Despite her less than stellar martial display, Avaria is able to take advantage of the slow clumsiness of the zombie in front of her. She's sure she does enough damage to end the zombie for good, but somehow it doesn't go down. It's hanging together by the barest of sinewy thread, but hanging together it still is.
Soren flourishes his rapier and stabs out at the zombie engaged with Ula. He connects with his blade and the creature looks injured but a moment later it howls in pain, it's face contorting as it does. Then the zombie falls to the ground and stops moving.
Unfortunately that causes a great cloud of green gas to puff up and engulf Soren and Ula. Ula coughs a couple of times but Soren gags and almost throws up on the floor.
Ula again raises then lowers her hand, causing a ray of burning light to fall down upon one of the zombies in the doorway, causing its skin to burn.
Both zombies crash forward, the burnt one heading straight for the sucky mirror. Before it gets there it catches sight of its own reflection and disappears.
The other heads straight forward to Ula and swings its arms like a giant club, completely missing the dwarf. But it also spews out a cone of gas that engulf Ula, Avaria and Ethel. This time Ula hacks and coughs, spitting saliva out, trying to get rid of the poison.
The zombie by Avaria clubs clumsily at the shifter again (3HP bludgeoning). And like the others, noxious green gas comes forth in a large cone, catching Avaria and Ethel again.
Mak'ral makes his way cautiously down the stairs behind Jan and Marrin but he can't quite get passed them to get a shot at a zombie. Nor does he try to hard to push past them.
Need someone in the party to roll a d12.
Avaria and Ethel need to make DC13 Con saves vs poison. 7 HP poison damage on a fail, half on success for the first gas attack. And another DC 13 for the second. 4 HP on a fail. Half on success.
A moment after the injured radiant burned zombie disappears into the mirror an immensely large gray wolf, the size of a pony appears, its back to the mirror, facing the stairs. It has fiery eyes, a thick coat of fur, and spikes crowning the top of its spine. As much as a wolf can, it looks incredibly startled by this turn of events and growls loudly, baring its fangs.
Avaria and Ethel have their two CON saves and then the party is up.
One zombie each is in melee with Ula (and Soren) and one with Avaria. No sign of more at the doorway at this point. Five appear to have disappeared into the mirror and now a very large wolf is in the middle of the room.
Ethel chokes and gags, coughing until she wheezes like a goose, tears running from her eyes. She vomits bile up onto the stone floor.
She retreats away from the mirrors and entry way, trying to catch a clean breath. On the way, she shouts something that might be "Wolf!"spit out through gasps.
[Ethel takes the dodge action, unless something was in melee range of her, in which case she takes the disengage action instead. That gas wiped out her temp HP and half her regular HP.]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ava is able to hold her breath for the first one, but the second one catches her by surprise and she ends up coughing right alongside Ethel. She gives her friend a sympathetic look when Ethel vomits, not having come close to that herself yet.
Frustrated that the zombie still hasn't gone down, she swings at it again..
Attack: 18, Damage: 13
Then seeing the wolf, she wishes she had time to cast her ritual and speak to it, but she knows there is no time. She Shifts as she steps into melee with Soren's zombie, enjoying the bolstered feeling of the temp hit points as she does, and swings again.
Ethel, moves further back from the gaseous spewing zombies just in time. Avaria makes short work of the remaining two. Neither get back up, but an awful lot of poisonous green gas does. Each of the dead zombies puffs out a cloud of the miasma.
Both Soren and Ula get caught up in the gas with Avaria. They hack and wretch, and look the worse for wear but it doesn't look like they got a full dose. Though overall, they both look a bit beaten up by this encounter.
(Avaria needs a DC 13 Con save for the first one or takes 8HP poison or half on success; and another DC13 Con Save for the second one - takes 6HP poison or half on success)
Marrin is up. There's an angry looking dire wolf in the room but no new zombies for the moment.
The very large dire wolf looks around the room, growling as it does with fangs showing. But when no immediate danger comes its way and it spots the open doorway, it bounds outside and down the stairs.
For the moment there are no active enemies in sight.
Soren lets out his breath as the gas fumes fade away and takes in a deep breath.
"I think there are still more out there," Soren says. "Plus those rotting trees."
Ula takes a look around, asking Avaria "Are you okay?"
Behind her, Marrin hears the twang of a crossbow bolt being released. Looking over her shoulder she can see that Mak'ral Blackroot aiming the crossbow out the arrow slit.
"You mean the trees didn't get sucked into the mirror? How many zombies ended up in there? We really don't want to still be here when the zom-bees and the rest of the trees get back. Can you move that mirror to be right inside the doorway? That way it is the first thing anything coming up will see."
