Sha is able to deduce the nutritional value of the meat substitute, after many years' experience working with medicinal herbs and magical reagents. It certainly does seem to replace almost all of the vital nutrients that are abundant in meat, and it is apparent that someone very skilled created this; and that it is an honest attempt at meeting the needs of a different diet. But there is something missing, or a combination that doesn't quite work (there are no biochemists in the forgotten realms, but our world's modern medicine would diagnose the goblins in the firbolg village with chronic minor B12 deficiency, as the goblin digestive system struggles to absorb b12 without animal fat; this concoction is extremely rich in B12, but it's still difficult for the goblins to absorb enough from it. Bugbears apparently have a little better ability to take it in). Sha feels certain that, over a longer period of time, this supplement doesn't fully solve the problem it's intended to, although the specific language for his insight doesn't exist in his world. Centrally, he feels certain that the if the goblins ate some milk, fish, or meat once in a while this problem would go away.
The joy goes out of Aspen, and some of Hickory's disdain leaves him, with apprehension taking both of their previous moods' places, as they take in Hemlock and Saoirse's words. "I am sorry, stranger. You only mean to protect us... but... what if you can not? What if the best way to protect the skyoaks and our people's purpose is to give up and say they win?"Aspen looks at Hemlock. "We have to have you talk to the elders right away. You really mean that maybe... maybe all of our home is in true danger?"Neither of them has ever before considered that their entire village could actually be wiped out.
Thorn backs off a bit from his position, conceding some of Lam's points. "Yes, you can fight to protect. And certainly, if hunting was necessary to survive, then it is not dishonourable at all. I do not mean to insult you, or to insult my ancestors; and I believe that you are a good and honourable man. But looking at this village, this forest, what the Firbolg way makes of its home. I wish that everyone is able to live in this peace, where not even animals need to suffer or go hungry. And I fear, that too much of learning your culture will make some young goblins - or my niece and nephews - want to leave this culture for one where they need to fight. That they will think that fighting - to protect or to eat - is a better way to honour than is planting a tree and helping it grow.
The meal finishes, with bowls and eating utensils gathered at the end of each table, where one person from each takes the stack to the kitchen area to clean, and another wipes down each table. People begin to disperse, wether out to tend the forest, or to other tasks in the village, or to play and take care of children. Thorn's class children head back to living areas to sleep a little more of the morning, having lost some of the night to stargazing.
Rhododendron's elk form scrambles down from the high aspen grove into the dining area and approaches you. Without shifting back, she inclines her head towards you all and turns. The unspoken command is clear: "follow me."
"You are in the same position as Village Tree now that those who wish you harm have managed to cross the river. At the Tree most do not wish to fight, they are a peaceful people as well. I do not know what they will ultimately decide to do. Fight for their way of life, or perhaps lose it. But one thing I can say is that the people of the Vale are stronger together", Hemlock replies to Hickory. It is not his place to tell these people to fight or not.
"I am sure Rhododendron has it in mind whether we will talk to the other elders. We are merely guests here", he replies to Aspen with a shy smile. "But we will do our best to advise while we are allowed to remain here".
When Rhododendron does re-appear, he stands and follows with the others. Reaching out into her mind to remind her, "I have not forgotten you had a message from my parents. I am keen to hear what they have to say, and for news of my tribe".
Saoirsereturns Aspen's and Hickory's apprehensive looks with a sad but understanding nod. She says, "Gods know I hate the idea that any harm could befall Oakhome or Village Tree. But something must be done. And I understand your concerns, Hickory; I swear I do. Fighting them will bring violence to your doorstep, but who's to say that giving up won't lead to a similar fate? Thrice we've encountered Strixwell's envoys, and thrice we've seen them use mind control magic to sway those around them, forcing them to commit violent acts against their intentions. Captain Jonah was forced to kill the kobold he was trying to parley with, and a mind-controlled HMC soldier plunged his sword into a teenage boy from Village Tree. Who's to say they won’t make you burn the oaktrees even if you bargain for peace? After what we've seen, I have no doubt that these people are vile and twisted enough to do that."
