"Last chance to go get reinforcements, or make a plan. I fear either our presence is noticed or our opportunity to get into positions is running out." Ori holding the big club in his off hand readies to pull a hand axe if needed. " I'm open to suggestions."
Cainneach gasps at the sight of the massive feline, for though he had gleaned some notion of what the little bag he passed along could produce, what he now sees is still remarkable.
Cainneachs keen eyes and connection to the wilds note that though the creature is of flesh and blood and reminiscent of similar beasts in the stories and distant travellers glimpses of his homelands there is a canniness to the beast that tells him there is more fay about the feline than any mortal animal.
Famh winces at the sudden silence. "It's nose must be keener than I thoucht. Cainneach, did the place ye saw its lair from have any cover at aw from the entrance? Or at least we can get aff tae the lee side o the hill. I'll ask Fionnuala tae gae straicht up an lead it doun past us at full speit sae it doesnae have time tae leuk aboot. An gin it's runnin' fast enouch... remember Beorn's horse...?" She realizes she is beginning to babble in her anxiety and presses her lips together to stop the flow of unfiltered thoughts. Then, drawing her sling from its pouch, she whispers to the lynx (whom she has apparently christened Fionnuala), "We're hunting a michty prey, dear Fionnuala. A great fachan. Wad ye please stay here till we've got intae our ambush, then gae an lure it doun near enouch for us tae strike? Get it tae run gin ye can. I'd be iver sae much obligit tae ye." With that, she draws in a deep breath and creeps towards the side of the hill Cainneach scouted from before.
Stealth (Tides of Chaos for advantage) to find a hiding place without being detected by the fachan: 14
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"There weren't much to hide behind, unfortunately. Thatch and I kept upwind and moved as quiet in the shadows as we could, but I dinnae think we could all hide very well around the fissure. We'll do the best we can, but we may have to trust in this lynx to lead it to us."Cainneach looks apologetically at the majestic cat, while Salt hides behind his master's legs, more sheepish than canine at the moment. "At the very least, Thatch and I can attempt to sneak up again, in the same manner as before. Then we can pummel it straight away with our arrows as it's led out. Frankly, I'm getting anxious in the waiting, let's get on with it, shall we?" The forester moves to sneak into position, unless there are any great objections. It's all he can do to convince Salt to stay with the rest, in the presence of the giant fey feline.
"Ya, agreed if we are going to do this, let's. Everyone take a position most favorable to them. I will play middle man and hopefully draw the things attention whike you all work your magic. Try and not let me get killed, but if it happens, get the hell out of here, aye?" Ori stares at the caves entrance waiting for the fun to begin.
( Everyone make your Initiative rolls WITH ADVANTAGE due to solid preplanning even if the quarry is a little suspicious. Once I've got at least 3 Initiative rolls we will kick off ( I'll roll any missing ones)
Vardi looks in astonishment, then delight as the great cat of the forest appears. "Nay tha biggest cat about now, are ye?" She murmurs to Skuggavardi then scratches behind his ears as she adds "Nay fash, ye be a fine cat yerself, and they're a friendly one."
Skoggi seems a little unsure about that, but offers a long slow blink by way of peaceful greeting to Fionnuala.
As the time for action draws near, the Lyften lass drops the basket on her back near a great moss-capped stone and tells the cat "Watch fer trouble, and if ye hear footsteps bigger than mine coming, run as fast as ye paws can take ye away from 'em." then nocks an arrow to the string, and waits, using the stone as cover as she watches for any sign of the giant-kin they are tasked to find.
OOC Init: 10 on the die, +1 for Dex, +5 for advantage is 16 total.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As she hears the fachan leaving its rocky home, and catches her first glimpse of the huge form emerging from the shadows, Famh breathes a quick prayer to Gatanades, the Cailleach, and whatever other gods may be listening. Then she whispers, just loud enough for the lynx's keen feline ears to detect, "Here it comes, Fionnuala. Get it tae chase ye doun gin ye can." She casts her mind back to the pursuit of the traitor Beorn, and one of the more satisfying moments in her life. The words and gestures she used to open a ditch before his running horse are clear in her mind, and she prepares herself to do a like service by the fachan as soon as it chases Fionnuala down close enough for the retinue to strike it, She hopes she will trip it up; but she trusts it will at least be halted and confused. (Held action: mold earth to excavate a shallow pit in between the running lynx and fachan)
The great cat, meanwhile, oozes stealthily up the hill, pretending to be hunting some quarry by scent. When she comes within ten feet of the fachan, she lifts her head as if to sniff, then hisses and spits loudly with feigned surprise. Then she wheels and lopes back down the slope again. If the fachan does not follow, she will turn and slash at it with her claws before starting off downhill again (18 to hit, 8 damage; Disengage the following round) ... but only if it doesn't follow.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Vardi watches for the source of the bone-rattling din, nerves as taut-strung as her bow, and drops her aim a little lower, reasoning that a hit to the legs will hinder even the biggest foe's headlong charge. She waits for a clear shot, unwilling to risk the great forest cat's hide through impatience, and lets fly only when the Fachan has left the cover of the cavern's gloom and given chase.
