Virro’s eyes snap around to Reed, interested, when he starts talking about Redcap fingers. His hand goes instinctively to his pouch. He looks to Corlith and nods when rest is mentioned on the journey. "Absolutely. I'm worn out. Would take a nap right here if you'd let me. But it is best that we keep moving, so if I could rest up during the travel, all the better."
Reed looks around for the vehicles "Maggie" mentions.
"They can't be harder to manage then a runaway wagon, right?" Reed says, remembering the number of times he'd handled the beer deliveries for the brewery. "I can take a hand driving one of them to start while others rest."
Looking at the map, there is no legend to tell Corlith distance or anything of the sort. If he recalls from Sylvira, this endeavor to create the map was quite a feat and the creator went mad.
As several of the party members mention rest during travel, Mad Maggie turns back to you all, anger still there but it seems to diminish a touch, "Rest while traveling in Avernus? Are you mad? I mean... I know I am and I wouldn't be the fool. If you need rest, I have shacks you can hole up until you're ready to head out. But no, you'll need all your wits about you as you head towards whatever destination you choose."
Barnabus returns with a heavy looking sack and drops it at the feet of the party with a heavy sigh. The flaming skull seems to glare at the redcaps as he starts to retreat, but then veers over to where Wilfred is standing and whispers something in his ear. He slowly starts walking away, unsure of the fighters reaction.
Corlith looks at Mad Maggie expressionlessly, "I am not suggesting we all sleep on the journey, I am suggesting a couple of us sit and rest for an hour whilst those of us unhurt are alert".
He then points up to Elturel in the sky, "We have people relying on us, we can't just stop for a full nights rest in one of your shacks, no matter how appealing that might sound".
"Now, where are these machines you are willing to let us have?".
Reed watches the hag carefully when she gets angry, wondering if that's because she has plans to take advantage of them if they spend the night (Insight 14).
He then goes over to the sack that was dropped and takes a look, expecting anything from severed body parts to additional supplies.
Looking at the map, there is no legend to tell Corlith distance or anything of the sort. If he recalls from Sylvira, this endeavor to create the map was quite a feat and the creator went mad.
As several of the party members mention rest during travel, Mad Maggie turns back to you all, anger still there but it seems to diminish a touch, "Rest while traveling in Avernus? Are you mad? I mean... I know I am and I wouldn't be the fool. If you need rest, I have shacks you can hole up until you're ready to head out. But no, you'll need all your wits about you as you head towards whatever destination you choose."
Barnabus returns with a heavy looking sack and drops it at the feet of the party with a heavy sigh. The flaming skull seems to glare at the redcaps as he starts to retreat, but then veers over to where Wilfred is standing and whispers something in his ear. He slowly starts walking away, unsure of the fighters reaction.
Wilfred nods at Midges explanation. "I was traveling in the waste for... Honestly, I'm not sure how long. We won't get good rest there. It's best to rest here while we can."
Wilfred listens to the skull, then his eyes lock on to one of the Redcaps. He nods as a cold smile goes across his face. Wilfred moves towards one of the Redcaps. "Hey there Grubba. I think we need to have a chat. Yea?"
"You weren't there, Wilf", Corlith says as Wilf walks away to the Redcap. "In the city, seeing all the death and destruction. Seeing the devils and demons prowling the streets. Seeing the survivors hunted down".
He pauses for a moment, "It may not seem real to you, but the longer this takes us the more people die up there".
He looks around to ask of all the others not just Wilf, "How long do you all need to be ready?".
The redcap that Wilfred addresses looks to his friends and then back to Wilfred, seeing the cold smile he studders, "A.. a chat? Wh.. why what for?" After a moment he gets back his bravado. "You're not as fun as your halfling friend. I don't need no chat with you"
Mad Maggie, satisfied with how things transpired and getting over her anger with the kenkus does a little tut tut towards Corlith, "Patience. patience young fella. I got you and your some food, I'll get the machines round here. Do you know how to fuel them? You know, keep em running?"
Barnabus stands back, patiently waiting as Wilfred approaches the redcaps, wringing his hands as he waits.
Corlith nods to Reed as he is the only one to reply to his question.
"I don't", he replies to Mad Maggie, "But I expect it will not take Ironmaiden long to work it out, and it looks like we will be here for an hour which should be plenty. And you have my thanks for the food".
He is more than a little skeptical at the type of food they are being supplied, but he determines that anything is better than starving.
"This is correct, I have read many books on the internal workings of mechanical systems and the infernal engines I have seen so far are not difficult to work out with a preexisting knowledge base. I will maintain the loaned machines whilst they are in our care and we will return them when we can." IronMaiden states giving a knowing nod to The Hag.
