as she bites down the Myrmidon falters slightly (bloodied)
Sam makes his way toward Mori, interposing himself between Mori and Griff as his first hit sends her reeling back toward the Mornlyf puddle, his second swing also rocks her and cuts deep as ice water continues bleeding out from her new wounds. (bloodied)
As muir shouts out his theory, his fire envelops Mori, the silvery Mornlyf dripping from her soaked clothes seems to dull into a sad grey, (arcana checks?) though she tands strong against the flame not melting as he had suspected at all, in fact muir's flame doesn't do as much damage as he expected it to.
Neferox's attack on the myrmidon doubles down on the damage she already dealt, the Myrmidon stands defiant though as it prepares to retaliate.
Vin's chill touch hand latches on to Mori, effectively preventing her from healing up, though the damage dealt also seems lacking.
Sol screams out, obviously empassioned and frustrated, his spell takes hold. Just as Mori was about to deliver another scathing yet honest speech, she is cut short, the words not forming in her throat as her body succumbs to the paralysis of the hold person spell.
Gewyn continues his steam whistle of a note, causing another 11 points of fire damage to the myrmidon. With his free hand, he reaches into a pouch an pulls out a ball of iron bands. He hurls it with all his might at Mori, shouting the command word, "δεσμωτήριον." The bands expand and loosen in flight on their way towards Mori, ready to entangle her while she is immobilized by magic. (22 to hit. If hit, can use an action once every 24 hours to make a DC 20 strength check [not save] to break the bands)
Mori is hit, the ball of bands exploding over her like a spider's web grenade, the iron tightening around her and thickening into chunky riveted bands locking her in place entirely.
Since the threat of Mori has been somewhat diminished, Griff swings his longsword at the Myrmidon instead. (26 to hit, 13 slashing) Cleaving through the armour on the first hit, but completely missing in the back swing (11)
Omertyr doesn't know what to do, he was certain that the mornlyf should have killed the woman, but it didn't, and now she is restrained... On to the next closest threat. Ömertyr runs south, leaving behind the controls for the bottling machines behind him on the platform. But he cannot make it as far as he wishes, on his was he slams his foot into the ground breaking off a chunk of crystal which he lifts and hurls at Griff's myrmidon. (21 to hit, 21 bludgeoning dam) But it remains standing!
Mori, under the effects of the hold person spell and now wrapped in ever tightening bands of iron, cannot fight her physical restraints instead focusing on the spell (23 wis save) Sol feels the magic holding Mori down break.
Both Myrmidons break their focus on the enemies in front of them, each moving away and towards Mori, (only neferox gets AoO)
Then both Myrmidons set about trying to release Mori. (18) The first struggles to get this air elemental fingers under the bands and ends up doing nothing more than rigging and clanking it's armour against Mori's bands. The other Myrmidon however (nat 20, for 24 on the str check) find the weak point immediately and rends the bands asunder not only freeing Mori but destroying the ball of bands, which clatters in useless ribbons of iron across the floor.
Neferox bites out as the Myrmidon rushes over to help Mori escape her bindings.
In the brief moment of calm as Vin thinks Mori is subdued, he asks her the question that has been on his mind.
"If Nivara is going to kill you for failing, and we are going to kill you for helping her, then you will die either way. Why are you not spending your last moments helping out the people you supposedly care for? Why not tell us what Nivara is planning and what she is waiting for?".
Reaction: Attack of Opportunity - Bite To Hit: 4+7=11
While Vin talks, Gewyn continues to heat the armour of one Myrmidon (7 fire damage) while pulling another handful of cards out. He fans then expertly before he, still looking like Elthana, throws them at the trio.
(Dex save DC 16. 11 Force damage and blinded on failure. Half damage on success)
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Muir follows Gewyn down the stairs and sees Vin shoot his blasts off at whatever is in the room....He bolsters the attack with a reading from the cosmos (+6 to hit).... As he follows Gewyn down he hear Mori's words.... 800,000 he thinks to's worse than he thought.