The genasi falls silent after saying this, but after a moment, she adds, "I'm sorry. There is no right answer for this... except what Hemlock said. The people of the Vale will indeed be stronger if they stand together."
When Rhododendron's doe form reappears and gestures for them to follow, Saoirse stands up immediately, concern written all over her face about what will happen next.
Sha-gravis, quietly in goblin, „Es ist das Werk einer sehr erfahrenen und sachkundigen Person. Es ist wirklich das Beste, das ich je hatte. Ich weiß jedoch, dass Fleischfresser, die lange leben, Fett und Muskeln brauchen, um wirklich gesund und voll zu leben. Ich vermute, dieses Pulver würde jeden von uns auf unbestimmte Zeit ernähren und ist viel einfacher zu transportieren als sogar Rationen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was Sombra denkt.“
"It's the work of a very skilled and knowledgeable person. It is truly the best I've ever had. I know however that long term carnivores need the fats and muscle to truly live healthy and full lives. I suspect this powder would sustain any of us indefinitely and is far easier to carry than even rations. I'm not sure what Sombra thinks."
Sombra has the crystal powder glittering on her face and seems to know she is a pretty girl.
As Lam continues talking to Thorn, he gets more out of defensive mode and is able to listen more accurately to what his new friend is saying. It’s written on his face that he agrees with many of Thorn’s points- his first experience of seeing people live peacefully was coming to the Village Tree, and that had been life changing for him. And he is already impressed with Oakhome and the rituals of singing that happen here. There is clearly more to life than what he had appreciated in the past. And he certainly respects what Thorn does here! At the same time, he is loosely paying attention to what Saoirse and Hemlock are saying, and he forms an idea that he struggles to put into words.
He says, “Planting a tree… helping it grow… is good. I have just started to learn this. But… if nobody fights… then peace can be threatened. There are those who want harm. To burn down trees. Not everyone should fight. Children should not- not while they are young,” he says, thinking of the young goblins here and the teenagers in the village tree, “And it is good for those who fight to learn… to create, and share, and help in other ways,”he says, thinking of himself. “But if nobody who wants peace learns to fight…what happens when those who want harm try to? Who will stop trees from burning?”At no point during this conversation does Lam promise not to talk about his own culture. He does, however, say that he doesn’t want to encourage any young goblins or bugbears to put themselves in danger. “There are many ways to honour,” he says, grateful for this chance to exchange ideas with one of his own.
Thorn leaves Lam looking thoughtful, respectful, but also very aware that he did not quite get the reassurances that he hoped for. At a nod from Doededendron, Hickory and Aspen do not join when you follow her back into the rree, and through the trunk towards what was once the tree's crown. Another door opens at that end of the hollow central trunk, into a great clearing ringed by ancient branches, now covered in moss and with miniature forests growing atop them. The yoing foliage above the old branches is so thick that you can not see out to the greater forest beyond. 30 or so feet into the clearing, 8 older firbolgs (no goblins or bugbears) stand in a circle. They are each clad in clothing that evokes some aspect of nature, and they each wear a facial expression designed to say 'I am older and wiser than you, and you are an insolent child.' Doededendron bounds ahaid of you and joins them, standing and blurring into her true form as she does. After a few whispered words, the circle of elders opens up, leaving conspicuous space for the four of you to join, where the dappled sunlight will shine directly at you, and the elders sit down.
"Well," a male elder whose garments erupt into stylized shelf mushrooms.over each shoulder begins, "you have insisted in coming here. You have cleansed the lake. You have shown a threat where to find us. Hemlock's tribe has reached out to the other Firbolg tribes for the first time in a century. Your parents want you to come home. Elder Elm is dead at the hands of a servant of Stixwell. They are willing to destroy the skyoaks if they believe they must. I believe that brings us all up to speed. So, young 'adventurers,' what do you have to say for yourselves?"
Sombra is getting a little fidgety. She did not like the nutrient supplement at all, and is starting to get a little hungry.
Hemlock tentatively walks into the space amongst the elders, and watches as Elder Rhododendron shifts back into her Firbolg self, before the other elder speaks. He has been taught to respect his elders, and so his demeanour is certainly respectful, but he has also been taught to recognise his own worth.
