When woken for his shift and after the stun of seeing a tiny winged woman Oren would ask haltingly, "How did you find her, if she was invisible?" Because, he doesn't know what else to say.
Rick looks down at his tiny halfling lady with glued on wings as Oren asks, then back up as he explains,
"Rick heard something but Rick didn't see anything. Then Rick saw a dagger float up and some clothes. Rick heard muttering, so Rick figured Rick wasn't seeing flying clothes and a flying dagger. Rick saw two things float a bit apart and Rick says to Rick in Rick's head 'bomp in the middle Rick, that's where most stuff keeps stuff's head.' So Rick listened to Rick and bopped naked invisible butterfly lady on naked invisible butterfly lady's invisible head. After that, Rick could see naked invisible butterfly lady."
He checks to see if Oren has a question, but doubts it given the clarity of the explanation.
Khond, standing behind Rick, gives Oren a subtle shrug.
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Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Oren spends his entire shift worried that every little bit of noise in the night might be the army of invisible, vengeful bug-people out to get him... But ultimately, nothing noteworthy seems to happen. People slowly begin to wake. At some point during the night, Olokas has turned to stone, peacefully staring at the sky.
Breldo had largely ignored the strange elf that accompanied them from the ruins (well, the other strange elf), but he can't help but feel a bit of sorrow for their plight of being aware again for a brief period of time, no matter who the body belonged to, only to return to stone. He'll look for a bit of vine or long grass, maybe a few flowers, braiding it into a loop that he places around the statue's neck.
If/when he sees Rick's naked butterfly friend, is it of a size/color to fit what he saw inside the sac?
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DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Rick checks on his new friend. She's occasionally stirring, seeming to indicate it probably won't be long until she gets up, but at least at the moment of waking she's not quite recovered yet. Breldo, unaware of their new guest at least at first, and despite being overwhelmed with, well... Everything, takes a moment to leave a memento with the strange elf that was never meant to be.
Eventually though he does notice Rick's passenger, and while she seems maybe a bit bigger than one would have thought from the sac... The wings immediately remind him of what he saw in the basement, so he would be VERY surprised if it didn't come from there.
Very interested to see the 'prisoner' awake, and see if she can talk, Oren watches and stays close to Rick. He is also going to make sure she is not hurt or attacked just out of confusion.
"She is going to be confused, I think, when she comes to. She may lash out. Let us not attack back instantly. Let us try to talk and maybe even befriend her."
((Well, since I had an unexpected break from ddb...(apologies I've just had a lot on my plate lately) Nuria will just not take watch as to not disrupt the flow so far. I'm assuming Nuria is asleep when the naked butterfly lady is bonked?)
"Rick would never hurt naked visible butterfly lady! Rick will explain everything to naked visible butterfly lady when naked visible butterfly lady wakes up. Rick is the best talker Rick knows."
Awakening, and subsequently gathering herself together, Asimi prepares herself to leave this place for the structure from her memories. Passing a glance at Olokas' re-petrified form, she joins the others to await whatever the group decides on next.
Just as some discuss the "prisoner", and Rick assuring it will all be okay... Does she begin to stir.
"Uhh... What a weird drea..."
Sh llooks about and starts to squirm, before realizing she's stuck and with several people looking at her. Immediately beginning to squirm and kick or would if Rick's bonds didn't hold.
"Hey let me go! Let me go let me go! I I'm dangerous, you better watch out!!"
Her short pixie cut bumps against Rick's stomach. She immediately recoils slightly at the grease.
(Rick, you said you had her touching fur right? Give me a charisma saving throw then.)
Rick feels a brief tingle go through his body, but nothing that seems to happen despite that. Still, the butterfly lady seems to calm down- Somewhat, clearly still nervous. Taking a few more moments to realize she has been covered up... Even be it in a somewhat compromising position.
"...Well, at least you got me covered. And at least it's not a cage... But what's with all the string?! You're crumpling my wings!"
She tries to flutter, but finds it hard to do pinned as she is.
"How about you let me go first? I'm sorry I was borrowing some stuff okay, but I wanted to at least cover up!"
"Rick wonders why naked visible butterfly lady glued wings on? Was naked visible butterfly lady naked because of the glueing? Oh! And how did naked visible butterfly lady become invisible? Rick really wants to know that trick!"
He'll try and gently help uncrinckle her wings without letting her go, yet.
Seeing a crossbow trained upon her, the butterfly girl's tone immediately changes. And she also goes invisible again- The cloth she was immediately wrapped up in actually also goes invisible, but it doesn't help a lot when the string keeping her pinned around Rick is still clearly visible, showing she's still there.
"WOW WOW OKAY, please lower that I'm sorry I can't do anything at all I was just bluffing! I only have my invisibility trick and that's it!"
It's clear from her voice that she's terrified if nothing else. And also somewhat confused about Rick's questions.
"Glued on? I... You're just joking, right? But hey, if you want to be invisible, I'm sure I can get you in contact with my lord to make a pact! If you let me go-"
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Rick would explain the situation with the naked invisible butterfly lady and potential for other naked invisible butterfly ladies.
"Rick is a light sleeper, when naked visible butterfly lady wakes up Rick will wake up."
He says assuringly and with a wide smile.
When woken for his shift and after the stun of seeing a tiny winged woman Oren would ask haltingly, "How did you find her, if she was invisible?" Because, he doesn't know what else to say.