Virro wanders over and looks for one of these shacks that Mad Maggie mentioned. “I need an hour or so, at least. Can’t wait to get a full “night’s” sleep at some point, to recharge and so forth, that “false sleep” and those wicked dreams really took it out of me. That sludge sucked the life out of me. Gimme an hour and I’ll be ready to go though. I was thinking of one of those pillows as a memento of the occasion when we began, but now …no.”
Virro finds one shack and slumps inside, you hear the elf hit the ground, seemingly exhausted.
Virro takes a short rest, using 5 hit die of healing for 38 hit points. When he exits the shack, he appears stronger and focused, ready to go on this hell ride wherever it leads.
Ironmiaden chooses to spend their down time sitting in front of the machines, their exposed inner workings being scanned as the war forged sits like a statue merely observing for the full hour, likely to the utter bewilderment of the kenku's.
A grin grows on the hag's face. "Read about them did you now? Know about their interworkings. Mhm, sure you do. Maintain them, that I have no doubt, you seem very capable. But no, these beasts do not run on fire or anything else that.. they run on the souls of the damned."
She lets that bit of news sink in as surface dealers seem to have great issues with that, at least at first. "Yes, you must find Soul Coins in order for your machines to run. Each coin has 3 charges, a charge will run the machine for 24 hours. You don't have to return these, I might have junked them anyways."
Addressing the kenkus, "Clonk, Chugga, get wheels on that Devil's Ride and for the Tormentor, add a harpoon finger, they are going to need a weapon." She turns back to the group, "The armor plating on the Tormentor is corroded, looks to me as though acid has eaten through a lot of it, reducing it's armor (AC is 15 instead of 21). If you want to get that replaced, bring it back with some scrap metal, and my kenkus will get that fixed for you as well." She scratches her chin a bit, picking at a wart, "I believe each has a charge left." she then rummages within the folds of her clothing and tosses Corlith a couple burnt orange coins, "Here. These soul coins still have all 3 charges. There are several war lords out there to be aware of, this should help you and I believe our deal is done. I know I've been more than fair."
The kenkus run off in the direction they were directed, assumably to carry out her orders.
Corlith catches the soul coins and simply stares at them for a long moment lying in his palm, before covering them by making a fist and stuffing them in a pouch.
His expression is torn, but when he eventually meets mad Maggie's gaze again, he merely nods.
"Agreed, you have been more than fair. Generous even. I have to ask, even though I really don't want to know. How do we gather more of these coins? Are souls truly damned beyond redemption?".
Ironmiaden nods assessing the give and take of the deal proposed, "if I may, when we are out there attempting to gather scrap for the plating, if we have left over I will return and use said leftovers to complete the repairs on your large vehicle, the DEMON GRINDER. replacing the hezrou gear with a suitable alternative which will halt the demonic energy flooding problem you are having. I hope things will be accepted as a thank you for your assistance."
“Harpoon finger? Oooh, that sounds interesting.” His hand goes to his pouch, squeezing it slightly. “I don’t know what that is, but it sounds helpful. Are we all ready to try this thing?” Virro walks over to the vehicle and takes a tour around it, familiarizing himself with it. He turns to Reed and looks over his head, saying “No, I have no idea how to make a soul coin. But I would be eager to learn, it sounds like that is the “fuel” of the realm here. Having a renewable source of coins for energy sounds quite useful..”
(I described these coins incorrectly, I'll fix that now)
As Corlith looks at the coins in his hand, he sees that the coins are about 5 inches across and an inch thick, minted from infernal iron. They both have some weight to them and are inscribed with infernal writing. You can feel the soul within, the rage inside both of them.
As he stuffs them in his pocket, the hag responds to his question, "Soul coins are the gold of the Nine Hells, they are what are used to barter, bribe and reward down here. You all seem resourceful, I'm sure you'll find ways to acquire more. Also.. if you want to give these machines a boost, demon ichor can be used for that." After IronMaidens offer, the woman smiles and nods. "Yes, yes, that would be most appreciated. And if you hear any more tales of woe on your travels, please, do share."
As the kenkus return with the two vehicles, you see that one holds 4 and one holds 2, so the fact she's giving you both of them are quite the relief. Virro walks around and checks them out seeing that the kenkus did indeed add the wheels to the smaller one and the harpoon finger to the larger of the two, he is able to figure out that it is a weapon. Mad Maggie overhears him, "Make a Soul Coin? Oh no... only Mammon and his greater devils on Minauros, the third layer of the Nine Hells can create these. It is done in a vast chamber where the captured souls of evil mortals are bound into the coins. Nasty business, you want nothing to do with that."
Wilfred starts chatting up one of the redcaps who is eyeing him suspiciously. Finally he seems to point to another redcap.
