Seeing that the last fiendish beast is apparently refusing to die, Archie runs just past where Roo was standing and flanks the hostile with Lulu on the other side, she takes two swings with her flame blade (26 to hit, 5 fire damage, 10 to hit, miss?) and for good measure knocks him over the head with a thunderous off hand gauntlet (24 to hit, 7 thunder dam) making a distracting vibration which cause the thing to become distracted if it does not focus it's aggression on her.
Larry takes the slash from Reya and resists the fire, but then takes all the thunder damage from Archie. Reed's arrow makes Larry bloodied and he sees he is getting surrounded by foes. Roo attempts to hit Larry the Merciless (nice name) but misses on his attack.
Now that the undead was taken care of, Virro attempts his chill touch again since he can administer that twice and watches as both hands hit for 22 necrotic damage.
Corlith frowns at the lack of impact from his words, and decides to attack the mind of Larry directly instead, as usual using the power of his bracers to double the effect. With all of them now focussing on his he was surely not long for this world.
Action: Mind Sliver against Mike - DC17 Int Save or take 1+2=3 [psychic] - on fail subtract 1d4 from next saving throw Bonus Action:Mind Sliver against Mike - DC17 Int Save or take 4+4=8 [psychic] - on fail subtract 1d4 from next saving throw
With Corlith's the mezzolith stumbles as the attack sinks into his mind, but does not fall.
Attacking Archie, his claw rips into her and receives 9 magical damage. Turning around, he attacks Lulu with his trident, but misses.
Seeing Archie on the ground, Reya screams in frustration and pushes through to send this creature away. And her first sword attack does the job. Turning to the rest of the group, "Can you help her?? Please!!"
"Damn!", Corlith exclaims as Archie is struck and falls.
He rushes over, taking out his healer's kit and trying to figure out how to stabilise her through the armour, which he will do if no healing is offered first.
"This place is a constant threat, and some of us are almost running on empty".
Reed looks at the fallen Archie and echoes Reya’s sentiment.
”Yeah, you have to save her. I still owe her for when she took those keys from me.” Reed says, his usual unflappable cheerfulness wavering.
While the others work on Archie, a task he has nothing to contribute with, Reed rummages through Gideon’s pockets then heads to the top of the stairs to keep watch in case something comes up while they’re occupied.
Archie hits the deck and her flame sputters out, normally the IronMaiden would take over and continue the fight until Archie could be healed. As Corlith approaches, the dimming light within the armour flickers between blue and amber, but no IronMaiden surfaces, something is wrong.
Virro kneels down beside Archie, initially distracted by this Gideon fellow, but he tries to focus his clinical acumen on Archie. He is distracted and is not as effective as he would like. (Medicine : 9). He then has an idea, snapping his fingers, and he begins a prayer, nodding his head, rubbing the back of his right hand, and saying words that are slurred and difficult to understand in any language. A mist of healing comes over Archie, over himself as well and 4 others who are nearby in the room.
Virro casts prayer of healing, 3rd level. Up to 6 can have 3d8 +4 healing. Virro heals for 19, back to full health.
Reya falls to her knees as she sees Virro and Corlith try to save Archie. "What...what's wrong with her?" but as the mist comes over her the others, she can't help but smile. She was in really bad shape, but the 14 healing she got back was huge. She watches Archie with her breath held.
Reed breathes a sigh when Virro’s magic knits up all of the wounds he’s received.
While Virro, Corlith and Reya work on Archie, Reed examines what was in Gideon’s pockets - a small animal skull, a few little bones and a bronze piece with some symbol on it (for Lathander).
”I don’t think any of this is of much use.” Reed says the looks around for Slobberchops and tosses the cat a piece of jerky. “Keep those eyes open for anything invisible trying to sneak up on us, would you.”
At the healing, Archie's amber flame sputters back to life, but she says nothing, she doesn't move at all until the flame turns blue and IronMaiden sits. "Status report? Wha... What just happened?"
Corlith sits back as Virro casts his spell, also feeling the restorative effects. He had only been able to shrug as Reya asked what was wrong with Archie, having no experience in these things.
"It is true, you were gone for a moment. But we are still in Elturel, and looking for the Duke", he adds. "Can we afford time to rest? If the demons are coming from downstairs, and that is where the Duke went, then he might be in trouble. Of course, we might not be prepared to tackle what is down there, in which case the Duke won't be the only one in trouble".
