Saoirse doesn’t reply further, realizing her words aren’t having the effect she intended. She gives Rhododendron a polite nod, offers Aspen a slight, bitter smile, and then turns her attention fully to the treesinging and its effect on Lam.
Sha looks Sombra in the eyes, whispering in sylvan so not to distract, “Pequeno, lembre-se disso, se você puder se agarrar a qualquer momento no tempo, esse lindo momento é muito mais valioso do que ouro ou magia, essa é uma paixão, pequeno, desenfreada e maravilhosa.”
“Little one remember this, if you can hold onto any moment in time this, beautiful moment is far more valuable than gold or magic, this is passion little one unbridled and wonderful.”
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Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently. Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
At first, Hemlock's voice is unsure, and though Aspen generously tries to modulate and adapt, the harmony is difficult to achieve. Thinking of the storyteller's circle, and the encouragement every storyteller's style recieved, he is able to relax a little, worry less about how he sounds, and instead focus on the beauty of the stars and the dance of the heavens, trusting his voice to do what it should while he listens to Aspen and Rhododendron. Then, all begin to feel the magic happening. Aspen looks like she would giggle with joy if she weren't busy singing when their voices finally merge, and the image of water moving, yearning to rest for a time in a lake where it can reflect the stars up above, somehow appears in all of your minds, as does a feeling of the moon reaching out, pulling at the seas. Rhododendron's hands begin to glow, and she starts to intersperse words between the rhythm of her deep throat singing. Lam lifts off of the ground, simultaneously feeling like he is being lifted by the mark, and like he is as light as a feather. It looks as though rhododendron is lifting him in an impossible feat of strenght. After a few seconds in this position, she pulls her hand away from his abdomen, and the mark seems to come with it, glowing in the air, leaving freshly healed flesh where it had been. The mark stretches, expands while growing more and more faint, until it has dispersed, diluted into nothingness. Lam returns to the ground, and Rhododendron lets her voice fade out. She grins at Hemlock and Aspen, who seem to take a little while to realize that the moment is over. While they still sing, you can all feel the magical energy in the air.
Hemlock is occupied, but the others may notice that Hickory looks at him with a rather unfriendly expression during all of this. When silence falls again, Rhododendron smiles warmly. "Well, now you are welcome. Not so much we can do before after breakfast now. Kitchens are in first branch, and eating will be in the aspen glade above them. Hickory will show the way." She leans into the young man - who seems to be feeling a little grumpy - and whispers a few words of power. For a moment, a glowing eagle seems to perch on his shoulder, and when it disappears he stands a little taller, his confidence restored. He steps forward, ready to lead you all into Oakhome. Rhododendron does not move to follow you, "I will forage for my breakfast today, and enjoy spry young legs. But I will find the other elders shortly, and join you after you have eaten." With that, her form swirls and she drops to four legs while her body becomes that of the large doe elk again, and she springs gracefully out into the forest.
Feeling the power flowing between himself, Aspen and Rhododendron is exhilarating to Hemlock. He has not felt anything like it before, especially the synergy between his song and Aspen's. He almost stutters as Lam is lifted off the floor, but the symphony between them takes on a life of its own and seems to be almost drawn out of him at that moment.
As Lam returns to the ground and Rhododendron stops singing, he slowly realises the song is over, but he doesn't want it to stop. Never has he felt so close to anyone as he does to Aspen in that moment. By the time he and Aspen do quiet, he is quite out of breath, but a smile beams across his face.
"That was....there words to describe...", he manages to say between breaths before falling silent.
How could his people turn their back on this aspect of their culture? And why did they?
He reluctantly turns from Aspen to regard Lam, watching the reaction of his friend in the hope he feels ok. He does spot the glowing eagle out the corner of his eye as it appears on Hickory's shoulder, but doesn't mention it straight away.
Before he follows Hickory, and before Rhododendron leaves, he says a sincere "Thank you".
Saoirsewatches, wide-eyed, genuinely impressed by the trio as they sing in perfect unison. Her amazement grows as the mark on Lam’s belly floats away, finally vanishing into nothingness. The Treesinging these people wield is truly remarkable! She feels a wave of relief at seeing Lamfreed from the brand, and quiet joy for Hemlock, who has taken his first impressive step along a path previously unknown to him. Smiling, Saoirse remains apart from the group, giving Aspenand Hemlockspace as their duet lingers a little longer, and stays that way even after Rhododendron departs.
Even though the blood hunter is deeply grateful to the Elder, her words still sting: One like you. With curses burnt into them. It was impossible not to feel a tinge of guilt. Unconsciously, Saoirse reached for her blood pendant, caressing it with a finger, and tried to remind herself that this twisted brand did not define her, nor should it define her people—at least, those not under Strixwell's choke.
As the group begins to move toward the aspen glade, Saoirse pushes these thoughts aside and studies Hickory. It was clear that Hemlockhad made important allies—and even found love—since arriving in these lands, but had he also accidentally made an enemy? Saoirse hoped that wasn’t the case, and that Hickory would eventually look past the grudge he was holding. Still, it seemed Hemlock might need to address it if he didn’t want the situation to escalate.
Shifting her focus to Lam, Saoirse approached the bugbear as the walked and asked, "Are you feeling better, Lam?"
Lam has never felt anything quite like this ritual before. When Hemlock’s voice locks in harmonically with Aspen’s over the rhythmic drone provided by Rhododendron, Lam’s whole body gets goosebumps. It feels as if the music could lift him up and take him anywhere- in fact, it takes him a moment to realize that he is actually floating. He avoids losing his cool by letting the harmonies surround and wash over him. Just as he feels he could remain here listening to this forever, he feels his feet touch ground again. He puts both hands on his abdomen and looks down at it. As soon as he’s confirmed there is no more brand, he bows deeply to the Elder. He says, “Thank you.”He says it once more to Hemlock and Aspen at the same time.
He takes a moment to ground himself after that, reminding himself where his feet are, putting his hands on his face, and other motions that make it seem like he almost truly thought he had been incorporeal for a moment. When he looks at Hemlock, it is a look of immense gratitude but also of new respect. His friend has more than stepped up to help him. He had seen Hemlock do all sorts of incredible things before, but nothing like this.
He catches a glimpse of Hickory’s expression just before the Elder goes to whisper something to him. He begins to wonder why he had looked upset, but makes no progress before Saoirse comes over to check in on him. He looks at her for a moment, seeming to have trouble finding any words. He looks back down at his abdomen and puts one hand on it. He looks back up at Saoirse and says, “…Yes.” He seems to still be almost coming out of a trance, and not quite as alert as he normally is, but he is free of the brand, and he seems to be carrying himself with less pain.
Hemlock places a hand on Lam's shoulder, "That is good. Come on, let's get some breakfast".
With that he moves to follow Hickory, but tries to time it so that he can walk alongside Aspen.