At mention of his parents, a frown crosses his face. He is happy to have word from them, but is not happy with what the word has turned out to be.
"Greetings, Elders", he says showing deference but also highlighting the fact that there was no introduction. "We are grateful to be allowed into Oakhome, and more grateful to stand amongst you now".
He looks around to his friends.
"I am Hemlock and these are Saoirse, Lam and Sha-Gravis", he says by way of introduction even though he is aware they know who each of them are.
"You have laid out the bare facts of the matter it is true, and we sense your reluctance in even that. I am heartened to hear word from my parents, and am keen to know if there is more to their message. They are not usually so succinct".
"I would also address the unfortunate passing of Elder Elm. We did all we could to avoid that fate for her and the young firbolg with her. I assume you have spoken to the young girl, and know the circumstance of Viconia's insistence on being shown to the temple in the centre of the forest. Of her threat to burn the entire forest to ensure that happens. And her instruction to her guard to kill the girl if Elder Elm did not comply immediately. We acted with best intentions and I believe had we not acted both would have perished and your tree singers would have been attacked as well, likely some captured and some killed".
"We sought to come here and speak with you because Viconia was a mere pawn in the plans of one far more powerful. One whose agents have crossed the river and are now amongst you. Who have no respect for nature and will destroy it to achieve their goals. Who control the minds of others and force them to perform despicable acts of savagery against their will. Our goal here is to warn you of the greater threat and seek to ally with you. Where I am from, my tribe, are peaceful as you are. But we protect our own and defend ourselves when necessary. I am hopeful that the same is true of this tribe".
By the end of his speech he is standing tall and defiant, and yet at no point does he raise his voice or his tone become disrespectful.
Saoirsestands quietly while the first Elder addresses them. The genasi is once again struck by how they frame the facts to make them feel at fault. For instance, they focus on the death of Elder Elm, yet overlook that Bluestem is alive. On one hand, she wants to protest, but on the other... she understands that these words may come from the difficult position they’re in since Viconia and her pawns crossed the river and set foot on their lands, endangering them all.
When Hemlockreplies, she first bows politely as he says her name, then watches him speak, nodding occasionally to enforce his words. Saoirse gasps slightly when they mention that Hemlock’s parents want him back, casting a worried look at the firbolg. She doesn’t want to think about what would happen if she couldn’t rely on Hemlock’s presence, and worries about how he’ll take this news. It can’t be easy for him to hear that his parents want him back when that's probably the last thing he wants.
As Hemlockspeaks of how Strixwell’s agents have the means to control minds, Saoirse remains silent but begins rummaging through her backpack and retrieves Sebastian’s collar. By the time Hemlock finishes, Saoirse has approached Elder Rhododendron and presents the collar to her. “As Hemlock says, Strixwell’s agents have the means to control others’ minds. They can do that with spells, but they have also began to produce these. As far as we know, these collars are being used to enslave members of the Blood of the True King. So far, we’ve encountered two of them. I don’t know how many more may be under their sway, but I suspect it’s far more than two,”she pauses and adds, “Well, one. Fortunately, we managed to free the one who wore this specific collar.”
Saoirsedoesn’t stands silent once again, simply looking at Rhododendronand wondering if, having been in the Great War, she might recognize the collar.
Sha gives Lam vigilant blessing, and touches Saoirse with guidance. He wipes the 'sugar meat' from Sombra and holds her close as the tension builds ebbs and flows. Sometimes the past is best left in the void...
Lam takes his cue from his friends on how to act as he stands listening to the new elder talk, not entirely sure himself what to do. This one speaks very frankly about the situation. Lam raises his eyebrows at the news about Hemlock’s parents, and looks to Hemlock to see how he feels about the news. He nods at Hemlock’s speech, agreeing with pretty much every word. He watches Saoirse present the collar to Rhododendron, and he looks at each elder’s face to see how they are taking his friends’ words.