He looks around trying to determine who else was close to be tapped out.
IronMaiden's body hisses a little letting the built up steam out from within, "something has been wrong for some time, can someone check on her?" The suit opens with another release of pressure and a wave of heat, revealing Archie curled up within the torso of the machine. The arcane sphere just above her head in the throat of the IronMaiden glows and seems to have buried itself within the mechanisms inside.
Reya sidles up next to Iron Maiden and looks inside, cringing at the sight. The young warrior doesn't look good either, the healing helped, but she was still bleeding pretty good. Looking to Corlith, she nods, "Maybe a short rest? I know that doesn't help you.. but I do worry about the Duke.."
Lulu flies to the top of the stairs and looks down over Reeds head. Slobberchops weaves around Reed's legs, purring after eating his scraps.
Corlith strokes his chin and shakes his head, sucking in a breath through his teeth.
"Archie is fading away. Her life force is still being syphoned off into you Ironmaiden, despite the arcane sphere slowing the process down. Unless you are able to stop, I don't think she has long left", he says sadly, not knowing what the solution is.
"Perhaps if we remove her, she has a chance, and with the arcane sphere still present, so will you?", he asks speculatively.
"I cannot stop it from happening. But one thing I do know is that her life force has not been at its full capacity for some time, neither has mine, it is Asif it is divided between us but becoming more and more unbalanced... I do not want her to die." IronMaiden's voice is quiet, concerned, not it's usual robotic unemotional drawl. The machine is worried and pleading.
“Perhaps if you could hold on a little longer, let us find the Duke, then we could look for the one that could fix you… or someone who knows about it..”. Virro chimes in, ready to move on if needed or to rest further.
Corlith listens to Ironmaiden, noticing a difference and trying to pinpoint it.
He also repeats his suggestion, "And what about separating you now you have another power source? If not, I agree with Virro, let's find the Duke quickly and move on".
Seeing that the last fiendish beast is apparently refusing to die, Archie runs just past where Roo was standing and flanks the hostile with Lulu on the other side, she takes two swings with her flame blade (26 to hit, 5 fire damage, 10 to hit, miss?) and for good measure knocks him over the head with a thunderous off hand gauntlet (24 to hit, 7 thunder dam) making a distracting vibration which cause the thing to become distracted if it does not focus it's aggression on her.
Larry takes the slash from Reya and resists the fire, but then takes all the thunder damage from Archie. Reed's arrow makes Larry bloodied and he sees he is getting surrounded by foes. Roo attempts to hit Larry the Merciless (nice name) but misses on his attack.
Now that the undead was taken care of, Virro attempts his chill touch again since he can administer that twice and watches as both hands hit for 22 necrotic damage.
Corlith frowns at the lack of impact from his words, and decides to attack the mind of Larry directly instead, as usual using the power of his bracers to double the effect. With all of them now focussing on his he was surely not long for this world.
Action: Mind Sliver against Mike - DC17 Int Save or take 1+2=3 [psychic] - on fail subtract 1d4 from next saving throw
Bonus Action:Mind Sliver against Mike - DC17 Int Save or take 4+4=8 [psychic] - on fail subtract 1d4 from next saving throw
With Corlith's the mezzolith stumbles as the attack sinks into his mind, but does not fall.
Attacking Archie, his claw rips into her and receives 9 magical damage. Turning around, he attacks Lulu with his trident, but misses.
Seeing Archie on the ground, Reya screams in frustration and pushes through to send this creature away. And her first sword attack does the job. Turning to the rest of the group, "Can you help her?? Please!!"
"Damn!", Corlith exclaims as Archie is struck and falls.
He rushes over, taking out his healer's kit and trying to figure out how to stabilise her through the armour, which he will do if no healing is offered first.
"This place is a constant threat, and some of us are almost running on empty".
Reed looks at the fallen Archie and echoes Reya’s sentiment.
”Yeah, you have to save her. I still owe her for when she took those keys from me.” Reed says, his usual unflappable cheerfulness wavering.
While the others work on Archie, a task he has nothing to contribute with, Reed rummages through Gideon’s pockets then heads to the top of the stairs to keep watch in case something comes up while they’re occupied.
Archie hits the deck and her flame sputters out, normally the IronMaiden would take over and continue the fight until Archie could be healed. As Corlith approaches, the dimming light within the armour flickers between blue and amber, but no IronMaiden surfaces, something is wrong.
