Valrieth sees/hears some indication that Finley intends to pursue the tin soldiers into L7, and Ilifir makes his way through the door. What Val does depends on where Ilifir ends up this turn.
If Ilifir is in L7, Val would follow through the door, telling the fox (summoned beast) to guard the room and attack any tin soldiers whom it can reach without leaving the room. Val goes through the door and heads up the stairs, hoping to stay out of harm's way while keeping a clear view of the tin soldiers. She casts a spell at the tin soldier that's closest to Finley and then scans the room below to see where the other 3 tin soldiers are. In this case, Val probably passes close enough to Ilifir to take damage from his Disruption Field, but her bestial spirit does not.
Movement: 30' to move through the door to L7 and then to turn left and head up the stairs as far as her movement allows as long as she still has a view down into L7. Action: Cast spell Frostbite at the tin soldier closest to Finley. Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 7 (cold) Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Bonus Action: If she sees any of the tin men near the jack-in-the-box, she tries to pull them away from it with a telekinetic shove Target must succeed on a STR 15 save or be moved 5 ft toward Val. Free Action: Directing her bestial spirit
If Ilifir stayed in L9 and then fell back into the room, then Val thought that his warning meant that something else was coming from L7 to attack them. She holds her position and readies Frostbite to cast it on the first opponent she sees before her next turn. In this case, Val is probably far enough from Ilifir not to be affected by the Disruption Field.
Movement: None. Remain in place. Action: [Tooltip Not Found] spell Frostbite, Trigger: the first opponent she sees through the door to L7. Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 7 (cold) Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Free Action: None
Immediately after Val's turn, the glittering fox (summoned beast) acts.
The bestial spirit stays where it is, ready to bite the first tin soldier that enters through the door. If Val goes through the door, it is ready to move into the doorway (but no farther) if any tin soldiers are visible through the door on the stairs.
Movement: None. Remain in front and just to the north of the doorway. Action: Ready Attack, trigger: only if a tin soldier enters the room before its next turn. Bite/gore: 13, Damage: 14 (piercing)
R3 Aoife stands back to let Ilifir through. Once there is a safe way to the door she walks towards it. If she sees a soldier from the door. she shoots with her bow.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Valrieth: Round 4
Valrieth is surprised when the tin soldiers seem to fall back, but then she hears the song from the jack-in-the-box below. She says, "They must have gone to get help! Finley!Ilifir! We've got to stop that jack-in-the-box at the bottom of the stairs from opening!" Val casts frostbite again on tin soldier 3, and then she tries to yank the tin soldier into the room. She's trying to make it an easier target and to give the others a chance to get through the door to the stairs if they manage to kill this tin soldier.
In Sylvan, Val commands the fox (summoned beastial spirit): "Bite it! Clear the way for the others!"
Movement: None. Action: Cast spell Frostbite at tin soldier #3 Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 12 (cold) Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Bonus Action: telekinetically pull tin soldier 2 (the one just outside the door) into the room. It must succeed on a STR 15 save or be moved 5 ft toward Val. Free Action: Talking
Immediately after Val's turn, the glittering fox (summoned beast) acts.
If the tin soldier was yanked into the room, the bestial spirit attacks (with advantage from pack tactics based on Finley's position). It holds its position inside and a little north of the door.
If the tin soldier was not yanked into the room, the bestial spirit springs forward to the doorway, attacks the tin soldier, and then moves back to its starting position, trusting Val's frostbite to help it avoid an opportunity attack from the tin soldier.
Movement: None or ~30 ft to move forward and then back. (see above) Action: Attack, bite/gore: 26 (with advantage from Pack Tactics), Damage: 12 (piercing)
Key Stats: AC 13, HP 30, Melee Attack: (Maul) +7 to hit, dmg 1d8+4+2, Pack Tactics
(OOC: The attack tooltip shows that the first attack roll was a 19, so the attack roll is 26 whether or not the tin soldier was pulled into the room. That is, the advantage didn't really matter for this attack roll. Hopefully, Val and her glittery green fox took care of the tin soldier, and the others can do something about the tin soldiers in L7 and that jack-in-the-box!)
Finley nods at Val and runs out the room to head downstairs, whether or not the Tin Soldier is still alive, and as far as he can go until he can see the other soldiers.
If he can see the other soldiers within range of his Thorn Whip, he'll attack the one playing the music.
If the other Soldier 3 is in his way, he'll use it on that one to pull it out of the way of the stairs.
Action: Cast Thorn Whip, Hit: 20, Damage: 8 piercing and they're pulled 10 ft. closer to him.
