Even with Roo's help, the suit is becoming heavier and heavier, and the IronMaiden more and more inconsolable, "your assistance is appreciated mighty gallus, but the world is trying to right the wrongs of my existence, this will not end until I am terminated, I am wrong for the world, and I shall be consumed like artax."
After Corlith wriggles out of the black ooze, he hears Virro call out for aid. He carefully makes his way across to him and reaches a hand, attempting to assist him.
Virro frantically reaches forward for Corlith’s hand but the sludge has gotten into his eyes and he could not see it. He misses his hand and falls back into the sludge. On his way down he does have a shadowy glow around his right hand, but then sinks back into the sludge. “Help, help! I’m being buried alive! I’m never going to make it out of here! Death, your sweet embrace, coming to soon, I have too much to do!” He sounds frantic, tearful.
Reed steps closer to the sludge, careful not to let any get him. He then grabs hold of Wilfred's belt to try and give the big fighter more leverage to help Virro and IM to get out of the muck.
"Stop being so dramatic and just get out of there already," Reed calls to Virro. "You've plenty more fingers to collect."
Ironmiaden continues sinking every movement becoming heavier as the sludge enters the suit and weighs it down more, pulling down, no room to move, and then the ironmiaden stops fighting it. Instead there is a hiss the chest piece opens and the mounting sludge begins to leak out, the arms and legs open too pushing back against the pressure and releasing the vacuum that was keeping the maiden in place. They begin to crawl forward using the open panels to spread out the weight and points of pressure until they are fully free. "I had forgotten that I am able do that..." They mutter embarrassed.
Flash of genius and a lot of advantage for 18 save
Virro flails around a little more and then finally feels hands grasping at him, he locks hold and wiggles his way out of the sludge, collapsing on the ground when he clears the sludge, finally he stops whimpering. He finally registers what Reed said and he replies, with some minor sniffling and one big sob, “D’you mean it? Really? You’ve really only had half of your anatomy lesson. Remind me to tell you more when the time comes..”. He forces a weak smile.
As you all finally extricate yourselves from the thick brown sludge that has filled the area, your vision turns black again as you move to the next dream sequence.
Dream 5: Revelation
Lulu rests on a black cushion at the center of an inky void. She is unconscious and alone, a beam of brilliant white light shining down upon her. Next to Lulu, a large gleaming brass spyglass rests atop an ornately carved tripod.
Lulu awakens and looks peacefully around her. Seeing the spyglass, she approaches it, pressing one eye against the eyepiece. Lulu then steps back suddenly, eyes wide, mouth open, her face alight with excitement. She cries out, “The sword, the sword! I know where it is!!"
At this moment, you all slowly wake up to see Lulu twirling around above the black cushions above you as you all seem to be lying down upon the circle now. Mad Maggie looks down upon you, her face lit up and just oozing contentment. She clasps her hands together, "Why!! What misery your friend has gone through and that sludge... looks like several of you have your own misery to talk about." She licks her lips and looks at you all expectantly.
Lulu continues to zip around, her circles getting larger and larger and you all hear in your heads, "I know! I know where it is! Let us go get it, now!" she trumpets a bit in her excitement.
(The damage you all received is still there and the spell slots have also been used.)
Corlith watches in the final dream sequence as Lulu peers through the spyglass. He wants to look himself as she exclaims in delight, but there is no time before he wakes up.
As the hag speaks, he is adjusting to being back to reality.
"It seems the process was successful, you have my thanks. I assume you saw the story as was the agreement?", he asks Mad Maggie. He doesn't feel the need to elaborate on anything he underwent in the dream. After all, that was not part of the agreement.
"That is good news, Lulu. How far away is it? Will we need provisions or transport?", he asks.
Roo pops up quick as they all return from the dreamscape. He looks around, fluffing his feathers as he has a look around. Then, of course, since he has woken...he begins to crow, as loud and obnoxious as possible. Because that is his compulsion.
"COCKADOODLE DOO!" Rings through the room at least three times...
“Aaarrgggh… good grief. Quiet you buzzard!” A significantly weakened Virro halfway tosses a pillow at Roo, trying to decrease the pounding headache he has. “What the hell was that sludge, did the…did the rest of you dream that, like me? Lulu, where are you? I feel terrible. I feel like I need to sleep for 3 days..”. Virro looks even paler than normal, and that’s saying a lot.
"rest is indeed needed, I can still feel that ichor inside me though it is no longer present..." Ironmiaden turns from the group and looks toward the hag, "...you have interest in our miseries, why? I have speculation upon my own but am hesitant to share without knowing your intention."