Virro kneels down beside Archie, initially distracted by this Gideon fellow, but he tries to focus his clinical acumen on Archie. He is distracted and is not as effective as he would like. (Medicine : 9). He then has an idea, snapping his fingers, and he begins a prayer, nodding his head, rubbing the back of his right hand, and saying words that are slurred and difficult to understand in any language. A mist of healing comes over Archie, over himself as well and 4 others who are nearby in the room.
Virro casts prayer of healing, 3rd level. Up to 6 can have 3d8 +4 healing. Virro heals for 19, back to full health.
Reya falls to her knees as she sees Virro and Corlith try to save Archie. "What...what's wrong with her?" but as the mist comes over her the others, she can't help but smile. She was in really bad shape, but the 14 healing she got back was huge. She watches Archie with her breath held.
Reed breathes a sigh when Virro’s magic knits up all of the wounds he’s received.
While Virro, Corlith and Reya work on Archie, Reed examines what was in Gideon’s pockets - a small animal skull, a few little bones and a bronze piece with some symbol on it (for Lathander).
”I don’t think any of this is of much use.” Reed says the looks around for Slobberchops and tosses the cat a piece of jerky. “Keep those eyes open for anything invisible trying to sneak up on us, would you.”
At the healing, Archie's amber flame sputters back to life, but she says nothing, she doesn't move at all until the flame turns blue and IronMaiden sits. "Status report? Wha... What just happened?"
“You died. Completely,” Reed says with a smile. “But Virro did a bit of magic and healed us all up.”
And then Reed’s stomach rumbles.
”Would be nice to take a bit of a break now. But should I pop downstairs first just to make sure there isn’t an army of those things coming up?”
Corlith sits back as Virro casts his spell, also feeling the restorative effects. He had only been able to shrug as Reya asked what was wrong with Archie, having no experience in these things.
"It is true, you were gone for a moment. But we are still in Elturel, and looking for the Duke", he adds. "Can we afford time to rest? If the demons are coming from downstairs, and that is where the Duke went, then he might be in trouble. Of course, we might not be prepared to tackle what is down there, in which case the Duke won't be the only one in trouble".
He looks around trying to determine who else was close to be tapped out.
IronMaiden's body hisses a little letting the built up steam out from within, "something has been wrong for some time, can someone check on her?" The suit opens with another release of pressure and a wave of heat, revealing Archie curled up within the torso of the machine. The arcane sphere just above her head in the throat of the IronMaiden glows and seems to have buried itself within the mechanisms inside.
Reya sidles up next to Iron Maiden and looks inside, cringing at the sight. The young warrior doesn't look good either, the healing helped, but she was still bleeding pretty good. Looking to Corlith, she nods, "Maybe a short rest? I know that doesn't help you.. but I do worry about the Duke.."
Lulu flies to the top of the stairs and looks down over Reeds head. Slobberchops weaves around Reed's legs, purring after eating his scraps.
Corlith looks across to Lulu and nods, as if approving of something.
"Ok, seems we might have time for a quick rest", he concedes.
He also wanders across to look at Archie, "A bit beyond my expertise, but sure I can look".
He focusses as he looks at the curled up genasi.
Medicine (with Guidance): 10+3+4=17
Corlith strokes his chin and shakes his head, sucking in a breath through his teeth.
"Archie is fading away. Her life force is still being syphoned off into you Ironmaiden, despite the arcane sphere slowing the process down. Unless you are able to stop, I don't think she has long left", he says sadly, not knowing what the solution is.
"Perhaps if we remove her, she has a chance, and with the arcane sphere still present, so will you?", he asks speculatively.
"I cannot stop it from happening. But one thing I do know is that her life force has not been at its full capacity for some time, neither has mine, it is Asif it is divided between us but becoming more and more unbalanced... I do not want her to die." IronMaiden's voice is quiet, concerned, not it's usual robotic unemotional drawl. The machine is worried and pleading.
“Perhaps if you could hold on a little longer, let us find the Duke, then we could look for the one that could fix you… or someone who knows about it..”. Virro chimes in, ready to move on if needed or to rest further.
Corlith listens to Ironmaiden, noticing a difference and trying to pinpoint it.
He also repeats his suggestion, "And what about separating you now you have another power source? If not, I agree with Virro, let's find the Duke quickly and move on".
Insight: 3+6=9 (Passive: 16)