Kora moving around catches Aunt Dellie's eye. "Kora dear? I think you said you were heading back to the grove? I don't wish to delay your business, but if you're heading that way would you mind pointing these folks towards where Kianna works?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
The party circles up, and Trencher ponders if this is a symptom of a bigger issue. As they do, Aunt Dellie is delegating (surely Dellie is short for something else?) and seeing the afflicted farmers cared for.
"Thank you for looking into this, I'll help organize an investigation into what has happened to these folks, but I can pay you in more than thanks... especially if... if you're able to bring Kianna back safe."
Promises of payment made, she turns back to the task at hand, you head for the edge of town. Before you get far, however, a broad-shouldered woman wearing a multicolored dress that complements her dark skin approaches boldly, sizing you up from beneath a stylish hat. "I overheard your conversation with Aunt Dellie. You see, nothing important gets past Lady Dre. I hear you're bound for the Rattle? Excellent—I'll accompany you. We should depart at once."
LadyDre gives Kora a nod of recognition, but seems to take it for granted that she is now traveling to the Rattle with you.
((Kora, give me a History check and an Insight check to see what your past knowledge and impression of Lady Dre are.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tandor studies this Lady Dre, trying to discern her motives. That she knows Kora says one thing but her self-inclusion into their group does not sit well with him. Murmuring a quick prayer to Pelor, he hope the god will give him some insight into her motives.
Mixtli likes Trencher's directness and listens with interest to what the Lady has to say.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
You get a sense that while she was appalled by the violence, she is a determined woman... however, she seems to have some sort of motivation in traveling into the potential thick of danger that isn't entirely altruistic. She has some sort of stake in things.
"Tizok Trencher, good to meet you.", she extends a hand in greeting. Her grip is firm, and while her hands aren't the calloused hands of a manual laborer or swordswoman, he gets the sense that she's the capable sort.
"I've relationships, both business and personal with folk at some of the farms, I mean to see to it that they've made it through whatever troubles brought those four to Promise."
While nothing in her statement rings false, you get the sense that her being so swift to attach herself to an armed and armored party heading out to investigate may be more financially motivated than being neighborly.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
You know she's a merchant, and had been able to source some things that the grove hadn't been able to get elsewhere. Don't really have an opinion of her as a person though.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Promises of payment made, she turns back to the task at hand, you head for the edge of town. Before you get far, however, a broad-shouldered woman wearing a multicolored dress that complements her dark skin approaches boldly, sizing you up from beneath a stylish hat. "I overheard your conversation with Aunt Dellie. You see, nothing important gets past Lady Dre. I hear you're bound for the Rattle? Excellent—I'll accompany you. We should depart at once."
LadyDre gives Kora a nod of recognition, but seems to take it for granted that she is now traveling to the Rattle with you.
Tandor considers for a moment before responding. "Thanks for the offer, but before we let you tag along, I'd like to know your interest, here. I'm guessing it goes beyond concern for the neighbors. Seems to me, you've got some financial interest in what's happened, in the resolution."
Tandor stresses the word 'let' just a little and pays careful attention to her non-verbal queues as he lays out his guesses. He instructs Gilbert to do the same.
She gives Tandor an appraising look. "I've said I have business with the farms, and I have interest in their continued well-being, as does everyone in Promise. I'm just willing to do something to help, rather than cowering in town talking about curses. If you think I need to contribute more to the effort, I was going to say that we should stop by my storehouse to grab my team and wagon. After all, if there are folks out there injured or worse, I don't think you want to be carrying them back over your shoulders?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Kora nods back to Lady Dre and finds the groups hesitation to let her follow along interesting. They seemed to ingratiate herself pretty quickly, at least it seemed that way? Or was she misreading something? She realizes she is getting lost in her thoughts as the Lady gives out her suggestion.
"That actually does sound good, Lady Dre. But seeing that we don't want to delay in getting to Kianna and seeing what has befallen the people of the Rattle, why don't you head to your storehouse and gather those provisions and meet us there? We'll be sure to fill you in on what we've found when you arrive. I'm sure it won't take you long. Thank you for your help."
Trencher nods to Dre's response and gives a bit of a sheepish grin. "All right. As long as you don't have any problem with the druids, you are welcome to come along and help. And I gotta say, a wagon is a good thought, it will be helpful."
Kora moving around catches Aunt Dellie's eye. "Kora dear? I think you said you were heading back to the grove? I don't wish to delay your business, but if you're heading that way would you mind pointing these folks towards where Kianna works?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
"Of course, and honestly I'd like to know what is going on as well. I'll join them to Kianna's place of work." Kora agrees.
She releases a pent up sigh, looking around at the hubbub of locals gathered in subsiding fear and raising curiosity and concern.
"They likely got into a bad batch of mead or ate the wrong mushrooms or the like, let's get them somewhere quiet they can sleep it off."