Thatch crouches down among the rocks and draws back his bowstring, feather from the fletching tickling his ear. He holds his shot until the Fachan barrels down and releases the arrow as the beast hits the shallow pit Famh creates.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Crouched down in a position behind the fissure, Cainneach hopes to have a clear shot at the giant as it emerges to hunt the glorious lynx. He's not aware of Famh's plan, so the forester will loose his arrow a moment after getting a look at the Fachan. Fortunately, the element of surprise is on their side. After a few moments of silence, a rumbling is heard in the cave. Cainneach summons all of his focus and locks his aim on the vile creature, resolute that it will not escape him, then fires.
As she hears the fachan leaving its rocky home, and catches her first glimpse of the huge form emerging from the shadows, Famh breathes a quick prayer to Gatanades, the Cailleach, and whatever other gods may be listening. Then she whispers, just loud enough for the lynx's keen feline ears to detect, "Here it comes, Fionnuala. Get it tae chase ye doun gin ye can." She casts her mind back to the pursuit of the traitor Beorn, and one of the more satisfying moments in her life. The words and gestures she used to open a ditch before his running horse are clear in her mind, and she prepares herself to do a like service by the fachan as soon as it chases Fionnuala down close enough for the retinue to strike it, She hopes she will trip it up; but she trusts it will at least be halted and confused. (Held action: mold earth to excavate a shallow pit in between the running lynx and fachan)
The great cat, meanwhile, oozes stealthily up the hill, pretending to be hunting some quarry by scent. When she comes within ten feet of the fachan, she lifts her head as if to sniff, then hisses and spits loudly with feigned surprise. Then she wheels and lopes back down the slope again. If the fachan does not follow, she will turn and slash at it with her claws before starting off downhill again (18 to hit, 8 damage; Disengage the following round) ... but only if it doesn't follow.
The huge lynx pads up to the cleft and catches the inhabitants notice, dashing back downslope as Famh shapes the earth to try and cause the huge form to falter as it pursues the running feline....
But Famh is staggered by what emerges from the cleft hill......, the misshapen hulk crawled out of the gaping earth on its side, moving fast for a thing of such bulk. A single jade green eye squatted in the centre of an askew dark grey face....a great slash of a mouth with torn lips that could engulf a coo, a great hair covered strangely jointed arm jutted from its chest propelling it down the slope balanced by an elephantine veined and leathery leg ending in a clubbed clawed foot, tiny twisted forms described other limbs that had not grown with the rest of the swollen body and a great mane of black, oily feathers and quills covered its shoulders and back....a crest on its head like a tuft of twisted quills.
The immense form ran after the lynx like some hellish crab, its gargantuan form passes over Famhs hasty pit without even noticing....such was its immensity....
Thatch crouches down among the rocks and draws back his bowstring, feather from the fletching tickling his ear. He holds his shot until the Fachan barrels down and releases the arrow as the beast hits the shallow pit Famh creates.
Attack: 26 Damage: 10.
As it reached that point Thatch sent a shaft into its cheek, causing it to suddenly halt its downward gallop...
Vardi watches for the source of the bone-rattling din, nerves as taut-strung as her bow, and drops her aim a little lower, reasoning that a hit to the legs will hinder even the biggest foe's headlong charge. She waits for a clear shot, unwilling to risk the great forest cat's hide through impatience, and lets fly only when the Fachan has left the cover of the cavern's gloom and given chase.
[OOC: Nat 20! :) 23 to hit total, 7damage.]
Vardis shaft also struck well piercing well into its knee, causing a guttural mewl of displeasure....
Crouched down in a position behind the fissure, Cainneach hopes to have a clear shot at the giant as it emerges to hunt the glorious lynx. He's not aware of Famh's plan, so the forester will loose his arrow a moment after getting a look at the Fachan. Fortunately, the element of surprise is on their side. After a few moments of silence, a rumbling is heard in the cave. Cainneach summons all of his focus and locks his aim on the vile creature, resolute that it will not escape him, then fires.
Cainneachs shaft struck with such force that any mortal man would have been felled in an instant....but the Fachan was no man....and perhaps not mortal....