The fungal elder speaks first, "It should be an honour to have you here, Hemlock, Saoirse, Lam, and Sha. I am Elder Morel, and these are elders Granite, Rhubarb, Azalea, Maple, Dogwood, Cherry, and Rhododendron. You are well meaning and good people, and the network of tribes has missed your clan for far too long. It should be a joyous occasion, you being here. But Elm was the final member of our council, and you find us in a moment of grief. You ask us to walk a path that will lead to more grief. When the 'Lightbringer' ended the war and handed dominion of the valley to the High Elves, we were able to convince them to allow us to plant and tend the Skyoaks, even though they did not value the trees. You say you seek to ally with us. To what end? We may be able to come to an understanding with this Strixwell, to learn what she desires, and deal with her in a way that ensures the safety of the grove. To ally with you, openly against her, is to invite them to attack Oakhome or the great trees."
"So, you must have some information that you are keeping from us. To risk this, there must be more at stake than Strixwell expanding her influence."
Rhododendron and the male elder both seem shocked by the sight of the collar, but the others do not seem to recognize it. "The mind magic you describe is terrible indeed, and those collars are a terrible magic, abhorrent to many of my values. And yet, the collars allowed the Lightbringer soldiers who could not be turned by the Mind Flayers; and were necessary for him to win the war. We do not ride to war against every practitioner of such magics. So tell us, why is this different. What makes her a greater threat than those we've faced before?"
Hemlock searches the faces of the elders, trying to determine if they are serious in dealing with Strixwell after what happened to Elder Elm.
”What assurances do we have that if there were more to tell that you wouldn’t use it to bargain with Strixwell? You know her terms already and her envoy has already attacked your Skyoaks and killed Elder Elm for refusing those terms. You also know that collar was not worn by choice, to harm not protect”.
Saoirsewas as shocked as Hemlock when Elder Morel suggested a possible alliance with Strixwell, even after they had witnessed the kind of orders her pawns obey without question. She was suddenly reminded of a story she’d heard as a child, about a hero shunned by his lord and forced to live in exile—yet still, he tried to act with honor, respecting his lord's decision. "What a wonderful servant, if only he had a decent master,"she mused, rshe mused, recalling the most famous quote from that tale, where a servant’s loyalty was wasted on a dishonorable master.
Returning to the present, she addressed the Elders, "What can you expect from Lord Strixwell after seeing what her followers are willing to do? Do you really believe you’d be safe after bargaining with someone like her?"
"The mind magic you describe is terrible indeed, and those collars are a terrible magic, abhorrent to many of my values. And yet, the collars allowed the Lightbringer soldiers who could not be turned by the Mind Flayers; and were necessary for him to win the war. We do not ride to war against every practitioner of such magics. So tell us, why is this different. What makes her a greater threat than those we've faced before?"
"Did you meet Gareth Dayne during or after the Great War? What are your thoughts on him?"Saoirseasks Elders Rhododendron and Morel, her curiosity genuine.
She continues, "You see, even though I belong to the Blood of the True King, I’ve stopped calling him Lightbringer. I believe he should be called by his name, rather than by the title he used to make others—and himself—believe he was a god. He was no god, just a mortal. And even if his actions led to the defeat of the Mindflayer Empire, I don’t believe he should be followed blindly, as we Blood Hunters were taught to do. He may have created these collars—among other things—with the sole purpose of defeating the Mindflayers, but the truth is… Gareth Dayne is no more. Silvia Strixwell is. And she has procured herself an unknown number of the finest warriors," there is pride in her voice as she says this, "trained to seek and destroy creatures like ilithids, and totally unable to defy her or her pawns' commands."
The fire genasi looks at the Elders one by one before asking, "Are you telling me you'd rather let someone like Silvia Strixwell, whose underlings you have already seen in action, rule your land? You find these collars abhorrent, yet you’d prefer they keep existing, rather than freeing those who have to live with them around their necks?"
(ooc: I will leave an Insight check to understand their feelings towards the "Lightbringer": 11)
Lam crosses his arms when Morel talks about negotiating with Strixwell. He forgets his tact for a moment and says out loud, “She has already hurt children. She is not safe.” Then he stops talking and defers to his friends, his arms still crossed.