They need to kill her and get back to Shenoh quickly with the staff "We have to end her quickly and get back. Without united Djinns....This realm is doomed...We may not be able to get back to Elthana and our realm! We must hurry!"
Muir hurls a guiding bolt at Mori 16 hit 13 damage
"She has a Globe of Invulnerability around her! Only high level spells can penetrate, we need to crack her concentration!"
He repeats this in Giant for Ometyr.
Muir's bolt glances off the shimmering orb without Mori paying it any ind, Sol's warning having come a ssecond too late for the Loxodon.
Ömertyr nods at Sol's words and digs his hands into the solid crystal floor, pulling a chunk he launches it at mori and it breaks through the shimmering barrier, though leaves it untouched. (16 to hit, 28 bludgeoning) it smacks into Mori shattering around her but she reamins steadfast, and Ömertyr moves to get in the face of the Myrmidon to the right. (mori saves on concentration)
Griff swoops in past Vin and shoots two arrows at the same Myrmidon the boy is targetting, (24 & 19 to hit, 15 total piercing) though the arrows simply do not do as much damage as Griff would have liked, and so he mutters a spell and his second arrow bursts into lightning. (additional 6) unfortunately the myrmidon also seems resistant to the effects of lightning causing griff to sweat.
The Myrmidon target of Vin, Muir, and Griff, takes a few steps forward toward neferox and readies its own attack, sticking to an attacking stance and baiting anyone to come near. The second Myrmidon faces Ömertyr without fear and strikes at the giant three times with its flail, completely whiffing on its first two swings, the third one connects and as it does it blasts Ömertyr with a strike like lightning from above, (23 to hit, 7 bludgeoning, 22 lightning) Ömertyr shakes off the after effects before he can succumb to the attempted stun.
Mori looks to sam as he approaches, "I've seen inside her mind you know, when you were on your way here, everything she thinks of you, everything she feels... such a shame she wont have chance to share it with you any longer..." with that she takes a step closer and casts another spell direclty at sam but it stretches out in a cone encapsulating Sam, Sol, Ömertyr and even her own Myrmidon. (cone of cold, make a DC 17 con save, 29 cold damage on a fail, half on save)
Sam falls frozen in his tracks before he can reach her…
Succeeds on his first Death Save.
Vin remains where he is, taking cover for now, and sends another couple of bolts of force at the myrmidon, trying his best to push it away from his companions to give them time and space to deal with Mori. At least that is his hope. He also channels necrotic energy from his coat if either blast connects.
Neferox growls at the myrmidon before her, but she doesn't rush it as would be her natural instinct. She once again waits, ready to bite out and protect those behind her.
Action: Eldritch Blast the myrmidon to the south-west
Blast 1 - To Hit: 7+9=16, Damage 3+5=8 [force] - trying for repelling blast to push it away 10ft - +1 [necrotic] if hits
Blast 2 - To Hit: 17+9=26, Damage 9+5=14 [force] - trying for repelling blast to push it away 10ft - +7 [necrotic] if hits
Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 2/100
Action: Ready a bite attack should something hostile come into melee range
Muir takes a moment to look at the scene. Anyone that looks at him sees him deliberating something internally....Almost like he is questioning and speaking to himself....nothing out of the ordinary but it looks as if he is weighing the odds of his next action. He watches Vin send out 2 blasts at the closest Myrmidon and decides to bolt. nolt as fast as a Loxodon can running towards the front of the room where Sam lays near dead. He hides in a corner out of the sight of Mori with his hood pulled up trying to blend in and stay hidden. He catches his breath, not one to run very often and casts Healing Word on Sam (+11HPs).
When Sam comes to, Muir will look at him and say "You must hit her with non magical means"
Sam shivers and shakes a bit, but thanks to Muir's magics his eyes do open and some warmth returns to his limbs. With a groan and an incomprehensible mutter, Sam slowly climbs back to his feet, even if he does sway a bit. He nods to Muir's comments without ever turning to face him, instead keeping his eyes on Muri. Sam thinks a moment on what to do next... but that will need wait. His brain is a bit frozen and standing is about all he could do for the moment...