She sighs before adding,
"Unless one of those stink zombies was the Rotting Man, Ironroot isn't likely to be thrilled.
On hearing the twang she'll ask,
"You hit anything Mak?"
Before realizing,
"Oh hey, everyone this is Mak. Mak say hello to everyone. Mak is probably pretty important to the Rotting Man given that he locked poor Mak up in this tower with all the guards."
Avaria has a bit of a coughing fit now that the threats had currently left. She nods at Ula even though the fit brought tears to her eyes. "I...I'm alright. Best check on Ethel, she was throwing up some bile on that."
"Yeah, there is still a lot out there, I hope Hammerdasher and Geoffri are alright." She starts moving the active mirror closer to the front door, making sure not to look at either mirror just in case the other one has it too (not sure if they both worked or just the one)
As the new comer comes down the stairs she isn't too concerned as he was with Marrin and Jan, but that changes swiftly and Ava moves to stand in front of Soren. "Who is this? What is going on?"She growls as she is still shifted for a little bit longer.
K' pops out again next to Jan, very animated and agitated, showing K' images of a murky, dark cell that K' had been previously trapped in. The feisty dust fairy very deliberately keeps its back to the mirrors.
Mak'al doesn't lower the crossbow but only aims it at Soren.
"This is the one that locked me in here," Mak'al says. "He pretended to be a guide through the woods then -"
Soren interrupts. "That's preposterous. I've never seen you before."
"Soren, never wise to interrupt the guy pointing a crossbow at you. Besides, I'm interested in knowing what more slanderous nonsense he has to say. Please Mak, do go on. With collaborating details, if you have any."
Jan curses as K vanishes from her awareness.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Despite her less than stellar martial display, Avaria is able to take advantage of the slow clumsiness of the zombie in front of her. She's sure she does enough damage to end the zombie for good, but somehow it doesn't go down. It's hanging together by the barest of sinewy thread, but hanging together it still is.
Soren flourishes his rapier and stabs out at the zombie engaged with Ula. He connects with his blade and the creature looks injured but a moment later it howls in pain, it's face contorting as it does. Then the zombie falls to the ground and stops moving.
Unfortunately that causes a great cloud of green gas to puff up and engulf Soren and Ula. Ula coughs a couple of times but Soren gags and almost throws up on the floor.
Ula again raises then lowers her hand, causing a ray of burning light to fall down upon one of the zombies in the doorway, causing its skin to burn.
Both zombies crash forward, the burnt one heading straight for the sucky mirror. Before it gets there it catches sight of its own reflection and disappears.
The other heads straight forward to Ula and swings its arms like a giant club, completely missing the dwarf. But it also spews out a cone of gas that engulf Ula, Avaria and Ethel. This time Ula hacks and coughs, spitting saliva out, trying to get rid of the poison.
The zombie by Avaria clubs clumsily at the shifter again (3HP bludgeoning). And like the others, noxious green gas comes forth in a large cone, catching Avaria and Ethel again.
Mak'ral makes his way cautiously down the stairs behind Jan and Marrin but he can't quite get passed them to get a shot at a zombie. Nor does he try to hard to push past them.
Need someone in the party to roll a d12.
Avaria and Ethel need to make DC13 Con saves vs poison. 7 HP poison damage on a fail, half on success for the first gas attack. And another DC 13 for the second. 4 HP on a fail. Half on success.
Will update after the results of the d12 roll.
(There you go!)
A moment after the injured radiant burned zombie disappears into the mirror an immensely large gray wolf, the size of a pony appears, its back to the mirror, facing the stairs. It has fiery eyes, a thick coat of fur, and spikes crowning the top of its spine. As much as a wolf can, it looks incredibly startled by this turn of events and growls loudly, baring its fangs.
Avaria and Ethel have their two CON saves and then the party is up.
One zombie each is in melee with Ula (and Soren) and one with Avaria. No sign of more at the doorway at this point. Five appear to have disappeared into the mirror and now a very large wolf is in the middle of the room.
(1 was a dragon and 12 a unicorn?)
(There are a couple of ways to find out)
((If it's clear that Mak can't get a shot, Jan would point him to the arrow slit and the lone zombie in the web.))
"Nice puppy... Sorry for the zombies..."
Jan holding an Eldritch blast of the wolf charges or attacks anyone but zombies.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Ethel CON saves: 12 8
Ethel chokes and gags, coughing until she wheezes like a goose, tears running from her eyes. She vomits bile up onto the stone floor.
She retreats away from the mirrors and entry way, trying to catch a clean breath. On the way, she shouts something that might be "Wolf!" spit out through gasps.