Sha is able to deduce the nutritional value of the meat substitute, after many years' experience working with medicinal herbs and magical reagents. It certainly does seem to replace almost all of the vital nutrients that are abundant in meat, and it is apparent that someone very skilled created this; and that it is an honest attempt at meeting the needs of a different diet. But there is something missing, or a combination that doesn't quite work (there are no biochemists in the forgotten realms, but our world's modern medicine would diagnose the goblins in the firbolg village with chronic minor B12 deficiency, as the goblin digestive system struggles to absorb b12 without animal fat; this concoction is extremely rich in B12, but it's still difficult for the goblins to absorb enough from it. Bugbears apparently have a little better ability to take it in). Sha feels certain that, over a longer period of time, this supplement doesn't fully solve the problem it's intended to, although the specific language for his insight doesn't exist in his world. Centrally, he feels certain that the if the goblins ate some milk, fish, or meat once in a while this problem would go away.
The joy goes out of Aspen, and some of Hickory's disdain leaves him, with apprehension taking both of their previous moods' places, as they take in Hemlock and Saoirse's words. "I am sorry, stranger. You only mean to protect us... but... what if you can not? What if the best way to protect the skyoaks and our people's purpose is to give up and say they win?" Aspen looks at Hemlock. "We have to have you talk to the elders right away. You really mean that maybe... maybe all of our home is in true danger?" Neither of them has ever before considered that their entire village could actually be wiped out.
Thorn backs off a bit from his position, conceding some of Lam's points. "Yes, you can fight to protect. And certainly, if hunting was necessary to survive, then it is not dishonourable at all. I do not mean to insult you, or to insult my ancestors; and I believe that you are a good and honourable man. But looking at this village, this forest, what the Firbolg way makes of its home. I wish that everyone is able to live in this peace, where not even animals need to suffer or go hungry. And I fear, that too much of learning your culture will make some young goblins - or my niece and nephews - want to leave this culture for one where they need to fight. That they will think that fighting - to protect or to eat - is a better way to honour than is planting a tree and helping it grow.
The meal finishes, with bowls and eating utensils gathered at the end of each table, where one person from each takes the stack to the kitchen area to clean, and another wipes down each table. People begin to disperse, wether out to tend the forest, or to other tasks in the village, or to play and take care of children. Thorn's class children head back to living areas to sleep a little more of the morning, having lost some of the night to stargazing.
Rhododendron's elk form scrambles down from the high aspen grove into the dining area and approaches you. Without shifting back, she inclines her head towards you all and turns. The unspoken command is clear: "follow me."
DM: Heavy is the Head
"You are in the same position as Village Tree now that those who wish you harm have managed to cross the river. At the Tree most do not wish to fight, they are a peaceful people as well. I do not know what they will ultimately decide to do. Fight for their way of life, or perhaps lose it. But one thing I can say is that the people of the Vale are stronger together", Hemlock replies to Hickory. It is not his place to tell these people to fight or not.
"I am sure Rhododendron has it in mind whether we will talk to the other elders. We are merely guests here", he replies to Aspen with a shy smile. "But we will do our best to advise while we are allowed to remain here".
When Rhododendron does re-appear, he stands and follows with the others. Reaching out into her mind to remind her, "I have not forgotten you had a message from my parents. I am keen to hear what they have to say, and for news of my tribe".
Saoirse returns Aspen's and Hickory's apprehensive looks with a sad but understanding nod. She says, "Gods know I hate the idea that any harm could befall Oakhome or Village Tree. But something must be done. And I understand your concerns, Hickory; I swear I do. Fighting them will bring violence to your doorstep, but who's to say that giving up won't lead to a similar fate? Thrice we've encountered Strixwell's envoys, and thrice we've seen them use mind control magic to sway those around them, forcing them to commit violent acts against their intentions. Captain Jonah was forced to kill the kobold he was trying to parley with, and a mind-controlled HMC soldier plunged his sword into a teenage boy from Village Tree. Who's to say they won’t make you burn the oaktrees even if you bargain for peace? After what we've seen, I have no doubt that these people are vile and twisted enough to do that."