The cold hits Sol hard. He uses his wings to flap hard and destroy the ice crystals that had started to form. Fury is etched upon his face as he stares at Mori behind the protection orb. The idea of bringing her alive to Shenoh dwindling away....
But he's a cleric, he can handle this sort of situation. He raises his sun staff high, the glow reflecting off the remaining ice crystals upon him. He's about to fly closer, when he just notices the fight going on behind him with the animated armor. Flying just 10 feet closer to Mori in order to hit her as well as the one behind him, he Channels Divinity of his Radiance of the Dawn.
A flash of light emits from the sun staff, reaching a 30 foot radius from it. His friends are not affected by the light, only enough to make them squint against it. The two he is targeting however, must make a CON save of 18 - taking 27 radiant damage or half if saved.
Turning to Ometyr, he cries out in giant, "HIT HER!!"
Finally seeing that Sam is about frozen stiff and is still struggling, he turns and sends some healing his way (10 hps)
Gewyn looks at the Myrmidon between him and Sam and blows shrilly into his pipes as he runs up 15 feet, causing the metal of its armour to heat up. "Sam! Beat her ass!"
Action: heat metal 12 Fire damage
Bonus action: Bardic inspiration 1d6 to Sam
Vin's second blast sends the myrmidon staggering back, Neferox remaining on guard.
Muir dashes along the eastern wall coming to a stop crouched behind the mixing machine north east where he is able to heal sam without interruption.
Sol, flying closer, digs deep and instead of casting a spell he calls upon his divine blood for an intervention of sorts,. The light blinds both the myrmidon to the north and Mori through her glimmering shield, neither succeed in trying to negate any of the radiant damage as the light of the sun god burns into them, Mori's magic sheild shatters leaving her vulnerable.
As Gewyn casts heat metal upon the Myrmidon, the inside of it brightens as the armour that holds together it's form glows white hot, The myrmidon falters a little signaling that it may be bloodied without having blood to spill.
Ömertyr runs forward to just behind sam, taking an attack of opportiunity from the Myrmidon near him. (20 to hit 7 bludgeoning), Ömertyr then misty steps up to the platform Mori is standing on, his spell transporting him with ease now that the shimmering shield is gone and he grabs at her, (14 save failed for Mori) she is unceremoniously thrown south her body flying 50ft where it splashes down (22 bludgeoning) into the puddle of mornlyf, shearing wounds into her face as she lands...
Griff moves up to the myrmidon to the north hoping to occupy it so it doesn't follow Ömertyr and end up putting Sam, Sol, and Muir in any more danger, he swings out twice with his longsword, (14 & 15 to hit) both swings bounce off the myrmidon's armour and Griff swallows hard immediately regretting his decision.
The northern Myrmidon now in melee with Griff takes three swings back at him in retaliation. (15 & 9) the first two clang off Griff's armour but the final blow hits, (22 to hit 6 bludgeoning) and the myrmidon doubles down invoking a lightning strike upon the Aaracokra (17 lightning additional) Griff is staggered for a moment but avoids becoming stunned. (saved on Con).
The second Myrmidon rushes forward toward Neferox, provoking her readied attack, and slams out at her in retaliation. the first attack goes awry (11) but the second and third connect even despite the shield of faith placed around her, (22 to hit, 12 magical bludgeoning. 21 to hit 9 magical bludgeoning) it then invokes a similar strike as lightning courses through Neferox's body (28 lightning additional and Dc 13 con save or become stunned til the end of the Myrmidon's next turn)
...Mori lays there in the Mornlyf, the wounds on her face bleed out, but it is not blood that leaks from her body, it is ice water.
She opens her eyes and pushes her body up from the ground, laughing... "stupid giant... you think the lich poison can kill me... no. no... it only kills that which lives properly, creatures with life in their veins." she looks down at her drenched clothes, and from her sides she pulls two daggers, their blades also coated in the stuff. "As I said before I was born into my prison, but that was a slight miswording... I was never born, people can be born by mistake all the time... like you Elthana, but I, I was created with a terrible purpose, to be uncreated at the earliest inconvenience... still, I made a life for myself, one seperate from Nivara's control, one that was my own, where I cared for people, and they cared for me, That Is What You Have Taken From Me!" she steps forward out of the pool of Mornlyf and approaches Griff, stabbing forward at him with the mornlyf coated blade.