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Virro’s eyes snap around to Reed, interested, when he starts talking about Redcap fingers. His hand goes instinctively to his pouch. He looks to Corlith and nods when rest is mentioned on the journey. "Absolutely. I'm worn out. Would take a nap right here if you'd let me. But it is best that we keep moving, so if I could rest up during the travel, all the better."
Reed looks around for the vehicles "Maggie" mentions.
"They can't be harder to manage then a runaway wagon, right?" Reed says, remembering the number of times he'd handled the beer deliveries for the brewery. "I can take a hand driving one of them to start while others rest."
Looking at the map, there is no legend to tell Corlith distance or anything of the sort. If he recalls from Sylvira, this endeavor to create the map was quite a feat and the creator went mad.
As several of the party members mention rest during travel, Mad Maggie turns back to you all, anger still there but it seems to diminish a touch, "Rest while traveling in Avernus? Are you mad? I mean... I know I am and I wouldn't be the fool. If you need rest, I have shacks you can hole up until you're ready to head out. But no, you'll need all your wits about you as you head towards whatever destination you choose."
Barnabus returns with a heavy looking sack and drops it at the feet of the party with a heavy sigh. The flaming skull seems to glare at the redcaps as he starts to retreat, but then veers over to where Wilfred is standing and whispers something in his ear. He slowly starts walking away, unsure of the fighters reaction.
Corlith looks at Mad Maggie expressionlessly, "I am not suggesting we all sleep on the journey, I am suggesting a couple of us sit and rest for an hour whilst those of us unhurt are alert".
He then points up to Elturel in the sky, "We have people relying on us, we can't just stop for a full nights rest in one of your shacks, no matter how appealing that might sound".
"Now, where are these machines you are willing to let us have?".
Reed watches the hag carefully when she gets angry, wondering if that's because she has plans to take advantage of them if they spend the night (Insight 14).
He then goes over to the sack that was dropped and takes a look, expecting anything from severed body parts to additional supplies.
Wilfred nods at Midges explanation. "I was traveling in the waste for... Honestly, I'm not sure how long. We won't get good rest there. It's best to rest here while we can."
Wilfred listens to the skull, then his eyes lock on to one of the Redcaps. He nods as a cold smile goes across his face. Wilfred moves towards one of the Redcaps. "Hey there Grubba. I think we need to have a chat. Yea?"
"You weren't there, Wilf", Corlith says as Wilf walks away to the Redcap. "In the city, seeing all the death and destruction. Seeing the devils and demons prowling the streets. Seeing the survivors hunted down".
He pauses for a moment, "It may not seem real to you, but the longer this takes us the more people die up there".
He looks around to ask of all the others not just Wilf, "How long do you all need to be ready?".
Reed looks down at this own body when Corlith asks how long it will take for them to be ready.
"Ready to go now," Reed says then pauses before adding. "Give me an hour and I'm as good as new."
The redcap that Wilfred addresses looks to his friends and then back to Wilfred, seeing the cold smile he studders, "A.. a chat? Wh.. why what for?" After a moment he gets back his bravado. "You're not as fun as your halfling friend. I don't need no chat with you"
Mad Maggie, satisfied with how things transpired and getting over her anger with the kenkus does a little tut tut towards Corlith, "Patience. patience young fella. I got you and your some food, I'll get the machines round here. Do you know how to fuel them? You know, keep em running?"
Barnabus stands back, patiently waiting as Wilfred approaches the redcaps, wringing his hands as he waits.
Corlith nods to Reed as he is the only one to reply to his question.
"I don't", he replies to Mad Maggie, "But I expect it will not take Ironmaiden long to work it out, and it looks like we will be here for an hour which should be plenty. And you have my thanks for the food".
He is more than a little skeptical at the type of food they are being supplied, but he determines that anything is better than starving.
"This is correct, I have read many books on the internal workings of mechanical systems and the infernal engines I have seen so far are not difficult to work out with a preexisting knowledge base. I will maintain the loaned machines whilst they are in our care and we will return them when we can." IronMaiden states giving a knowing nod to The Hag.
Virro wanders over and looks for one of these shacks that Mad Maggie mentioned. “I need an hour or so, at least. Can’t wait to get a full “night’s” sleep at some point, to recharge and so forth, that “false sleep” and those wicked dreams really took it out of me. That sludge sucked the life out of me. Gimme an hour and I’ll be ready to go though. I was thinking of one of those pillows as a memento of the occasion when we began, but now …no.”
Virro finds one shack and slumps inside, you hear the elf hit the ground, seemingly exhausted.
Virro takes a short rest, using 5 hit die of healing for 38 hit points. When he exits the shack, he appears stronger and focused, ready to go on this hell ride wherever it leads.
Reed shrugs a little as he smells the sack of food.