Move: 25 ft towards downstairs or at an angle to pull the soldier 3 away from blocking them and then continuing as far as he can go.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
(if i recall ilifir is currently flying just past the bannister?)
if he can he will fly further out and up to be as out of reach as possible and cast scorching ray on the soldier winding the jack-in-the-box (or if it has opened on whatever is inside)
4 rays: 23/9 15/3 11/11 22/4 (fire) and the first to hit deals an extra 3 bludgeoning damage
meanwhile spike will fly down to the jackinthebox
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic byVitaly S Alexius
Yes Aoife, Ilifir, and Val cannot see any of the tin soldiers.
Round 2: Valrieth
Valrieth sees/hears some indication that Finley intends to pursue the tin soldiers into L7, and Ilifir makes his way through the door. What Val does depends on where Ilifir ends up this turn.
If Ilifir is in L7, Val would follow through the door, telling the fox (summoned beast) to guard the room and attack any tin soldiers whom it can reach without leaving the room. Val goes through the door and heads up the stairs, hoping to stay out of harm's way while keeping a clear view of the tin soldiers. She casts a spell at the tin soldier that's closest to Finley and then scans the room below to see where the other 3 tin soldiers are. In this case, Val probably passes close enough to Ilifir to take damage from his Disruption Field, but her bestial spirit does not.
Movement: 30' to move through the door to L7 and then to turn left and head up the stairs as far as her movement allows as long as she still has a view down into L7.
Action: Cast spell Frostbite at the tin soldier closest to Finley.
Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 7 (cold)
Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Bonus Action: If she sees any of the tin men near the jack-in-the-box, she tries to pull them away from it with a telekinetic shove
Target must succeed on a STR 15 save or be moved 5 ft toward Val.
Free Action: Directing her bestial spirit
If Ilifir stayed in L9 and then fell back into the room, then Val thought that his warning meant that something else was coming from L7 to attack them. She holds her position and readies Frostbite to cast it on the first opponent she sees before her next turn. In this case, Val is probably far enough from Ilifir not to be affected by the Disruption Field.
Movement: None. Remain in place.
Action: [Tooltip Not Found] spell Frostbite, Trigger: the first opponent she sees through the door to L7.
Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 7 (cold)
Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Free Action: None
Concentration: Summon Beast
Immediately after Val's turn, the glittering fox (summoned beast) acts.
The bestial spirit stays where it is, ready to bite the first tin soldier that enters through the door. If Val goes through the door, it is ready to move into the doorway (but no farther) if any tin soldiers are visible through the door on the stairs.
Movement: None. Remain in front and just to the north of the doorway.
Action: Ready Attack, trigger: only if a tin soldier enters the room before its next turn.
Bite/gore: 13, Damage: 14 (piercing)
R3 Aoife stands back to let Ilifir through. Once there is a safe way to the door she walks towards it. If she sees a soldier from the door. she shoots with her bow.
Attack 1: 20 to hit for 4 damage
Attack 2: 13 for 7 damage.
Past characters:
Cariadne - Forest of Celador
Daphyra Fuffletail - The City of Cats
DM - Geek Legends - Wild beyond the Witchlight
Leela Steadystone - Adventures in the Sands
Mirri Goldenhorn - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Lola Smythe-Whyte - Larkin Expedition
Daphyra - Deathworld: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Vanja - Binder's Hold and the Problem with the Mine
Tin Soldier 4 Con Save vs Frostbite
Aoife first arrow lands true piercing Tin Soldier 3. Ilifer magic indeed misses. Tin soldier made the save vs Frostbite.
On Tin Soldier's 3 turn he does not approach wanting more of the party to come out.
Finley thorn whip wraps around Tin Soldier 3 and yanks him up the stairs to be next to the doorway to L9.
Tin Soldier 4 moves back down the stairs and begins winding the crank on the painted box at the foot of the stairs.
That familiar song from L6 is heard again
Tin Soldier 4-6 are nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they are getting back up.
Round 4
Post when able
(OOC: I'm a little confused about where everyone ended up at the end of round 3. Is this all correct?
Did I miss anything?
You have it right.
(OOC: Thanks! I'll try to get a post up tomorrow, but everyone else should feel free to continue the attack in the meantime!)
Valrieth: Round 4
Valrieth is surprised when the tin soldiers seem to fall back, but then she hears the song from the jack-in-the-box below. She says, "They must have gone to get help! Finley! Ilifir! We've got to stop that jack-in-the-box at the bottom of the stairs from opening!" Val casts frostbite again on tin soldier 3, and then she tries to yank the tin soldier into the room. She's trying to make it an easier target and to give the others a chance to get through the door to the stairs if they manage to kill this tin soldier.
In Sylvan, Val commands the fox (summoned beastial spirit): "Bite it! Clear the way for the others!"