Griff's eyes widen in surprise as he realises he is being attacked from behind, there is a pressure on his back near the joints in his armour. Flanked between the Myrmidon and Mori, he turns to see the blade in her hand and then looks slightly confused... the blade glanced off his armour and he breathes a sigh of relief before shouting out, "BE GETTING HER NOW!" (18 to hit)
As the Myrmidon rushes Neferox, she snaps at him before taking quite the beating. The magical weapon it wields hurting her like she has not felt in some time, and the lightning coursing through her only tempered by Vin's quick reactions in dulling the effect. Fortunately she is quite resistant to being stunned and manages to shake off the after effects of the lightning.
Either way, the Myrmidon's attacks are vicious and leaves Neferox bloodied and thankful for the bonus health from Sol.
Reaction: Readied Attack - Bite To Hit: 11+7=18, Damage: 4+5+6=15 [magical piercing]
Con Save (with advantage due to Infernal Sense Trait): (
8, 12)+6 = 18Vin
Reaction: Investment of Chain Master - grant resistance to the lightning damage Neferox took
Sam sighs in disappointment. That's what I was going to do! he complains to himself as Ömertyr throws the bi... Mori... into the Mornlyf puddle. It was ineffective and pointless though so on some level he supposes it's better off that the giant did it instead of him.
Sam then bows his head a moment before taking a deep, calming breath and turning around to trudge back to where Mori is now. Sam edges around the Mornlyf puddle and stops just north of Griff so he is adjacent with More, Griff and the ... Whatever the heck that is. (Sam doesn't know what a Myrmidon is. At best it's an animated armor to him?). Sam then lifts his maul and goes to pound town...
Maul vs Mori: 24 to hit for 25 magical bludgeoning damage PLUS 5 damage from Giant's Might
Maul vs Mori:
15to hit for 23 magical bludgeoning damage...Sam uses the Bardic Inspiration he was given to turn the
15to hit to... A whopping 18 to hit. Still probably doesn't hit Mori but I don't see Sam holding anything back in reserve so he would have put all his oomph into the swing. *shrug*If the first swing hits, Sam uses his Crusher feature to push Mori five feet Northwest so that she is next to him and separated from Griff.
Having heard a little of what is going on, Vin decides now is the time to get more involved. If not to help Neferox then to do as Griff instructs and get Mori. And so he directs Bry'ze in through the doorway, shifting his gravity as he moves to be the same way up as everyone else. He flies beyond Neferox and the Myrmidon, just out of its reach, and turns Bry'ze around so he can survey the whole scene.
Worried that Mori will have some tricks up her sleeve, Vin reluctantly decides to let Neferox fend off the Myrmidon alone for now, and points a finger at Mori and sends a ghostly hand towards her that tries to grasp at her.
Neferox looks from the Myrmidon to Mori, knowing that turning her back on the Myrmidon would likely result in her being taken down. But Mori is the bigger threat. She looks to Vin and sets her sights firmly on the Myrmidon, biting at it again.
Movement: 50ft west into the room out of reach of the Myrmidon as he passes
Action: Chill Touch on Mori - To Hit: 16+8=24, Damage 4+8=12 [necrotic] - On a hit, the target can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target.
Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 3/100
Action: Multiattack against Myrmidon
Bite 1 - To Hit: 11+7=18, Damage: 4+5+6=15 [magical piercing]
Bite 2 -To Hit: 4+7=11
Muir yells out to the group "Hit her with as much fire as you can! Everything you have!"
Muir hurls fire at Mori to see if his theory is correct
Attack: 27 Damage: 3
In case she is Vulnerable: 8
Sol watches things go on below him, seeing the ice water pour from her wounds is surprising to say the least. But as the woman moves forward dripping with the deadly stuff, the situation turns more dire. He's glad Sam gets her pushed further away from others, but she is still next to him.