Struck by three arrows the creature reared up, bringing its arm clear of the ground and into a standing position where the companions noted its height was equal that of Aldreds manor back home.....the Fachans arm then stretched upward and curled back on itself as if having too many joints and thrust itself into the creatures maw past rows of broken glass like teeth...when the hand emerged again it was covered in a thick ropy slime and dragged from within the beast a thick iron flail-club with over a dozen long chains ending in rough and ragged spheres the slime seemed to cling to them and a curdled odor wafted from it, its groin was, thankfully wrapped in two coo-skins roughly sewn together with sinew.
A voice like shale down a scree-slope rolled over the companions, " Marbhaidh mi thu! Daoine salach! Nach aithne dhut mi? Fingal Mac'Tethra!"
It rocked back on its pillar like leg and the flail whipped out towards the fleeing lynx even as it turned its green gaze on Famh- Famh felt her body wrack with pain her limbs and features twisting as she tried to resist it....
Flail vs Lynx Attack: 23 Damage: 14
Twisted Gaze vs Famh- DC 12 Charisma Save- if failed 10 Necrotic and speed halved and has disadvantage on ability checks, saving throws, and attacks based on Strength or Dexterity.
( Ori is up then Round 2 - Famh, Thatch, Vardi, Cainneach).
"Well so much for cat..." Ori jumps out as he watches the vanishing body of the once lynx. "SO UGLY NOT EVEN ALMERIC'S MOTHER COULD LOVE!" Ori screamed out to draw the creatures attention, best jeep the great beast where it was and let the others pepper the thing with arrows. Running up the creature he swung the great club around his head to make a show of things, the bigger threat he seemed the more likely he coukd keep its attention. (BA: Rage) As he closes the gap swinging the greatclub one handed around his head, he reached up with his off hand and slammed the club down on one its legs. (Reckless Attack for advantage, so attacks against Ori are at advantage too)
Attack: 19 to hit, 9 bludgeoning plus 4 piercing and 2 rage
Fighting back the waves of nausea brought on by the gaze of Fingal MacTethra. and her chagrin at the ill success of her plan to trip him up, Famh draws herself up to her full height. While this might be somewhat less than that of the fachan, or of Vardi and Ori, she has at least 15 centimeters on the average Thulishwoman of her day. And her fury towers at least as high as the topmost spire of Aldred Manor.
"'S goirt thu m'Fionnuala, fhalach fachan!", she screams. "Is tusa an tè a gheibh bàs!" As she cries out the final words, she focuses all her will on the fachan and flings her hand towards it as if she were throwing a stone. But what flies from her hand is a swirling ball of ever-changing light that speeds towards the one-legged giant with a warbling gowl...
Chaos bolt21; damage if hits (2D8 + D6; damage type determined by first d8 roll so I'll break it down - 8 + 1 + 2)
... aaaaand since our dear Famh used her Tides of Chaos to help her sneak up the hill better, Wild Surge 32
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
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"Last chance to go get reinforcements, or make a plan. I fear either our presence is noticed or our opportunity to get into positions is running out." Ori holding the big club in his off hand readies to pull a hand axe if needed. " I'm open to suggestions."
Cainneachs keen eyes and connection to the wilds note that though the creature is of flesh and blood and reminiscent of similar beasts in the stories and distant travellers glimpses of his homelands there is a canniness to the beast that tells him there is more fay about the feline than any mortal animal.
Famh winces at the sudden silence. "It's nose must be keener than I thoucht. Cainneach, did the place ye saw its lair from have any cover at aw from the entrance? Or at least we can get aff tae the lee side o the hill. I'll ask Fionnuala tae gae straicht up an lead it doun past us at full speit sae it doesnae have time tae leuk aboot. An gin it's runnin' fast enouch... remember Beorn's horse...?" She realizes she is beginning to babble in her anxiety and presses her lips together to stop the flow of unfiltered thoughts. Then, drawing her sling from its pouch, she whispers to the lynx (whom she has apparently christened Fionnuala), "We're hunting a michty prey, dear Fionnuala. A great fachan. Wad ye please stay here till we've got intae our ambush, then gae an lure it doun near enouch for us tae strike? Get it tae run gin ye can. I'd be iver sae much obligit tae ye." With that, she draws in a deep breath and creeps towards the side of the hill Cainneach scouted from before.
Stealth (Tides of Chaos for advantage) to find a hiding place without being detected by the fachan: 14
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
"There weren't much to hide behind, unfortunately. Thatch and I kept upwind and moved as quiet in the shadows as we could, but I dinnae think we could all hide very well around the fissure. We'll do the best we can, but we may have to trust in this lynx to lead it to us." Cainneach looks apologetically at the majestic cat, while Salt hides behind his master's legs, more sheepish than canine at the moment. "At the very least, Thatch and I can attempt to sneak up again, in the same manner as before. Then we can pummel it straight away with our arrows as it's led out. Frankly, I'm getting anxious in the waiting, let's get on with it, shall we?" The forester moves to sneak into position, unless there are any great objections. It's all he can do to convince Salt to stay with the rest, in the presence of the giant fey feline.
Stealth 16
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"Ya, agreed if we are going to do this, let's. Everyone take a position most favorable to them. I will play middle man and hopefully draw the things attention whike you all work your magic. Try and not let me get killed, but if it happens, get the hell out of here, aye?" Ori stares at the caves entrance waiting for the fun to begin.
( Everyone make your Initiative rolls WITH ADVANTAGE due to solid preplanning even if the quarry is a little suspicious. Once I've got at least 3 Initiative rolls we will kick off ( I'll roll any missing ones)
Vardi looks in astonishment, then delight as the great cat of the forest appears. "Nay tha biggest cat about now, are ye?" She murmurs to Skuggavardi then scratches behind his ears as she adds "Nay fash, ye be a fine cat yerself, and they're a friendly one."
Skoggi seems a little unsure about that, but offers a long slow blink by way of peaceful greeting to Fionnuala.
As the time for action draws near, the Lyften lass drops the basket on her back near a great moss-capped stone and tells the cat "Watch fer trouble, and if ye hear footsteps bigger than mine coming, run as fast as ye paws can take ye away from 'em." then nocks an arrow to the string, and waits, using the stone as cover as she watches for any sign of the giant-kin they are tasked to find.
OOC Init: 10 on the die, +1 for Dex, +5 for advantage is 16 total.
Ori init, at advantage = 8
Cainneach - Initiative 14
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
It never hurts to help! ---- PbP: [Rolling Dice] [Tooltips] ---- DDB Content: [Free Adventures] [Encounter of the Week]
Thatch initiative: 13.
Famh Initiative- 24.
May Act- Famh ( + Lynx), Thatch, Vardi, Cainnach.
( As you can now hear the Fachan moving feel free to post your actions as if it just came into view and we'll go from there.)
As she hears the fachan leaving its rocky home, and catches her first glimpse of the huge form emerging from the shadows, Famh breathes a quick prayer to Gatanades, the Cailleach, and whatever other gods may be listening. Then she whispers, just loud enough for the lynx's keen feline ears to detect, "Here it comes, Fionnuala. Get it tae chase ye doun gin ye can." She casts her mind back to the pursuit of the traitor Beorn, and one of the more satisfying moments in her life. The words and gestures she used to open a ditch before his running horse are clear in her mind, and she prepares herself to do a like service by the fachan as soon as it chases Fionnuala down close enough for the retinue to strike it, She hopes she will trip it up; but she trusts it will at least be halted and confused. (Held action: mold earth to excavate a shallow pit in between the running lynx and fachan)
The great cat, meanwhile, oozes stealthily up the hill, pretending to be hunting some quarry by scent. When she comes within ten feet of the fachan, she lifts her head as if to sniff, then hisses and spits loudly with feigned surprise. Then she wheels and lopes back down the slope again. If the fachan does not follow, she will turn and slash at it with her claws before starting off downhill again (18 to hit, 8 damage; Disengage the following round) ... but only if it doesn't follow.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Vardi watches for the source of the bone-rattling din, nerves as taut-strung as her bow, and drops her aim a little lower, reasoning that a hit to the legs will hinder even the biggest foe's headlong charge. She waits for a clear shot, unwilling to risk the great forest cat's hide through impatience, and lets fly only when the Fachan has left the cover of the cavern's gloom and given chase.
[OOC: Nat 20! :) 23 to hit total, 7 damage.]
Thatch crouches down among the rocks and draws back his bowstring, feather from the fletching tickling his ear. He holds his shot until the Fachan barrels down and releases the arrow as the beast hits the shallow pit Famh creates.
Attack: 26 Damage: 10.
Crouched down in a position behind the fissure, Cainneach hopes to have a clear shot at the giant as it emerges to hunt the glorious lynx. He's not aware of Famh's plan, so the forester will loose his arrow a moment after getting a look at the Fachan. Fortunately, the element of surprise is on their side. After a few moments of silence, a rumbling is heard in the cave. Cainneach summons all of his focus and locks his aim on the vile creature, resolute that it will not escape him, then fires.
Bonus Action - Hunter's Mark on the Fachan
Action - Longbow Attack vs. Fachan: 18, damage (piercing): 10 (Attack w/Advantage due to previous Hide, Damage w/Hunter's Mark)
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
It never hurts to help! ---- PbP: [Rolling Dice] [Tooltips] ---- DDB Content: [Free Adventures] [Encounter of the Week]
The huge lynx pads up to the cleft and catches the inhabitants notice, dashing back downslope as Famh shapes the earth to try and cause the huge form to falter as it pursues the running feline....
But Famh is staggered by what emerges from the cleft hill......, the misshapen hulk crawled out of the gaping earth on its side, moving fast for a thing of such bulk. A single jade green eye squatted in the centre of an askew dark grey face....a great slash of a mouth with torn lips that could engulf a coo, a great hair covered strangely jointed arm jutted from its chest propelling it down the slope balanced by an elephantine veined and leathery leg ending in a clubbed clawed foot, tiny twisted forms described other limbs that had not grown with the rest of the swollen body and a great mane of black, oily feathers and quills covered its shoulders and back....a crest on its head like a tuft of twisted quills.
The immense form ran after the lynx like some hellish crab, its gargantuan form passes over Famhs hasty pit without even noticing....such was its immensity....
As it reached that point Thatch sent a shaft into its cheek, causing it to suddenly halt its downward gallop...
Vardis shaft also struck well piercing well into its knee, causing a guttural mewl of displeasure....
Cainneachs shaft struck with such force that any mortal man would have been felled in an instant....but the Fachan was no man....and perhaps not mortal....
Struck by three arrows the creature reared up, bringing its arm clear of the ground and into a standing position where the companions noted its height was equal that of Aldreds manor back home.....the Fachans arm then stretched upward and curled back on itself as if having too many joints and thrust itself into the creatures maw past rows of broken glass like teeth...when the hand emerged again it was covered in a thick ropy slime and dragged from within the beast a thick iron flail-club with over a dozen long chains ending in rough and ragged spheres the slime seemed to cling to them and a curdled odor wafted from it, its groin was, thankfully wrapped in two coo-skins roughly sewn together with sinew.
A voice like shale down a scree-slope rolled over the companions, " Marbhaidh mi thu! Daoine salach! Nach aithne dhut mi? Fingal Mac'Tethra!"
It rocked back on its pillar like leg and the flail whipped out towards the fleeing lynx even as it turned its green gaze on Famh- Famh felt her body wrack with pain her limbs and features twisting as she tried to resist it....
Flail vs Lynx Attack: 23 Damage: 14
Twisted Gaze vs Famh- DC 12 Charisma Save- if failed 10 Necrotic and speed halved and has disadvantage on ability checks, saving throws, and attacks based on Strength or Dexterity.
( Ori is up then Round 2 - Famh, Thatch, Vardi, Cainneach).
The lynx was struck by the whipping chains and was dashed against the stones, its body vanishing into mist....
"Well so much for cat..." Ori jumps out as he watches the vanishing body of the once lynx. "SO UGLY NOT EVEN ALMERIC'S MOTHER COULD LOVE!" Ori screamed out to draw the creatures attention, best jeep the great beast where it was and let the others pepper the thing with arrows. Running up the creature he swung the great club around his head to make a show of things, the bigger threat he seemed the more likely he coukd keep its attention. (BA: Rage) As he closes the gap swinging the greatclub one handed around his head, he reached up with his off hand and slammed the club down on one its legs. (Reckless Attack for advantage, so attacks against Ori are at advantage too)
Attack: 19 to hit, 9 bludgeoning plus 4 piercing and 2 rage
Famh's save vs. Twisted Gaze 22
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Fighting back the waves of nausea brought on by the gaze of Fingal MacTethra. and her chagrin at the ill success of her plan to trip him up, Famh draws herself up to her full height. While this might be somewhat less than that of the fachan, or of Vardi and Ori, she has at least 15 centimeters on the average Thulishwoman of her day. And her fury towers at least as high as the topmost spire of Aldred Manor.
"'S goirt thu m'Fionnuala, fhalach fachan!", she screams. "Is tusa an tè a gheibh bàs!" As she cries out the final words, she focuses all her will on the fachan and flings her hand towards it as if she were throwing a stone. But what flies from her hand is a swirling ball of ever-changing light that speeds towards the one-legged giant with a warbling gowl...
Chaos bolt 21; damage if hits (2D8 + D6; damage type determined by first d8 roll so I'll break it down - 8 + 1 + 2)
... aaaaand since our dear Famh used her Tides of Chaos to help her sneak up the hill better, Wild Surge 32
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"