Rick looks down at his tiny halfling lady with glued on wings as Oren asks, then back up as he explains,
"Rick heard something but Rick didn't see anything. Then Rick saw a dagger float up and some clothes. Rick heard muttering, so Rick figured Rick wasn't seeing flying clothes and a flying dagger. Rick saw two things float a bit apart and Rick says to Rick in Rick's head 'bomp in the middle Rick, that's where most stuff keeps stuff's head.' So Rick listened to Rick and bopped naked invisible butterfly lady on naked invisible butterfly lady's invisible head. After that, Rick could see naked invisible butterfly lady."
He checks to see if Oren has a question, but doubts it given the clarity of the explanation.
Khond, standing behind Rick, gives Oren a subtle shrug.
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Oren nods, slowly. "I'm not sure how I'm gonna be great keeping watch for that. I guess I look for floating items... Strange new world it seems."
Rick nods vigorously,
"Friend Oren gets it!"
Oren spends his entire shift worried that every little bit of noise in the night might be the army of invisible, vengeful bug-people out to get him... But ultimately, nothing noteworthy seems to happen. People slowly begin to wake. At some point during the night, Olokas has turned to stone, peacefully staring at the sky.
((How's Rick's new friend doing? She awake yet?))
After checking on his new companion, Rick does his morning routine of applying oil to the dry spots.
Breldo had largely ignored the strange elf that accompanied them from the ruins (well, the other strange elf), but he can't help but feel a bit of sorrow for their plight of being aware again for a brief period of time, no matter who the body belonged to, only to return to stone. He'll look for a bit of vine or long grass, maybe a few flowers, braiding it into a loop that he places around the statue's neck.
If/when he sees Rick's naked butterfly friend, is it of a size/color to fit what he saw inside the sac?
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Rick checks on his new friend. She's occasionally stirring, seeming to indicate it probably won't be long until she gets up, but at least at the moment of waking she's not quite recovered yet. Breldo, unaware of their new guest at least at first, and despite being overwhelmed with, well... Everything, takes a moment to leave a memento with the strange elf that was never meant to be.
Eventually though he does notice Rick's passenger, and while she seems maybe a bit bigger than one would have thought from the sac... The wings immediately remind him of what he saw in the basement, so he would be VERY surprised if it didn't come from there.
Very interested to see the 'prisoner' awake, and see if she can talk, Oren watches and stays close to Rick. He is also going to make sure she is not hurt or attacked just out of confusion.
"She is going to be confused, I think, when she comes to. She may lash out. Let us not attack back instantly. Let us try to talk and maybe even befriend her."
((Well, since I had an unexpected break from ddb...(apologies I've just had a lot on my plate lately) Nuria will just not take watch as to not disrupt the flow so far. I'm assuming Nuria is asleep when the naked butterfly lady is bonked?)
"Rick would never hurt naked visible butterfly lady! Rick will explain everything to naked visible butterfly lady when naked visible butterfly lady wakes up. Rick is the best talker Rick knows."
Rick assures Oren its going to be okay.
Awakening, and subsequently gathering herself together, Asimi prepares herself to leave this place for the structure from her memories. Passing a glance at Olokas' re-petrified form, she joins the others to await whatever the group decides on next.
(yeah Nuria was asleep at the time)
Just as some discuss the "prisoner", and Rick assuring it will all be okay... Does she begin to stir.
"Uhh... What a weird drea..."
Sh llooks about and starts to squirm, before realizing she's stuck and with several people looking at her. Immediately beginning to squirm and kick or would if Rick's bonds didn't hold.
"Hey let me go! Let me go let me go! I I'm dangerous, you better watch out!!"
Her short pixie cut bumps against Rick's stomach. She immediately recoils slightly at the grease.
(Rick, you said you had her touching fur right? Give me a charisma saving throw then.)
When she wakes up Rick will nudge Khond and Oren.
"Good morning naked visible butterfly lady! Rick is taking care of naked visible butterfly lady, no problems!"
Cha save: 6
Rick feels a brief tingle go through his body, but nothing that seems to happen despite that. Still, the butterfly lady seems to calm down- Somewhat, clearly still nervous. Taking a few more moments to realize she has been covered up... Even be it in a somewhat compromising position.
"...Well, at least you got me covered. And at least it's not a cage... But what's with all the string?! You're crumpling my wings!"
She tries to flutter, but finds it hard to do pinned as she is.
"How about you let me go first? I'm sorry I was borrowing some stuff okay, but I wanted to at least cover up!"
"Rick wonders why naked visible butterfly lady glued wings on? Was naked visible butterfly lady naked because of the glueing? Oh! And how did naked visible butterfly lady become invisible? Rick really wants to know that trick!"
He'll try and gently help uncrinckle her wings without letting her go, yet.
She's had a crossbow trained on her since see said she was dangerous.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Seeing a crossbow trained upon her, the butterfly girl's tone immediately changes. And she also goes invisible again- The cloth she was immediately wrapped up in actually also goes invisible, but it doesn't help a lot when the string keeping her pinned around Rick is still clearly visible, showing she's still there.
"WOW WOW OKAY, please lower that I'm sorry I can't do anything at all I was just bluffing! I only have my invisibility trick and that's it!"
It's clear from her voice that she's terrified if nothing else. And also somewhat confused about Rick's questions.
"Glued on? I... You're just joking, right? But hey, if you want to be invisible, I'm sure I can get you in contact with my lord to make a pact! If you let me go-"