The genasi falls silent after saying this, but after a moment, she adds, "I'm sorry. There is no right answer for this... except what Hemlock said. The people of the Vale will indeed be stronger if they stand together."
When Rhododendron's doe form reappears and gestures for them to follow, Saoirse stands up immediately, concern written all over her face about what will happen next.
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Sha-gravis, quietly in goblin, „Es ist das Werk einer sehr erfahrenen und sachkundigen Person. Es ist wirklich das Beste, das ich je hatte. Ich weiß jedoch, dass Fleischfresser, die lange leben, Fett und Muskeln brauchen, um wirklich gesund und voll zu leben. Ich vermute, dieses Pulver würde jeden von uns auf unbestimmte Zeit ernähren und ist viel einfacher zu transportieren als sogar Rationen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was Sombra denkt.“
"It's the work of a very skilled and knowledgeable person. It is truly the best I've ever had. I know however that long term carnivores need the fats and muscle to truly live healthy and full lives. I suspect this powder would sustain any of us indefinitely and is far easier to carry than even rations. I'm not sure what Sombra thinks."
Sombra has the crystal powder glittering on her face and seems to know she is a pretty girl.
Your worst moment, begins your greatest tale.
As Lam continues talking to Thorn, he gets more out of defensive mode and is able to listen more accurately to what his new friend is saying. It’s written on his face that he agrees with many of Thorn’s points- his first experience of seeing people live peacefully was coming to the Village Tree, and that had been life changing for him. And he is already impressed with Oakhome and the rituals of singing that happen here. There is clearly more to life than what he had appreciated in the past. And he certainly respects what Thorn does here! At the same time, he is loosely paying attention to what Saoirse and Hemlock are saying, and he forms an idea that he struggles to put into words.
He says, “Planting a tree… helping it grow… is good. I have just started to learn this. But… if nobody fights… then peace can be threatened. There are those who want harm. To burn down trees. Not everyone should fight. Children should not- not while they are young,” he says, thinking of the young goblins here and the teenagers in the village tree, “And it is good for those who fight to learn… to create, and share, and help in other ways,” he says, thinking of himself. “But if nobody who wants peace learns to fight…what happens when those who want harm try to? Who will stop trees from burning?” At no point during this conversation does Lam promise not to talk about his own culture. He does, however, say that he doesn’t want to encourage any young goblins or bugbears to put themselves in danger. “There are many ways to honour,” he says, grateful for this chance to exchange ideas with one of his own.
Thorn leaves Lam looking thoughtful, respectful, but also very aware that he did not quite get the reassurances that he hoped for. At a nod from Doededendron, Hickory and Aspen do not join when you follow her back into the rree, and through the trunk towards what was once the tree's crown. Another door opens at that end of the hollow central trunk, into a great clearing ringed by ancient branches, now covered in moss and with miniature forests growing atop them. The yoing foliage above the old branches is so thick that you can not see out to the greater forest beyond. 30 or so feet into the clearing, 8 older firbolgs (no goblins or bugbears) stand in a circle. They are each clad in clothing that evokes some aspect of nature, and they each wear a facial expression designed to say 'I am older and wiser than you, and you are an insolent child.' Doededendron bounds ahaid of you and joins them, standing and blurring into her true form as she does. After a few whispered words, the circle of elders opens up, leaving conspicuous space for the four of you to join, where the dappled sunlight will shine directly at you, and the elders sit down.
"Well," a male elder whose garments erupt into stylized shelf mushrooms.over each shoulder begins, "you have insisted in coming here. You have cleansed the lake. You have shown a threat where to find us. Hemlock's tribe has reached out to the other Firbolg tribes for the first time in a century. Your parents want you to come home. Elder Elm is dead at the hands of a servant of Stixwell. They are willing to destroy the skyoaks if they believe they must. I believe that brings us all up to speed. So, young 'adventurers,' what do you have to say for yourselves?"
Sombra is getting a little fidgety. She did not like the nutrient supplement at all, and is starting to get a little hungry.