"I have never experienced magic like that song before. Your voice was...beautiful. Does the song of water resonate with you more than other aspects of nature?", he says a little shyly.
“Well Sombra it’s time to see if you like pancakes. I personally like a big beautiful salmon, unfortunately we must try some alternatives for now. Lam I’m so relieved your okay, that was incredible, You may end up with a few extra portions at the eating branch me and my little one are not so sure about our dietary boundaries, how do you feel?” Sha follows along with the rest.
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Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently. Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
Lam smiles at Hemlock and moves to follow. He walks with Sha, responding at first almost automatically in Goblin. “Danke. …It was…”not finding the words to describe his experience, he just nods. “Yes.”
“Thank you.”
The talk about food makes his stomach growl again. “More food is always good. Thank you.”He smiles at Sha and Sombra. If there really are pancakes, he will eat those gratefully. He is still thinking about the next time he will get the kind of food he wants, which won’t happen as long as they stay here- but any food at this point would be appreciated.
Hickory guides you along the inside of the fallen trunk, which is consistently and dimly lit by blue glowing veins of mycelium inside the smooth, warm wooden walls. There are some patterns and frescos grown into the wall, but the decoration is otherwise not ornate or conspicuous. Instead, things seem designed for simple and comfortable living. Corridors branch regularly off of the main hall, ramping up to the higher halls and other rooms in the village. It's still early enough in the morning that there isn't much activity, though you do pass by the open entrance to a chamber with many bunks in the outer wall, mostly still filled by sleepers - goblin and firbolg. There is a firbolg woman who seems shocked to see strangers inside Oakhome, but Hickory gives a confident, comforting nod before she can say anything, and she nods slightly before turning back to whatever wake-up habits she was in the middle of.
Aspen teases Hemlock a little bit for the rough start he had to singing, admitting that she simplified her melody a little so that he could join in, though she is clearly still very impressed with him, and lets him know that even some of the local firbolgs never get very good at treesinging. Hickory twitches a little at that. She is really excited to talk about the content of their songs though. "Ég hef aldrei heyrt neinn syngja stjörnurnar áður! Það virtist svo fallegt, en líka fjarlægt og einmanalegt. Hvernig finnst þér þú vera svona tengdur hlutum sem eru langt í burtu?.. Já, ég hef alltaf átt auðveldasta tenginguna við vatn. Það er alltaf ókeypis og á hreyfingu. Þegar það er kyrrt við ís sýnir það alla fegurð sína á meðan hún bíður. Hefur þú einhvern tíma séð foss frosinn um miðjan vetur? Það er næstum ótrúlegra en vorflæðið."
I've never heard anyone sing the stars before! It seemed so beautiful, but also removed and lonely. How do you feel so connected to things to far away?..Yes, I've always had the easiest connection to water. It is always free, and moving. When it does still to ice, it shows all of its beauty while waiting. Have you ever seen a waterfall frozen in midwinter? It is almost more amazing than its spring flow.
Hickory guides you all up one of the ramps about 100´ into the trunk, which leads to an open chamber filled with kitchen tools, and shelves of various foraged ingredients. Several people are already in the room, grinding, blending, and mixing ingredients into several large ceramic pots of fragrant porridge, looks like it will be enough to feed the whole village (somewhere around 250 people). Others are chopping and arranging berries, nuts, and syrups onto a large central table so that each person can flavor their bowl as they like when breakfast starts shortly. The kitchen area opens out onto a large shelf mushroom, open and flat enough to give people space to eat. Little ramps from the sides of the shelf mushroom lead to the top of the trunk and its first large branch, which together ring the dining area with a raised aspen forest. The opening faces east, letting you look out through the larger forest, dotted now with sunset orange filtering between the treetops.
The bugbear teacher you saw earlier is already in the dining area, and he walks directly up to Lam when you get close. Hickory stops him for a moment to make it clear that you all have been invited, then turns to introduce you. "Lam, Saoirse, Sha, Hemlock; this is Thorn. He is wanting to meet you."
"Yes, I am Thorn. I wished to meet you, Lam. What I know of our race outside of the valley is not so good, but I am told you are a friend to the trees and the village. I wish to says that you should not bring many foreign ideas to the young goblins here. We live well here, and happily. Peacefilled."
Hemlock takes the teasing from Aspen with good nature, having no problem believing she had to simplify her song for him. After all, he had never even heard of treesinging before meeting these firbolgs.
"Ég finn ekki fjarlægðina á milli mín og stjarnanna, þær hafa nánast áþreifanlega nærveru í lífi mínu. Og ég er með stjörnukortið mitt sem ég geymi nálægt hjarta mínu", he replies, pulling out his pendant from underneath his shirt to show her. "Ég hef aldrei séð frosinn foss. Verður svona kalt hérna? Kannski mun ég komast að þegar núverandi vandræði eru að baki".
"I do not feel the distance between myself and the stars, they have an almost tangible presence in my life. And I have my star map which I keep close to my heart"
"I have never seen a frozen waterfall. Does it get that cold here? Perhaps I will get to once the current troubles are behind us".
As they get closer to the kitchen area, he notes that there only appears to be porridge.
"Grauturinn lítur og lyktar yndislega út. Ég hafði vonast til að geta bakað pönnukökur fyrir vini mína, en ég er viss um að hafragrautur verður jafn góður".
"The porridge looks and smells lovely. I had hoped to be able to make pancakes for my friends, but I am sure porridge will be just as good".
He turns to his friends, "The porridge smells delicious, and just look at the choice of toppings!".
When Thorn introduces himself he smiles at him, but allows Lam to reply to his kin. He takes this opportunity to thank Hickory for his part in allowing them entrance into Oakhome and showing them around.
"Thank you, Hickory. You have been a most gracious host, and I appreciate your trust in us. I am sure that is in part why Rhododendron was willing to meet with us and help us. Tell me, what was the meaning of the eagle that appeared on your shoulder? If it is not impolite to ask, of course".
Saoirseexpected Lamto say a little more, but understanding that the bugbear is still recovering from the experience, she simply nods and smiles at him. They are all extremely tired, after all. She had almost forgotten that hey hadn’t slept at all last night when the dining area appeared in front of them. Suddenly, the idea of sitting down to eat hit her. Sitting. Down. To. Eat. Hells, didn’t that sound compelling?
Even with that thought, she can’t help but pause to look closely at the blue glowing veins that run along the walls. She reaches out a hand to feel them, wondering what a sample would do. While it’s true that she has started gathering ingredients to create coatings for their weapons, what stopped her from collecting reagents with other purposes, such as ... healing? Removing poisons? Even lighting their way in darkness? She smiles a little, as she imagines herself asking dear Tesfayeabout this, and the tortle answering something like, "Nothing! Nothing should stop you!"
