You see a closed door at the far side of the room once on the second floor.
You can hear a rhythmic clatter coming from L12
(OOC: Nice. A little spot to make a plan before we open the door. Could you remind us: did we see some of those tin soldiers on the balcony outside of L12? Either from the earlier reconnaissance or while we were in L17?)
Aoife looks around with wonder at the room with the portraits. She mumbles "Those brambles don't look right. A creepy creeper," and holds her breath as Val reaches into them.
She assists as requested placing the portrait into the portable hole, and casts an inquiring eye around at the others. "Don't need any of these other pictures then? Let's go get the kiddies."
Aoife climbs the stairs, hoping they don't collapse under her. "Funny noise coming from that room. Do you think something will be guarding the kids like the dragonling was downstairs?"
Aoife looks around with wonder at the room with the portraits. She mumbles "Those brambles don't look right. A creepy creeper," and holds her breath as Val reaches into them.
Valrieth nods and giggles nervously, "Yes...>hee-hee<...creepy creep-er. Or...," she glances at Aoife shyly, "villainous vines?"
She assists as requested placing the portrait into the portable hole, and casts an inquiring eye around at the others. "Don't need any of these other pictures then? Let's go get the kiddies."
"No, we don't think so," Val says.
As they pack away the painting, Val remembers that Aoife only joined the group about 15 minutes ago. "Oh, um, Octavian -- he's someone we met in another one of these Fey realms -- offered to help us on a dangerous mission, and we agreed to help him find his lost heart. We actually found it," she says proudly, "but we don't know how to put it back in his chest. Finley selflessly made a Fey Bargain with the hag who rules that realm." She points at the painting of the toad-like hag on the wall and her nose wrinkles up like she just smelled something foul."We agreed to bring her this portrait -- soon -- and she'll restore Octavian's heart." Val doesn't mention what happens if they don't return the portrait in time because she doesn't want Finley to worry about that right now.
Aoife climbs the stairs, hoping they don't collapse under her. "Funny noise coming from that room. Do you think something will be guarding the kids like the dragonling was downstairs?"
Val remembers that Aoife wasn't with them when Ilifir had his familiar, Spike, fly around Loomlurch to do some reconnaissance. Val says, "Yes. Other than Cradlefall and those redcaps, we know that Loomlurch is protected by 'tin soldiers,' like toy soldiers but animated by Granny Nightshade's evil magic. I'm not sure whether there are any tin soldiers in the room with the children, but there are definitely tin soldiers on an outdoor balcony somewhere on this level. Hopefully, we can get the children out without the tin soldiers even noticing. Thankfully, it sounds like there's plenty of noise in there." Val listens intently for a moment and says, "As long as that's not another one of Granny Nightshade's evil contraptions, there should be plenty of noise to cover any conversation we have with the children. Will, one of the children who led us here, didn't seem to think that the tin soldiers were very bright." She looks around the party and thinks that none of them looks very maternal or paternal. She hopes that they don't frighten the children, but maybe after working for Granny Nightshade, some blood-stained adventurers won't be that scary.
Val suggests, "Someone will have to go through this door first because there could be a tin soldier standing guard on the inside. If not, once we're in, someone should try to blockade or lock any door that could lead to the outside." She gestures to the round, curving wall of the room that they're in. "Maybe we can just trap the tin soldiers on the balcony until the whole building collapses! And then we'll need to keep the children from cheering or stopping whatever they're doing, at least at first, so that we can ask questions without attracting attention from the guards. Then we can make sure that we have a way to get all of them out quickly. I think that the only way out is back down." Val looks down the stairs that lead back to the portrait room.
"the clatter might be tin soldiers" ilifir points out "or it might just be toymaking. that said ill go through first, if you want, im barely hurt, and i look more like i belong than most of you" he puts a hand on the doorknob, but waits for confirmation "maybe barricade the door to the balcony too? to slow them down if they do catch us" he recommends "i can also send spike to try to search the rest of the building, but if anything catches him that can see through his poof then hes basically just dead until i can bring him back, and he struggles with doors sometimes"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic byVitaly S Alexius
ill go through first, if you want, im barely hurt, and i look more like i belong than most of you" he puts a hand on the doorknob, but waits for confirmation
That's fine with Valrieth. She says, "Good point, Ilifir. No one knowns that we killed the hag yet. If any of her other minions challenge us, we could just pretend to be working for Granny Nightshade. Of course, I'm not sure whether that would work with the tin soldiers. I got the impression from Will that they're more like mindless creations who are probably following very simple orders like attack anything that they don't recognize." Before anyone goes through the door, Val casts Produce Flame and holds the flame ready to attack in case anything attacks right when they open the door.