The grin having never faltered from Mad Maggies face, she does flinch a bit when Roo crows, but her mood surely doesn't alter. Hearing IronMaiden question her she turns her grotesque smile upon them, "Intention? Why.. I love misery purely for the misery of it all! It's a pity you don't as well, it is a great feeling to wallow in someone else's woes and fears and utter disappointment. You should try it sometime."
It doesn't appear that the redcaps have messed with Reed's things, but several are hanging around him, and have definitely taken an interest in the halfling.
"you feed from the hopelessness of others, does this satiate you? do you take anything from them?" The ironmiaden inquires, curious about sharing but still hesitant, cautious.
They kep half an eye on the group and on the rambunctious redcaps.
Corlith listens to Lulu and nods, reaching into his pack and withdrawing the map of Avernus book he had been given by Sylvana at Candlekeep. Sat on a cushion still, he opens it and places it on one of the other cushions, motioning for Lulu to take a look.
"Good idea, come and take a look and see if you can work it out", he says to her.
He seems to be focussed on this now, happy that the deal Mad Maggie was complete.
Virro stirs and starts moving the pillows around to fashion a makeshift bed, being sure to move them outside the circle, every now and again looking up at the redcaps and Maggie. He fluffs the pillows making like he is considering a nap…
"How long are your fingers?" Reed calls over to the redcaps. "They look different than any we've come across lately."
Despite his bravado, Reed knows enough to make sure he sticks by the group. They might be just a bunch of maniacal evil gnomes, but if was separated and surrounded by them it might not be too fun.
"Take anything from them? Like what? I mean... if they stole from me, then that would be a different story. But this.. I'm delighted, I'd like to help you all out!" She yanks back the flesh golum away from the circle and he moans again, hopping and limping as he goes. The ravens that were resting on Mad Maggie before the dream sequence now are circling above, seemingly whispering to one another at times.
Mad Maggie turns around and screams, "Barnabas!!" A few moments later an old man comes hobbling out one of the shacks nearby. But what is most interesting about his is that the head on his shoulders is not a normal head, but a flaming skull instead. The flaming eye sockets face each and everyone of you as apparently this Barnabas takes in the scenery. About halfway to Mad Maggie, "Barnabas, go get these fine people 2 weeks of water and rations! They have earned it." The slumped shoulders seem to slump more as he turns around and heads to another shack.
Turning back to you all, her eyes seem filled with glee and snot slides from a nostril and as it hits her lips she doesn't seem to even notice it. "Now, for transportation. I have a couple of machines you can have. You're going to need them to head over all of this terrain, it's a *****." "Wait! No Mad Maggie, this one is going to help us fix the one we have been working on and we struck a deal, they can borrow it for their quest." Clonk heads up to her, excited about getting that machine up and running.
The light seems to extinguish in her eyes as she scowls, for the first time since you all arrived and you can see the stark difference. "You Did WHAT?? That is the DEMON GRINDER. That is mine and you have no claim to lend it out or even let anyone in it! NO!" The kenku bows his head and backs off quickly.
In the meantime, Lulu looks over the map that is unfurled in front of her and after a few moments, she jabs her trunk at a spot on the map (I'll show it on discord)
Corlith looks at the map and tries to judge scale, and how long it will take to reach there without the help of Mad Maggie. It is a vast landscape though, and he admits that transport would make the journey much faster, and it was not like they had time to waste right now.
When he hears Mad Maggie and the kenku arguing, he looks up and the around at Ironmaiden and Virro.
"We just need something that will allow some of us to rest on the journey", he says, eager to be moving but understanding the need for rest for those that suffered in Lulu's dream. "Every moment we waste, Elturel and all her citizens are in danger".
The ironmiaden looks disappointed that their deal fell through, it appears they were particularly excited to work on the machine, the DemonGrinder. But saying no more on the subject they accept the necessity of haste right now.
To mad Maggie "your want for misery appears to be a trait inherent to you, I will not judge you for it, though I will also refrain from further discussing my own miseries, I feel like it is something one shares with close friends instead of..." and then they gesture vaguely to all of the hag before turning to the group and awaiting orders, "respite is needed, if we can get it on the way I can appreciate the efficiency."
Even with Roo's help, the suit is becoming heavier and heavier, and the IronMaiden more and more inconsolable, "your assistance is appreciated mighty gallus, but the world is trying to right the wrongs of my existence, this will not end until I am terminated, I am wrong for the world, and I shall be consumed like artax."