I'm not really thinking of gathering anything here, but can Saoirse roll Nature - which is after all a roll she would have to do to know about the reagents she can gather - to try to figure out a little more about this veins?
.... well, answering myself: I rolled a 2, so the dice clearly don't agree with Tesfaye here.
When Hemlockpraises the porridge, Saoirse follows her friend's gaze. "It does look delicious, yes," she agrees, but can't help but give the druid a slight disappointed look. She was so hoping for his pancakes!
Later, when they are finally seated, the genasi lets out a long breath. It takes her a moment to start eating, as she decides to focus first on the people sitting around them. She notices Hemlockmaking an effort to talk to Hickory. She had thought of speaking to the local firbolg too but prefers to wait for their conversation to finish. Instead, she turns to Aspenand says, "Your song was amazing, Aspen. You're truly a natural at this! I think Lam is still overwhelmed by the whole experience. I can't begin to say how relieved I am to see him free of the brand", she pauses a moment here, and then adds "And I also liked seeing Hemlock so attuned to your customs. I'm just sorry that I didn't seem to be able to reach Rhododendron with my words. Any advice? I wouldn't want to make a bad impression when the rest of the Elders arrive."
Lam puts a hand on his stomach, which growls once again once he can smell the porridge. It smells delicious, but he feels like he will want a larger portion than is acceptable for him to take here, especially if that is the only food. He is just excited to get any food at all at this point. Before that, though, he spots the bugbear from earlier walking right up to him.
“Thorn,” repeats Lam, committing the name of the bugbear in front of him to memory by repeating it the way he does with nearly everyone he meets. “I… good to meet you.” His mind is with the music he just heard, and with the porridge he can smell now, so he has to bring it back to his encounter with Thorn and his students. He feels defensiveness rise up inside him at Thorn’s words about their own race, but remains silent as he listens and considers whether he himself is an example of the not so good things Thorn has heard. He furrows his brows and pauses before he responds. “Peacefilled. That is good.” He pauses again, trying to come up with the right words. “But… Aspen said Goblins do not live here more than 40 years. But they do. Often. Unless they are killed. …Why do they not live long here?” He doesn’t know if Thorn even knows that Goblins are supposed to live longer, but he’s been wondering about this since he got here.
"Pönnukökur? Það hljómar frábærlega. Ég er viss um að margir myndu elska að prufa rétt frá ættbálknum þínum, ef þú getur búið hann til úr hráefni hér! Ég mun hjálpa og sýna þér hvar þú getur fundið allt sem þú þarft. Og já, á veturna er mikill ís og djúpur snjór." Aspen jumps up, and waves at Hemlock to accompany her into the cooking area. Finding ingredients is easy, and several of the locals are interested to see what you do. One comments that they make a very similar dough to create large flat pancakes to make wraps, but that they had always thought of it as a dinner item. When others arrive and beging filling their bowls, most look a little surprised at the pancakes, but the rumour spreads that it was one of the outsiders who made them, and everyone who hears that is very excited to try one. The supply runs out quickly - but you can see that everyone gets some, with people ripping theirs in half to offer a taste whenever they see another who wasn't early enough to get their own.
Pancakes? That sounds excellent. I'm sure many would love to sample a dish from your tribe, if you can make it from ingredients here! I will help, and show you where to find everything you need. And yes, in winter there is much ice and deep snow.
There is a topping - dark brown crystals that look similar to brown sugar, but smell of mushroom, that all of the goblinoids add to their meal, but very few of the Firbolgs take any. If any of you choose to add some, it does give a slight meaty, protein-rich flavor, and helps to make the meal feel filling, but it does more to make you miss true meat than to satisfy your thoughts of it.
Once you've returned to your benches, Hickory stops anyone who tries to begin eating, saying gruffly that it would be rude. Aspen has a more pedagogical approach, but the habit is so normal for her that she hadn't thought to tell any of you. "We are nobody starting to eat until morning song, when all have their bowl full." While waiting, she does address Saoirse. "You humbles me, thank you for kind words... I do not know for sure why Elder is harsh with you, but she is oldest here, and remembers the great war centuries ago. Bad memories might give unfair anger, if she be reminded of them. This is my guess."
"Or maybe, she is rightly worried about all of the dangers you speak of, and bring here. I am scared for the forest, and for the village." Hickory is still not any of your greatest fan. Hemlock realizes that the glowing eagle he saw for a moment was an eagle's splendour boon from Rhododendron. Impressive that she could cast it so nonchalantly, without the need for treesinging.
Thorn does accompany Lam, and sit near him in the dining area. He speaks common with a thick Firbolg accent, and there is no doubt that that is is first language. "This is about how long goblins live, 40 winters. Some live more, even to 50. Their grandparents grandparents were warriors who stormed into the valley, and all of them dying much earlier from being killed, or being violent with each other. So nobody is telling us that they are supposed to live more than this. It is true, the first refugees were very sick from missing meat, until elder Rhododendron created this mushroom diet helper (he indicates the thing that looks like brown sugar). Since then, nobody getting very sick. My parents lived to 70 years. Is this normal for us?" (It is a little young, but within the bounds of normal) "Nobody is ever getting killed here at Oakhome. So is 40 years not still better than most goblins where you come from? There are even fewer bugbears than goblins. Less of us decided to become refugees and stop being bad warriors. But my grandfather was one. You carry his axe, so I am to guess that you have meet my nephews, and that they liking you. They did not hear my grandfather tell of being a warrior. It was not a good way to living. And my sister did not listen enough to him either."
An elder - another firbolg, an old man with earth-brown hair and down, stands up from one of the benches and walks to the middle of the dining area. As he walks, all conversation subsides to respectful silence. He begins to sing, and all of the locals join in just a moment later. It is moving to hear all of the voices singing together, and beautiful, but it is not magical treesinging, rather it is just clearly part of their culture to sing together at many opportunities. Hemlock can understand the language, a song of the land wakening from a sleep, with imagery that works either for morning, or for the spring season. When the song is finished, all around begin to eat and talk to each other happily again right away, the beauty of what they just did together so normal for them that it doesn't seem at all a big deal. Aspen gestures at you all to make it clear that you are welcome to dig in.
Hemlock has great fun cooking his pancakes with Aspen helping. He makes them sweeter than would be used for the wraps, and says as much to the one who compared them.
As they wait for morning song, he hears Hickory's explanation of Rhododendron's attitude towards Saoirse and what she said earlier. "To be worried or scared of losing something so wonderful as Oakhome is understandable. It is truly sad that conflict might be coming. But it is true that the conflict would have reached here anyway, and you now have the great boon of time to prepare, as well as something so precious to fight for", he says, by no means patronising Hickory or Rhododendron.
He listens to the morning song, giving the others a quick translation once it has finished so they know what it was about, before watching everyone else eat the pancakes he prepared to see if they liked them.