Regarding Spike, Val thinks that it won't be necessary for him to scout much. Mishka already gave them an idea of where to find the other children, and they may learn more about the other rooms from any other children they rescue.
Aoife looks delighted at Val's alliterative comeback. She nods as she listens to the background and detail on the quest.
As they make their way up to the door, Aoife flexes, pulls out her shortswords and prepares to head in after ilifir. She nods. "Yes. Let us go in and save the children. I will not frighten them."
"Just remember, ah don't have much magic left in me today, aye?" Finley says as he clinches his hands into fists, they begin to hum quietly. "Ah'm ready ta go through when ye are."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
Three large, freestanding looms dominate this chamber. A young goblin and a pair of gnome children work the machines, filling the room with a loud, rhythmic clatter. A door is set in the opposite wall, and an archway to the east leads to a storeroom.
Ilifir steps through raising a finger to his lips, and walking closer, looking around the room for any potential threats
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic byVitaly S Alexius
There are no threats, and the children looks surprised. They stay quiet as they continue to work the looms afraid that stopping my incur Granny Nightshade's wrath.
The children shoot fearful glances to the hidden corners of the room.
Since nothing attacks Ilifir when he enters the room, Valrieth follows the others, but she immediately focuses on the door that apparently leads to the balcony and getting Aoife to lock or blockade that door. She completely misses the hidden boggles.
(Just to be clear, Valrieth asks Aoife to lock the door to the balcony with the keys she took from Granny Nightshade. Or, if that's not possible, then have Aoife blockade the door or hold it shut against the Tin Soldiers outside.)
As Finley walks in he happens to see the boggles, “Hey! What’re ye doing over there! Ye better not be hurt in’ these kids.” He growls, clenching his fists.
Perception: 17
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
"granny sent us to retrieve them, the house is having some issues and she doesnt want the brats getting crushed before she handles it" ilifir says contemptuously, staring down his nose at the boggles "if it was up to me we'd just stew the lot of them but im not gonna argue with her"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic byVitaly S Alexius
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(That is right)
The party heads upstairs to L12
You see a closed door at the far side of the room once on the second floor.
You can hear a rhythmic clatter coming from L12
(OOC: Nice. A little spot to make a plan before we open the door. Could you remind us: did we see some of those tin soldiers on the balcony outside of L12? Either from the earlier reconnaissance or while we were in L17?)
Yes, you saw tin soldiers on the balcony outside of L12.
Aoife looks around with wonder at the room with the portraits. She mumbles "Those brambles don't look right. A creepy creeper," and holds her breath as Val reaches into them.
She assists as requested placing the portrait into the portable hole, and casts an inquiring eye around at the others. "Don't need any of these other pictures then? Let's go get the kiddies."
Aoife climbs the stairs, hoping they don't collapse under her. "Funny noise coming from that room. Do you think something will be guarding the kids like the dragonling was downstairs?"
Past characters:
Cariadne - Forest of Celador
Daphyra Fuffletail - The City of Cats
DM - Geek Legends - Wild beyond the Witchlight
Leela Steadystone - Adventures in the Sands
Mirri Goldenhorn - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Lola Smythe-Whyte - Larkin Expedition
Daphyra - Deathworld: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Vanja - Binder's Hold and the Problem with the Mine
Valrieth nods and giggles nervously, "Yes...>hee-hee<...creepy creep-er. Or...," she glances at Aoife shyly, "villainous vines?"
"No, we don't think so," Val says.
As they pack away the painting, Val remembers that Aoife only joined the group about 15 minutes ago. "Oh, um, Octavian -- he's someone we met in another one of these Fey realms -- offered to help us on a dangerous mission, and we agreed to help him find his lost heart. We actually found it," she says proudly, "but we don't know how to put it back in his chest. Finley selflessly made a Fey Bargain with the hag who rules that realm." She points at the painting of the toad-like hag on the wall and her nose wrinkles up like she just smelled something foul. "We agreed to bring her this portrait -- soon -- and she'll restore Octavian's heart." Val doesn't mention what happens if they don't return the portrait in time because she doesn't want Finley to worry about that right now.
Val remembers that Aoife wasn't with them when Ilifir had his familiar, Spike, fly around Loomlurch to do some reconnaissance. Val says, "Yes. Other than Cradlefall and those redcaps, we know that Loomlurch is protected by 'tin soldiers,' like toy soldiers but animated by Granny Nightshade's evil magic. I'm not sure whether there are any tin soldiers in the room with the children, but there are definitely tin soldiers on an outdoor balcony somewhere on this level. Hopefully, we can get the children out without the tin soldiers even noticing. Thankfully, it sounds like there's plenty of noise in there." Val listens intently for a moment and says, "As long as that's not another one of Granny Nightshade's evil contraptions, there should be plenty of noise to cover any conversation we have with the children. Will, one of the children who led us here, didn't seem to think that the tin soldiers were very bright." She looks around the party and thinks that none of them looks very maternal or paternal. She hopes that they don't frighten the children, but maybe after working for Granny Nightshade, some blood-stained adventurers won't be that scary.
Val suggests, "Someone will have to go through this door first because there could be a tin soldier standing guard on the inside. If not, once we're in, someone should try to blockade or lock any door that could lead to the outside." She gestures to the round, curving wall of the room that they're in. "Maybe we can just trap the tin soldiers on the balcony until the whole building collapses! And then we'll need to keep the children from cheering or stopping whatever they're doing, at least at first, so that we can ask questions without attracting attention from the guards. Then we can make sure that we have a way to get all of them out quickly. I think that the only way out is back down." Val looks down the stairs that lead back to the portrait room.
"the clatter might be tin soldiers" ilifir points out "or it might just be toymaking. that said ill go through first, if you want, im barely hurt, and i look more like i belong than most of you" he puts a hand on the doorknob, but waits for confirmation "maybe barricade the door to the balcony too? to slow them down if they do catch us" he recommends "i can also send spike to try to search the rest of the building, but if anything catches him that can see through his poof then hes basically just dead until i can bring him back, and he struggles with doors sometimes"
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic by Vitaly S Alexius
That's fine with Valrieth. She says, "Good point, Ilifir. No one knowns that we killed the hag yet. If any of her other minions challenge us, we could just pretend to be working for Granny Nightshade. Of course, I'm not sure whether that would work with the tin soldiers. I got the impression from Will that they're more like mindless creations who are probably following very simple orders like attack anything that they don't recognize." Before anyone goes through the door, Val casts Produce Flame and holds the flame ready to attack in case anything attacks right when they open the door.
Regarding Spike, Val thinks that it won't be necessary for him to scout much. Mishka already gave them an idea of where to find the other children, and they may learn more about the other rooms from any other children they rescue.
Aoife looks delighted at Val's alliterative comeback. She nods as she listens to the background and detail on the quest.
As they make their way up to the door, Aoife flexes, pulls out her shortswords and prepares to head in after ilifir. She nods. "Yes. Let us go in and save the children. I will not frighten them."
Past characters:
Cariadne - Forest of Celador
Daphyra Fuffletail - The City of Cats
DM - Geek Legends - Wild beyond the Witchlight
Leela Steadystone - Adventures in the Sands
Mirri Goldenhorn - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Lola Smythe-Whyte - Larkin Expedition
Daphyra - Deathworld: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Vanja - Binder's Hold and the Problem with the Mine
"Just remember, ah don't have much magic left in me today, aye?" Finley says as he clinches his hands into fists, they begin to hum quietly. "Ah'm ready ta go through when ye are."
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
Three large, freestanding looms dominate this chamber. A young goblin and a pair of gnome children work the machines, filling the room with a loud, rhythmic clatter. A door is set in the opposite wall, and an archway to the east leads to a storeroom.
Ilifir steps through raising a finger to his lips, and walking closer, looking around the room for any potential threats
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic by Vitaly S Alexius
There are no threats, and the children looks surprised. They stay quiet as they continue to work the looms afraid that stopping my incur Granny Nightshade's wrath.
The children shoot fearful glances to the hidden corners of the room.
Everyone who enters please roll Perception DC 16
On pass
You see 3 boggles hiding. They are small size creatures.
Valrieth: Perception 18
Since nothing attacks Ilifir when he enters the room, Valrieth follows the others, but she immediately focuses on the door that apparently leads to the balcony and getting Aoife to lock or blockade that door. She completely misses the hidden boggles.
(Just to be clear, Valrieth asks Aoife to lock the door to the balcony with the keys she took from Granny Nightshade. Or, if that's not possible, then have Aoife blockade the door or hold it shut against the Tin Soldiers outside.)
As Finley walks in he happens to see the boggles, “Hey! What’re ye doing over there! Ye better not be hurt in’ these kids.” He growls, clenching his fists.
Perception: 17
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
3 boggles come out of hiding. "We watches the kids. Now what are you doing here?"
"granny sent us to retrieve them, the house is having some issues and she doesnt want the brats getting crushed before she handles it" ilifir says contemptuously, staring down his nose at the boggles "if it was up to me we'd just stew the lot of them but im not gonna argue with her"
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic by Vitaly S Alexius