[Ethel takes the dodge action, unless something was in melee range of her, in which case she takes the disengage action instead. That gas wiped out her temp HP and half her regular HP.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ava's CON saves: 16, 11
Ava is able to hold her breath for the first one, but the second one catches her by surprise and she ends up coughing right alongside Ethel. She gives her friend a sympathetic look when Ethel vomits, not having come close to that herself yet.
Frustrated that the zombie still hasn't gone down, she swings at it again..
Attack: 18, Damage: 13
Then seeing the wolf, she wishes she had time to cast her ritual and speak to it, but she knows there is no time. She Shifts as she steps into melee with Soren's zombie, enjoying the bolstered feeling of the temp hit points as she does, and swings again.
Attack: 21, Damage: 12
Ethel, moves further back from the gaseous spewing zombies just in time. Avaria makes short work of the remaining two. Neither get back up, but an awful lot of poisonous green gas does. Each of the dead zombies puffs out a cloud of the miasma.
Both Soren and Ula get caught up in the gas with Avaria. They hack and wretch, and look the worse for wear but it doesn't look like they got a full dose. Though overall, they both look a bit beaten up by this encounter.
(Avaria needs a DC 13 Con save for the first one or takes 8HP poison or half on success; and another DC13 Con Save for the second one - takes 6HP poison or half on success)
Marrin is up. There's an angry looking dire wolf in the room but no new zombies for the moment.
"How we all doing down there? I hear a lot of puking."
She hunkers down to look at the dire wolf and asks with confusion,
"Where did the wolf come from? Shoo it away!"
She will hold some choice words for any zombies/trees that show up.
CON saves 26 & 14 - taken the halved damage
The very large dire wolf looks around the room, growling as it does with fangs showing. But when no immediate danger comes its way and it spots the open doorway, it bounds outside and down the stairs.
For the moment there are no active enemies in sight.
Soren lets out his breath as the gas fumes fade away and takes in a deep breath.
"I think there are still more out there," Soren says. "Plus those rotting trees."
Ula takes a look around, asking Avaria "Are you okay?"
Behind her, Marrin hears the twang of a crossbow bolt being released. Looking over her shoulder she can see that Mak'ral Blackroot aiming the crossbow out the arrow slit.
Marrin calls back to Soren,
"You mean the trees didn't get sucked into the mirror? How many zombies ended up in there? We really don't want to still be here when the zom-bees and the rest of the trees get back. Can you move that mirror to be right inside the doorway? That way it is the first thing anything coming up will see."
She sighs before adding,
"Unless one of those stink zombies was the Rotting Man, Ironroot isn't likely to be thrilled.
On hearing the twang she'll ask,
"You hit anything Mak?"
Before realizing,
"Oh hey, everyone this is Mak. Mak say hello to everyone. Mak is probably pretty important to the Rotting Man given that he locked poor Mak up in this tower with all the guards."
Mak'ral nods in response. "Right through the head."
He follows Marrin down the stairs then pulls up and swings the crossbow up.
"No, what trick is this? You're with him?" Mak'ral stares at Soren, pointing the crossbow at him.
Soren raises his eyebrows.
"Easy there."
Avaria has a bit of a coughing fit now that the threats had currently left. She nods at Ula even though the fit brought tears to her eyes. "I...I'm alright. Best check on Ethel, she was throwing up some bile on that."
"Yeah, there is still a lot out there, I hope Hammerdasher and Geoffri are alright." She starts moving the active mirror closer to the front door, making sure not to look at either mirror just in case the other one has it too (not sure if they both worked or just the one)
As the new comer comes down the stairs she isn't too concerned as he was with Marrin and Jan, but that changes swiftly and Ava moves to stand in front of Soren. "Who is this? What is going on?" She growls as she is still shifted for a little bit longer.
Immediate danger of zombies on pause, while the guys sort things out, Jan will attempt to dismiss K and resummon them well away from the mirrors.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Marrin threading he way carefully over dead zombies and vomit, as result she is surprised when Mak draws on Soren.
She uses a chiding and then calming tones,
"Mak, what did I say about shooting things that weren't zombies or trees? Put it down and tell us about Soren."
Persuasion: 26
K' pops out again next to Jan, very animated and agitated, showing K' images of a murky, dark cell that K' had been previously trapped in. The feisty dust fairy very deliberately keeps its back to the mirrors.
Mak'al doesn't lower the crossbow but only aims it at Soren.
"This is the one that locked me in here," Mak'al says. "He pretended to be a guide through the woods then -"
Soren interrupts. "That's preposterous. I've never seen you before."
Marrin looks between the two.
"Soren, never wise to interrupt the guy pointing a crossbow at you. Besides, I'm interested in knowing what more slanderous nonsense he has to say. Please Mak, do go on. With collaborating details, if you have any."
Insight on the pair: 12
Marrin's hand is on her rapier hilt now, though.