Saoirse's expression brightens the moment she sees the two firbolg head to the kitchen and begin preparing pancakes. Without hesitation, she follows to help, and while they take charge of the cooking, she assists by distributing the pancakes and dishes. After holding them for just a moment, each plate retains some of the genasi's natural warmth, which the diners may notice when picking them up.
When they finally sit to eat and Saoirse takes her first bite of the sweet deliciousness, her face immediately lights up with joy. She turns to Hemlock, grinning, "Whatever happens in the future, don’t you ever stop making these! I swear, I’ll travel any distance just to keep eating your pancakes." She would gladly have second and third servings, but Saoirse scans the room for anyone —especially, if that anyone happens to be child—who hasn’t been able to try the pancakes, and shares hers with them.
Later, the blood hunter nods to Aspen, appreciative of the firbolg's explanation. When Hickory follows up, Saoirse opens her mouth to respond but closes it almost immediately. You’re right to be afraid, she wants to say. The people they’re up against are incredibly dangerous! But what good will hiding do, especially when these enemies will come to their doorstep no matter what the people of Oakhome do? Even though the genasi burns to speak, she holds back, recalling Rhododendron’s earlier reaction. Besides, they are now surrounded by so many people who just want to enjoy their beautiful morning song and their breakfast. Saoirse is lost in these thoughts when Hemlock steps in, saying exactly what she had wanted to, but with his usual wisdom.
It remains to be seen how Aspenand Hickorywill respond, but Saoirse lets out a relieved breath, and hopes Hemlock can plant the seeds this community needs to prepare for the worst. Finally, she says, "Hemlock is right. Please, I beg of you," she adds, looking at the two locals, "heed his words."
Hemlock smiles at Saoirse, "I am truly honoured that you like them so much. I was lucky there was such a well stocked larder here, and such talented helpers". He makes sure to emphasise the plural in helpers, referring to both Saoirse and Aspen, his eyes briefly flicking to the latter as he says it.
(OOC: Hemlock will reply to Saoirse as she compliments him. A few different conversations happening in these posts but I believe they are separate as they cover a larger time period of cooking, singing and then eating)
Sha would like to try a small pancake topped with a sampling of the ‘brown sugar’ if Sombra is curious, Sha will share with her. Sha knows his palate is quite different than his friends and so he simply smiles and nods, it’s obvious Hemlock has a knack for cooking. Sha would like to evaluate this meat substitute, perhaps a lasting lighter alternative? medicine 26
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Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently. Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
Lam is happy to have some of Hemlock’s pancakes- he wants to take a whole stack, but only takes one for himself. He also makes sure Thorn gets to try it. He would have offered to help himself if he wasn’t with Thorn. He is intrigued by the brown sugar topping and tries putting it on part of his pancake. If he is able to also get a large bowl of porridge, he does so. He sits down with Thorn by his friends and he picks up a pancake to begin eating right away, but sets it back down when he is told to wait.
Lam watches the faces of everyone singing, feeling a desire to join in but not knowing how to even pronounce the words, let alone what they are. He appreciates Hemlock’s explanation of the translation. “Music is good,” he says to the Firbolgs and to Thorn, whichever of them is listening to him at the moment. He wastes no time after that in scarfing down his food. He says to Hemlock, “Pancakes are… they taste very good. Thank you.” Even with the brown sugar topping, which helped to make this meal more filling than he thought it would be, Lam still finds himself wondering when the next time he will eat some meat would be. He does really appreciate his friend’s pancakes, though, and is grateful right now for a chance to have some again.
As he eats, Lam listens to Thorn intently, working things out in his head as he does so. When he takes a moment to stop eating and talk, he says, “Some Goblins live near 60 winters. They are old then, but they do.” He seems to have a particular image in his mind as he says this. “Many Goblins in The Outlands die young… because of monsters, or because of each other. But many do not. Because they help each other survive.” He considers himself and what he knows. Almost every Goblin he personally knew remained alive the whole time he knew them. Most of the time when a Goblin or a bugbear didn’t survive, it was because they weren’t strong enough to fend for themselves, but they remained by themselves anyway. Lam had spent some time hunting just for himself as an adolescent, but he was already very strong and stealthy by that point and he could do it. Most of the Goblins Lam knew that had survived were the ones directly on his team in the cave. He has no idea about the statistics- what the life expectancy of Goblins in the Outlands would be, given how many die young there. He considers that the Goblins he knew were maybe mostly the ones that were going to survive that lifestyle anyway. Maybe it is better here. “70 years for bugbears… is normal. Young, normal.” He is personally hoping to live longer than that, but knows that after a few decades, his strength will start to fail him. It occurs to him that it might be more likely for him to survive at that point if he is here, instead of in his homeland. “The Outlands are… hard. You must be warrior, at least able to fight, to survive. And sometimes… I did things that were not good. Before I came here.” He debates the merits of telling more details about his past to this bugbear he just met as he struggles to come up with the words for his rebuttal. “Being warrior is not only bad. Nephews gave me greataxe to remind me there is always a choice. If I could not still fight, I could not help in the way I do. I can fight to protect.” And hunting is different from being a warrior, he wants to say but doesn’t. Hunting animals as a teen never felt dishonorable to him- all creatures who lived there knew what to expect, and everyone had to eat. It wasn’t like robbing travelers was, he is sure, though he isn’t sure yet why he feels that way. He is immensely curious about this other bugbear’s way of life, and at the same time surprised at how he wants to rush to the defense of a lifestyle that he himself has partially abandoned. He knows there is merit to what Thorn is saying, and wishes he could put into words the nuance that he feels like his fellow bugbear might be lacking. Maybe he just wants to defend his own habits.
If he notices Sha looking closely at the meat alternative, he will ask in a low voice to him in Goblin, “Ist es OK? Kann wir das Essen, ohne Fleisch?” He is trying not to attract everyone’s attention, speaking to Sha in Goblin, but not trying to hide it or act like it’s a secret also. He just wants Sha’s attention to have a quick aside. He is not intentionally being rude, but it may be perceived that way.
“Is it okay? Can we eat that, without meat?”
Can Lam tell about how old Thorn is? His age (23-ish)? Older?
Sha doesn’t really know what to make of it, a different mouth feel then meat obviously but so far no ill effect as he can tell. It has been his observation at times that people preconceived notions of things often overrides the truth, and so he is trying to keep an open mind. When Lam asks Sha simply raises a fork and eats a little more not really sure what to answer just yet.
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Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently. Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
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Saoirse doesn’t reply further, realizing her words aren’t having the effect she intended. She gives Rhododendron a polite nod, offers Aspen a slight, bitter smile, and then turns her attention fully to the treesinging and its effect on Lam.
