Neferox not expecting the Myrmidon to suddenly spring to Mori's aid, misses her bite as it leaves melee with her.
Both Myrmidons take damage from gewyn's cards and end up with spectral cards sticking out of their vacant eyeholes, not knowing or seeing where the attack came from.
Mori tries to shield herself but is also caught up with cards in her face, (all three failed and are blind)
After noticing that Mori is resistant to spells, he switches his focus to what the fire did to the liquid on her. The glow it had is gone and it turns to an ashy gray. A smile plays upon his lips as his suspicions were confirmed.
"The fire renders the poison useless!"
Seeing that all the enemies had gathered together, Sol uses this opportunity to strike. Even though Mori is resistant, she can still feel this... he hopes. He raises his arms high as his wings hold him in the air and a vertical column of brilliant fire roars down from above. With a 10' radius he makes sure it doesn't hit Griff or Sam and delivers 23 fire damage and 20 + 5 radiant damage. Also hoping this burns off the rest of the mornlyf that is on Mori. (DEX save of 20)
With Mori temporarily bound and these other guys rushing in, Sam momentarily changes his focus to the myrmidons. Raising his maul he brings it crashing down atop their head as if trying to flatten them like an empty can. He focuses on the one immediately south of him first with the idea of protecting Griff and hopefully taking out the one that could attack him... If Sam succeeds on taking that one out in one swing, his second swing is at the other myrmidon...
First Maul Attack: w/adv - 27 to hit for 29magical bludgeoning damage PLUS 4 more from Giant's Might Second Maul Attack: w/adv - 28 to hit for 24magical bludgeoning damage
On his second attack, if it hits, Sam uses his Crusher Feat to move the myrmidon five feet SouthWest in order to move them out of melee with Griff.
Despite seeing Sol prepping some more of their magical nonsense, Sam stays where he is right next to Mori not wanting to give her the opportunity to flee.
((Dex Save for Sam in case it is needed vs Flame Strike: 21))
Sam hits the first Myrmidon and it doesn't falter anymore, the helm is sent through the body of the elemental and flies off west as the rest of the armour falls inert in its place. The second Myrmidon having successfully freed Mori and now blind, has no chance to react as Sam swings through it shunting it away with his crusher feat, it simply doesn't stop as the amalgamation of armour bursts westward and scatters odds and ends into the pool of mornlyf. Both Myrmidons are no longer.
With the myrmidons out of the picture, Sol can position the flame strike to strategically miss Sam, Mori unable to see it coming bears the full brunt if the flame and radiance, once the flame strike subsides, she stands, blind and barely hangin on.
After asking his question, Vin's companions go to work, but he is interested in the answer. The Myrmidon's are no more, and Mori is surrounded and severely hurt, perhaps she will take this opportunity to prove her words are not merely hot air. If he can just get through to her.
"Sometimes shit happens, and sometimes it is really, really bad, Mori. In your case apocalyptic bad. And you want nothing more than to own up to your part and say you're sorry. But you're in too deep, and you can't find your way out. It takes courage, a lot of it. But you have a chance right now, Mori. Maybe not a chance to live as you want, but to prove your life was not just as a pawn in Nivara's game. That your life was meaningful. Whatever time you have left can be spent helping the people you cared about. Showing them that although your lot was an awful one, that they were right to care for you for as long as they did".
He waves a hand at Neferox to ask her to stand down a moment, and she takes a few steps towards Mori but stops, ready for what she feels is the inevitable attack.
Action: All talk, all the time Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 4/100
Mori looks terrible, like a strong wind could blow her over, And she seems releived as Muir holds his spell back, certain that she will provoke his ire if she were to attack the group once more. Griff too senses this and draws an arrow to his bow, flapping his wings he gains some distance from Mori and aims at her readying himself for if she attacks, "how are we to be stopping the Spawn you unleashed, the ones currently tearing their way through the soliers and the citizens outside?" he asks, feathered brow furrowed and a steely seriousness in his eyes.
Ömertyr senses something is off but doesnt understand the words being said, taking a more proactive approach he moves toward her, mistystepping past sam and appearing right next to Mori, attempting to grapple her where she stands, (19 vs 8) in her near death state, grappling Mori is no issue for the giantkin and he binds her tightly arms apart pinned behind her head in a full nelson.
