This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Hey!! That ain't fair! Looks like we got a sore loser here folks." Faelan puts away the small lute. "Ah don't know about y'all, but where I come from, we keep our words. I thought that Agdon Longscarf was a mighty Harengon, but he ain't looking too mighty by walkin' back on his challenge..."
Persuasion: 10
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Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Zeg quickly casts his spell in reaction to Agdon's attack and the branding iron just misses him. Zeg grins in satisfaction for a moment when he suddenly feels the sting of pain and the whacky rabbit disappears from view.
Launching up into the air he watches from 20 feet up the battle of the bands. But treachery lies in the brigand and though he is beat fair and square he goes back on his word and orders his fellows to attack!
"A brigand and a coward is what you truly are. You now face our justice!" he yells as he casts Moonbeam
Con Save DC 14 or 9 damage (from game log)
Seeing that the groups on the boats are closing in he focuses the beam on the boat on his left. He sets the beam on moonlight down on any of the occupants that look like they have a weapon like a bow or other distance weapon.
Sniff. Sniff. "Who's cooking chicken?" The little fairy takes a good moment to realize what happened. She'd easily get distracted by the music, buzzing around excitedly. However, when the real Longscarf wouldn't keep his word, she'd finally clue in what was going on. "Hey..."
Initiative: 17
The little fairy would flutter up, place her hands on her hips as she huffs, and puffs herself up. She stares down the group, and tosses fink fairy glitter all over them.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Zeg 7, Faelan 23, Agdon 20, Navi 17, Flynn 15
Zeg: Moonbeam on left boat (resolve on brigands' turn) Faelan: Persuasion
As Faelan berates the Brigand Prince, a column of soft light descends through the remaining mist, illuminating the area in an eerie glow, and casting the occupants of the left-side boat into sparkling radiance. Agdon simply laughs at Faelan's appeal to decency, and then shouts back while hopping from one foot to the other:
You might have beat my pipers, but not me! You don't get to be the mighty Agdon Longscarf by givin' in to weaklings! I'm the fastest and smartest there is! Catch me if you can, weakling! I think I'll take that fancy scarf of yours and...he strokes his own enormous blue scarf... and chuck it in the swamp!
And with that, Agdon Longscarf makes another impossible leap to land on the walkway beside Faelan, striking down at the ranger with the hot, glowing iron, before leaping back beyond the harengons disembarking from the right-side boat.
Attack #1: 19 Damage: 14 fire damage Attack #2 (only if #1 misses): 25 Damage: 13 fire damage
Bonus Action: Sleight of Hand: 15
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How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The branding iron scorches its mark onto Faelan's fur, and Agdon Longscarf disappears from Faelan's view. However, Faelan can tell just where Agdon bounded off too, as he sees his own quiver of arrows suddenly appear and drop into the water, as well as his own beloved scarf, created by Navi, also appear and drop into the water. Somehow the fast-fingered thief managed to swipe the scarf right from Faelan's neck during the attack!
Navi on the other hand sees Agdon clearly as he mistreats her creation with such disdain, and manages to aim her spell to engulf both the occupants of the right-side boat as well as the stretch of walkway with the Brigand Prince...
Two of the boat-bunnies bounce out in time to avoid the fairy's faerie magic, but two others become outlined in the glitter and glow majestically. Plus, the braggart boss bunny bandit is too busy dumping the party's items in the swamp to pay enough attention to the spell, and he too begins to sparkle from the glitter. Zeg and Faelan can now see a sparkly outline of Agdon Longscarf, including a long, trailing, glittery scarf-shape, hopping-mad and cursing in frustration.
Flynn is next, then the rest of the brigands
In case of alteration: Faerie Fire saving throws: Brigands: 21, 11, 7, 25. Agdon: 10
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ugh! Cut that out, bag-boy! Agdon shakes off the discordant muttering in his head and shakes his fist at Flynn. You're next, piper!
6, 18, 6, 3
The four brigands shield their eyes as they attempt to leap out of the boat that's engulfed in Zeg's moonbeam, and on to the shore. One lone harengon hops onto the walkway, shouting "Let's get 'em boys!" before realising that he is the only one that made it: the others are laying prone in the boat, overcome with moonshine. Fortunately for him, the lone brigand isn't lone for long, as three more bandits leap from the right-side boat (two of whom are sparkling with fairy glitter) and land beside him, and together they attempt to fulfil their chief's orders and bring down the bard. One harengon stays in the right-side boat and fires a crossbow up at Zeg.