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase
Sha looks Sombra in the eyes, whispering in sylvan so not to distract, “Pequeno, lembre-se disso, se você puder se agarrar a qualquer momento no tempo, esse lindo momento é muito mais valioso do que ouro ou magia, essa é uma paixão, pequeno, desenfreada e maravilhosa.”
“Little one remember this, if you can hold onto any moment in time this, beautiful moment is far more valuable than gold or magic, this is passion little one unbridled and wonderful.”
Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently.
Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
At first, Hemlock's voice is unsure, and though Aspen generously tries to modulate and adapt, the harmony is difficult to achieve. Thinking of the storyteller's circle, and the encouragement every storyteller's style recieved, he is able to relax a little, worry less about how he sounds, and instead focus on the beauty of the stars and the dance of the heavens, trusting his voice to do what it should while he listens to Aspen and Rhododendron. Then, all begin to feel the magic happening. Aspen looks like she would giggle with joy if she weren't busy singing when their voices finally merge, and the image of water moving, yearning to rest for a time in a lake where it can reflect the stars up above, somehow appears in all of your minds, as does a feeling of the moon reaching out, pulling at the seas. Rhododendron's hands begin to glow, and she starts to intersperse words between the rhythm of her deep throat singing. Lam lifts off of the ground, simultaneously feeling like he is being lifted by the mark, and like he is as light as a feather. It looks as though rhododendron is lifting him in an impossible feat of strenght. After a few seconds in this position, she pulls her hand away from his abdomen, and the mark seems to come with it, glowing in the air, leaving freshly healed flesh where it had been. The mark stretches, expands while growing more and more faint, until it has dispersed, diluted into nothingness. Lam returns to the ground, and Rhododendron lets her voice fade out. She grins at Hemlock and Aspen, who seem to take a little while to realize that the moment is over. While they still sing, you can all feel the magical energy in the air.
Hemlock is occupied, but the others may notice that Hickory looks at him with a rather unfriendly expression during all of this. When silence falls again, Rhododendron smiles warmly. "Well, now you are welcome. Not so much we can do before after breakfast now. Kitchens are in first branch, and eating will be in the aspen glade above them. Hickory will show the way." She leans into the young man - who seems to be feeling a little grumpy - and whispers a few words of power. For a moment, a glowing eagle seems to perch on his shoulder, and when it disappears he stands a little taller, his confidence restored. He steps forward, ready to lead you all into Oakhome. Rhododendron does not move to follow you, "I will forage for my breakfast today, and enjoy spry young legs. But I will find the other elders shortly, and join you after you have eaten." With that, her form swirls and she drops to four legs while her body becomes that of the large doe elk again, and she springs gracefully out into the forest.
DM: Heavy is the Head
Feeling the power flowing between himself, Aspen and Rhododendron is exhilarating to Hemlock. He has not felt anything like it before, especially the synergy between his song and Aspen's. He almost stutters as Lam is lifted off the floor, but the symphony between them takes on a life of its own and seems to be almost drawn out of him at that moment.
As Lam returns to the ground and Rhododendron stops singing, he slowly realises the song is over, but he doesn't want it to stop. Never has he felt so close to anyone as he does to Aspen in that moment. By the time he and Aspen do quiet, he is quite out of breath, but a smile beams across his face.
"That was....there words to describe...", he manages to say between breaths before falling silent.
How could his people turn their back on this aspect of their culture? And why did they?
He reluctantly turns from Aspen to regard Lam, watching the reaction of his friend in the hope he feels ok. He does spot the glowing eagle out the corner of his eye as it appears on Hickory's shoulder, but doesn't mention it straight away.
Before he follows Hickory, and before Rhododendron leaves, he says a sincere "Thank you".
Saoirse watches, wide-eyed, genuinely impressed by the trio as they sing in perfect unison. Her amazement grows as the mark on Lam’s belly floats away, finally vanishing into nothingness. The Treesinging these people wield is truly remarkable! She feels a wave of relief at seeing Lam freed from the brand, and quiet joy for Hemlock, who has taken his first impressive step along a path previously unknown to him. Smiling, Saoirse remains apart from the group, giving Aspen and Hemlock space as their duet lingers a little longer, and stays that way even after Rhododendron departs.
Even though the blood hunter is deeply grateful to the Elder, her words still sting: One like you. With curses burnt into them. It was impossible not to feel a tinge of guilt. Unconsciously, Saoirse reached for her blood pendant, caressing it with a finger, and tried to remind herself that this twisted brand did not define her, nor should it define her people—at least, those not under Strixwell's choke.
As the group begins to move toward the aspen glade, Saoirse pushes these thoughts aside and studies Hickory. It was clear that Hemlock had made important allies—and even found love—since arriving in these lands, but had he also accidentally made an enemy? Saoirse hoped that wasn’t the case, and that Hickory would eventually look past the grudge he was holding. Still, it seemed Hemlock might need to address it if he didn’t want the situation to escalate.
Shifting her focus to Lam, Saoirse approached the bugbear as the walked and asked, "Are you feeling better, Lam?"
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase
Lam has never felt anything quite like this ritual before. When Hemlock’s voice locks in harmonically with Aspen’s over the rhythmic drone provided by Rhododendron, Lam’s whole body gets goosebumps. It feels as if the music could lift him up and take him anywhere- in fact, it takes him a moment to realize that he is actually floating. He avoids losing his cool by letting the harmonies surround and wash over him. Just as he feels he could remain here listening to this forever, he feels his feet touch ground again. He puts both hands on his abdomen and looks down at it. As soon as he’s confirmed there is no more brand, he bows deeply to the Elder. He says, “Thank you.” He says it once more to Hemlock and Aspen at the same time.
He takes a moment to ground himself after that, reminding himself where his feet are, putting his hands on his face, and other motions that make it seem like he almost truly thought he had been incorporeal for a moment. When he looks at Hemlock, it is a look of immense gratitude but also of new respect. His friend has more than stepped up to help him. He had seen Hemlock do all sorts of incredible things before, but nothing like this.
He catches a glimpse of Hickory’s expression just before the Elder goes to whisper something to him. He begins to wonder why he had looked upset, but makes no progress before Saoirse comes over to check in on him. He looks at her for a moment, seeming to have trouble finding any words. He looks back down at his abdomen and puts one hand on it. He looks back up at Saoirse and says, “…Yes.” He seems to still be almost coming out of a trance, and not quite as alert as he normally is, but he is free of the brand, and he seems to be carrying himself with less pain.
Hemlock places a hand on Lam's shoulder, "That is good. Come on, let's get some breakfast".
With that he moves to follow Hickory, but tries to time it so that he can walk alongside Aspen.
"I have never experienced magic like that song before. Your voice was...beautiful. Does the song of water resonate with you more than other aspects of nature?", he says a little shyly.
“Well Sombra it’s time to see if you like pancakes. I personally like a big beautiful salmon, unfortunately we must try some alternatives for now.