Mori sighs looking at vin, "I was created hundreds of years ago, with the same skills and memories as Nivara at the time... what seperates her from me now are hundreds of years of obsession, of yearning, of reasearch into madness, all for the sake of conquering death for all, I was a ble to cultivate a different life, but it was always a lie, those i cared for, Watched grow through the ranks, have families and children who eventually joined up under my tutilage, I showed them the injustice of death, showed them the impartial greed of the being that inevitably takes all life, and then showed them another path, those I care for are out there now tearing the throats out of those who called them comrade, and they won't stop, I cant stop them... but you are right, If Nivara is going to undo me having become useless, and you are to kill me for my crimes, then whats the point... there are only two in this room that need to die" she glances over at gewyn before looking down, ashamed, closing her eyes and muttering to herself...
Then in an instant as if deleted from your vision, deleted from Ömertyr's grapple, Mori is gone, without so much as a flourish of magic.
The sound of glass shattering on the floor draws everyones attention to Gewyn, still disguised perfectly as Elthana, his eyes are closed reflexively as liquid splashes his face and torso. A Vial seemingly suspended in the air next to him falls causing the shattering sound.
Silver liquid glistens across the slashes that the vampire spawn had previously made in his chest and sides, he feels his heart cease, his body reactively starts shifting back into his pale skinned changeling form but gets frozen half way as his lifeless body crumples to the ground, eyes glazed over, cold and dead.
Vin's heart sinks as he realises during Mori's monologue that when she spoke of those she cared for, she wasn't speaking about a life of friendship and beauty and love, but a life spent grooming and manipulating her subjects. It turns out she is unashamedly Nivara, just like the original.
When Mori's words stop, and she starts muttering, he has had enough. He is well enough versed in the magical arts to strongly suspect what she is up to even with virtually no outward signs.
"Oh no you don't", ring through his mind, and he reaches out with his own power, outmatched as it is. He attempts to extinguish whatever spell Mori is casting before the magical energy is released. But what he comes across is a power so great, almost godlike, that he worries his efforts will be in vain. That whatever she is doing has the capability to make good on her threat to kill someone else in this room.
He thinks of Gewyn, his friend, and applies all his mental and magical fortitude into the task of stopping that spell. Of suppressing Mori's link to the source of her own power. It takes an instant, but feels like minutes, as from somewhere deep within him he manages to find an unconquerable will and bring it to bear.
Mori's spell fails, Vin slumps on Bry'Ze and a trickle of blood starts to leak from his nostril.
"", he manages to pant.
As the cards disappear from mori's eyes and she can finally see again. She glares at Vin, the most powerful spell she was able to draw upon wasted. "I regret nothing, I served my purpose, and Elthana will too, Nivara will ascend! She will cure the disease of death! And you will know eternity!"
Upon being struck by the guiding bolt, Mori loses form, sliding out of Ömertyr's grip into a pile of snow and ice on the floor, the simulacrum dispelled and Mori dead.
"I'm sorry, I misjudged the situation. I really thought there was a spark of good in her, like in Elthana", Vin says to the others after Muir's radiant blast ends Mori's half-life.
He looks across to Sol, "Do you have a way to warn Shenoh? I mean, it is likely too late, but she won't know the scale of the forces raised against her yet".
"And what are we going to do now? Other than stop that", he then says, pointing at the mornlyf shower at the last.
Muir walks over to Vin to check on him "Youn...." Muir stops himself and puts a four fingered hand on Vin's shoulder "Wise Vincent.....That was very wise to see through her ruse and stop her from inevitably killing one of us. Are you ok?"
"Oh, yes. I'm ok. Just a bit disappointed in myself. I saw what she was doing it's true, but I gave her that chance. You all waited because of me. If I hadn't managed...", Vin replies but can't finish the thought.
“Put that thought out of your head. You stopped her. Don’t change who you are because of this. You gave her a chance, a choice, which is more than her master would have done. She chose poorly”
With Mori gone and the others chitty chatting, Sam wanders off a bit and Sams... It is just a moment or two before large bangs and thunks and clashes can be heard before Sam is actively trying to destroy the means of production with his very large maul. He is quickly less effective as he involuntarily changes from LARGE to Medium but that doesn't slow down his attempt to break and smash anything and everything...
Curiously, Sam stays away from the vault door. Oh he'd get to it eventually if nobody else does anything about it but he realizes that'll be quite the job if he has to do it the smashy-smashy way and he does hope one of those talky talky people can figure out an easier way to opening it.