The cleric watches closely as Vin and Muir attack her. Eyes widen a bit as the reality hits him, "The b*tch is resistant to spells!" he cries out. Worried that she might kill someone with the mornlyf, he tries to paralyze her and help in that regard.
(WIS 20 save or paralyzed for a min. Can reattempt the save at the end of your turns)
Neferox's readied attack goes off and is executed flawlessly and as she bites down the Myrmidon falters slightly (bloodied)
Sam makes his way toward Mori, interposing himself between Mori and Griff as his first hit sends her reeling back toward the Mornlyf puddle, his second swing also rocks her and cuts deep as ice water continues bleeding out from her new wounds. (bloodied)
As muir shouts out his theory, his fire envelops Mori, the silvery Mornlyf dripping from her soaked clothes seems to dull into a sad grey, (arcana checks?) though she tands strong against the flame not melting as he had suspected at all, in fact muir's flame doesn't do as much damage as he expected it to.
Neferox's attack on the myrmidon doubles down on the damage she already dealt, the Myrmidon stands defiant though as it prepares to retaliate.
Vin's chill touch hand latches on to Mori, effectively preventing her from healing up, though the damage dealt also seems lacking.
Sol screams out, obviously empassioned and frustrated, his spell takes hold. Just as Mori was about to deliver another scathing yet honest speech, she is cut short, the words not forming in her throat as her body succumbs to the paralysis of the hold person spell.
Gewyn continues his steam whistle of a note, causing another 11 points of fire damage to the myrmidon. With his free hand, he reaches into a pouch an pulls out a ball of iron bands. He hurls it with all his might at Mori, shouting the command word, "δεσμωτήριον." The bands expand and loosen in flight on their way towards Mori, ready to entangle her while she is immobilized by magic. (22 to hit. If hit, can use an action once every 24 hours to make a DC 20 strength check [not save] to break the bands)
Mori is hit, the ball of bands exploding over her like a spider's web grenade, the iron tightening around her and thickening into chunky riveted bands locking her in place entirely.
Since the threat of Mori has been somewhat diminished, Griff swings his longsword at the Myrmidon instead. (26 to hit, 13 slashing) Cleaving through the armour on the first hit, but completely missing in the back swing (11)
Omertyr doesn't know what to do, he was certain that the mornlyf should have killed the woman, but it didn't, and now she is restrained... On to the next closest threat. Ömertyr runs south, leaving behind the controls for the bottling machines behind him on the platform. But he cannot make it as far as he wishes, on his was he slams his foot into the ground breaking off a chunk of crystal which he lifts and hurls at Griff's myrmidon. (21 to hit, 21 bludgeoning dam) But it remains standing!
Mori, under the effects of the hold person spell and now wrapped in ever tightening bands of iron, cannot fight her physical restraints instead focusing on the spell (23 wis save) Sol feels the magic holding Mori down break.
Both Myrmidons break their focus on the enemies in front of them, each moving away and towards Mori, (only neferox gets AoO)
Then both Myrmidons set about trying to release Mori. (18) The first struggles to get this air elemental fingers under the bands and ends up doing nothing more than rigging and clanking it's armour against Mori's bands. The other Myrmidon however (nat 20, for 24 on the str check) find the weak point immediately and rends the bands asunder not only freeing Mori but destroying the ball of bands, which clatters in useless ribbons of iron across the floor.
Neferox bites out as the Myrmidon rushes over to help Mori escape her bindings.
In the brief moment of calm as Vin thinks Mori is subdued, he asks her the question that has been on his mind.
"If Nivara is going to kill you for failing, and we are going to kill you for helping her, then you will die either way. Why are you not spending your last moments helping out the people you supposedly care for? Why not tell us what Nivara is planning and what she is waiting for?".
Reaction: Attack of Opportunity - Bite To Hit: 4+7=11
While Vin talks, Gewyn continues to heat the armour of one Myrmidon (7 fire damage) while pulling another handful of cards out. He fans then expertly before he, still looking like Elthana, throws them at the trio.
(Dex save DC 16. 11 Force damage and blinded on failure. Half damage on success)