Lam I’m so relieved your okay, that was incredible, You may end up with a few extra portions at the eating branch me and my little one are not so sure about our dietary boundaries, how do you feel?” Sha follows along with the rest.
Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently.
Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
Lam smiles at Hemlock and moves to follow. He walks with Sha, responding at first almost automatically in Goblin. “Danke. …It was…” not finding the words to describe his experience, he just nods. “Yes.”
“Thank you.”
The talk about food makes his stomach growl again. “More food is always good. Thank you.” He smiles at Sha and Sombra. If there really are pancakes, he will eat those gratefully. He is still thinking about the next time he will get the kind of food he wants, which won’t happen as long as they stay here- but any food at this point would be appreciated.
Hickory guides you along the inside of the fallen trunk, which is consistently and dimly lit by blue glowing veins of mycelium inside the smooth, warm wooden walls. There are some patterns and frescos grown into the wall, but the decoration is otherwise not ornate or conspicuous. Instead, things seem designed for simple and comfortable living. Corridors branch regularly off of the main hall, ramping up to the higher halls and other rooms in the village. It's still early enough in the morning that there isn't much activity, though you do pass by the open entrance to a chamber with many bunks in the outer wall, mostly still filled by sleepers - goblin and firbolg. There is a firbolg woman who seems shocked to see strangers inside Oakhome, but Hickory gives a confident, comforting nod before she can say anything, and she nods slightly before turning back to whatever wake-up habits she was in the middle of.
Aspen teases Hemlock a little bit for the rough start he had to singing, admitting that she simplified her melody a little so that he could join in, though she is clearly still very impressed with him, and lets him know that even some of the local firbolgs never get very good at treesinging. Hickory twitches a little at that. She is really excited to talk about the content of their songs though. "Ég hef aldrei heyrt neinn syngja stjörnurnar áður! Það virtist svo fallegt, en líka fjarlægt og einmanalegt. Hvernig finnst þér þú vera svona tengdur hlutum sem eru langt í burtu?.. Já, ég hef alltaf átt auðveldasta tenginguna við vatn. Það er alltaf ókeypis og á hreyfingu. Þegar það er kyrrt við ís sýnir það alla fegurð sína á meðan hún bíður. Hefur þú einhvern tíma séð foss frosinn um miðjan vetur? Það er næstum ótrúlegra en vorflæðið."
I've never heard anyone sing the stars before! It seemed so beautiful, but also removed and lonely. How do you feel so connected to things to far away?..Yes, I've always had the easiest connection to water. It is always free, and moving. When it does still to ice, it shows all of its beauty while waiting. Have you ever seen a waterfall frozen in midwinter? It is almost more amazing than its spring flow.
Hickory guides you all up one of the ramps about 100´ into the trunk, which leads to an open chamber filled with kitchen tools, and shelves of various foraged ingredients. Several people are already in the room, grinding, blending, and mixing ingredients into several large ceramic pots of fragrant porridge, looks like it will be enough to feed the whole village (somewhere around 250 people). Others are chopping and arranging berries, nuts, and syrups onto a large central table so that each person can flavor their bowl as they like when breakfast starts shortly. The kitchen area opens out onto a large shelf mushroom, open and flat enough to give people space to eat. Little ramps from the sides of the shelf mushroom lead to the top of the trunk and its first large branch, which together ring the dining area with a raised aspen forest. The opening faces east, letting you look out through the larger forest, dotted now with sunset orange filtering between the treetops.
The bugbear teacher you saw earlier is already in the dining area, and he walks directly up to Lam when you get close. Hickory stops him for a moment to make it clear that you all have been invited, then turns to introduce you. "Lam, Saoirse, Sha, Hemlock; this is Thorn. He is wanting to meet you."
"Yes, I am Thorn. I wished to meet you, Lam. What I know of our race outside of the valley is not so good, but I am told you are a friend to the trees and the village. I wish to says that you should not bring many foreign ideas to the young goblins here. We live well here, and happily. Peacefilled."
DM: Heavy is the Head
Hemlock takes the teasing from Aspen with good nature, having no problem believing she had to simplify her song for him. After all, he had never even heard of treesinging before meeting these firbolgs.
"Ég finn ekki fjarlægðina á milli mín og stjarnanna, þær hafa nánast áþreifanlega nærveru í lífi mínu. Og ég er með stjörnukortið mitt sem ég geymi nálægt hjarta mínu", he replies, pulling out his pendant from underneath his shirt to show her. "Ég hef aldrei séð frosinn foss. Verður svona kalt hérna? Kannski mun ég komast að þegar núverandi vandræði eru að baki".
"I do not feel the distance between myself and the stars, they have an almost tangible presence in my life. And I have my star map which I keep close to my heart"
"I have never seen a frozen waterfall. Does it get that cold here? Perhaps I will get to once the current troubles are behind us".
As they get closer to the kitchen area, he notes that there only appears to be porridge.
"Grauturinn lítur og lyktar yndislega út. Ég hafði vonast til að geta bakað pönnukökur fyrir vini mína, en ég er viss um að hafragrautur verður jafn góður".
"The porridge looks and smells lovely. I had hoped to be able to make pancakes for my friends, but I am sure porridge will be just as good".
He turns to his friends, "The porridge smells delicious, and just look at the choice of toppings!".
When Thorn introduces himself he smiles at him, but allows Lam to reply to his kin. He takes this opportunity to thank Hickory for his part in allowing them entrance into Oakhome and showing them around.
"Thank you, Hickory. You have been a most gracious host, and I appreciate your trust in us. I am sure that is in part why Rhododendron was willing to meet with us and help us. Tell me, what was the meaning of the eagle that appeared on your shoulder? If it is not impolite to ask, of course".
Saoirse expected Lam to say a little more, but understanding that the bugbear is still recovering from the experience, she simply nods and smiles at him. They are all extremely tired, after all. She had almost forgotten that hey hadn’t slept at all last night when the dining area appeared in front of them. Suddenly, the idea of sitting down to eat hit her. Sitting. Down. To. Eat. Hells, didn’t that sound compelling?
Even with that thought, she can’t help but pause to look closely at the blue glowing veins that run along the walls. She reaches out a hand to feel them, wondering what a sample would do. While it’s true that she has started gathering ingredients to create coatings for their weapons, what stopped her from collecting reagents with other purposes, such as ... healing? Removing poisons? Even lighting their way in darkness? She smiles a little, as she imagines herself asking dear Tesfaye about this, and the tortle answering something like, "Nothing! Nothing should stop you!"
I'm not really thinking of gathering anything here, but can Saoirse roll Nature - which is after all a roll she would have to do to know about the reagents she can gather - to try to figure out a little more about this veins?
.... well, answering myself: I rolled a 2, so the dice clearly don't agree with Tesfaye here.