"Thank you Vin, that was neatly done." Gewyn says shifting out of Elthana's form and curiously into his pale changeling self. "I knew the risk in drawing her ire to me, but I figured it was better me than anyone else. But you diverted the crisis" He gives a winning smile, seemingly scarcely perturbed by his close brush with death.
"That thing Mori had broken at her feet... Is there any way to repair it?" He asks, walking over to the vault door and pressing his palms and cheek against it to feel for the tingle of magic.
Sam barely notices Gewyn change form. In truth he had never really noticed he was transformed to being with. He had been too focused on Mori to look behind him much. Sam does catch a hint of someone suggesting that destroying everything isn't there task. Sam kind of grunts and ignores it. "Is she going to stay dead? Anything special we need do to ensure that?" he asks instead and then wanders upstairs (to destroy more shit.)
As Sam strikes the first machine with his maul Sol immediately barks over at him, "SAM! You were told that these machines can be used for other purposes, hopefully for making healing potions for the coming war against Nivara, stop your pointless destruction, or I will stop you, we have orders!"
As vin asks what is to be done next sol takes a breath, thinking things out "we need to heal up. Shut off the valves controlling the spill. Neutralise the excess poison in this room so that we can move about freely and then get that vault door open so we can neutralise the stock inside... There are protocols to follow upon an attack within the city, shenoh already had every lieutenant at the core when the attack sprang, that should have made the counter attack quick, they're likely beating back the spawn as we speak. Once our job here is done we should focus our efforts on reporting back to shenoh. But if we see any that require our help on the way I'm sure a detour can be forgiven for the sake of saving lives. That is where those of you who wish to destroy things can focus your efforts" Sol states trying to keep to the facts and logical processes of the mission. Though it seems he is overwhelmed by the situation, the invasion of the city, the fact that this trap had been laid likely since before he was born. Looking around he spies the valve between two of the moving machines on the east wall and shuts it off. Before turning and looking to the snow pile on the floor "Search her remains, she should have a Master keystone on her that'll likely open the vault"
Neferox not expecting the Myrmidon to suddenly spring to Mori's aid, misses her bite as it leaves melee with her.
Both Myrmidons take damage from gewyn's cards and end up with spectral cards sticking out of their vacant eyeholes, not knowing or seeing where the attack came from.
Mori tries to shield herself but is also caught up with cards in her face, (all three failed and are blind)
After noticing that Mori is resistant to spells, he switches his focus to what the fire did to the liquid on her. The glow it had is gone and it turns to an ashy gray. A smile plays upon his lips as his suspicions were confirmed.
"The fire renders the poison useless!"
Seeing that all the enemies had gathered together, Sol uses this opportunity to strike. Even though Mori is resistant, she can still feel this... he hopes. He raises his arms high as his wings hold him in the air and a vertical column of brilliant fire roars down from above. With a 10' radius he makes sure it doesn't hit Griff or Sam and delivers 23 fire damage and 20 + 5 radiant damage. Also hoping this burns off the rest of the mornlyf that is on Mori. (DEX save of 20)
With Mori temporarily bound and these other guys rushing in, Sam momentarily changes his focus to the myrmidons. Raising his maul he brings it crashing down atop their head as if trying to flatten them like an empty can. He focuses on the one immediately south of him first with the idea of protecting Griff and hopefully taking out the one that could attack him... If Sam succeeds on taking that one out in one swing, his second swing is at the other myrmidon...
First Maul Attack: w/adv - 27 to hit for 29 magical bludgeoning damage PLUS 4 more from Giant's Might
Second Maul Attack: w/adv - 28 to hit for 24 magical bludgeoning damage
On his second attack, if it hits, Sam uses his Crusher Feat to move the myrmidon five feet SouthWest in order to move them out of melee with Griff.
Despite seeing Sol prepping some more of their magical nonsense, Sam stays where he is right next to Mori not wanting to give her the opportunity to flee.
((Dex Save for Sam in case it is needed vs Flame Strike: 21))
Sam hits the first Myrmidon and it doesn't falter anymore, the helm is sent through the body of the elemental and flies off west as the rest of the armour falls inert in its place. The second Myrmidon having successfully freed Mori and now blind, has no chance to react as Sam swings through it shunting it away with his crusher feat, it simply doesn't stop as the amalgamation of armour bursts westward and scatters odds and ends into the pool of mornlyf. Both Myrmidons are no longer.
With the myrmidons out of the picture, Sol can position the flame strike to strategically miss Sam, Mori unable to see it coming bears the full brunt if the flame and radiance, once the flame strike subsides, she stands, blind and barely hangin on.