After Corlith wriggles out of the black ooze, he hears Virro call out for aid. He carefully makes his way across to him and reaches a hand, attempting to assist him.
"Remain calm, Virro. Grab my hand and try again".
Virro frantically reaches forward for Corlith’s hand but the sludge has gotten into his eyes and he could not see it. He misses his hand and falls back into the sludge. On his way down he does have a shadowy glow around his right hand, but then sinks back into the sludge. “Help, help! I’m being buried alive! I’m never going to make it out of here! Death, your sweet embrace, coming to soon, I have too much to do!” He sounds frantic, tearful.
Acrobatics, with advantage due to help : 8
Bonus action : casts healing word on himself for 14 points of healing.
Reed steps closer to the sludge, careful not to let any get him. He then grabs hold of Wilfred's belt to try and give the big fighter more leverage to help Virro and IM to get out of the muck.
"Stop being so dramatic and just get out of there already," Reed calls to Virro. "You've plenty more fingers to collect."
Ironmiaden continues sinking every movement becoming heavier as the sludge enters the suit and weighs it down more, pulling down, no room to move, and then the ironmiaden stops fighting it. Instead there is a hiss the chest piece opens and the mounting sludge begins to leak out, the arms and legs open too pushing back against the pressure and releasing the vacuum that was keeping the maiden in place. They begin to crawl forward using the open panels to spread out the weight and points of pressure until they are fully free. "I had forgotten that I am able do that..." They mutter embarrassed.
Flash of genius and a lot of advantage for 18 save
Virro flails around a little more and then finally feels hands grasping at him, he locks hold and wiggles his way out of the sludge, collapsing on the ground when he clears the sludge, finally he stops whimpering. He finally registers what Reed said and he replies, with some minor sniffling and one big sob, “D’you mean it? Really? You’ve really only had half of your anatomy lesson. Remind me to tell you more when the time comes..”. He forces a weak smile.
Virro acrobatics : 22
As you all finally extricate yourselves from the thick brown sludge that has filled the area, your vision turns black again as you move to the next dream sequence.
Dream 5: Revelation
Lulu rests on a black cushion at the center of an inky void. She is unconscious and alone, a beam of brilliant white light shining down upon her. Next to Lulu, a large gleaming brass spyglass rests atop an ornately carved tripod.
Lulu awakens and looks peacefully around her. Seeing the spyglass, she approaches it, pressing one eye against the eyepiece. Lulu then steps back suddenly, eyes wide, mouth open, her face alight with excitement. She cries out, “The sword, the sword! I know where it is!!"
At this moment, you all slowly wake up to see Lulu twirling around above the black cushions above you as you all seem to be lying down upon the circle now. Mad Maggie looks down upon you, her face lit up and just oozing contentment. She clasps her hands together, "Why!! What misery your friend has gone through and that sludge... looks like several of you have your own misery to talk about." She licks her lips and looks at you all expectantly.
Lulu continues to zip around, her circles getting larger and larger and you all hear in your heads, "I know! I know where it is! Let us go get it, now!" she trumpets a bit in her excitement.
(The damage you all received is still there and the spell slots have also been used.)
Corlith watches in the final dream sequence as Lulu peers through the spyglass. He wants to look himself as she exclaims in delight, but there is no time before he wakes up.
As the hag speaks, he is adjusting to being back to reality.
"It seems the process was successful, you have my thanks. I assume you saw the story as was the agreement?", he asks Mad Maggie. He doesn't feel the need to elaborate on anything he underwent in the dream. After all, that was not part of the agreement.
"That is good news, Lulu. How far away is it? Will we need provisions or transport?", he asks.
Reed checks all of his gear to make sure those redcaps didn’t mess with anything while he was in the dream state.
Then he waits for Lulu’s answer to Corlith.
Roo pops up quick as they all return from the dreamscape. He looks around, fluffing his feathers as he has a look around. Then, of course, since he has woken...he begins to crow, as loud and obnoxious as possible. Because that is his compulsion.
"COCKADOODLE DOO!" Rings through the room at least three times...
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
“Aaarrgggh… good grief. Quiet you buzzard!” A significantly weakened Virro halfway tosses a pillow at Roo, trying to decrease the pounding headache he has. “What the hell was that sludge, did the…did the rest of you dream that, like me? Lulu, where are you? I feel terrible. I feel like I need to sleep for 3 days..”. Virro looks even paler than normal, and that’s saying a lot.