"It's not much on aroma, but should work," Reed says.
He listens a bit to what the others say then IronMaiden's statement.
"Fuel? Like for a lantern? We have to set these carriages on fire?" Reed asks.
(One HD w/ rest - 5+1 =6)
Ironmiaden chooses to spend their down time sitting in front of the machines, their exposed inner workings being scanned as the war forged sits like a statue merely observing for the full hour, likely to the utter bewilderment of the kenku's.
5hd used 37 hp gained
A grin grows on the hag's face. "Read about them did you now? Know about their interworkings. Mhm, sure you do. Maintain them, that I have no doubt, you seem very capable. But no, these beasts do not run on fire or anything else that.. they run on the souls of the damned."
She lets that bit of news sink in as surface dealers seem to have great issues with that, at least at first. "Yes, you must find Soul Coins in order for your machines to run. Each coin has 3 charges, a charge will run the machine for 24 hours. You don't have to return these, I might have junked them anyways."
Addressing the kenkus, "Clonk, Chugga, get wheels on that Devil's Ride and for the Tormentor, add a harpoon finger, they are going to need a weapon." She turns back to the group, "The armor plating on the Tormentor is corroded, looks to me as though acid has eaten through a lot of it, reducing it's armor (AC is 15 instead of 21). If you want to get that replaced, bring it back with some scrap metal, and my kenkus will get that fixed for you as well." She scratches her chin a bit, picking at a wart, "I believe each has a charge left." she then rummages within the folds of her clothing and tosses Corlith a couple burnt orange coins, "Here. These soul coins still have all 3 charges. There are several war lords out there to be aware of, this should help you and I believe our deal is done. I know I've been more than fair."
The kenkus run off in the direction they were directed, assumably to carry out her orders.
Corlith catches the soul coins and simply stares at them for a long moment lying in his palm, before covering them by making a fist and stuffing them in a pouch.
His expression is torn, but when he eventually meets mad Maggie's gaze again, he merely nods.
"Agreed, you have been more than fair. Generous even. I have to ask, even though I really don't want to know. How do we gather more of these coins? Are souls truly damned beyond redemption?".
While Corlith talks to the hag, Reed leans over closer to Virro.
"Can you make a soul coin?" Reed asks. "I've got a lot of these ghosts floating around and following us."
Reed waves at the air around his head when he says the last part. He pauses and looks at one spot for a bit then shakes his head.
"Oh be quiet. Fueling a horseless carriage would be a lot more useful than you ever were when you were alive. You were just a drunk on a boat."
Ironmiaden nods assessing the give and take of the deal proposed, "if I may, when we are out there attempting to gather scrap for the plating, if we have left over I will return and use said leftovers to complete the repairs on your large vehicle, the DEMON GRINDER. replacing the hezrou gear with a suitable alternative which will halt the demonic energy flooding problem you are having. I hope things will be accepted as a thank you for your assistance."
“Harpoon finger? Oooh, that sounds interesting.” His hand goes to his pouch, squeezing it slightly. “I don’t know what that is, but it sounds helpful. Are we all ready to try this thing?” Virro walks over to the vehicle and takes a tour around it, familiarizing himself with it. He turns to Reed and looks over his head, saying “No, I have no idea how to make a soul coin. But I would be eager to learn, it sounds like that is the “fuel” of the realm here. Having a renewable source of coins for energy sounds quite useful..”
(I described these coins incorrectly, I'll fix that now)
As Corlith looks at the coins in his hand, he sees that the coins are about 5 inches across and an inch thick, minted from infernal iron. They both have some weight to them and are inscribed with infernal writing. You can feel the soul within, the rage inside both of them.
As he stuffs them in his pocket, the hag responds to his question, "Soul coins are the gold of the Nine Hells, they are what are used to barter, bribe and reward down here. You all seem resourceful, I'm sure you'll find ways to acquire more. Also.. if you want to give these machines a boost, demon ichor can be used for that." After IronMaidens offer, the woman smiles and nods. "Yes, yes, that would be most appreciated. And if you hear any more tales of woe on your travels, please, do share."
As the kenkus return with the two vehicles, you see that one holds 4 and one holds 2, so the fact she's giving you both of them are quite the relief. Virro walks around and checks them out seeing that the kenkus did indeed add the wheels to the smaller one and the harpoon finger to the larger of the two, he is able to figure out that it is a weapon. Mad Maggie overhears him, "Make a Soul Coin? Oh no... only Mammon and his greater devils on Minauros, the third layer of the Nine Hells can create these. It is done in a vast chamber where the captured souls of evil mortals are bound into the coins. Nasty business, you want nothing to do with that."
Wilfred starts chatting up one of the redcaps who is eyeing him suspiciously. Finally he seems to point to another redcap.