When Hemlock praises the porridge, Saoirse follows her friend's gaze. "It does look delicious, yes," she agrees, but can't help but give the druid a slight disappointed look. She was so hoping for his pancakes!
Later, when they are finally seated, the genasi lets out a long breath. It takes her a moment to start eating, as she decides to focus first on the people sitting around them. She notices Hemlock making an effort to talk to Hickory. She had thought of speaking to the local firbolg too but prefers to wait for their conversation to finish. Instead, she turns to Aspen and says, "Your song was amazing, Aspen. You're truly a natural at this! I think Lam is still overwhelmed by the whole experience. I can't begin to say how relieved I am to see him free of the brand", she pauses a moment here, and then adds "And I also liked seeing Hemlock so attuned to your customs. I'm just sorry that I didn't seem to be able to reach Rhododendron with my words. Any advice? I wouldn't want to make a bad impression when the rest of the Elders arrive."
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase
Lam puts a hand on his stomach, which growls once again once he can smell the porridge. It smells delicious, but he feels like he will want a larger portion than is acceptable for him to take here, especially if that is the only food. He is just excited to get any food at all at this point. Before that, though, he spots the bugbear from earlier walking right up to him.
“Thorn,” repeats Lam, committing the name of the bugbear in front of him to memory by repeating it the way he does with nearly everyone he meets. “I… good to meet you.” His mind is with the music he just heard, and with the porridge he can smell now, so he has to bring it back to his encounter with Thorn and his students. He feels defensiveness rise up inside him at Thorn’s words about their own race, but remains silent as he listens and considers whether he himself is an example of the not so good things Thorn has heard. He furrows his brows and pauses before he responds. “Peacefilled. That is good.” He pauses again, trying to come up with the right words. “But… Aspen said Goblins do not live here more than 40 years. But they do. Often. Unless they are killed. …Why do they not live long here?” He doesn’t know if Thorn even knows that Goblins are supposed to live longer, but he’s been wondering about this since he got here.
"Pönnukökur? Það hljómar frábærlega. Ég er viss um að margir myndu elska að prufa rétt frá ættbálknum þínum, ef þú getur búið hann til úr hráefni hér! Ég mun hjálpa og sýna þér hvar þú getur fundið allt sem þú þarft. Og já, á veturna er mikill ís og djúpur snjór." Aspen jumps up, and waves at Hemlock to accompany her into the cooking area. Finding ingredients is easy, and several of the locals are interested to see what you do. One comments that they make a very similar dough to create large flat pancakes to make wraps, but that they had always thought of it as a dinner item. When others arrive and beging filling their bowls, most look a little surprised at the pancakes, but the rumour spreads that it was one of the outsiders who made them, and everyone who hears that is very excited to try one. The supply runs out quickly - but you can see that everyone gets some, with people ripping theirs in half to offer a taste whenever they see another who wasn't early enough to get their own.
Pancakes? That sounds excellent. I'm sure many would love to sample a dish from your tribe, if you can make it from ingredients here! I will help, and show you where to find everything you need. And yes, in winter there is much ice and deep snow.
There is a topping - dark brown crystals that look similar to brown sugar, but smell of mushroom, that all of the goblinoids add to their meal, but very few of the Firbolgs take any. If any of you choose to add some, it does give a slight meaty, protein-rich flavor, and helps to make the meal feel filling, but it does more to make you miss true meat than to satisfy your thoughts of it.
Once you've returned to your benches, Hickory stops anyone who tries to begin eating, saying gruffly that it would be rude. Aspen has a more pedagogical approach, but the habit is so normal for her that she hadn't thought to tell any of you. "We are nobody starting to eat until morning song, when all have their bowl full." While waiting, she does address Saoirse. "You humbles me, thank you for kind words... I do not know for sure why Elder is harsh with you, but she is oldest here, and remembers the great war centuries ago. Bad memories might give unfair anger, if she be reminded of them. This is my guess."
"Or maybe, she is rightly worried about all of the dangers you speak of, and bring here. I am scared for the forest, and for the village." Hickory is still not any of your greatest fan. Hemlock realizes that the glowing eagle he saw for a moment was an eagle's splendour boon from Rhododendron. Impressive that she could cast it so nonchalantly, without the need for treesinging.
Thorn does accompany Lam, and sit near him in the dining area. He speaks common with a thick Firbolg accent, and there is no doubt that that is is first language. "This is about how long goblins live, 40 winters. Some live more, even to 50. Their grandparents grandparents were warriors who stormed into the valley, and all of them dying much earlier from being killed, or being violent with each other. So nobody is telling us that they are supposed to live more than this. It is true, the first refugees were very sick from missing meat, until elder Rhododendron created this mushroom diet helper (he indicates the thing that looks like brown sugar). Since then, nobody getting very sick. My parents lived to 70 years. Is this normal for us?" (It is a little young, but within the bounds of normal) "Nobody is ever getting killed here at Oakhome. So is 40 years not still better than most goblins where you come from? There are even fewer bugbears than goblins. Less of us decided to become refugees and stop being bad warriors. But my grandfather was one. You carry his axe, so I am to guess that you have meet my nephews, and that they liking you. They did not hear my grandfather tell of being a warrior. It was not a good way to living. And my sister did not listen enough to him either."
An elder - another firbolg, an old man with earth-brown hair and down, stands up from one of the benches and walks to the middle of the dining area. As he walks, all conversation subsides to respectful silence. He begins to sing, and all of the locals join in just a moment later. It is moving to hear all of the voices singing together, and beautiful, but it is not magical treesinging, rather it is just clearly part of their culture to sing together at many opportunities. Hemlock can understand the language, a song of the land wakening from a sleep, with imagery that works either for morning, or for the spring season. When the song is finished, all around begin to eat and talk to each other happily again right away, the beauty of what they just did together so normal for them that it doesn't seem at all a big deal. Aspen gestures at you all to make it clear that you are welcome to dig in.
DM: Heavy is the Head
Hemlock has great fun cooking his pancakes with Aspen helping. He makes them sweeter than would be used for the wraps, and says as much to the one who compared them.
As they wait for morning song, he hears Hickory's explanation of Rhododendron's attitude towards Saoirse and what she said earlier. "To be worried or scared of losing something so wonderful as Oakhome is understandable. It is truly sad that conflict might be coming. But it is true that the conflict would have reached here anyway, and you now have the great boon of time to prepare, as well as something so precious to fight for", he says, by no means patronising Hickory or Rhododendron.
He listens to the morning song, giving the others a quick translation once it has finished so they know what it was about, before watching everyone else eat the pancakes he prepared to see if they liked them.
Saoirse's expression brightens the moment she sees the two firbolg head to the kitchen and begin preparing pancakes. Without hesitation, she follows to help, and while they take charge of the cooking, she assists by distributing the pancakes and dishes. After holding them for just a moment, each plate retains some of the genasi's natural warmth, which the diners may notice when picking them up.