After asking his question, Vin's companions go to work, but he is interested in the answer. The Myrmidon's are no more, and Mori is surrounded and severely hurt, perhaps she will take this opportunity to prove her words are not merely hot air. If he can just get through to her.
"Sometimes shit happens, and sometimes it is really, really bad, Mori. In your case apocalyptic bad. And you want nothing more than to own up to your part and say you're sorry. But you're in too deep, and you can't find your way out. It takes courage, a lot of it. But you have a chance right now, Mori. Maybe not a chance to live as you want, but to prove your life was not just as a pawn in Nivara's game. That your life was meaningful. Whatever time you have left can be spent helping the people you cared about. Showing them that although your lot was an awful one, that they were right to care for you for as long as they did".
He waves a hand at Neferox to ask her to stand down a moment, and she takes a few steps towards Mori but stops, ready for what she feels is the inevitable attack.
Action: All talk, all the time
Special: Concentration: Shield of Faith on Neferox - Round 4/100
Action: Dodge
Muir hears Vins words and waits to hear what Mori says and what happens next before attacking.
holds guided bolt attack
Mori looks terrible, like a strong wind could blow her over, And she seems releived as Muir holds his spell back, certain that she will provoke his ire if she were to attack the group once more. Griff too senses this and draws an arrow to his bow, flapping his wings he gains some distance from Mori and aims at her readying himself for if she attacks, "how are we to be stopping the Spawn you unleashed, the ones currently tearing their way through the soliers and the citizens outside?" he asks, feathered brow furrowed and a steely seriousness in his eyes.
Ömertyr senses something is off but doesnt understand the words being said, taking a more proactive approach he moves toward her, mistystepping past sam and appearing right next to Mori, attempting to grapple her where she stands, (19 vs 8) in her near death state, grappling Mori is no issue for the giantkin and he binds her tightly arms apart pinned behind her head in a full nelson.
Mori sighs looking at vin, "I was created hundreds of years ago, with the same skills and memories as Nivara at the time... what seperates her from me now are hundreds of years of obsession, of yearning, of reasearch into madness, all for the sake of conquering death for all, I was a ble to cultivate a different life, but it was always a lie, those i cared for, Watched grow through the ranks, have families and children who eventually joined up under my tutilage, I showed them the injustice of death, showed them the impartial greed of the being that inevitably takes all life, and then showed them another path, those I care for are out there now tearing the throats out of those who called them comrade, and they won't stop, I cant stop them... but you are right, If Nivara is going to undo me having become useless, and you are to kill me for my crimes, then whats the point... there are only two in this room that need to die" she glances over at gewyn before looking down, ashamed, closing her eyes and muttering to herself...
Then in an instant as if deleted from your vision, deleted from Ömertyr's grapple, Mori is gone, without so much as a flourish of magic.The sound of glass shattering on the floor draws everyones attention to Gewyn, still disguised perfectly as Elthana, his eyes are closed reflexively as liquid splashes his face and torso. A Vial seemingly suspended in the air next to him falls causing the shattering sound.Silver liquid glistens across the slashes that the vampire spawn had previously made in his chest and sides, he feels his heart cease, his body reactively starts shifting back into his pale skinned changeling form but gets frozen half way as his lifeless body crumples to the ground, eyes glazed over, cold and dead.Or that is what would have happened if not for...
Vin's heart sinks as he realises during Mori's monologue that when she spoke of those she cared for, she wasn't speaking about a life of friendship and beauty and love, but a life spent grooming and manipulating her subjects. It turns out she is unashamedly Nivara, just like the original.
When Mori's words stop, and she starts muttering, he has had enough. He is well enough versed in the magical arts to strongly suspect what she is up to even with virtually no outward signs.
"Oh no you don't", ring through his mind, and he reaches out with his own power, outmatched as it is. He attempts to extinguish whatever spell Mori is casting before the magical energy is released. But what he comes across is a power so great, almost godlike, that he worries his efforts will be in vain. That whatever she is doing has the capability to make good on her threat to kill someone else in this room.
He thinks of Gewyn, his friend, and applies all his mental and magical fortitude into the task of stopping that spell. Of suppressing Mori's link to the source of her own power. It takes an instant, but feels like minutes, as from somewhere deep within him he manages to find an unconquerable will and bring it to bear.
Mori's spell fails, Vin slumps on Bry'Ze and a trickle of blood starts to leak from his nostril.