4x Club v Flynn: 11 Damage: 5 18 Damage: 3 15 Damage: 4 22 Damage: 4
Light Crossbow v Zeg: Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Zeg and Faelan are next.
There are four club-wielding harengon surrounding Flynn (one wounded, two with Faerie Fire), one harengon sniper in the right-side boat 15 feet away, and invisible-but-glitter-outlined Agdon standing on a walkway just beyond at 20 feet.
(Could Faelan had used Silvery Barbs? If so, advantage goes to Navi.)
"Hey!! That was my favorite scarf! Now that does it pal." Faelan was about to go chasing after the dastardly Agdon, but he sees that his friend could use some help. He takes out both his scimitar and hit at the one closest to him.
(If possible, he will hit two brigands with each attack.)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
(Could Faelan had used Silvery Barbs? If so, advantage goes to Navi.)
Yes he could on the attack, but like with Zeg, there is still a second attack which would hit, and would in fact do more damage. Could still choose to do so, if you wanted to give Navi advantage.
I'm gonna say he can't react to the bonus action, because he wouldn't notice it. It's not strictly RAW according to the spell description, but I think reacting consciously to something that is intended to be hidden just doesn't make sense.
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How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
(Will try the silvery barb and give Navi advantage)
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Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Navi flutters up and in erratic patterns, hovering above out of reach of the Harengon. “Hey! I worked hard on that!” She gasps, appalled by the treatment of her gifted scarf. Closing one eye, the little fairy pulls out her finger guns and stares down the sight. Pew. Pew. Pew. Three rays of fire streak towards sparkly targets. “We’ll pin ya down by that scarf!” There’s a glint of a dagger.
Attack 3 vs Glitter Bandit 2 Attack: 13 Damage: 10
Free action?: Drop Dagger (Might be pushing it, but I imagine Navi dropping a dagger from the air in effort to try and pin him, but I can understand if this might be considered an attack?)
===================================== Zeg's powerful column of moonlight slides sideways through the thin mist to the second boat. The crossbow-wielding harengon inside shields its eyes and grimaces, but it seems the radiance is too strong, and the creature slumps down unconscious in the boat.
Faelan whirls his scimitars expertly at the brigands accosting Flynn. One takes the blows in the back and drops to the walkway, while another glitter-stained bandit turns to parry the ranger's onslaught, taking some wounds in the process.
Furious that six of his ten minions have already fallen, Agdon Longscarf leaps back into the fray (or from Zeg and Faelan's views, the outline of him does), striking out again at the bagpipe-toting Flynn with his glowing branding iron...
Agdon's Branding Iron: (dice roller not working, so did from DDB stat sheet): First attack (9 to hit) MISS. Second attack (21 to hit) HIT. Damage: 8 fire damage.
If the damage sticks and Flynn drops unconscious, Agdon will hop away again as his minions cheer his victory. Either way, Navi's actions will occur as follows.
Navi's three jets of fire pew out, with one striking the bandit recently wounded by Faelan and dropping him to the walkway, and the other just scorching the leather jerkin of one of the others. The third jet however smacks squarely into Agdon, making him drop to one knee in pain. As he staggers, the dropped dagger stabs into his scarf, pinning it to the wooden walkway. Agdon goes slightly insane, and screams NO! NOT THAT AGAIN! NOT EVER AGAIN! while yanking the dagger from the boards and tossing it in to the swamp. With a shake of a furry fist at Navi he yells BLOODY FAERIES!
Three brigands remain, one with FF, one wounded.
Next is Flynn (if conscious). Otherwise the brigands will go again.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The three remaining harengon don't seem too encouraged by the maniacal tirade from their leader, and the idea of him having his scarf pinned to the wood seems to rattle them more than would be expected. However, they judge they still have a chance to drop another of their targets (and the most dangerous-looking one at that), so they continue to press the attack, beating on no-scarf Faelan with their clubs, and trusting that their leader will pull something clever out of his metaphorical hat...
Zeg, seeing Flynn being attacked by Agdon reacts to the attack by casting Silvery Barbs causing Agdon to reroll his last attack roll and use the lower number.
He gives advantage to Faelan.
Zeg also uses his action to move the Moonbeam over Agdon as he can now see where he is at. DC 14 Con saving throw or 13 radiant damage (from Game Log)
The three remaining harengons get really lucky and bonks Faelan pretty good and he looks pretty bruised now. However, he brandishes his scimitars. "Hey fellas, y'all ain't seen anything yet. Now, it's mah turn!" (He strikes the wounded first. If that doesn't finish the target, he strikes it again. Otherwise, he targets the one with FF.)
Attack1: 18 Damage: 9 (Add 4 psychic damage)
(If attack 2 is targeting the one with FF, add the psychic damage)
Attack2: 24 Damage: 5 (Add 3 psychic damage)
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Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Agdon reroll: 22 (I've buggered up the roller. This was a 13, which still hits Flynn) Agdon CON save: 19 (This was a 2, which is definitely a fail)
Agdon laughs hysterically as he hops away, despite Zeg's distracting spell. His cronies continue to press on Faelan, and only in their strength of numbers are they able to gain any advantage. However, that changes quickly as disaster strikes the leader. Zeg's moonbeam illuminates the invisible (to some) sparkling (to all) rogue, and he squeals in dismay at the nasty light. With a clatter, his hot branding iron falls to the walkway, and he bounds off into the mist with a mighty leap and a loud and impolite curse-word.
This is finally too much for his minions. Already a little shaken by their captain's faltering, and with Faelan dropping another of their number, the remaining two brigands completely surrender as they are left leaderless, and drop their own clubs to the ground, raising their hands to Faelan in submission.
'Ere! Longscarf has left us! So he has! He's scarpered! Well I ain't followin' a coward... No, me neither. How about this fella then? He fights good! Yeah, when he hits me my brain hurts! And he's one of us. And he has a scarf... or he did before. Agdon nicked it. It's over there. Well go on then, Farwarin, go grab that scarf and bring it back to our new captain. Hey Captain, you got a name?
The two battered but conscious brigands stare admiringly at Faelan Cottontail, the newly appointed leader of the harengons of Hither...
Faelan looks for his Fairy friend. "Heya Navi! Can ya help Flynn here? He's kinda beat up down hear. Well, me too a little bit to tell ya the truth." He lightly touches his bruises with a wince.
To Faelan's surprise one of the Haregon, named Farwarin, brings him Navi's twinkly and glowing flowery scarf.
"Woa, slow down there fellas. Ah ain't nobody's captn'." He thinks for a moment, as he puts Navi's scarf back on. "Ah tell y'all what. You guys ain't too shabby either. You guys got me good there too. What about we just be friends? Y'all can call me Cottontail" He shakes Farwarin hand. "Thanks for fetching me my scarf, it's very dear to me." Then he shakes the other Haregon's hand. "And what's ya name mah friend?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Farwarin moves around attempting to stabilise or revive the fallen bandits, while the other speaks with Faelan.
Ah ain't nobody's captn'. Hear that lads? Captain says he ain't nobody's captain. Whatever you say, captain.
What about we just be friends? Y'all can call me Cottontail. Yes, sir, Captain Cottontail it is.
And what's ya name mah friend? I'm called Jonozul. I'm the captain's lieutenant, or rather I was. That's up to you, who you choose, Captain Cottontail.
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How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
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"Hey!! That ain't fair! Looks like we got a sore loser here folks." Faelan puts away the small lute. "Ah don't know about y'all, but where I come from, we keep our words. I thought that Agdon Longscarf was a mighty Harengon, but he ain't looking too mighty by walkin' back on his challenge..."
Persuasion: 10
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Zeg quickly casts his spell in reaction to Agdon's attack and the branding iron just misses him. Zeg grins in satisfaction for a moment when he suddenly feels the sting of pain and the whacky rabbit disappears from view.
Launching up into the air he watches from 20 feet up the battle of the bands. But treachery lies in the brigand and though he is beat fair and square he goes back on his word and orders his fellows to attack!
"A brigand and a coward is what you truly are. You now face our justice!" he yells as he casts Moonbeam
Con Save DC 14 or 9 damage (from game log)
Seeing that the groups on the boats are closing in he focuses the beam on the boat on his left. He sets the beam on moonlight down on any of the occupants that look like they have a weapon like a bow or other distance weapon.
Sniff. Sniff. "Who's cooking chicken?" The little fairy takes a good moment to realize what happened. She'd easily get distracted by the music, buzzing around excitedly. However, when the real Longscarf wouldn't keep his word, she'd finally clue in what was going on. "Hey..."
Initiative: 17
The little fairy would flutter up, place her hands on her hips as she huffs, and puffs herself up. She stares down the group, and tosses fink fairy glitter all over them.
Casting: Faerie Fire Dex Save DC14
just an unstable unicorn.
Zeg 7, Faelan 23, Agdon 20, Navi 17, Flynn 15
Zeg: Moonbeam on left boat (resolve on brigands' turn)
Faelan: Persuasion
As Faelan berates the Brigand Prince, a column of soft light descends through the remaining mist, illuminating the area in an eerie glow, and casting the occupants of the left-side boat into sparkling radiance. Agdon simply laughs at Faelan's appeal to decency, and then shouts back while hopping from one foot to the other:
You might have beat my pipers, but not me! You don't get to be the mighty Agdon Longscarf by givin' in to weaklings! I'm the fastest and smartest there is! Catch me if you can, weakling! I think I'll take that fancy scarf of yours and... he strokes his own enormous blue scarf... and chuck it in the swamp!
And with that, Agdon Longscarf makes another impossible leap to land on the walkway beside Faelan, striking down at the ranger with the hot, glowing iron, before leaping back beyond the harengons disembarking from the right-side boat.
Attack #1: 19 Damage: 14 fire damage
Attack #2 (only if #1 misses): 25 Damage: 13 fire damage
Bonus Action: Sleight of Hand: 15
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
The branding iron scorches its mark onto Faelan's fur, and Agdon Longscarf disappears from Faelan's view. However, Faelan can tell just where Agdon bounded off too, as he sees his own quiver of arrows suddenly appear and drop into the water, as well as his own beloved scarf, created by Navi, also appear and drop into the water. Somehow the fast-fingered thief managed to swipe the scarf right from Faelan's neck during the attack!
Navi on the other hand sees Agdon clearly as he mistreats her creation with such disdain, and manages to aim her spell to engulf both the occupants of the right-side boat as well as the stretch of walkway with the Brigand Prince...
Faerie Fire saving throws: Brigands: 24, 21, 20, 17. Agdon: 14
Two of the boat-bunnies bounce out in time to avoid the fairy's faerie magic, but two others become outlined in the glitter and glow majestically. Plus, the braggart boss bunny bandit is too busy dumping the party's items in the swamp to pay enough attention to the spell, and he too begins to sparkle from the glitter. Zeg and Faelan can now see a sparkly outline of Agdon Longscarf, including a long, trailing, glittery scarf-shape, hopping-mad and cursing in frustration.
Flynn is next, then the rest of the brigands
In case of alteration:
Faerie Fire saving throws: Brigands: 21, 11, 7, 25. Agdon: 10
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
Slipping the chanter from his mouth Flynn stares.directly at Agdon. He starts muttering in an almost undecipherible chaotic pattern
Dissonant whispers. WIS14 save. Or 12 psychic damage
Bonus action. "Our bunny ti's the better bunny"
D6 Bardic inspiration to Faelan
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Ugh! Cut that out, bag-boy! Agdon shakes off the discordant muttering in his head and shakes his fist at Flynn. You're next, piper!
6, 18, 6, 3
The four brigands shield their eyes as they attempt to leap out of the boat that's engulfed in Zeg's moonbeam, and on to the shore. One lone harengon hops onto the walkway, shouting "Let's get 'em boys!" before realising that he is the only one that made it: the others are laying prone in the boat, overcome with moonshine. Fortunately for him, the lone brigand isn't lone for long, as three more bandits leap from the right-side boat (two of whom are sparkling with fairy glitter) and land beside him, and together they attempt to fulfil their chief's orders and bring down the bard. One harengon stays in the right-side boat and fires a crossbow up at Zeg.
4x Club v Flynn:
11 Damage: 5
18 Damage: 3
15 Damage: 4
22 Damage: 4
Light Crossbow v Zeg:
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Zeg and Faelan are next.
There are four club-wielding harengon surrounding Flynn (one wounded, two with Faerie Fire), one harengon sniper in the right-side boat 15 feet away, and invisible-but-glitter-outlined Agdon standing on a walkway just beyond at 20 feet.
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
(Could Faelan had used Silvery Barbs? If so, advantage goes to Navi.)
"Hey!! That was my favorite scarf! Now that does it pal." Faelan was about to go chasing after the dastardly Agdon, but he sees that his friend could use some help. He takes out both his scimitar and hit at the one closest to him.
(If possible, he will hit two brigands with each attack.)
Attack1: 22 Damage: 7 (Add 4 psychic damage)
Attack2: 18 Damage: 4 (Add 2 psychic damage)
(Psychic damage from Dreadful Strike feature)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Yes he could on the attack, but like with Zeg, there is still a second attack which would hit, and would in fact do more damage. Could still choose to do so, if you wanted to give Navi advantage.
I'm gonna say he can't react to the bonus action, because he wouldn't notice it. It's not strictly RAW according to the spell description, but I think reacting consciously to something that is intended to be hidden just doesn't make sense.
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
Concentration Con Save 15 (game log)
Zeg then moves the Moonbeam over the harengon sniper
Con Save DC 14 or 19 damage (game log)
(Will try the silvery barb and give Navi advantage)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Navi flutters up and in erratic patterns, hovering above out of reach of the Harengon. “Hey! I worked hard on that!” She gasps, appalled by the treatment of her gifted scarf. Closing one eye, the little fairy pulls out her finger guns and stares down the sight. Pew. Pew. Pew. Three rays of fire streak towards sparkly targets. “We’ll pin ya down by that scarf!” There’s a glint of a dagger.
Action: [spell]Scorching Ray[spell]
Attack 1 vs Agdon w/ Barbs Adv
Attack: 26 Damage: 13
Attack 2 vs Glitter Bandit 1
Attack: 25 Damage: 8
Attack 3 vs Glitter Bandit 2
Attack: 13 Damage: 10
Free action?: Drop Dagger
(Might be pushing it, but I imagine Navi dropping a dagger from the air in effort to try and pin him, but I can understand if this might be considered an attack?)
just an unstable unicorn.
Zeg 7, Faelan 23, Agdon 20, Navi 17, Flynn 15, Brigands 12
Zeg's powerful column of moonlight slides sideways through the thin mist to the second boat. The crossbow-wielding harengon inside shields its eyes and grimaces, but it seems the radiance is too strong, and the creature slumps down unconscious in the boat.
Faelan whirls his scimitars expertly at the brigands accosting Flynn. One takes the blows in the back and drops to the walkway, while another glitter-stained bandit turns to parry the ranger's onslaught, taking some wounds in the process.
Furious that six of his ten minions have already fallen, Agdon Longscarf leaps back into the fray (or from Zeg and Faelan's views, the outline of him does), striking out again at the bagpipe-toting Flynn with his glowing branding iron...
Agdon's Branding Iron: (dice roller not working, so did from DDB stat sheet): First attack (9 to hit) MISS. Second attack (21 to hit) HIT. Damage: 8 fire damage.
If the damage sticks and Flynn drops unconscious, Agdon will hop away again as his minions cheer his victory. Either way, Navi's actions will occur as follows.
Navi's three jets of fire pew out, with one striking the bandit recently wounded by Faelan and dropping him to the walkway, and the other just scorching the leather jerkin of one of the others. The third jet however smacks squarely into Agdon, making him drop to one knee in pain. As he staggers, the dropped dagger stabs into his scarf, pinning it to the wooden walkway. Agdon goes slightly insane, and screams NO! NOT THAT AGAIN! NOT EVER AGAIN! while yanking the dagger from the boards and tossing it in to the swamp. With a shake of a furry fist at Navi he yells BLOODY FAERIES!
Three brigands remain, one with FF, one wounded.
Next is Flynn (if conscious). Otherwise the brigands will go again.