Movement: None.
Action: Cast spell Frostbite at tin soldier #3
Target must make a DC 15 CON save or take damage: 12 (cold)
Affected targets also have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Bonus Action: telekinetically pull tin soldier 2 (the one just outside the door) into the room.
It must succeed on a STR 15 save or be moved 5 ft toward Val.
Free Action: Talking
Concentration: Summon Beast
Immediately after Val's turn, the glittering fox (summoned beast) acts.
If the tin soldier was yanked into the room, the bestial spirit attacks (with advantage from pack tactics based on Finley's position). It holds its position inside and a little north of the door.
If the tin soldier was not yanked into the room, the bestial spirit springs forward to the doorway, attacks the tin soldier, and then moves back to its starting position, trusting Val's frostbite to help it avoid an opportunity attack from the tin soldier.
Movement: None or ~30 ft to move forward and then back. (see above)
Action: Attack, bite/gore: 26 (with advantage from Pack Tactics), Damage: 12 (piercing)
Key Stats: AC 13, HP 30, Melee Attack: (Maul) +7 to hit, dmg 1d8+4+2, Pack Tactics
(OOC: The attack tooltip shows that the first attack roll was a 19, so the attack roll is 26 whether or not the tin soldier was pulled into the room. That is, the advantage didn't really matter for this attack roll. Hopefully, Val and her glittery green fox took care of the tin soldier, and the others can do something about the tin soldiers in L7 and that jack-in-the-box!)
Finley nods at Val and runs out the room to head downstairs, whether or not the Tin Soldier is still alive, and as far as he can go until he can see the other soldiers.
If he can see the other soldiers within range of his Thorn Whip, he'll attack the one playing the music.
If the other Soldier 3 is in his way, he'll use it on that one to pull it out of the way of the stairs.
Action: Cast Thorn Whip, Hit: 20, Damage: 8 piercing and they're pulled 10 ft. closer to him.
Move: 25 ft towards downstairs or at an angle to pull the soldier 3 away from blocking them and then continuing as far as he can go.
Finley Stoneshaft, Dwarf Artificer - The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Falkas, Half-Elf Drow Warlock - Keys of Empire
Aoife heads out and as far as she needs to go down the stairs to see the soldier winding the jack in the box. Once she sees it, she will shoot at it.
Attack 1: 6 to hit for 9 damage
Attack 2: 18 to hit for 6 damage
If she doesn't see it before she runs out of movement, she will dash to get down there, ready to attack on her next turn.
Past characters:
Cariadne - Forest of Celador
Daphyra Fuffletail - The City of Cats
DM - Geek Legends - Wild beyond the Witchlight
Leela Steadystone - Adventures in the Sands
Mirri Goldenhorn - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Lola Smythe-Whyte - Larkin Expedition
Daphyra - Deathworld: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Vanja - Binder's Hold and the Problem with the Mine
(if i recall ilifir is currently flying just past the bannister?)
if he can he will fly further out and up to be as out of reach as possible and cast scorching ray on the soldier winding the jack-in-the-box (or if it has opened on whatever is inside)
4 rays: 23/9 15/3 11/11 22/4 (fire) and the first to hit deals an extra 3 bludgeoning damage
meanwhile spike will fly down to the jackinthebox
This Mug immediately shared with me a transcendental tale of an Infinite Mug that anchors the Universe and keeps it from folding in on itself. I filed this report under "illogical nonsense" and asked why its sign is in Times New Roman font, when it is basic knowledge that Arial Black is a far superior font. I wondered: How did this mug even get past the assembly line with its theistic beliefs and poor font choices?
quote from Romantically Apocalyptic by Vitaly S Alexius
Solder 3 con save
Tin Soldier 3 was by the doorway to L9 so by Initiative order he had to be dealt with first before anyone can head downstairs.
Aoife and Ilifir's combined attack drops Tin Soldier 3.
Now the way downstairs is open.
Val I will assume those attacks will be for Tin Soldier 4 at the bottom of the stairs.
Val and Finley's attacks drops Tin Soldier 4
End of Combat
The music continues to play but I assume someone in the party stop the crank.
You have no clue where the other Tin Soldiers are or what they are up to.
Aoife yanks on the crank to stop the music playing.
She wipes her face. "They aren't much fun. How many of them have you seen around here?"
Past characters:
Cariadne - Forest of Celador
Daphyra Fuffletail - The City of Cats
DM - Geek Legends - Wild beyond the Witchlight
Leela Steadystone - Adventures in the Sands
Mirri Goldenhorn - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Lola Smythe-Whyte - Larkin Expedition
Daphyra - Deathworld: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Vanja - Binder's Hold and the Problem with the Mine