"But Aunt Dellie, did you see their eyes?!"
"Perhaps they were just tired, or got dust in them, we'll sort it out when they wake."
"What if they're still drunk when they do?"
"Ekra, prepare a purge, just in case it's something they ate, and we'll make sure their bound securely."
Aunt Dellie takes charge of tending to the four attacking farmers, nodding her thanks at Kora and the newcomers.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Anything else for in town, or you folks departing?))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Mixtli is ready to get going))
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Tandor is ready.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
((Okay, I'll work on getting a post up tomorrow!))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Trencher looks at the others, "What are the odds that this might have something to do with whatever problem the druids are asking help for?"
((Oof, sorry for the radio silence all!))
The party circles up, and Trencher ponders if this is a symptom of a bigger issue. As they do, Aunt Dellie is delegating (surely Dellie is short for something else?) and seeing the afflicted farmers cared for.
"Thank you for looking into this, I'll help organize an investigation into what has happened to these folks, but I can pay you in more than thanks... especially if... if you're able to bring Kianna back safe."
Promises of payment made, she turns back to the task at hand, you head for the edge of town. Before you get far, however, a broad-shouldered woman wearing a multicolored dress that complements her dark skin approaches boldly, sizing you up from beneath a stylish hat. "I overheard your conversation with Aunt Dellie. You see, nothing important gets past Lady Dre. I hear you're bound for the Rattle? Excellent—I'll accompany you. We should depart at once."
Lady Dre gives Kora a nod of recognition, but seems to take it for granted that she is now traveling to the Rattle with you.
((Kora, give me a History check and an Insight check to see what your past knowledge and impression of Lady Dre are.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Tandor studies this Lady Dre, trying to discern her motives. That she knows Kora says one thing but her self-inclusion into their group does not sit well with him. Murmuring a quick prayer to Pelor, he hope the god will give him some insight into her motives.
Insight 16+2
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
Trencher sees Tandor give this Lady Dre a look over, and also notices that Tandor is too nice to question her. Trencher is not.
"Lady Dre, you say? I am Tizok Trencher. Why do you wish to go along with us?"
Mixtli likes Trencher's directness and listens with interest to what the Lady has to say.
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
You get a sense that while she was appalled by the violence, she is a determined woman... however, she seems to have some sort of motivation in traveling into the potential thick of danger that isn't entirely altruistic. She has some sort of stake in things.
"Tizok Trencher, good to meet you.", she extends a hand in greeting. Her grip is firm, and while her hands aren't the calloused hands of a manual laborer or swordswoman, he gets the sense that she's the capable sort.
"I've relationships, both business and personal with folk at some of the farms, I mean to see to it that they've made it through whatever troubles brought those four to Promise."
While nothing in her statement rings false, you get the sense that her being so swift to attach herself to an armed and armored party heading out to investigate may be more financially motivated than being neighborly.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
(Sorry about the delay!!)
History: 21
Insight: 5
(I'll wait till I get a response from these before adding to the story)
You know she's a merchant, and had been able to source some things that the grove hadn't been able to get elsewhere. Don't really have an opinion of her as a person though.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Tandor considers for a moment before responding. "Thanks for the offer, but before we let you tag along, I'd like to know your interest, here. I'm guessing it goes beyond concern for the neighbors. Seems to me, you've got some financial interest in what's happened, in the resolution."
Tandor stresses the word 'let' just a little and pays careful attention to her non-verbal queues as he lays out his guesses. He instructs Gilbert to do the same.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
She gives Tandor an appraising look. "I've said I have business with the farms, and I have interest in their continued well-being, as does everyone in Promise. I'm just willing to do something to help, rather than cowering in town talking about curses. If you think I need to contribute more to the effort, I was going to say that we should stop by my storehouse to grab my team and wagon. After all, if there are folks out there injured or worse, I don't think you want to be carrying them back over your shoulders?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Kora nods back to Lady Dre and finds the groups hesitation to let her follow along interesting. They seemed to ingratiate herself pretty quickly, at least it seemed that way? Or was she misreading something? She realizes she is getting lost in her thoughts as the Lady gives out her suggestion.
"That actually does sound good, Lady Dre. But seeing that we don't want to delay in getting to Kianna and seeing what has befallen the people of the Rattle, why don't you head to your storehouse and gather those provisions and meet us there? We'll be sure to fill you in on what we've found when you arrive. I'm sure it won't take you long. Thank you for your help."
Trencher nods to Dre's response and gives a bit of a sheepish grin. "All right. As long as you don't have any problem with the druids, you are welcome to come along and help. And I gotta say, a wagon is a good thought, it will be helpful."
Tandor listens to Lady Dre's response, then to Kora and Trencher. "I agree with Kora. That sounds like the best plan."
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric