... she is at first unable to produce more than a dry gulp in reply. The blond youth turns curiously to her on hearing the sound, and she manages to compose herself enough under his gaze to say in a fairly steady voice, "That's quite... an eerie tale. An' tae think we usit tae delicht i 'such whan we were lads an lasses. A' fact, sometimes I like thaim yet, an' once matter's year or twa old this micht be ane tae delicht our own wee anes. I'd love tae ha' a chat wi' Keenlenan' the rest about it. Are they along wi' ye now?"
(Persuasion 21 to make Famh's questions seem natural and draw the guard out)
Insight 5(WIP) to pick up any reactions he or anyone else in the group might have to what Famh says)
The young man seemed not to notice anything unusual and cocked his head, " Keenlens too old to be out here on the road he's probably at the gate or warming his knees at the fire. Them two what died...."
"Old as he may be, when strange things are happening, best to investigate strange sightings too. Didn't that Macflurchair and Fraser run with a third, Doc-ridden-o, Dough-heart-ah, something like that?" Names really weren't Ori's strong suit, 'Hey you' seemed to suffice for most people.
Thatch swallows in surprise at the man’s answer and glances toward Famh as the man described the young pale woman in a wet dress. A young woman that Thatch feared they had looked for earlier. “Aye, perhaps it is a curse. My ma used to say that men who do wicked deeds often have wickedness done upon them. If your hands are clean, there is nothing to worry about.”Thatch replies somewhat cryptically and continues down the road, a million thoughts swirling through his mind.
With a sigh, Cainneach says, half to Almeric, half to himself, and half to the fellow from Marrowglen (my math's not so good ;-) "I guess we're all still up, too. May as well have a chat with this Keenlen and the Sheriff before we turn in. Sometimes in dreams we can receive answers to mysteries like these, but it helps to have more information to go on."Cainneach is certainly worried by the description of the spectre that seems to be haunting these men, but he tries not to show it. He can feel the uneasiness in the party, though, and looks to Famh to offer support, for he knows this must be hitting her hard.
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Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
Sir Almeric nodded to the guardsmen then took the companions aside, " Perhaps we'll all have a quick washup first and perhaps collate what we know, what we suspect and further thoughts."
" I wasn't present for much of your original reconaissance so lets go over things again and get all the details...names...numbers etc. hammered out before we present it."
Vardi's initial expression of surprise at the events that have transpired in Marrowglen in the troop's absence turns to one of some concern as she keeps her mouth shut, and her ears open. Only her unvoiced need to know what has occurred stops the Lyften lass asking some questions of her own, wary of invoking the King's authority again in an investigation that has become more complicated as it unfolds.
Almeric frowned and rubbed his tired face " Alright then.....I suppose I'll go brief the Sheriff best I can on our activities to the north. Perhaps you can see if you can find the surviving two murderers."
Ori puts a big hand on Almeric's armored shoulder, "Easy Sir, remember we don't have any real evidence of thier guilt yet, eh? We all know it but best not be throwing around accusations without any reel proof about it." Ori takes a min to gather his thoughts on the matter before addressing the rest. "Looky here mates, I think it's safe to say we are all assuming the same thing, murdered well lass back to seek vengeance on those that done her wrong. Am I'm all for justice but less not forget that if that turns out to be the case, our little innocent farmers daughter can now freeze people to death and is willing to do so, aye? We still don't fully know what happened out there and it could be another kind of cold wielding killer on the loose. So eyes and ears open, I don't want to see any mistakes out there because of careless assumptions with what we will dealing with. If those remaining to blokes think they are in danger they might be willing to work with us more willingly then last time. Time to get back to work." Ori was really talking to himself more then the others, but he felt like he should say something, if he needed to hear it, maybe they did too. Ori was thinking more and more that Almeric's bestowed title on Ori was just so Almeric could run off on his own and have his grunts follow through on what he began. He like Sir Almeric, truth be told Ori owes him everything he has, and Ori did understand the need of structured command to benefit the whole, but Ori signed up to follow Sir Almeric, not lead in his absence. But maybe this is what following is really like.
Cainneach appreciates Ori's level-headed take on the situation, not that he feels that Almeric was grossly out of line in this instance. Easy to slip with the fatigue of the late hour. Speaking of which, Cainneach addresses Almeric and Ori. "Is it your thinking that we should get on with this now? It's late in the day and it's been a long one. We might have better luck getting started in the morning, clear-headed and with a full stomach. But if it's your judgement that we should move on this right away, then so be it. You'll have my bow." The ranger will press on as best he can if called upon, but he and Salt are weary, with the adrenaline of their recent triumph fully receded.
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Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
"I can tell ye the most o ma reconnaisance i' a few brief verses ere ye gae tae sleep, Sir Almeric.," Famh assures the Capellar. "It micht help ye come on the answer i' yer dreams, like Gatanades showit the prophet Ezekiel hou tae lay thon terrible valley o' dry bones tae rest." Given that Famh was but a lass when Brither Cadfaeltaught her this admittedly rather lurid and gruesome scripture, it is perhaps understandable that her overexcitable girlish imagination conceived no more accurate idea of it than this. Her description of the discoveries she made in the broch where Moragvanished and was presumably murdered, on the other hand, are vivid, precise, and surprisingly well summarized. Her strong emotions of grief and anger help to focus her wonderfully as full memory comes back of her hopeless climb down that broch's miserably cold and wet well and the even more hopeless climb back up with solid proof that ill had befallen the poor girl.
This is, we are also to remember, a rather flexible mark. Her account is concise, accurate, and brief ... for Famh.
Performance 13 (just exactly how clearly brief and briefly clear is her account?)
In any case, she winds up her peroration by looking about her cautiously to see if any of the men-at-arms seem to be listening (Perception 19) as she whispers, "Anyhou, ye can see why I want tae talk tae Keenlen as soon as may be. Gin it is her chost, nae tellin' but she micht think any witness a threat tae her vengeance. But I agree thon fresh aff a long journey micht no be the best time. Dae ye think, thouch, thon we coud speir the Sherriff tae keep an e'e on him an the twa remainin' murderers till the morn wi'out raisin' suspicions?"
"Agreed the best path forward is through food and a bed but let's be honest, trouble doesn't work on our time. Be prepared for your sleep to interrupted by who knows what. Not that we don't sleep like that anyways whe on the road, but sometimes a bed can dampen the senses to your surroundings." Ori did feel an extra jump in his step since his ribs were feeling better, still itching for some action, probably just to be humbled again but for now he was going to enjoy the high while it lasted.
"Call me over-cautious if ye will, but it strikes me tha' knowing where tha last two witnesses ta lay eyes on Morag* are ta be found would be useful." Vardi offers quietly "We're rapidly running out of people ta question. Perhaps a fire ta sit them by might help them nae die of a sudden chill? Seems odd tha' such a cold-hearted killer would leave another alive ta speak of it. I reckon Famh is right ta worry about them too."
The looming woman shrugs and lifts her hands in frustration as she concludes "It will be our word against theirs in court. However, I doubt that will cut much ice wi' whoever is behind this. That's an edge ta us getting tha truth out of them, aye, but one tha may cut our chances short if we nae deal wi' it now."
"I would sleep easier in tha knowledge of where they may be found and what they may be more willing ta speak of now."she mutters, reaching up to her shoulder to reassure herself by patting Skuggavardi, who sits in lofty judgment of all he surveys.
*Or is she Meadh? I will await further confirmation of the name of the missing woman.
As Cainneach was about to head to bed, but the counsel from Famh and Vardi was compelling, so he hesitates a beat with a quiet sigh. "As much as I'd rather it not be so, as usual, you two are convincing. How would you like me to help ..." He concludes with, directing it playfully to Famh, "... but just for a bit, I need to sleep so I can be sharp enough to look after you tomorrow!"
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Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
Coming on top of the terrible battle with Fingal MacTethra that so nearly cost two of her friends their lives, the ghostly tidings awaiting Sir Almeric's retinue at Marrowglen have left Famh deeply unsettled. She may or may not have been able to find a way to convey her concerns to the Sherriff; but she fears deeply that the ghost of Mebhwill not be content to wait until dawn for the retinue to begin avenging her. Indeed, she has to admit that if she were the spirit she'd probably feel she was already doing a fine job avenging herself and wouldn't want the interference of a pack of meddling strangers. The girl had met none of them before she died and had no way of knowing they wanted justice for her. And in this case even Famh herself isn't sure what justice really is.
His Most Snot-Nosed Fraserlaird, as Famh has come to privately refer to the most well-connected of the murderers, actually had had have enough connections and influence that he might well have weaseled out of a King's court gallows with the same ease the second traitor eluded Baron Aldred's grasp. But on the other shoulder o't' brae ... she also couldn't bring herself to believe that the blubbering wreck of remorse and terror (among other things ... ;) she remembered another suspect as, truly deserved a death so much more terrible than even hanging at the hands of an avenging spirit from beyond the grave. Her mind tosses back and forth on these turbulent seas as she prepares for bed (after, of course, her customary kiss and snuggle with Cainneach in whatever conveniently shadowy space intervenes between their quarters ;;;). So strongly is she agitated that ...
========= % =========
WIS 1 ( ... do Famh's anxieties hang so heavy on her that she slips out during the night to check on the three men she fears will be attacked before dawn; or does she simply toss and turn all night before rising in the morn to discover ///???\\\ has transpired/not transpired durimg the hours of darkness? ... )
! ! V ================================================================================= FAMH'S MINI CHOOSE-YOUR-OWN-ADVENTURE BOOKLET =================================================================================
WIS check 1 - 10: ⦁ ... her night is sleepless as time and again she nearly bolts up and dashes out to check on the three men she fears will be attacked, then drops back to her pillow with a conscience that aches on both sides but is so tormented with indecision she is unable to break through the inertia sufficiently to act. She dreads what she may find upon rising as the sun slowly creeps into the corner by her pallet and the few lonely first birds of winter begin to chatter among themselves. For a moment she imagines she can hear among them the hoarse but raucous catcall of a corbie, that harbinger of death and sorrow. With a heavy sigh she turns to see if ithe Lyften lass is awake yet. In the event she is not, Famh subverts Skoggivardi with a morsel of Croglin cheese* to rouse his human partner. "I'm glad ye're up, Vardi.," she assures her companion earnestly (with a feigned look of innocence if necessary concerning the motivations of a certain forest cat to arrange for said state of wakefulness). " My heart hings heavy in me thinkin' o whit we might find on gaeing oot o' this room. And yet I want justice for the poor crofter girl too... it's juist that -- " A long breath. "Whit do your people believe in the Lyftens, Vardi, ower such things ... supernatural vengeance and the like? Do ye call in the priest and try and find a way tae calm the spirit ; or do ye consider that she has juist claim tae this bluid and it wid be indelicate tae interfere?"
* a favorite of Famh's among the famed sheeps-milk cheeses of the richly-pastured Thulish coast
================================================================================= -- OR -- =================================================================================
WIS check 11 - 20: ⦁ ... she cannot bring herself to lie quietly abed without doing all in her power to thwart raw vengeance in the interests of true justice. She imagines the living girl was a believer before her terrible death robbed her of her power to discriminate with the reason of a living mind. And in both the Old Faith and the New, the public justice of a believing laird is held up as the first and highest recourse to avenge even murder. Whether it be the justice of the High King Nuada of the Silver Hand her spirit had forgotten or that of those faithful servants of Gatanades, Solomon and Prester John, Famh believes that somewhere in the supernal realms the girl's SOUL wants her ghost to be stopped so that her murderers can face a more public justice. Whether or not this be so, she (Famh) gets up after an hour of trying not to keep Vardi awake with her tossing and turning. If she has succeeded in this, she will try to creep out of the women's quarters silently enough to neither waken the Lyftenwoman nor alert anyone else to her presence as she takes to the shadows and begins creeping towards the outer courtyard and walls where the two previous attacks took place (Stealth 7). If not, she will apologize and then try to convince her companion to Help, by waiting for a time after Famh has left and then divert attention with an open emergence as if she meant to use the garderobe. (Persuasion 14)
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Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
"I can tell ye the most o ma reconnaisance i' a few brief verses ere ye gae tae sleep, Sir Almeric.," Famh assures the Capellar. "It micht help ye come on the answer i' yer dreams, like Gatanades showit the prophet Ezekiel hou tae lay thon terrible valley o' dry bones tae rest." Given that Famh was but a lass when Brither Cadfaeltaught her this admittedly rather lurid and gruesome scripture, it is perhaps understandable that her overexcitable girlish imagination conceived no more accurate idea of it than this. Her description of the discoveries she made in the broch where Meadhvanished and was presumably murdered, on the other hand, are vivid, precise, and surprisingly well summarized. Her strong emotions of grief and anger help to focus her wonderfully as full memory comes back of her hopeless climb down that broch's miserably cold and wet well and the even more hopeless climb back up with solid proof that ill had befallen the poor girl.
This is, we are also to remember, a rather flexible mark. Her account is concise, accurate, and brief ... for Famh.
Performance 13 (just exactly how clearly brief and briefly clear is her account?)
In any case, she winds up her peroration by looking about her cautiously to see if any of the men-at-arms seem to be listening (Perception 19) as she whispers, "Anyhou, ye can see why I want tae talk tae Keenlen as soon as may be. Gin it is her chost, nae tellin' but she micht think any witness a threat tae her vengeance. But I agree thon fresh aff a long journey micht no be the best time. Dae ye think, thouch, thon we coud speir the Sherriff tae keep an e'e on him an the twa remainin' murderers till the morn wi'out raisin' suspicions?"
Almeric paused on the stairs, " Aye, I'll send one of the floor staff with a message to have them watched over, though I'd wager the Sheriff already is doing so."
"Call me over-cautious if ye will, but it strikes me tha' knowing where tha last two witnesses ta lay eyes on Meadh are ta be found would be useful." Vardi offers quietly "We're rapidly running out of people ta question. Perhaps a fire ta sit them by might help them nae die of a sudden chill? Seems odd tha' such a cold-hearted killer would leave another alive ta speak of it. I reckon Famh is right ta worry about them too."
The looming woman shrugs and lifts her hands in frustration as she concludes "It will be our word against theirs in court. However, I doubt that will cut much ice wi' whoever is behind this. That's an edge ta us getting tha truth out of them, aye, but one tha may cut our chances short if we nae deal wi' it now."
"I would sleep easier in tha knowledge of where they may be found and what they may be more willing ta speak of now."she mutters, reaching up to her shoulder to reassure herself by patting Skuggavardi, who sits in lofty judgment of all he surveys.
Vardi enquires of the nearest guard and is informed that the two Beltayn lads are dossing out in the hall with Keenlen watching over them....though in the guards own words Keenlen seems adamant the others just died of cold being soft city boys....the guard, Donnell, admits that doesn't quite explain one of them being frozen through.......
As Cainneach was about to head to bed, but the counsel from Famh and Vardi was compelling, so he hesitates a beat with a quiet sigh. "As much as I'd rather it not be so, as usual, you two are convincing. How would you like me to help ..." He concludes with, directing it playfully to Famh, "... but just for a bit, I need to sleep so I can be sharp enough to look after you tomorrow!"
Famh indicates a shadowy corner on the way up to the rooms where Cainneach can be a great deal of help indeed....
Coming on top of the terrible battle with Fingal MacTethra that so nearly cost two of her friends their lives, the ghostly tidings awaiting Sir Almeric's retinue at Marrowglen have left Famh deeply unsettled. She may or may not have been able to find a way to convey her concerns to the Sherriff; but she fears deeply that the ghost of Mebhwill not be content to wait until dawn for the retinue to begin avenging her. Indeed, she has to admit that if she were the spirit she'd probably feel she was already doing a fine job avenging herself and wouldn't want the interference of a pack of meddling strangers. The girl had met none of them before she died and had no way of knowing they wanted justice for her. And in this case even Famh herself isn't sure what justice really is.
His Most Snot-Nosed Fraserlaird, as Famh has come to privately refer to the most well-connected of the murderers, actually had had have enough connections and influence that he might well have weaseled out of a King's court gallows with the same ease the second traitor eluded Baron Aldred's grasp. But on the other shoulder o't' brae ... she also couldn't bring herself to believe that the blubbering wreck of remorse and terror (among other things ... ;) she remembered another suspect as, truly deserved a death so much more terrible than even hanging at the hands of an avenging spirit from beyond the grave. Her mind tosses back and forth on these turbulent seas as she prepares for bed (after, of course, her customary kiss and snuggle with Cainneach in whatever conveniently shadowy space intervenes between their quarters ;;;). So strongly is she agitated that ...
========= % =========
WIS 1 ( ... do Famh's anxieties hang so heavy on her that she slips out during the night to check on the three men she fears will be attacked before dawn; or does she simply toss and turn all night before rising in the morn to discover ///???\\\ has transpired/not transpired durimg the hours of darkness? ... )
⦁ ... her night is sleepless as time and again she nearly bolts up and dashes out to check on the three men she fears will be attacked, then drops back to her pillow with a conscience that aches on both sides but is so tormented with indecision she is unable to break through the inertia sufficiently to act. She dreads what she may find upon rising as the sun slowly creeps into the corner by her pallet and the few lonely first birds of winter begin to chatter among themselves. For a moment she imagines she can hear among them the hoarse but raucous catcall of a corbie, that harbinger of death and sorrow. With a heavy sigh she turns to see if ithe Lyften lass is awake yet. In the event she is not, Famh subverts Skoggivardi with a morsel of Croglin cheese* to rouse his human partner. "I'm glad ye're up, Vardi.," she assures her companion earnestly (with a feigned look of innocence if necessary concerning the motivations of a certain forest cat to arrange for said state of wakefulness). " My heart hings heavy in me thinkin' o whit we might find on gaeing oot o' this room. And yet I want justice for the poor crofter girl too... it's juist that -- " A long breath. "Whit do your people believe in the Lyftens, Vardi, ower such things ... supernatural vengeance and the like? Do ye call in the priest and try and find a way tae calm the spirit ; or do ye consider that she has juist claim tae this bluid and it wid be indelicate tae interfere?"
* a favorite of Famh's among the famed sheeps-milk cheeses of the richly-pastured Thulish coast
In the early hours of the morning Famh awaits Vardis reply....
Famh: " My heart hings heavy in me thinkin' o whit we might find on gaeing oot o' this room. And yet I want justice for the poor crofter girl too... it's juist that -- " A long breath. "Whit do your people believe in the Lyftens, Vardi, ower such things ... supernatural vengeance and the like? Do ye call in the priest and try and find a way tae calm the spirit ; or do ye consider that she has juist claim tae this bluid and it wid be indelicate tae interfere?"
Vardi, half-awake and half-asleep, with her hands full of a fluffy menace to slumber replies "If blood is shed and harm done, then it must be paid for. Be it in blood and harm back, or in wergelt, be it grain or gold. Tha' is tha Law, man, woman or beast harmed, does nae matter. If it be a legal vengeance, then it has gone beyond tha price of one life already, and those were nobility, whose lives command a high price. Her family are nae wealthy. If it is proven ta be her work, fer I am nae sure if tha dead can be summoned to answer for their acts by mortal authority."
She trails off and rubs her temples as the smug feline on her lap purrs loudly, then adds wearily "If they did wrong by her, and it is her work, then she's gone too far fer justice. Spirit won't rest til justice is done and tha dead brought home ta rest any road."
"If it is nae tha lass who was lost, then who else would have tha means and tha motive ta those three, nae, four lads? Tha woods are awhisper, tha Land is uneasy, a giant speaks from a mouth only madness could kiss!" the Lyften lass bemoans, then more alertly offers "If tha Allsister were here, I'd ask her, and tha Velda too. That's ma mam. She listens ta tha Gods, leastways all tha ones we reckon worth paying attention ta. Allsister listens ta yer Gatenades, then speaks fer him. We nae always listen ta what He reckons, but he has a place at tha table in Valhalla just tha same. If yer asking me wha' they'd do? Find out wha's going on, and fix it, sharpish, afore any more harm is done."
Vardi looks desdly serious as she concludes "If yer asking me, here and now, then I reckon we should carry fire wi' us but go check those two still alive are alright afore night is over, and their watcher too. Cold hard light o'dawn might be too late."
... she is at first unable to produce more than a dry gulp in reply. The blond youth turns curiously to her on hearing the sound, and she manages to compose herself enough under his gaze to say in a fairly steady voice, "That's quite... an eerie tale. An' tae think we usit tae delicht i 'such whan we were lads an lasses. A' fact, sometimes I like thaim yet, an' once matter's year or twa old this micht be ane tae delicht our own wee anes. I'd love tae ha' a chat wi' Keenlen an' the rest about it. Are they along wi' ye now?"
(Persuasion 21 to make Famh's questions seem natural and draw the guard out)
Insight 5(WIP) to pick up any reactions he or anyone else in the group might have to what Famh says)
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
The young man seemed not to notice anything unusual and cocked his head, " Keenlens too old to be out here on the road he's probably at the gate or warming his knees at the fire. Them two what died...."
"...MacFhearchair......and...... Fraser."
"Old as he may be, when strange things are happening, best to investigate strange sightings too. Didn't that Macflurchair and Fraser run with a third, Doc-ridden-o, Dough-heart-ah, something like that?" Names really weren't Ori's strong suit, 'Hey you' seemed to suffice for most people.
(Name of 3rd: Dochartaigh)
Thatch swallows in surprise at the man’s answer and glances toward Famh as the man described the young pale woman in a wet dress. A young woman that Thatch feared they had looked for earlier. “Aye, perhaps it is a curse. My ma used to say that men who do wicked deeds often have wickedness done upon them. If your hands are clean, there is nothing to worry about.” Thatch replies somewhat cryptically and continues down the road, a million thoughts swirling through his mind.
The companions and 'escort' made their way up the hill towards Marrowglen, the old men on the gate waved them through.
" Sheriff's still up, if'n yer goin' speke wit' him."
With a sigh, Cainneach says, half to Almeric, half to himself, and half to the fellow from Marrowglen (my math's not so good ;-) "I guess we're all still up, too. May as well have a chat with this Keenlen and the Sheriff before we turn in. Sometimes in dreams we can receive answers to mysteries like these, but it helps to have more information to go on." Cainneach is certainly worried by the description of the spectre that seems to be haunting these men, but he tries not to show it. He can feel the uneasiness in the party, though, and looks to Famh to offer support, for he knows this must be hitting her hard.
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
It never hurts to help! ---- PbP: [Rolling Dice] [Tooltips] ---- DDB Content: [Free Adventures] [Encounter of the Week]
Sir Almeric nodded to the guardsmen then took the companions aside, " Perhaps we'll all have a quick washup first and perhaps collate what we know, what we suspect and further thoughts."
" I wasn't present for much of your original reconaissance so lets go over things again and get all the details...names...numbers etc. hammered out before we present it."
Vardi's initial expression of surprise at the events that have transpired in Marrowglen in the troop's absence turns to one of some concern as she keeps her mouth shut, and her ears open. Only her unvoiced need to know what has occurred stops the Lyften lass asking some questions of her own, wary of invoking the King's authority again in an investigation that has become more complicated as it unfolds.
Almeric frowned and rubbed his tired face " Alright then.....I suppose I'll go brief the Sheriff best I can on our activities to the north. Perhaps you can see if you can find the surviving two murderers."
Ori puts a big hand on Almeric's armored shoulder, "Easy Sir, remember we don't have any real evidence of thier guilt yet, eh? We all know it but best not be throwing around accusations without any reel proof about it." Ori takes a min to gather his thoughts on the matter before addressing the rest. "Looky here mates, I think it's safe to say we are all assuming the same thing, murdered well lass back to seek vengeance on those that done her wrong. Am I'm all for justice but less not forget that if that turns out to be the case, our little innocent farmers daughter can now freeze people to death and is willing to do so, aye? We still don't fully know what happened out there and it could be another kind of cold wielding killer on the loose. So eyes and ears open, I don't want to see any mistakes out there because of careless assumptions with what we will dealing with. If those remaining to blokes think they are in danger they might be willing to work with us more willingly then last time. Time to get back to work." Ori was really talking to himself more then the others, but he felt like he should say something, if he needed to hear it, maybe they did too. Ori was thinking more and more that Almeric's bestowed title on Ori was just so Almeric could run off on his own and have his grunts follow through on what he began. He like Sir Almeric, truth be told Ori owes him everything he has, and Ori did understand the need of structured command to benefit the whole, but Ori signed up to follow Sir Almeric, not lead in his absence. But maybe this is what following is really like.
Cainneach appreciates Ori's level-headed take on the situation, not that he feels that Almeric was grossly out of line in this instance. Easy to slip with the fatigue of the late hour. Speaking of which, Cainneach addresses Almeric and Ori. "Is it your thinking that we should get on with this now? It's late in the day and it's been a long one. We might have better luck getting started in the morning, clear-headed and with a full stomach. But if it's your judgement that we should move on this right away, then so be it. You'll have my bow." The ranger will press on as best he can if called upon, but he and Salt are weary, with the adrenaline of their recent triumph fully receded.
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
It never hurts to help! ---- PbP: [Rolling Dice] [Tooltips] ---- DDB Content: [Free Adventures] [Encounter of the Week]
Almeric looks to Ori and Cainneach, " Right you are. Lack of sleep has killed many a man on the frontline.....and in the courts."
" We'll call it a night and approach everything with fresh eyes in the morning. If the Sheriff wants to talk tonight he knows where my lodgings are."
" Turn in, Giant-Slayers. You've more than earned your rest."
With another weary smile at the group he turned and headed up the stairs and inside towards his room."
"I can tell ye the most o ma reconnaisance i' a few brief verses ere ye gae tae sleep, Sir Almeric.," Famh assures the Capellar. "It micht help ye come on the answer i' yer dreams, like Gatanades showit the prophet Ezekiel hou tae lay thon terrible valley o' dry bones tae rest." Given that Famh was but a lass when Brither Cadfael taught her this admittedly rather lurid and gruesome scripture, it is perhaps understandable that her overexcitable girlish imagination conceived no more accurate idea of it than this. Her description of the discoveries she made in the broch where Morag vanished and was presumably murdered, on the other hand, are vivid, precise, and surprisingly well summarized. Her strong emotions of grief and anger help to focus her wonderfully as full memory comes back of her hopeless climb down that broch's miserably cold and wet well and the even more hopeless climb back up with solid proof that ill had befallen the poor girl.
This is, we are also to remember, a rather flexible mark. Her account is concise, accurate, and brief ... for Famh.
Performance 13 (just exactly how clearly brief and briefly clear is her account?)
In any case, she winds up her peroration by looking about her cautiously to see if any of the men-at-arms seem to be listening (Perception 19) as she whispers, "Anyhou, ye can see why I want tae talk tae Keenlen as soon as may be. Gin it is her chost, nae tellin' but she micht think any witness a threat tae her vengeance. But I agree thon fresh aff a long journey micht no be the best time. Dae ye think, thouch, thon we coud speir the Sherriff tae keep an e'e on him an the twa remainin' murderers till the morn wi'out raisin' suspicions?"
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
"Agreed the best path forward is through food and a bed but let's be honest, trouble doesn't work on our time. Be prepared for your sleep to interrupted by who knows what. Not that we don't sleep like that anyways whe on the road, but sometimes a bed can dampen the senses to your surroundings." Ori did feel an extra jump in his step since his ribs were feeling better, still itching for some action, probably just to be humbled again but for now he was going to enjoy the high while it lasted.
"Call me over-cautious if ye will, but it strikes me tha' knowing where tha last two witnesses ta lay eyes on Morag* are ta be found would be useful." Vardi offers quietly "We're rapidly running out of people ta question. Perhaps a fire ta sit them by might help them nae die of a sudden chill? Seems odd tha' such a cold-hearted killer would leave another alive ta speak of it. I reckon Famh is right ta worry about them too."
The looming woman shrugs and lifts her hands in frustration as she concludes "It will be our word against theirs in court. However, I doubt that will cut much ice wi' whoever is behind this. That's an edge ta us getting tha truth out of them, aye, but one tha may cut our chances short if we nae deal wi' it now."
"I would sleep easier in tha knowledge of where they may be found and what they may be more willing ta speak of now." she mutters, reaching up to her shoulder to reassure herself by patting Skuggavardi, who sits in lofty judgment of all he surveys.
*Or is she Meadh? I will await further confirmation of the name of the missing woman.
As Cainneach was about to head to bed, but the counsel from Famh and Vardi was compelling, so he hesitates a beat with a quiet sigh. "As much as I'd rather it not be so, as usual, you two are convincing. How would you like me to help ..." He concludes with, directing it playfully to Famh, "... but just for a bit, I need to sleep so I can be sharp enough to look after you tomorrow!"
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Coming on top of the terrible battle with Fingal MacTethra that so nearly cost two of her friends their lives, the ghostly tidings awaiting Sir Almeric's retinue at Marrowglen have left Famh deeply unsettled. She may or may not have been able to find a way to convey her concerns to the Sherriff; but she fears deeply that the ghost of Mebh will not be content to wait until dawn for the retinue to begin avenging her. Indeed, she has to admit that if she were the spirit she'd probably feel she was already doing a fine job avenging herself and wouldn't want the interference of a pack of meddling strangers. The girl had met none of them before she died and had no way of knowing they wanted justice for her. And in this case even Famh herself isn't sure what justice really is.
His Most Snot-Nosed Fraserlaird, as Famh has come to privately refer to the most well-connected of the murderers, actually had had have enough connections and influence that he might well have weaseled out of a King's court gallows with the same ease the second traitor eluded Baron Aldred's grasp. But on the other shoulder o't' brae ... she also couldn't bring herself to believe that the blubbering wreck of remorse and terror (among other things ... ;) she remembered another suspect as, truly deserved a death so much more terrible than even hanging at the hands of an avenging spirit from beyond the grave. Her mind tosses back and forth on these turbulent seas as she prepares for bed (after, of course, her customary kiss and snuggle with Cainneach in whatever conveniently shadowy space intervenes between their quarters ;;;). So strongly is she agitated that ...
========= % =========
WIS 1 ( ... do Famh's anxieties hang so heavy on her that she slips out during the night to check on the three men she fears will be attacked before dawn; or does she simply toss and turn all night before rising in the morn to discover ///???\\\ has transpired/not transpired durimg the hours of darkness? ... )
WIS check 1 - 10:
⦁ ... her night is sleepless as time and again she nearly bolts up and dashes out to check on the three men she fears will be attacked, then drops back to her pillow with a conscience that aches on both sides but is so tormented with indecision she is unable to break through the inertia sufficiently to act. She dreads what she may find upon rising as the sun slowly creeps into the corner by her pallet and the few lonely first birds of winter begin to chatter among themselves. For a moment she imagines she can hear among them the hoarse but raucous catcall of a corbie, that harbinger of death and sorrow. With a heavy sigh she turns to see if ithe Lyften lass is awake yet. In the event she is not, Famh subverts Skoggivardi with a morsel of Croglin cheese* to rouse his human partner. "I'm glad ye're up, Vardi.," she assures her companion earnestly (with a feigned look of innocence if necessary concerning the motivations of a certain forest cat to arrange for said state of wakefulness). " My heart hings heavy in me thinkin' o whit we might find on gaeing oot o' this room. And yet I want justice for the poor crofter girl too... it's juist that -- " A long breath. "Whit do your people believe in the Lyftens, Vardi, ower such things ... supernatural vengeance and the like? Do ye call in the priest and try and find a way tae calm the spirit ; or do ye consider that she has juist claim tae this bluid and it wid be indelicate tae interfere?"
* a favorite of Famh's among the famed sheeps-milk cheeses of the richly-pastured Thulish coast
-- OR --
WIS check 11 - 20:
⦁ ... she cannot bring herself to lie quietly abed without doing all in her power to thwart raw vengeance in the interests of true justice. She imagines the living girl was a believer before her terrible death robbed her of her power to discriminate with the reason of a living mind. And in both the Old Faith and the New, the public justice of a believing laird is held up as the first and highest recourse to avenge even murder. Whether it be the justice of the High King Nuada of the Silver Hand her spirit had forgotten or that of those faithful servants of Gatanades, Solomon and Prester John, Famh believes that somewhere in the supernal realms the girl's SOUL wants her ghost to be stopped so that her murderers can face a more public justice. Whether or not this be so, she (Famh) gets up after an hour of trying not to keep Vardi awake with her tossing and turning. If she has succeeded in this, she will try to creep out of the women's quarters silently enough to neither waken the Lyftenwoman nor alert anyone else to her presence as she takes to the shadows and begins creeping towards the outer courtyard and walls where the two previous attacks took place (Stealth 7). If not, she will apologize and then try to convince her companion to Help, by waiting for a time after Famh has left and then divert attention with an open emergence as if she meant to use the garderobe. (Persuasion 14)
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Almeric paused on the stairs, " Aye, I'll send one of the floor staff with a message to have them watched over, though I'd wager the Sheriff already is doing so."
"Good night."
( Famh notes no one taking an interest.)
Vardi enquires of the nearest guard and is informed that the two Beltayn lads are dossing out in the hall with Keenlen watching over them....though in the guards own words Keenlen seems adamant the others just died of cold being soft city boys....the guard, Donnell, admits that doesn't quite explain one of them being frozen through.......
Famh indicates a shadowy corner on the way up to the rooms where Cainneach can be a great deal of help indeed....
In the early hours of the morning Famh awaits Vardis reply....
Famh: " My heart hings heavy in me thinkin' o whit we might find on gaeing oot o' this room. And yet I want justice for the poor crofter girl too... it's juist that -- " A long breath. "Whit do your people believe in the Lyftens, Vardi, ower such things ... supernatural vengeance and the like? Do ye call in the priest and try and find a way tae calm the spirit ; or do ye consider that she has juist claim tae this bluid and it wid be indelicate tae interfere?"
Vardi, half-awake and half-asleep, with her hands full of a fluffy menace to slumber replies "If blood is shed and harm done, then it must be paid for. Be it in blood and harm back, or in wergelt, be it grain or gold. Tha' is tha Law, man, woman or beast harmed, does nae matter. If it be a legal vengeance, then it has gone beyond tha price of one life already, and those were nobility, whose lives command a high price. Her family are nae wealthy. If it is proven ta be her work, fer I am nae sure if tha dead can be summoned to answer for their acts by mortal authority."
She trails off and rubs her temples as the smug feline on her lap purrs loudly, then adds wearily "If they did wrong by her, and it is her work, then she's gone too far fer justice. Spirit won't rest til justice is done and tha dead brought home ta rest any road."
"If it is nae tha lass who was lost, then who else would have tha means and tha motive ta those three, nae, four lads? Tha woods are awhisper, tha Land is uneasy, a giant speaks from a mouth only madness could kiss!" the Lyften lass bemoans, then more alertly offers "If tha Allsister were here, I'd ask her, and tha Velda too. That's ma mam. She listens ta tha Gods, leastways all tha ones we reckon worth paying attention ta. Allsister listens ta yer Gatenades, then speaks fer him. We nae always listen ta what He reckons, but he has a place at tha table in Valhalla just tha same. If yer asking me wha' they'd do? Find out wha's going on, and fix it, sharpish, afore any more harm is done."
Vardi looks desdly serious as she concludes "If yer asking me, here and now, then I reckon we should carry fire wi' us but go check those two still alive are alright afore night is over, and their watcher too. Cold hard light o'dawn might be too late."
(Ori sleeps soundly and loudly snores!)