"rest is indeed needed, I can still feel that ichor inside me though it is no longer present..." Ironmiaden turns from the group and looks toward the hag, "...you have interest in our miseries, why? I have speculation upon my own but am hesitant to share without knowing your intention."
Lulu turns to Corlith and responds to him.
The grin having never faltered from Mad Maggies face, she does flinch a bit when Roo crows, but her mood surely doesn't alter. Hearing IronMaiden question her she turns her grotesque smile upon them, "Intention? Why.. I love misery purely for the misery of it all! It's a pity you don't as well, it is a great feeling to wallow in someone else's woes and fears and utter disappointment. You should try it sometime."
It doesn't appear that the redcaps have messed with Reed's things, but several are hanging around him, and have definitely taken an interest in the halfling.
"you feed from the hopelessness of others, does this satiate you? do you take anything from them?" The ironmiaden inquires, curious about sharing but still hesitant, cautious.
They kep half an eye on the group and on the rambunctious redcaps.
Corlith listens to Lulu and nods, reaching into his pack and withdrawing the map of Avernus book he had been given by Sylvana at Candlekeep. Sat on a cushion still, he opens it and places it on one of the other cushions, motioning for Lulu to take a look.
"Good idea, come and take a look and see if you can work it out", he says to her.
He seems to be focussed on this now, happy that the deal Mad Maggie was complete.
Virro stirs and starts moving the pillows around to fashion a makeshift bed, being sure to move them outside the circle, every now and again looking up at the redcaps and Maggie. He fluffs the pillows making like he is considering a nap…
"How long are your fingers?" Reed calls over to the redcaps. "They look different than any we've come across lately."
Despite his bravado, Reed knows enough to make sure he sticks by the group. They might be just a bunch of maniacal evil gnomes, but if was separated and surrounded by them it might not be too fun.
"Take anything from them? Like what? I mean... if they stole from me, then that would be a different story. But this.. I'm delighted, I'd like to help you all out!" She yanks back the flesh golum away from the circle and he moans again, hopping and limping as he goes. The ravens that were resting on Mad Maggie before the dream sequence now are circling above, seemingly whispering to one another at times.
Mad Maggie turns around and screams, "Barnabas!!" A few moments later an old man comes hobbling out one of the shacks nearby. But what is most interesting about his is that the head on his shoulders is not a normal head, but a flaming skull instead. The flaming eye sockets face each and everyone of you as apparently this Barnabas takes in the scenery. About halfway to Mad Maggie, "Barnabas, go get these fine people 2 weeks of water and rations! They have earned it." The slumped shoulders seem to slump more as he turns around and heads to another shack.
Turning back to you all, her eyes seem filled with glee and snot slides from a nostril and as it hits her lips she doesn't seem to even notice it. "Now, for transportation. I have a couple of machines you can have. You're going to need them to head over all of this terrain, it's a *****." "Wait! No Mad Maggie, this one is going to help us fix the one we have been working on and we struck a deal, they can borrow it for their quest." Clonk heads up to her, excited about getting that machine up and running.
The light seems to extinguish in her eyes as she scowls, for the first time since you all arrived and you can see the stark difference. "You Did WHAT?? That is the DEMON GRINDER. That is mine and you have no claim to lend it out or even let anyone in it! NO!" The kenku bows his head and backs off quickly.
In the meantime, Lulu looks over the map that is unfurled in front of her and after a few moments, she jabs her trunk at a spot on the map (I'll show it on discord)
Corlith looks at the map and tries to judge scale, and how long it will take to reach there without the help of Mad Maggie. It is a vast landscape though, and he admits that transport would make the journey much faster, and it was not like they had time to waste right now.
When he hears Mad Maggie and the kenku arguing, he looks up and the around at Ironmaiden and Virro.
"We just need something that will allow some of us to rest on the journey", he says, eager to be moving but understanding the need for rest for those that suffered in Lulu's dream. "Every moment we waste, Elturel and all her citizens are in danger".
The ironmiaden looks disappointed that their deal fell through, it appears they were particularly excited to work on the machine, the DemonGrinder. But saying no more on the subject they accept the necessity of haste right now.
To mad Maggie "your want for misery appears to be a trait inherent to you, I will not judge you for it, though I will also refrain from further discussing my own miseries, I feel like it is something one shares with close friends instead of..." and then they gesture vaguely to all of the hag before turning to the group and awaiting orders, "respite is needed, if we can get it on the way I can appreciate the efficiency."