"", he manages to pant.
Reaction: Counterspell - against lvl9 spell (DC19) - 20+5=25 (Nat 20 baby yeah!)
As the cards disappear from mori's eyes and she can finally see again. She glares at Vin, the most powerful spell she was able to draw upon wasted. "I regret nothing, I served my purpose, and Elthana will too, Nivara will ascend! She will cure the disease of death! And you will know eternity!"
Everyone is up!
Hearing and seeing Vins wisdom in the moment preventing Mori from inevitably killing one of them, Muir releases his guiding bolt hit 23 dam 11.
Upon being struck by the guiding bolt, Mori loses form, sliding out of Ömertyr's grip into a pile of snow and ice on the floor, the simulacrum dispelled and Mori dead.
(You guys are out of combat!)
"I'm sorry, I misjudged the situation. I really thought there was a spark of good in her, like in Elthana", Vin says to the others after Muir's radiant blast ends Mori's half-life.
He looks across to Sol, "Do you have a way to warn Shenoh? I mean, it is likely too late, but she won't know the scale of the forces raised against her yet".
"And what are we going to do now? Other than stop that", he then says, pointing at the mornlyf shower at the last.
Muir walks over to Vin to check on him "Youn...." Muir stops himself and puts a four fingered hand on Vin's shoulder "Wise Vincent.....That was very wise to see through her ruse and stop her from inevitably killing one of us. Are you ok?"
"Oh, yes. I'm ok. Just a bit disappointed in myself. I saw what she was doing it's true, but I gave her that chance. You all waited because of me. If I hadn't managed...", Vin replies but can't finish the thought.
“Put that thought out of your head. You stopped her. Don’t change who you are because of this. You gave her a chance, a choice, which is more than her master would have done. She chose poorly”
With Mori gone and the others chitty chatting, Sam wanders off a bit and Sams... It is just a moment or two before large bangs and thunks and clashes can be heard before Sam is actively trying to destroy the means of production with his very large maul. He is quickly less effective as he involuntarily changes from LARGE to Medium but that doesn't slow down his attempt to break and smash anything and everything...
Curiously, Sam stays away from the vault door. Oh he'd get to it eventually if nobody else does anything about it but he realizes that'll be quite the job if he has to do it the smashy-smashy way and he does hope one of those talky talky people can figure out an easier way to opening it.
"Thank you Vin, that was neatly done." Gewyn says shifting out of Elthana's form and curiously into his pale changeling self. "I knew the risk in drawing her ire to me, but I figured it was better me than anyone else. But you diverted the crisis" He gives a winning smile, seemingly scarcely perturbed by his close brush with death.
"That thing Mori had broken at her feet... Is there any way to repair it?" He asks, walking over to the vault door and pressing his palms and cheek against it to feel for the tingle of magic.
Muir points out to the rest of the group
”Someone should stop Sam from destroying everything. That was not our task”
Sam barely notices Gewyn change form. In truth he had never really noticed he was transformed to being with. He had been too focused on Mori to look behind him much. Sam does catch a hint of someone suggesting that destroying everything isn't there task. Sam kind of grunts and ignores it. "Is she going to stay dead? Anything special we need do to ensure that?" he asks instead and then wanders upstairs (to destroy more shit.)
As Sam strikes the first machine with his maul Sol immediately barks over at him, "SAM! You were told that these machines can be used for other purposes, hopefully for making healing potions for the coming war against Nivara, stop your pointless destruction, or I will stop you, we have orders!"
As vin asks what is to be done next sol takes a breath, thinking things out "we need to heal up. Shut off the valves controlling the spill. Neutralise the excess poison in this room so that we can move about freely and then get that vault door open so we can neutralise the stock inside... There are protocols to follow upon an attack within the city, shenoh already had every lieutenant at the core when the attack sprang, that should have made the counter attack quick, they're likely beating back the spawn as we speak. Once our job here is done we should focus our efforts on reporting back to shenoh. But if we see any that require our help on the way I'm sure a detour can be forgiven for the sake of saving lives. That is where those of you who wish to destroy things can focus your efforts" Sol states trying to keep to the facts and logical processes of the mission. Though it seems he is overwhelmed by the situation, the invasion of the city, the fact that this trap had been laid likely since before he was born. Looking around he spies the valve between two of the moving machines on the east wall and shuts it off. Before turning and looking to the snow pile on the floor "Search her remains, she should have a Master keystone on her that'll likely open the vault"