When they finally sit to eat and Saoirse takes her first bite of the sweet deliciousness, her face immediately lights up with joy. She turns to Hemlock, grinning, "Whatever happens in the future, don’t you ever stop making these! I swear, I’ll travel any distance just to keep eating your pancakes." She would gladly have second and third servings, but Saoirse scans the room for anyone —especially, if that anyone happens to be child—who hasn’t been able to try the pancakes, and shares hers with them.
Later, the blood hunter nods to Aspen, appreciative of the firbolg's explanation. When Hickory follows up, Saoirse opens her mouth to respond but closes it almost immediately. You’re right to be afraid, she wants to say. The people they’re up against are incredibly dangerous! But what good will hiding do, especially when these enemies will come to their doorstep no matter what the people of Oakhome do? Even though the genasi burns to speak, she holds back, recalling Rhododendron’s earlier reaction. Besides, they are now surrounded by so many people who just want to enjoy their beautiful morning song and their breakfast. Saoirse is lost in these thoughts when Hemlock steps in, saying exactly what she had wanted to, but with his usual wisdom.
It remains to be seen how Aspen and Hickory will respond, but Saoirse lets out a relieved breath, and hopes Hemlock can plant the seeds this community needs to prepare for the worst. Finally, she says, "Hemlock is right. Please, I beg of you," she adds, looking at the two locals, "heed his words."
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase
Hemlock smiles at Saoirse, "I am truly honoured that you like them so much. I was lucky there was such a well stocked larder here, and such talented helpers". He makes sure to emphasise the plural in helpers, referring to both Saoirse and Aspen, his eyes briefly flicking to the latter as he says it.
(OOC: Hemlock will reply to Saoirse as she compliments him. A few different conversations happening in these posts but I believe they are separate as they cover a larger time period of cooking, singing and then eating)
Sha would like to try a small pancake topped with a sampling of the ‘brown sugar’ if Sombra is curious, Sha will share with her. Sha knows his palate is quite different than his friends and so he simply smiles and nods, it’s obvious Hemlock has a knack for cooking. Sha would like to evaluate this meat substitute, perhaps a lasting lighter alternative?
medicine 26
Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently.
Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔
Lam is happy to have some of Hemlock’s pancakes- he wants to take a whole stack, but only takes one for himself. He also makes sure Thorn gets to try it. He would have offered to help himself if he wasn’t with Thorn. He is intrigued by the brown sugar topping and tries putting it on part of his pancake. If he is able to also get a large bowl of porridge, he does so. He sits down with Thorn by his friends and he picks up a pancake to begin eating right away, but sets it back down when he is told to wait.
Lam watches the faces of everyone singing, feeling a desire to join in but not knowing how to even pronounce the words, let alone what they are. He appreciates Hemlock’s explanation of the translation. “Music is good,” he says to the Firbolgs and to Thorn, whichever of them is listening to him at the moment. He wastes no time after that in scarfing down his food. He says to Hemlock, “Pancakes are… they taste very good. Thank you.” Even with the brown sugar topping, which helped to make this meal more filling than he thought it would be, Lam still finds himself wondering when the next time he will eat some meat would be. He does really appreciate his friend’s pancakes, though, and is grateful right now for a chance to have some again.
As he eats, Lam listens to Thorn intently, working things out in his head as he does so. When he takes a moment to stop eating and talk, he says, “Some Goblins live near 60 winters. They are old then, but they do.” He seems to have a particular image in his mind as he says this. “Many Goblins in The Outlands die young… because of monsters, or because of each other. But many do not. Because they help each other survive.” He considers himself and what he knows. Almost every Goblin he personally knew remained alive the whole time he knew them. Most of the time when a Goblin or a bugbear didn’t survive, it was because they weren’t strong enough to fend for themselves, but they remained by themselves anyway. Lam had spent some time hunting just for himself as an adolescent, but he was already very strong and stealthy by that point and he could do it. Most of the Goblins Lam knew that had survived were the ones directly on his team in the cave. He has no idea about the statistics- what the life expectancy of Goblins in the Outlands would be, given how many die young there. He considers that the Goblins he knew were maybe mostly the ones that were going to survive that lifestyle anyway. Maybe it is better here. “70 years for bugbears… is normal. Young, normal.” He is personally hoping to live longer than that, but knows that after a few decades, his strength will start to fail him. It occurs to him that it might be more likely for him to survive at that point if he is here, instead of in his homeland. “The Outlands are… hard. You must be warrior, at least able to fight, to survive. And sometimes… I did things that were not good. Before I came here.” He debates the merits of telling more details about his past to this bugbear he just met as he struggles to come up with the words for his rebuttal. “Being warrior is not only bad. Nephews gave me greataxe to remind me there is always a choice. If I could not still fight, I could not help in the way I do. I can fight to protect.” And hunting is different from being a warrior, he wants to say but doesn’t. Hunting animals as a teen never felt dishonorable to him- all creatures who lived there knew what to expect, and everyone had to eat. It wasn’t like robbing travelers was, he is sure, though he isn’t sure yet why he feels that way. He is immensely curious about this other bugbear’s way of life, and at the same time surprised at how he wants to rush to the defense of a lifestyle that he himself has partially abandoned. He knows there is merit to what Thorn is saying, and wishes he could put into words the nuance that he feels like his fellow bugbear might be lacking. Maybe he just wants to defend his own habits.
If he notices Sha looking closely at the meat alternative, he will ask in a low voice to him in Goblin, “Ist es OK? Kann wir das Essen, ohne Fleisch?” He is trying not to attract everyone’s attention, speaking to Sha in Goblin, but not trying to hide it or act like it’s a secret also. He just wants Sha’s attention to have a quick aside. He is not intentionally being rude, but it may be perceived that way.
“Is it okay? Can we eat that, without meat?”
Can Lam tell about how old Thorn is? His age (23-ish)? Older?
Sha doesn’t really know what to make of it, a different mouth feel then meat obviously but so far no ill effect as he can tell. It has been his observation at times that people preconceived notions of things often overrides the truth, and so he is trying to keep an open mind. When Lam asks Sha simply raises a fork and eats a little more not really sure what to answer just yet.
Seventh 🌖 Sojourn a home-brew post apocalyptic campaign...
Campaigns/Threads/Adventures I am a player in currently.
Greyhawk: Tides of War. PbP-Heavy is the Head. Tomb of Horrors. mamoduck's Lost Mine of Phandelver. DeconBlu's A Most Potent Brew. Dragon's of Stormwreck Isle. Stormwreck. Isle Follies: A Beginner Adventure. 🔔🔮 Glass Dao - Fastest Flowing PBP Style, Always Recruiting🔮🔔