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
Flynn drops.....
Laissez les bons temps rouler
The three remaining harengon don't seem too encouraged by the maniacal tirade from their leader, and the idea of him having his scarf pinned to the wood seems to rattle them more than would be expected. However, they judge they still have a chance to drop another of their targets (and the most dangerous-looking one at that), so they continue to press the attack, beating on no-scarf Faelan with their clubs, and trusting that their leader will pull something clever out of his metaphorical hat...
Attack: 22 Damage: 6 bludgeoning
Attack: 12 Damage: 5 bludgeoning
Attack: 23 Damage: 6 bludgeoning
Next will be Zeg and Faelan
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
Zeg, seeing Flynn being attacked by Agdon reacts to the attack by casting Silvery Barbs causing Agdon to reroll his last attack roll and use the lower number.
He gives advantage to Faelan.
Zeg also uses his action to move the Moonbeam over Agdon as he can now see where he is at. DC 14 Con saving throw or 13 radiant damage (from Game Log)
The three remaining harengons get really lucky and bonks Faelan pretty good and he looks pretty bruised now. However, he brandishes his scimitars. "Hey fellas, y'all ain't seen anything yet. Now, it's mah turn!" (He strikes the wounded first. If that doesn't finish the target, he strikes it again. Otherwise, he targets the one with FF.)
Attack1: 18 Damage: 9 (Add 4 psychic damage)
(If attack 2 is targeting the one with FF, add the psychic damage)
Attack2: 24 Damage: 5 (Add 3 psychic damage)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Agdon reroll: 22 (I've buggered up the roller. This was a 13, which still hits Flynn)
Agdon CON save: 19 (This was a 2, which is definitely a fail)
Agdon laughs hysterically as he hops away, despite Zeg's distracting spell. His cronies continue to press on Faelan, and only in their strength of numbers are they able to gain any advantage. However, that changes quickly as disaster strikes the leader. Zeg's moonbeam illuminates the invisible (to some) sparkling (to all) rogue, and he squeals in dismay at the nasty light. With a clatter, his hot branding iron falls to the walkway, and he bounds off into the mist with a mighty leap and a loud and impolite curse-word.
This is finally too much for his minions. Already a little shaken by their captain's faltering, and with Faelan dropping another of their number, the remaining two brigands completely surrender as they are left leaderless, and drop their own clubs to the ground, raising their hands to Faelan in submission.
'Ere! Longscarf has left us!
So he has! He's scarpered!
Well I ain't followin' a coward...
No, me neither. How about this fella then? He fights good!
Yeah, when he hits me my brain hurts!
And he's one of us. And he has a scarf... or he did before.
Agdon nicked it. It's over there.
Well go on then, Farwarin, go grab that scarf and bring it back to our new captain.
Hey Captain, you got a name?
The two battered but conscious brigands stare admiringly at Faelan Cottontail, the newly appointed leader of the harengons of Hither...
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?
Faelan looks for his Fairy friend. "Heya Navi! Can ya help Flynn here? He's kinda beat up down hear. Well, me too a little bit to tell ya the truth." He lightly touches his bruises with a wince.
To Faelan's surprise one of the Haregon, named Farwarin, brings him Navi's twinkly and glowing flowery scarf.
"Woa, slow down there fellas. Ah ain't nobody's captn'." He thinks for a moment, as he puts Navi's scarf back on. "Ah tell y'all what. You guys ain't too shabby either. You guys got me good there too. What about we just be friends? Y'all can call me Cottontail" He shakes Farwarin hand. "Thanks for fetching me my scarf, it's very dear to me." Then he shakes the other Haregon's hand. "And what's ya name mah friend?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Farwarin moves around attempting to stabilise or revive the fallen bandits, while the other speaks with Faelan.
Ah ain't nobody's captn'.
Hear that lads? Captain says he ain't nobody's captain. Whatever you say, captain.
What about we just be friends? Y'all can call me Cottontail.
Yes, sir, Captain Cottontail it is.
And what's ya name mah friend?
I'm called Jonozul. I'm the captain's lieutenant, or rather I was. That's up to you, who you choose, Captain Cottontail.
How does a red dragon blow out the candles on its birthday cake?