DM: Heavy is the Head
Hemlock tentatively walks into the space amongst the elders, and watches as Elder Rhododendron shifts back into her Firbolg self, before the other elder speaks. He has been taught to respect his elders, and so his demeanour is certainly respectful, but he has also been taught to recognise his own worth.
At mention of his parents, a frown crosses his face. He is happy to have word from them, but is not happy with what the word has turned out to be.
"Greetings, Elders", he says showing deference but also highlighting the fact that there was no introduction. "We are grateful to be allowed into Oakhome, and more grateful to stand amongst you now".
He looks around to his friends.
"I am Hemlock and these are Saoirse, Lam and Sha-Gravis", he says by way of introduction even though he is aware they know who each of them are.
"You have laid out the bare facts of the matter it is true, and we sense your reluctance in even that. I am heartened to hear word from my parents, and am keen to know if there is more to their message. They are not usually so succinct".
"I would also address the unfortunate passing of Elder Elm. We did all we could to avoid that fate for her and the young firbolg with her. I assume you have spoken to the young girl, and know the circumstance of Viconia's insistence on being shown to the temple in the centre of the forest. Of her threat to burn the entire forest to ensure that happens. And her instruction to her guard to kill the girl if Elder Elm did not comply immediately. We acted with best intentions and I believe had we not acted both would have perished and your tree singers would have been attacked as well, likely some captured and some killed".
"We sought to come here and speak with you because Viconia was a mere pawn in the plans of one far more powerful. One whose agents have crossed the river and are now amongst you. Who have no respect for nature and will destroy it to achieve their goals. Who control the minds of others and force them to perform despicable acts of savagery against their will. Our goal here is to warn you of the greater threat and seek to ally with you. Where I am from, my tribe, are peaceful as you are. But we protect our own and defend ourselves when necessary. I am hopeful that the same is true of this tribe".
By the end of his speech he is standing tall and defiant, and yet at no point does he raise his voice or his tone become disrespectful.
Saoirse stands quietly while the first Elder addresses them. The genasi is once again struck by how they frame the facts to make them feel at fault. For instance, they focus on the death of Elder Elm, yet overlook that Bluestem is alive. On one hand, she wants to protest, but on the other... she understands that these words may come from the difficult position they’re in since Viconia and her pawns crossed the river and set foot on their lands, endangering them all.
When Hemlock replies, she first bows politely as he says her name, then watches him speak, nodding occasionally to enforce his words. Saoirse gasps slightly when they mention that Hemlock’s parents want him back, casting a worried look at the firbolg. She doesn’t want to think about what would happen if she couldn’t rely on Hemlock’s presence, and worries about how he’ll take this news. It can’t be easy for him to hear that his parents want him back when that's probably the last thing he wants.
As Hemlock speaks of how Strixwell’s agents have the means to control minds, Saoirse remains silent but begins rummaging through her backpack and retrieves Sebastian’s collar. By the time Hemlock finishes, Saoirse has approached Elder Rhododendron and presents the collar to her. “As Hemlock says, Strixwell’s agents have the means to control others’ minds. They can do that with spells, but they have also began to produce these. As far as we know, these collars are being used to enslave members of the Blood of the True King. So far, we’ve encountered two of them. I don’t know how many more may be under their sway, but I suspect it’s far more than two,” she pauses and adds, “Well, one. Fortunately, we managed to free the one who wore this specific collar.”
Saoirse doesn’t stands silent once again, simply looking at Rhododendron and wondering if, having been in the Great War, she might recognize the collar.
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Sha gives Lam vigilant blessing, and touches Saoirse with guidance. He wipes the 'sugar meat' from Sombra and holds her close as the tension builds ebbs and flows. Sometimes the past is best left in the void...
Your worst moment, begins your greatest tale.
Lam takes his cue from his friends on how to act as he stands listening to the new elder talk, not entirely sure himself what to do. This one speaks very frankly about the situation. Lam raises his eyebrows at the news about Hemlock’s parents, and looks to Hemlock to see how he feels about the news. He nods at Hemlock’s speech, agreeing with pretty much every word. He watches Saoirse present the collar to Rhododendron, and he looks at each elder’s face to see how they are taking his friends’ words.
The fungal elder speaks first, "It should be an honour to have you here, Hemlock, Saoirse, Lam, and Sha. I am Elder Morel, and these are elders Granite, Rhubarb, Azalea, Maple, Dogwood, Cherry, and Rhododendron. You are well meaning and good people, and the network of tribes has missed your clan for far too long. It should be a joyous occasion, you being here. But Elm was the final member of our council, and you find us in a moment of grief. You ask us to walk a path that will lead to more grief. When the 'Lightbringer' ended the war and handed dominion of the valley to the High Elves, we were able to convince them to allow us to plant and tend the Skyoaks, even though they did not value the trees. You say you seek to ally with us. To what end? We may be able to come to an understanding with this Strixwell, to learn what she desires, and deal with her in a way that ensures the safety of the grove. To ally with you, openly against her, is to invite them to attack Oakhome or the great trees."
"So, you must have some information that you are keeping from us. To risk this, there must be more at stake than Strixwell expanding her influence."
Rhododendron and the male elder both seem shocked by the sight of the collar, but the others do not seem to recognize it. "The mind magic you describe is terrible indeed, and those collars are a terrible magic, abhorrent to many of my values. And yet, the collars allowed the Lightbringer soldiers who could not be turned by the Mind Flayers; and were necessary for him to win the war. We do not ride to war against every practitioner of such magics. So tell us, why is this different. What makes her a greater threat than those we've faced before?"
DM: Heavy is the Head
Hemlock searches the faces of the elders, trying to determine if they are serious in dealing with Strixwell after what happened to Elder Elm.
”What assurances do we have that if there were more to tell that you wouldn’t use it to bargain with Strixwell? You know her terms already and her envoy has already attacked your Skyoaks and killed Elder Elm for refusing those terms. You also know that collar was not worn by choice, to harm not protect”.
Insight: 13+7=20
Saoirse was as shocked as Hemlock when Elder Morel suggested a possible alliance with Strixwell, even after they had witnessed the kind of orders her pawns obey without question. She was suddenly reminded of a story she’d heard as a child, about a hero shunned by his lord and forced to live in exile—yet still, he tried to act with honor, respecting his lord's decision. "What a wonderful servant, if only he had a decent master," she mused, rshe mused, recalling the most famous quote from that tale, where a servant’s loyalty was wasted on a dishonorable master.
Returning to the present, she addressed the Elders, "What can you expect from Lord Strixwell after seeing what her followers are willing to do? Do you really believe you’d be safe after bargaining with someone like her?"
"Did you meet Gareth Dayne during or after the Great War? What are your thoughts on him?" Saoirse asks Elders Rhododendron and Morel, her curiosity genuine.
She continues, "You see, even though I belong to the Blood of the True King, I’ve stopped calling him Lightbringer. I believe he should be called by his name, rather than by the title he used to make others—and himself—believe he was a god. He was no god, just a mortal. And even if his actions led to the defeat of the Mindflayer Empire, I don’t believe he should be followed blindly, as we Blood Hunters were taught to do. He may have created these collars—among other things—with the sole purpose of defeating the Mindflayers, but the truth is… Gareth Dayne is no more. Silvia Strixwell is. And she has procured herself an unknown number of the finest warriors," there is pride in her voice as she says this, "trained to seek and destroy creatures like ilithids, and totally unable to defy her or her pawns' commands."
The fire genasi looks at the Elders one by one before asking, "Are you telling me you'd rather let someone like Silvia Strixwell, whose underlings you have already seen in action, rule your land? You find these collars abhorrent, yet you’d prefer they keep existing, rather than freeing those who have to live with them around their necks?"
(ooc: I will leave an Insight check to understand their feelings towards the "Lightbringer": 11)
Down, down, down by the river... ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Saoirse | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Lam crosses his arms when Morel talks about negotiating with Strixwell. He forgets his tact for a moment and says out loud, “She has already hurt children. She is not safe.” Then he stops talking and defers to his friends, his arms still crossed.